Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Have there any ideas for Soviet/Russian side? I know Stalin is quite a boogeyman on both sides of the Atlantic, but Soviet Union was made of ordinary people who just want to climb the social ladder.
For the Soviet naval forces in WW2, The Great Patriotic War was extremely traumatic. For the Baltic Fleet, they were basically locked at Leningrad (St. Petersburg). You know what was also happening in Leningrad? A siege which had >1 million civilian casualties by starvation. Soviet ship crews disembarked from their ships and had to fight for 2 years with below-1000 calories rations?

For Black Sea Fleet, they saw Sevastopol fall to German, and Sovetskaya Ukraina died in her berth to be scrapped for German war machine. Even after evacuation to Novorossiysk and other ports in the Black Sea, they were still harassed by German airforce until liberation of Ukraine by Red Army. I expect Soviet Navy by 1942 had succumb to PTSD (with the exception of Pacific Navy, things were peaceful there).
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A minor point of continuity, Sky?
"If I didn't know better, I would say you are deliberately trying to give me a heart attack." Churchill's voice was gruff, and perhaps the slightest bit sour. He shook his head and sighed, continuing to rub at his brow. "Franklin believes what you have to say, so I suppose I will give you the courtesy of listening."

"I still don't believe it myself, sometimes, for what that's worth." Thompson shrugged his shoulders, his eyes drifting over to Utah, by his side as ever. "But I'm here for a reason, I know that. If that's only ending this war before so many people have to die...I'll take what I can get. Sir."


The two men were alone this time, their respective ship spirits having their own meeting. Churchill had wanted to talk to Thompson alone, when the man had dropped the supposed 'I'm from the future' bombshell on him. It had taken hours for Thompson to convince the Prime Minister that he wasn't lying. So many arguments and the letter from Franklin finally getting the old bulldog to at least listen. And now, after all that time, the sun was setting and the wide windows cast only enough light to shadow the Admiral's face, and make him seem more mysterious.
Utah seems to be Schrödinger's ship at the Thompson/Churchill meeting: is she present, or isn't she? :p

Other than that? It's good to have you back and updating again.
Now that HMS Hood is being refit, this could mean resources are diverted from Vanguard, maybe she won't be completed this time around. That would be a shame, she's one of my favorite Royal Navy battleships.

With regards to the Italians, I would propose a series of high-profile raids on various targets as an effort to cripple public morale, in a kind of "Mussolini and his cronies can't do anything right, we can strike whenever and wherever we want" kind of way. Perhaps his headquarters in Rome is due a visit, or something that makes lots of nice explosions when poked? A girl like Royal Oak would be great for something like this, as Schreiber has already shown. Spies could feed the Germans false intelligence about it.
Now that HMS Hood is being refit, this could mean resources are diverted from Vanguard, maybe she won't be completed this time around. That would be a shame, she's one of my favorite Royal Navy battleships.
Vanguard may still see completion, though not as a battleship, there were proposals to convert her construction to a carrier and apparently it wouldn't have been too difficult of a job. Although these proposals were rejected in July 1942 in the OTL, the plans may see additional traction due to Hood's refit taking up the resources to make her a battleship. That would be a pretty drastic butterfly, especially for Vanguard herself. I wonder what her reaction would be to the knowledge that if the timeline hadn't changed she would have been the last British battleship, assuming the carrier conversion happens.
Now that HMS Hood is being refit, this could mean resources are diverted from Vanguard, maybe she won't be completed this time around. That would be a shame, she's one of my favorite Royal Navy battleships.
Vanguard may still see completion, though not as a battleship, there were proposals to convert her construction to a carrier and apparently it wouldn't have been too difficult of a job. Although these proposals were rejected in July 1942 in the OTL, the plans may see additional traction due to Hood's refit taking up the resources to make her a battleship. That would be a pretty drastic butterfly, especially for Vanguard herself. I wonder what her reaction would be to the knowledge that if the timeline hadn't changed she would have been the last British battleship, assuming the carrier conversion happens.
Given that Hood got a refit/rebuild courtesy of the US, Vanguard's getting built and likely won't be converted. Drach's reasoning was based on Hood surviving Denmark Straits, not getting thrashed by the Twins and sent to the US. Without Hood in British yards, the resources assigned to Vanguard have no reason to be diverted to the older ship. Revenge is too slow and underarmored to be worth delaying the newer BB to fix, and might even be scrapped to accelerate Vanguard's construction.
Revenge is too slow and underarmored to be worth delaying the newer BB to fix, and might even be scrapped to accelerate Vanguard's construction.
Given that it has become very clear that ships are living beings (walking and talking living beings that can in some cases get loose from their hulls) it is doubtful they're going to scrap one ship to speed up building another.

Especially if there is someone from the future who explained that the other ship isn't going to be ready before the end of the war anyway, and even then carriers are the way forward since battleships went obsolete faster than most people think in 1942.

Hood's getting her engines fixed and her damage repaired and possibly an US DP secondary battery as an upgrade. A complete rebuild would last years and effectively take her out of the story, so I doubt that is going to happen.
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Given that it has become very clear that ships are living beings (walking and talking living beings that can in some cases get loose from their hulls) it is doubtful they're going to scrap one ship to speed up building another.

Especially if there is someone from the future who explained that the other ship isn't going to be ready before the end of the war anyway, and even then carriers are the way forward since battleships went obsolete faster than most people think in 1942.

Hood's getting her engines fixed and her damage repaired and possibly an US DP secondary battery as an upgrade. A complete rebuild would last years and effectively take her out of the story, so I doubt that is going to happen.
Another thing to consider is what happens to Wales and Repulse. With Force Z being accompanied by Glorious they have a better chance of surviving the air attacks that sank them historically. If they survive the Royal Navy won't be down a battlecruiser and modern battleship and they may be inclined to create another carrier instead of a battleship.

Granted this is all theorycrafting and Vanguard's fate may never be addressed in story. She wasn't commissioned till after the war OTL, so she is unlikeley to show up in any major capacity. Especially if our time travelers shorten the war.
If anything I think Vanguard may get higher priority for carrier conversion, which would be kind of neat. I'm not sure what could happen to Revenge at this point, but I doubt she'd be ready for anything before 1945. Being so slow I think she's more suited for beaching as an armored harbor fortification. Maybe she'll end up as a D-Day monument?
Hood's getting her engines fixed and her damage repaired and possibly an US DP secondary battery as an upgrade. A complete rebuild would last years and effectively take her out of the story, so I doubt that is going to happen.

If I remember correctly Hood's engines were basically shot by 1941, so I'd imagine that despite the difficulty and cost of replacing them they probably did/are in the process of doing so.
Which is a complex, multi-step evolution involving kilotons of steel and machinery and will thus take... what, half a year minimum, barring acts of Finagle?
If I remember right, Sky already planned out Hood's refit. Nothing dramatic, but it would hopefully get her in good shape for the war and against what she would be facing.
I'm no expert on ww2 shipbuilding but yeah I'd imagine it'd take at least that. I'm unsure of how long Hood has been in refit atm. If she has been in since around June 41 it has been at least 6 months, probably a couple more. I'm not sure what the current date is in story.
If she has been in since around June 41 it has been at least 6 months, probably a couple more. I'm not sure what the current date is in story.
I think the latest concrete date we have comes from Sheo's omake at December 8th '41, just after Kaga was sunk at Second Wake. Add in the recovery time for Thompson, plus his questioning by Roosevelt, and being sent to Britain its safe to say its early '42 at this point in story. Other than that I am unsure of a specific date unless I missed something.
If I remember correctly Hood's engines were basically shot by 1941, so I'd imagine that despite the difficulty and cost of replacing them they probably did/are in the process of doing so.
Modern days, you can lift a gas turbine up through the stacks and swap it with a new one in a week or so, but this is WW1 era steam engineering. That sort of 'new engines' operation typically takes two or three years in the forties (*).

The US yard can also recondition her existing machinery, which should last her long enough to finish the war if they keep up with the maintenance, which they should given the number of new fast battleships entering service. Chances are they're doing that instead, probably takes less than a year or thereabouts.

That'd put her back in the front line (after trials and working up) somewhere mid 1942, as a best guess?

(*) Hood would probably go from 24 to 8 boilers and new turbines, but the existing seven engine and boiler rooms would have to be rebuilt to accept them. And you have to dig through decks and deck armor to get at the engineering spaces first.
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I don't expect they'd simply patch Hood up minimally and send her back out, it's an awfully huge compromise and Hood was already worn out and due a full refit anyway. Historically I don't think a patch job like that is something the Royal Navy would have done.
Also it would limit her usefulness once back in service, and it would still take maybe a year to do. Hood had already stripped out a turbine or two, which pretty much requires full replacement. I really don't see her being back in a useful state until 1945 / late 1944.
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(*) Hood would probably go from 24 to 8 boilers and new turbines, but the existing seven engine and boiler rooms would have to be rebuilt to accept them. And you have to dig through decks and deck armor to get at the engineering spaces first.

At the tine, the only way to get to the engine and boiler rooms to replace boilers and turbines, was to remove the superstructure and cut open all the decks to the boilers and engine rooms. It would also be a good time to upgrade Hood's deck armor protection. I could see Hood gettting some good Babcock & Wilcox high-pressure boilers and either General Electric or Westinghouse turbines.

Hood: "Damn it all, with this new American machinery, I've got a real craving for ice cream, cola, hamburgers and french fries!"
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