Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Hood: "Damn it all, with this new American machinery, I've got a real craving for ice cream, cola, hamburgers and french fries!"
I'm just imagining her randomly falling into an Southern accent from now on.

Hood: "It's humiliating for the pride of the Royal Navy to have to be refitted in America. I'm gonna give them admirals a piece of mah mind when this is over." *cough* "Oh bloody hell, I hope that isn't permanent!"
I'm just imagining her randomly falling into an Southern accent from now on.

Hood: "It's humiliating for the pride of the Royal Navy to have to be refitted in America. I'm gonna give them admirals a piece of mah mind when this is over." *cough* "Oh bloody hell, I hope that isn't permanent!"

Since Hood's being rebuilt by New York Shipbuilding in Camden, NJ, I'd figure she'd have a New Yawk accent and a taste for pizza, reubens, egg creams and coney dogs. :)
Since Hood's being rebuilt by New York Shipbuilding in Camden, NJ, I'd figure she'd have a New Yawk accent and a taste for pizza, reubens, egg creams and coney dogs. :)
I though she was in Norfolk, VA?
Sighing, Harrington shook his head, returning his gaze out to Norfolk. His eyes trailed across the construction clearly visible in the port, the Americans building up their Navy Yard to new and greater heights.
Unless I missed something somewhere and Hood was mentioned to be moved in another chapter.
Honestly, I suspect that Hood's refit will be more or less similar to Drachinfel's hypothetical "If Hood survived the Denmark Strait" refit, possibly just replacing the 5.25" guns with 5"/38 caliber guns (which the RN did actually operate, both on HMS Delhi after she was rebuilt, as well as the standard armament of the Ameer class escort carriers and the Assistance class repair ships), and likely replacing any planned octuple pom-pom mounts with quadruple Bofors mounts (the US wouldn't have any on hand, and the pom-poms weren't great anyways). Other differences would likely be that Hood would probably retain her original 15" guns and turrets, unless one of her turrets was deemed too costly to repair - at which point, it becomes possible that the guns intended for Vanguard would be shipped across the Atlantic to be fitted in a turret built in the US.
I mostly agree about the weapons refit. One thing to note, although the pom-poms had their faults, including their massive weight, they were in the late war very good at chewing the Kamikazes to bits with their volume of fire rather than just shooting them down. Still, the Americans wouldn't have any.
Omake: Admiral Tanaka and Teruzuki-Chan

December 4 1942

Shortland Islands, Western Solomons

Imperial Navy Seaplane and Logistics Base

"Permission to come aboard" Rear Admiral Raizo Tanaka said, turning to the officer of the deck, as he saluted.

"Permission granted, Admiral-San!" the junior officer replied, as he saluted sharply.

As Admiral Tanaka stepped aboard, the shrill call of a bosun's pipe sounded through the ship's PA system.

"All hands, attention on deck!" the officer of the deck announced, as he and every sailor on deck saluted Admiral Tanaka.

"At ease, carry on" Admiral Tanaka said, returning the salute.

The formations on deck broke up, as the sailors returned to their tasks. All except one figure. This figure was shorter and slimmer than most of the sailors. It appeared to be a teenage girl. Her light brown hair was in two braids, secured by what appeared to be propellers. She was dressed in a sleeveless white top trimmed in black, a gray bodysuit, and a short black skirt trimmed in white. She wore white knee-high stockings with calf high boots in anti fouling red. A black head band with gold writing of "61st​ Destroyer Division" adorned her hair, and black gloves were on her hands. A black kerchief around her neck secured by what looked like a fire director completed her outfit. Her gray eyes shone with admiration and respect, as she gazed at the Admiral.

"Teruzuki will do her best. Admiral-San!" the girl announced as she snapped to attention and saluted Tanaka.

Admiral Tanaka looked forward and aft, seeing that none of the sailors were taking any notice of the figure before him. He leaned over toward the young girl.

"I'm certain you will. Meet me in my office in a little bit." Tanaka said quietly to the young girl.

Teruzuki's eyes opened wide in shock. Both her hand flew to her mouth.

" can see me? You can hear me too?" Teruzuki whispered, stunned

"Yes, I can. Meet me in my office later." Tanaka said quietly, a ghost of smile on his face as he turned and ascended the latter to the bridge.

Tanaka moved up to the bridge of the destroyer. Looking around, he was surprised by its spaciousness. He was also aware of the aroma of new paint. Moving aft to the office at the back of the bridge, he was again struck by its spaciousness. He sat at the desk, and started going through the paperwork that had already appeared like magic.

Tanaka sighed to himself. He had long argued against the Guadalcanal campaign. He had been outspokenly critical of almost every aspect of it, from the strategy to oppose the Americans here, to the operations that gradually fed in IJA and IJN forces to the theater, to the logistics plan that had his destroyers acting as delivery trucks to supply the ground forces. Yes, even as they had inflicted serious losses on the Americans, he had come to respect their seamanship, courage, determination, and their ability to come up with new tactics. In return, the IJN and IJA had taken almost as many serious losses, losses they could not replace as quickly as the Americans. But he was just a junior Admiral, commanding only a destroyer squadron. He had been given his orders from Combined Fleet HQ, orders he would fulfill to the best of his ability, despite his misgivings.

Tanaka heard a sound behind him, and turned towards it. There stood the young girl that he had met on deck. She snapped to attention and saluted, her gray eyes shining with respect and admiration.

"Teruzuki reports, Admiral-San!" Teruzuki announced brightly.

"At ease, Teruzuki-chan" Tanaka said gently.

There was something about her that reminded him of his young nieces. Her diligence and her enthusiasm were endearing. He reached out and gently patted her on the head. She leaned into his touch and smiled.

"Teruzuki-chan, tell me about yourself. I was made aware of new destroyers added to my command recently." Tanaka said to Teruzuki

stood up straight and clasped her hands behind her back.

"Admiral-San, I am a Type-B special destroyer. I was authorized under the 1939 Maru 4 program. My sisters and I were designed to be Fleet AA escorts to the First Air Fleet. I am 445 feet in length with a beam of 38 feet and a draft of 13.5 feet. My standard displacement is 2,700 tons. We are armed with 8 Type 98 Chou-10cm-hou-chans in twin powered turrets fore and aft, and I have 2 Type 94 high angle directors. My younger sisters are equipped with Type 21 radar and I will receive mine on my next refit. We are also armed with 4 25 mm Type 96 automatic cannons in two twin mounts. I have been equipped with a single quadruple mount torpedo launcher with one set of reloads. I also have 6 depth charge throwers and carry 72 depth charges. I am equipped with 4 boilers and 2 geared turbines driving two shafts, which give me a top speed of 33 knots and a cruising range of 8,000 miles. I was constructed at Mitsubishi's Nagasaki Shipyard. I was launched on November 21 1941 and completed on 31 August 1942. I saw action in the two big fleet actions around Guadalcanal three weeks ago." Teruzuki said, like a schoolgirl delivering an oral recitation of a lesson.

"Is there anything I should know about your shortcomings, Teruzuki-Chan?" Tanaka asked.

Teruzuki looked down. She nervously shifted her left foot back and forth.

"Admiral-San, because I'm 50 feet longer and 700 tons heavier than Kagero-San, Yugumo-San and their sisters, my top speed is noticeably slower and I'm noticeably less maneuverable than they are. Because of Chou-10cm-hou-chan's high velocity, the barrels have to be replaced every 400 rounds,The Imperial Navy General Staff Office never authorized developing armor piercing rounds for Chou-10cm-hou-chan and I only have 1 quadruple torpedo launcher with one set of reloads, so I'm not well equipped to fight surface engagements." Teruzuki said, in a small quiet voice.

"Don't worry, Teruzuki-Chan. I'm sure you'll do just fine." Tanaka said, in a reassuring manner.

"Teruzuki is honored that Admiral-San chose her to be your flagship! I will do my best and will do all I can to inflict defeats on the Americans, like you did a few nights ago!" Teruzuki said brightly, her gray eyes shining with respect and admiration.

"Yes, Teruzuki-Chan, we did inflict a defeat on the Americans. But they caught me by surprise when they opened fire and set Takanami-Chan on fire. We were able to reverse course and launch our Type 93s, which sank one cruiser and damaged 3 others. We got away, but we failed in our mission to deliver supplies to the ground forces on Guadalcanal. So, while we hurt the Americans, they still prevented us from completing our mission. In fact, Admiral Mikawa has ordered another supply run, scheduled during the new moon next week." Tanaka said gravely

There was a knock at the door of the office. Tanaka stood up, while Teruzuki faded back into the shadows of the office.

"Sir?" said a familiar voice

"Come in, Toyama-San" Tanaka answered.

The door opened, and Captain Yasumi Toyama, Tanaka's chief of staff walked into the office.

"So how is everyone settling in, Toyama-San?" Tanaka asked.

""Admiral-San, everyone's settling in well, and are surprised by the space they've been allotted. We have a staff meeting set for tonight to get everything organized. I heard we've been ordered to make another supply run next week. Is there anything we can do to prepare to meet the Americans again?" Toyama asked.

"Toyama-San, let's get ready for the supply run. I'd like your staff work with Teruzuki's crew and get them ready, especially the torpedo crew. They're fairly new, and I'd like to see them get up to speed as soon as they can." Tanaka replied.

"I'll get on it right away, Admiral-San." Toyama said, as he left Tanaka's office.

Teruzuki emerged from the office's shadows and Tanaka turned towards to her.

"Teruzuki-chan, I have a lot of paperwork to do, so I won't be able to talk for awhile. Why don't you follow Toyama-San and see how he's doing to prepare your crew for the supply run?" Tanaka said.

Once Teruzuki passed through the office door to find Captain Toyama and his staff, Tanaka turned to his paperwork, coordinating everything needed for the supply run that had been tentatively scheduled for the night of December 11-12, which coincided with the new moon next week.

December 11, 1942

A barge with a crane tied up to Teruzuki's side and started lifting a platform with 55 gallon drums up to her main deck.

"Once the drums are in place, secure them properly!" a chief petty officer supervising the loading shouted.

Once about 150 drums were loaded and secured, the chief reported to the officer of the deck.

"Sir, all the supply drums are loaded and secured." the chief said to the officer of the deck.

"Good. We'll be weighing anchor and departing this afternoon." the officer of the deck replied.

Tanaka watched the loading and securing of the supply drums from the bridge, with a combination of disgust, distaste and resignation. If Combined Fleet had done their job managing the buildup of forces and their logistical train properly, this wouldn't be necessary. The same went for their plan to crush American forces around Guadalcanal. It would have been a lot easier, if they'd also managed to neutralize the airfield on Guadalcanal. But because none of those had been done, the IJN logistics base had to be in Shortland, out of the range of American bombers. That meant that supplies had to be delivered by destroyers, the only ships fast enough to make the round trip from Shortland to Guadalcanal under the cover of night. This wasn't a proper role for destroyers, not by a long shot. Necessity, though, over rode any other considerations, so for now, his destroyers were delivery trucks, much as he hated that.

"Admiral-San, is this really necessary? I'm not sure like doing this," Teruzuki said, quietly, standing close to Tanaka.

"It is necessary, Teruzuki-Chan. Admiral Mikawa has ordered us to deliver supplies to Guadalcanal, and destroyers are the only ships fast enough to deliver the supplies and return to Shortland under the cover of night. We'll be departing this afternoon, and should arrive at Guadalcanal sometime around midnight. We also have to be ready for the Americans to intercept us. They've shown a frightening ability to detect our movements and they've also shown considerable determination in stopping us." Tanaka said, just as quietly.

"Teruzuki will do her best!" Teruzuki responded brightly

"I'm certain you will. I hope it will be enough to complete our mission" Tanaka said.

All 8 members of the squadron participating in the supply run that had been named "Rat Transport" weighed anchor and steamed away from Shortland island in the early afternoon. They arranged themselves in a line ahead formation, spaced 1 km apart and accelerated to 33 knots, heading southeast down the south side of New Georgia Sound.

"Admiral-San, do we have to go so fast? I think I'm overheating!" Teruzuki complained.

"Yes we do Teruzuki-Chan, if we want to avoid the American bombers." Tanaka said gravely.

"I'm an AA destroyer! I'll shoot them all down." Teruzuki exclaimed.

"You shouldn't have to. Far better for us to deliver the supplies without having to fight all the way there and back." Tanaka said gravely.

"Okay, Admiral-San." Teruzuki said in a sulking tone as she turned away.

The afternoon passed to sunset and night without incident. The formation slowed down as it approached the drop zone for the supply drums. They had made good time and were a little early. They also wanted to reduce their wake, to reduce the chances of detection by the Americans. But it was all for naught.

"Torpedo boats, port beam!" a lookout shouted.

The first of Teruzuki's weapons to open fire was the port twin 25mm cannon. The trail of red tracers fell far short of the now visible rooster tail wakes of the torpedo boats. All four of Teruzuki's main battery turrets traversed to port and began to rapid fire. The gunnery crews were new and were wildly inaccurate. They were having serious problem tracking the speeding torpedo boats as they approached.

"Helm, full speed ahead!! Hard to port!" the captain ordered.

"Full speed ahead! Hard to port!" the helmsman replied, as he rang for full speed on the engine telegraphs and spun the wheel hard to port.

Teruzuki felt her engines straining as they tried to push her to full speed. She cursed her extra bulk and tonnage. Her rudders were turned hard to port and she was frustrated at how slowly she was turning.

"Torpedoes to port!" a lookout shouted.

Teruzuki saw the wakes of the torpedoes coming. She tried to go faster and turn even harder, but to no avail. Two of the torpedoes missed astern, but two others hit her in the port quarter, with thunderous explosions throwing huge fountains of water as they tore open her forward engine room and aft boiler room, stopping her dead in the water. The explosions tore loose the supply drums, rupturing some containing fuel and detonating others carrying ammunition. The spilled fuel ignited and started burning furiously. Some of the other fuel drums exploded and caught fire, adding to the inferno on deck.

The torpedo detonations threw Teruzuki into a sudden list, knocking several of her bridge crew to the deck. Admiral Tanaka was thrown to the deck, hitting his head, opening a big gash and knocking him unconscious.

"Somebody help the Admiral!" Teruzuki screamed, as she limped towards Tanaka, her uniform charred and burning, her mangled left leg and hip oozing black-red blood.

"Corpsman to the bridge! We've got casualties!" Captain Toyama yelled, as he picked himself off the deck.

A corpsman came rushing up to the bridge and came over to the Admiral. He carefully examined the Admiral and then quickly and carefully wrapped a bandage around the Admiral's head. With the help of another corpsman, the Admiral was carefully put on a stretcher and moved away from traffic.

"How is the Admiral?" Captain Toyama asked the corpsman.

"He's unconscious and that head wound is pretty deep. But I couldn't detect any skull fractures. He doesn't seem to have any other injuries. But he's likely to have a concussion, and needs to be in a hospital as soon as we can get him there." the corpsman replied.

For the next hour, Teruzuki's lookouts and gunners nervously scanned the area. The fires were like a beacon, ready to draw the Americans to them, like moths to a candle. The fire crews fought the flames, but were hampered by the lack of power to the pumps and the hand pumps couldn't muster the water pressure to begin to subdue the fires. Finally, a chief petty officer reported to the bridge.

"Sir, we're losing the battle with the fires. We just can't get enough water pressure to fight them. The depth charge racks are starting to glow red, and it's only a matter of time before they cook off from the heat." The chief petty officer said

"Okay, pass the word to abandon ship. Get the Emperor's portrait and the Admiral to one of the boats, and get the crew on deck to go over the side with life rafts and jackets." the Captain said.

"Aye, sir!" the chief said.

"Radioman, do you have any power for the radio?" Captain Toyama asked.

"The batteries are low, but we have enough power for local broadcasts." the radioman replied

"Radio Nakanami and Oyashio to come and pick up survivors," Captain Toyama ordered.

"Aye, Sir!" the radioman said, turning back to the radio.

One of the boats was lowered and the Emperor's portrait and Admiral Tanaka was transferred to it. Life rafts were were launched and the surviving crew went over the side and swam to them. Through it all, a young girl no one could see or hear, was crying and sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, Admiral! It's all my fault! Forgive me, please!" Teruzuki wailed as she cried.

After a while, Nakanami and Oyashio glided in close and began the arduous task of rescuing Teruzuki's crew. Admiral Tanaka was lifted on board Nakanami, as other crew members were gathered on deck with him. No one noticed the young girl kneeling close to the Admiral.

"He looks bad. I hope he'll be okay." Nakanami thought worriedly.

As the rescue of Teruzuki's crew completed, Nakamani's captain consulted with Captain Toyama on the future course of action. Captain Toyama looked at the ship's clock. 2:00 AM. Captain Toyama turned to Nakamani's captain.

"It will take us another hour to reach the supply drop point. We need to return now to avoid the Americans' morning air patrols. You can be sure they will send swarms of bombers at us, if we're found and I doubt any of us will return to Shortland as a result. Set course for Shortland and go all ahead full" Captain Toyama said, somberly.

"Aye, sir!" the captain replied.

Admiral Tanaka stirred awake, with a tremendous pounding headache. He felt the bandage around his head and deduced he was wounded. Looking at the huddled survivors, the secured supply drums, and the superstructure, he realized he was no longer on Teruzuki. A young girl kneeling by his side turned to look at him with relief.

"Oh! You're alive, Admiral-San!" the young girl exclaimed.

"I take it I'm no longer aboard Teruzuki-San" Admiral Tanaka said slowly.

"No sir. I, Nakanami, will take care of you now!" Nakanami said.

Captain Toyama came up to the stretcher where Admiral Tanaka lay. He knelt down by his superior officer.

"Admiral-San, you were injured when Teruzuki was torpedoed by American torpedo boats. She lost power and the fires that started were burning out of control. We had to evacuate the remaining crew, and Nakanami and Oyashio circled back to pick them up. Sir, it's 2:30 AM and we're still a half hour away from the drop zone. I've ordered the flotilla to turn around and return to Shortland. If we don't turn around now, the American patrol planes will discover us and the American bombers will catch and sink all of us." Captain Toyama reported to Admiral Tanaka.

"Yes, Toyama-San, that was the right decision. We can ill afford to lose more ships during this campaign." Admiral Tanaka replied.

"Get some rest, sir. We should be back to Shortland sometime around noon." Captain Toyama said, as he stood up.

Tanaka laid back down on the stretcher, trying to calm his throbbing headache. As he tried to get comfortable, he thought he heard something. He wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed to be coming from aft. He painfully levered himself up off the stretcher, and shakily made his way to the starboard rail and looked aft. It was then he managed to identify where the sound was coming from, and what it was. It was the crying voice of a young girl, coming from the burning destroyer that was receding astern. He knew who it was and his eyes closed briefly in pain. He had heard a similar voice from Takanami, when the Americans surprised him off Tassafarnoga, and set her on fire with their opening salvos. Then He heard the voice clearly.


"It's not your fault, Teruzuki-chan. There's nothing to forgive. Sometimes, it's just the fortunes of war that do bad things to us" Tanaka said quietly, not knowing if she could hear or understand him.

Nakanami came close to Admiral Tanaka's side, offering him some comfort and presence.

'I'm sure she knows, Admiral-San." Nakanami said quietly, as she huddled close to Tanaka's side.

Some minutes later, the dark night was torn apart by a tremendous explosion that lit up the area, a loud boom that could be heard miles away. It tore the burning destroyer apart, and the bright light of the flames were extinguished as the shattered hull sank.

Admiral Tanaka carefully made his way back to his stretcher and laid down. His mind turned to future events. The way Admiral Mikawa put it, this supply run was the last chance to get supplies to the ground forces on Guadalcanal. If it failed, Combined Fleet was prepared to evacuate the island and concede it to the Americans. This would be a humiliating defeat for Japan, especially for the Imperial Navy. His superiors would be looking for a scapegoat to cover up their own failures, and as a vocal critic of every aspect of the whole campaign, he was the perfect target. This would probably be the end of his naval career. He would be roundly denounced for his failures by Combined Fleet, relieved of command of the 2nd​ Destroyer Squadron, and sent to some backwater hellhole, never to fight again for Japan.

He only hoped that somehow Japan would survive this war.
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The door opened, and Captain Yasumi Toyama, Tanaka's chief of staff walked into the office.
Excellent snippet, but at the time of Teruzuki's loss, Toyama Yasumi was a CDR. He wasn't promoted CAPT until later.

Naval Academy 51 (117/255)
Naval College 35

MID - 14 July 1923
ENS - 01 December 1924
LTJG - 01 December 1926
LT - 30 November 1939
Mutsu Division Officer - ??? - 01 December 1932
Mikazuki Torpedo Officer - 01 December 1932 - 24 November 1934
Yugure Equipping Officer - 24 November 1934 - 25 January 1935
Yugure Torpedo Officer - 25 January 1935 - 31 October 1935
Naval College Advanced Course - 31 October 1935 - 28 July 1937
LCDR - 15 November 1935
Chokai Torpedo Officer - 28 July 1937 - 15 November 1938
4th Fleet Staff Officer - 15 November 1938 - 01 November 1939
2nd Fleet Staff Officer - 01 November 1939 - 15 August 1941
CDR - 15 November 1940
DesRon 2 Chief-of-Staff - 15 August 1941 - 15 March 1943
CAPT - 15 October 1944
While I'm not sure this will be canon just because there is no way Guadalcanal goes as well for japan as it did with Thompson in the picture provided it even happens at all, I will say I like the characterization of Teruzuki and her relationship with Tanaka.
While I'm not sure this will be canon just because there is no way Guadalcanal goes as well for japan as it did with Thompson in the picture provided it even happens at all, I will say I like the characterization of Teruzuki and her relationship with Tanaka.
As far as we know the Philippines haven't even fallen yet and since MacArthur has the returned Rochester as support it will probably take longer to fall than they did historically. This, coupled with a stronger force Z, may tie up the Japanese long enough for the USN to get back on their feet and prevent the fighting on and around the island. Granted we would need it to be addressed, either here or in Holding the Line, to be sure as Thompson has been out of the Pacific theater for a while now.
As far as we know the Philippines haven't even fallen yet and since MacArthur has the returned Rochester as support it will probably take longer to fall than they did historically. This, coupled with a stronger force Z, may tie up the Japanese long enough for the USN to get back on their feet and prevent the fighting on and around the island. Granted we would need it to be addressed, either here or in Holding the Line, to be sure as Thompson has been out of the Pacific theater for a while now.
the bigger monkey wrench is Wake actually. The land forces historically used for the second invasion attempt would later be sent to capture Rubaul, and the cruisers and destroyers from invasion fleet made the backbone of the South Pacific fleet operationg out of Rubaul. Not only that but until Wake is taken, the IJN have to hold more of their fleet back at the home islands just in case (in their minds at least) the USN pushes through the giant hole in their defensive line intent on parking itself in Tokyo Harbor.
Yeah and the Japanese - US carrier death count is currently 1 - 0 now.

I don't see this going well for the japanese as other than the reforms that Thompson is advocating, the US carriers currently have a superior form of fighter control in the form of the carrier herself looking through the eyes of her planes and guiding intercept. The also goes for attack squadron control.

Although this might push the japanese to use kamikazes earlier which would be nasty as they tended to overwhelm late war air intercept OTL
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Nice to see an Akizuki-class show up, their 100cm guns were one of the best dual-purpose guns of the war. I suspect in this timeline this sort of mission may be against forces in the Philippines (or possibly Wake) instead of the Solomons.
On a different note, earlier promotions could easily be explained by earlier than IRL deaths of people further ahead in line for it. It was a fairly regular IRL way in the IJN after all...
Well this took way longer to put together than I thought it would. Originally I thought I could post this as a birthday gift for the Polish museum ship ORP Blyskawica, on the 83rd anniversary of her commissioning. (That was November 25th​. Oops...)

(Błyskawica is pronounced 'Bwi-ska-veet-za').

29 August 1939

Blyskawica stood on her bridge staring across the bay of Gdansk towards her elder sister Grom. Something was brewing and neither of them liked it. Many people said war was brewing with Germany, and the small fleet of the Marynarka Wojenna worried for their country. Germany was much stronger than they and the Polish 'War Navy' had nothing to take the battleships and heavy cruisers of the Kriegsmarine.

What would be their fate, Blyskawica wondered, absently toying with the red ribbon that dangled from her thin black braid. The harbor felt so safe now, moored there against her elder sister Grom. Blyskawica could see her sister resting, eyes closed, on top of her forward twin turret, her white hair ribbon fluttering in the light breeze blowing across Gdynia harbor. Like Blyskawica she wore a sturdy steel-grey overcoat, slightly worn after last year's intensive exercises, and a pair of shin-height red boots equipped with small rudders. As if she had sensed the eyes watching her, Grom turned and looked to her younger sister.

Blyskawica waved before making her way down her superstructure to the railings on the bow, meeting Grom who had done the same. 'What's going on with all this waiting? Something's happening, and we sit here full of fuel and supplies. Isn't there anything better we can be doing?'

Grom leaned on her railing, 'Maybe we are waiting for the right moment. Our komandors received sealed envelopes only days ago, no? When the time is right, we will get a signal. The sealed orders will be opened and we will go to hit our enemies, we will catch them unawares and strike like lightning and thunder.'

Blyskawica laughed. 'Yes, because we are Lightning and Thunder and no one can catch us, not German nor Soviet!'

'Stop your boasting sister, someone will hear you!' Grom joked back.

Ironically it was then that Blyskawica felt an icy chill as one of her crew members passed through her unheard, unseen form. Immediately the good cheer between the two destroyers collapsed back into an idle tension.

Suddenly Grom pointed. "Look! The Oksywie signal tower!"

The signal tower was hoisting flags. Suddenly the two destroyers grabbed their heads as a message came through their radios. Peking, Peking, Peking. Execute Peking.

Now the waiting was over, and the sounds of sailors making ready rose up across the harbor. Grom called, "Whatever Peking is, it's happening now. We should go make ready."

"Godspeed, sister!" Blyskawica replied. "Godspeed…"


This is sort of a first draft, and possibly a part one, if anyone is interested in more (and I find the time to scrape together something else). Since it starts the day before WW2 begins, the story would closely follow history at first, but I'd eventually start changing a few things once it gets up to the butterfly points.
Although she has yet to be introduced in this story, it's WWII-related, so it fits...
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This is sort of a first draft, and possibly a part one, if anyone is interested in more (and I find the time to scrape together something else). Since it starts the day before WW2 begins, the story would closely follow history at first, but I'd eventually start changing a few things once it gets up to the butterfly points.
I would definetly be interested in seeing more of this, especially after Drachinifel's video on the Polish Navy during the opening of the war.

If you are planning on covering more than just the Peking Plan, Orzeł's escape from internment in Estonia and her flight to Britain would probably be an interesting story from her perspective. Who knows, with the Invasion of Norway going differently she may not meet her historical fate.
I hadn't much thought of Orzel or the other subs, that's an interesting idea. They might come in at some point but for the most part I plan to follow Blyskawica's perspective.
I have been (slowly) working on a second draft since Drach's strangely well-timed video came out.