Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Nice to see Turbine again. And summoned by battle flag, no less!

On the other hand, I'm grateful both her chief engineer and Schreiber are there.

Seriously, the SS (and nazism in general) are a shitstain upon history (and fascism isn't much better, either).
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Don't stare into the Abyss, Turbine. The Abyss is not for staring into, it is for riddling with bullets and shells. And nobody present would give you shit for an accidental discharge that left a scorched rent in the quay. After all, this is just what happens when you startle a young girl with artillery grade weapons that used to be a warship.

Because, quite frankly, fuck the SS. If there's any group in the war that I'd put my money on accidentally jumpstarting the Abyssal War a half-century-plus-change too early with their deranged obsession with occultism and vengeance, it's them.
If there is anyone who I think actually STARTED the entire Abyssal War as a last 'fuck you' to the rest if the world (plus Unit 731 in Japan), its the SS. Just that it took decades post-war for the seeds to 'germinate' and grow. Especially as a few were openly vocally hostile to the rest of the German population for 'losing' the war to 'inferiors', so wouldn't so much as spare any remorse/pity for also screwing over post-war Germany.
Don't stare into the Abyss, Turbine. The Abyss is not for staring into, it is for riddling with bullets and shells. And nobody present would give you shit for an accidental discharge that left a scorched rent in the quay. After all, this is just what happens when you startle a young girl with artillery grade weapons that used to be a warship.

Because, quite frankly, fuck the SS. If there's any group in the war that I'd put my money on accidentally jumpstarting the Abyssal War a half-century-plus-change too early with their deranged obsession with occultism and vengeance, it's them.

I have no doubt that this is something that every shipgirl who has returned, struggles with.

"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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The German stared at her. When he didn't think she was looking, he grinned at something only he could see. Even when she did look directly at him, he still smiled. A smile that was too wide and that didn't reach his eyes. The man was creepy. He practically leered at her with every glance. Turbine didn't know what he wanted with her, either. It wasn't sexual. She knew that much.

It was something worse. There was a light in his eyes that struck deep into her soul. The light of insanity.

" don't understand, Herr Schreiber! That girl, that warship, is a sign! She is clearly a spirit, a Valkyrie of war, brought to help the Reich triumph over our foes! Reichsführer Himmler has stated that..."

And this distills down what Schreiber fears most, if the Nazis manage to gain influence and control over the ship girls of the current era. Whatever Guderian does or doesn't do pales in comparison to this.

"We have been sent a sign, a symbol of victory of the Reich over all who oppose us!4Deus vult (God Wills It)!"
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I do admit, I was hoping that the chapter would feature Thompson. I don't have anything against the chapter, it's just that I'm anxious to see what happens now that he has to come clean on some of his secrets.
And this distills down what Schreiber fears most, if the Nazis manage to gain influence and control over the ship girls of the current era. Whatever Guderian does or doesn't do pales in comparison to this.

"We have been sent a sign and symbol of victory of the Reich over all who oppose us!4Deus vult (God Wills It)!"
Okay, no. Deus vult is the battle cry of the Crusades. The Nazis were unabashedly pagan to the point of eschewing all Christian symbolism, as shown with the SS officer in the chapter.

(I agree with your point, but I take the Crusades very seriously, if you haven't noticed.)
Okay, no. Deus vult is the battle cry of the Crusades. The Nazis were unabashedly pagan to the point of eschewing all Christian symbolism, as shown with the SS officer in the chapter.
Pretty much this, the Nazis used and invoked Christian symbolism in order to gain support for their rise to power, but the Nazis planned to slowly eliminate Christianity and replace it with a type of Nazis/Germanic paganism that venerated Hitler and Nazis ideals.
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Pretty much this, the Nazis used and invoked Christian symbolism in order to gain support for their rise to power, but the Nazis planned to slowly eliminate Christianity and replace it with a type of Nazis/Germanic paganism that venerated Hitler and Nazis ideals.
That's not entirely true honestly. I know it gets bandied about a lot but it never was official policy nor was it planned to be. Most of that was the idea of the SS and Himmler but IIRC Hitler never made it an official plan. Like many things Nazi it most likely would've been decided in the post-war purges if they had won.
Re: Germans and ship genders

For convenience, even if the gender of the ship in language terms would be male (since German has that divide, between male and female), the ships are still considered female. I don't remember the exact details (though actual Germans do read this fic :V ), but some classes of ships could be considered male by language conventions. Not all, some. That said, basically every German who actually cares enough to make a distinction will refer to the ships as female.

Even at the time, Lindemann was seen as an odd duck for his insistence that Bisko was a dude. And, more importantly, because it had nothing at all to do with language. It had everything to do with him believing the ship too strong to be a woman.

It's not the German language.

It's Lindemann being a sexist ass :V
That's not entirely true honestly. I know it gets bandied about a lot but it never was official policy nor was it planned to be. Most of that was the idea of the SS and Himmler but IIRC Hitler never made it an official plan. Like many things Nazi it most likely would've been decided in the post-war purges if they had won.
That's fair.

Also, nice avatar.
Also, so far as Thompson goes:

I did say that the next few chapters would be switching back to Germany Europe and Schreiber. I try to give each character a little mini-arc each time I focus on one of them. Thompson (and the Pacific) was the last bit. Schreiber and the European side of things will be this one. So we'll be with him and his side of the story for at least a bit longer.

That way both sides of the plot can develop properly.

(not to mention that Thompson isn't in any condition to go back to the mainland right now, which will be when he meets Roosevelt again. And the fun times begin)
Re: Germans and ship genders

For convenience, even if the gender of the ship in language terms would be male (since German has that divide, between male and female), the ships are still considered female. I don't remember the exact details (though actual Germans do read this fic :V ), but some classes of ships could be considered male by language conventions. Not all, some. That said, basically every German who actually cares enough to make a distinction will refer to the ships as female.

Even at the time, Lindemann was seen as an odd duck for his insistence that Bisko was a dude. And, more importantly, because it had nothing at all to do with language. It had everything to do with him believing the ship too strong to be a woman.

It's not the German language.

It's Lindemann being a sexist ass :V
First, it's 3 genders, masculine, feminine, neutrum. Those encompass the classes and the generic nouns "ship" and "boat".

Any ship will be referred to as female. The ships Prinz Eugen will always demand a she, even though they are named after a dude and their ship class is masculine.

As for Lindemann, I would laugh if Bisko decided to toss him into a harbour once she can do so.
Okay, no. Deus vult is the battle cry of the Crusades. The Nazis were unabashedly pagan to the point of eschewing all Christian symbolism, as shown with the SS officer in the chapter.

(I agree with your point, but I take the Crusades very seriously, if you haven't noticed.)

That never slowed Goebbels down from tossing in anything he could use to form a rallying cry in support of the Reich. It's simple, right to the point and may draw in the Christian part of the population that may have been ambivalent about the Nazi aims.
First, it's 3 genders, masculine, feminine, neutrum.

Right, neutrum. Forgot about that, since I haven't taken German since Junior year and that was...


... god it's been eight years since the tornado (and I took German). blink

okayyy...existential crisis aside, for the moment.

The ships Prinz Eugen will always demand a she, even though they are named after a dude and their ship class is masculine.

That's what I was going for, yeah. The ship class may be masculine and the ship may be named after a dude, but for all intents and purposes, the ship is still female.

Which, of course, ropes back around to the original point. That Lindemann is a sexist ass who needs a good dunking :V
Uh, guys? Doesn't this mean Hitler knows about shipgirls now, or will soon? Why am I the only one panicking about this?

Weeks later edit: ignore me. There was panicking, but I missed it along with the previous two chapters. Derp.
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