Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

I doubt we'll see Captains/Admirals from anything but the west coast USN seeing the girls for some time, given that it is Thompsons presence that changed their behaviour so much, and even with them trying hard, they only got one person so far to hear/ see them aster months.

As for Washington...hohboy. So many things could go right or wrong there.Biggest worry ofc is that they believe it, but want to test stuff in a manner that any ethics committee would cry foul at.

Also, anyone want to bet one of the shipgirls will in some sort of planning session with halesy will casually blurt out something like 'why not ask Thompson, he is the one from the future no?'
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Got to admit the latest chapter made me grin when I read it.

I wonder how it will it affect US ship building when the knowledge about ship girls becomes widespread. Destroyers for example, tends to have their spirits appear like 10-15 years old girls mainly because of their small displacement. I don't think many will be comfortable at seeing small girls on the front line, even more so when said ship girl acts like one.

Hm.... Maybe new American destroyers will have displacement about 3000 t so their spirits will take the form of 15-18 years old girls like the Akizuki-class.
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I really don't think DD's looking like pre-teens to mid-teens will matter overly much. I mean people in the know might get... hesitant but the DDs themselves would be the first to smackabitch if they tried to sideline them.
Right, they're aggressively spunky ten-to-fifteen-year-olds.

To anyone who doesn't get intimidated, that will just make them even more adorable. War being war, however... It's not like they avoided sending the destroyer girls out during the Abyssal conflict, either.

...I got really, really attached to my own destroyer-girl, to the point that it's sometimes hard to keep writing when she's in trouble. I don't think it'd be any easier from in-universe.
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...I got really, really attached to my own destroyer-girl, to the point that it's sometimes hard to keep writing when she's in trouble. I don't think it'd be any easier from in-universe.
You've got a kancolle fanfic, Baughn? Don't see any link to it in your sig...
Well, looking forward at various hot potatoe issues, there is the problem of gender norms of the time and the potential issues that can cone up if any of the ship spirits incarnate as an ethnic minority.
Well, looking forward at various hot potatoe issues, there is the problem of gender norms of the time and the potential issues that can cone up if any of the ship spirits incarnate as an ethnic minority.
To steal a joke, are you going to discriminate against the anthropomorphic personification of a battleship? I can see them having a huge impact on civil rights movements.
To steal a joke, are you going to discriminate against the anthropomorphic personification of a battleship? I can see them having a huge impact on civil rights movements.

Undoubtedly, but the impact is going to be even more significant based on two things: first, if the shipgirls start showing up and second, what the ship spirit (and note, I'm distinguishing here between the "ship spirit", "the ship", and "the shipgirl") is capable of doing.
What's the current date again? (And how many ships know that Thompson can see them? Has it reached beyond Pearl?)
What's the current date again? (And how many ships know that Thompson can see them? Has it reached beyond Pearl?)

The last specific date I gave was back in chapter 12. September 24th, 1940.

Next mention was 15, which was 'over a week' after Enterprise made the breakthrough of Halsey hearing specific words. Which was...a couple days after the meeting between our Admirals aboard her.

Call it early October 1940.

As for ships, it's spreading, slowly but surely. Ships rotated back to the West Coast spread the news. The ships they spread it to then move and spread it themselves. Not every girl in the navy is aware yet, by any means. But I'd say probably twenty-thirty percent of them are at least aware that, yes, you can potentially talk to your crew.
At least until they recall all the TBS sets in the navy. With all those unexplainable malfuntions there must be some serious design flaw.
To be fair, the sets work perfectly fine for comms. They just seem to activate at times where the radio operators aren't using em.


Also, I'm really worried about potential experiments(I know, I've said it before). Heck, I know if I were in charge I'd want to -test- certain things(Including frankly a few very controversial things), but given the ...crap with regards to ethics in research in the 40''s frankly scares me a bit.

Though thankfully Skywalker will likely not go in such a direction.


Anyway, on far more cheerful notes, who do we suspect will be the next person/people to see the Girls? Someone mentioned some really lucky destroyer a while back, but I confess US warships aren't something I'm that familiar with.


Also, @Skywalker_T-65, who's Thompson's Flag Captain, if I might ask?
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Destroyermen are likely to see their own ship, once they learn that it happens.

I can see Ol' Swayback Maru's Captain seeing her. If ever there was a spirited ship it was her. It took a lot to put her down. 5" guns, 6" guns, 8" guns. 500lb bombs, 1000lb bombs, torpedoes. A submarine was finally called in to put her down after she ate everything they threw at her when she was sunk as a target ship.