Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Next we have overprotective!father Halsey.

This is going to get good.
It may cause Halsey to be a bit less aggressive in his tactics/strategy, actually. Which I honestly think is a good thing. Until mid-1943 or so, technology and equipment is not going to be really capable of making carriers truly capable of weathering full-out assaults. While this does mean that hitting the enemy's carriers first (and effectively) is all the more crucial, the Japanese carriers have a significant advantage in terms of their aircraft's operational range (and speed); thus, it's important to take steps to either ensure that the enemy carriers either strike another target before they detect your carriers' presence (and thus can't strike back quickly enough before you can hit them first, ala Midway) or that they're detected long before the enemy detects you--something only feasible through the use of flying boats (Catalinas) or through solid intelligence of the enemy's plans/composition (via codebreaking, which wouldn't be quite ready until shortly before the Battle of the Coral Sea) and some good luck (codebreaking was hardly fool-proof; there was far too much traffic to sort through to find useful info, so they had to develop filtering techniques to know where to look for the useful/important stuff--Thompson could suggest these techniques to the codebreakers, since he would have read about them and they're really simple in concept).

However, defensive tactics and ideas would help a hell of a lot--things like using unburdened Dauntlesses as anti-torpedo-bomber CAP, the Thach Weave, emphasizing evasive maneuvering against dive bombers until much better AA guns/tech comes out, having battleships be loaded with AA guns both for their AA defense and for contributing a lot to AA defense for carriers (even the battleship-obsessed admirals/skippers would approve of the concept, since the cover is mutual and it makes battleships more self-sufficient), practicing radar and flight-operations-coordination/control to better direct fighters to incoming enemy aircraft (and distinguishing friendly aircraft from enemy aircraft on radar plots--like having CAP flying only at certain altitudes when not in combat).

That said, I imagine one of the big advances Thompson would suggest to Halsey in terms of offensive tactics would be overhauling the operational doctrine for submarines--namely, the coordination between submarines and between submarines and the rest of the fleet. A picket line of submarines would do wonders for detecting the enemy fleet and tracking them before they detect/track you--not to mention the chance that they'll take advantage of the pre-1944 IJN's deeply flawed ASW (including the fact that their depth charges are set far to explode in far too shallow a depth--you can thank an American senator for moronically leaking that fact to the Japanese, costing something like a thousand lives and ten+ submarines) to sink or cripple enemy carriers. It was these failings that led to the American submarine force at Midway being largely wasted, despite all of the intelligence available beforehand.
Ahaha. Little E's attire is a bit non-standard isn't it?

That'd be cool if Isoroku Yamamoto walked onto the bridge of Nagato, only to see Nagato in his spot.

Okay, reading these two quotes, back to back made me laugh and think.

Seeing what their ship girls ARE dressed as, would these two navys start setting fashion intentionally to mirror them? IE Japan going full bore sailor school uniforms and secretary uniforms from 1944, and the US Navy following suit for it's female personnel?
If they go to Washington with this and they are not labeled as crazy the personalizations of the ships will improve the DamCom to new heighs since they will be able to detect and direct DC crews to damaged parts inmediately even if the entire crew there was killed. As the TBS demostrated the girls can communicate with each other without the transmitions looking even barely humanlike so they might get secure short range comms which can be damn useful to keep formation during night combat by having each shipgirl relaying their actual real movements in real time and a sailor on the other side plotting any deviation from the orders given (which would have saved many lives during the Guadalcanal campaign), summit contact reports of enemy vessels and if they manage to control their fire directors they might even cut vital time from adquiring a target to shooting the guns.
It was actually in response to U-Boats wrecking American shipping, before they adopted convoys. And it wasn't ao much to save ships as it eas to keep news of sinking ships from entering the general public.

Or so I recall.
To be fair that was one of the winning phrases of the war, and while they applied it to the Battle of the Atlantic it served to teach the americans about the value of discretion, at least regarding gossip of all kinds.
"I haven't heard from you, since 1937, sir."
from you since
The girls can't do any thing else with their hulls, or I would suggest that."
anything else with their
"You're like a father too me, sir.
father to me, sir.

Didn't change, but his hand did reach out. Halsey placed it on Enterprise's shoulder, looking down on the blonde girl.

"What is this excuse for a uniform, sailor?"

I think that's the right image...
But yeah, it is indeed quite different from the expected. A lot more revealing than a normal navy uniform, for starters.
Hopefully the two will save the big reveal until they have more evidence. Two Admirals could easily be dismissed as going crazy, but several of them at once would be a whole different story.

Technically the Shipgirls wouldn't have any human right, so it is likely that someone might do some...unethical experiments on them. Best make sure that they have some legal protection just to be on the safe side.

I wonder if several RL Admirals will be changed because of the Shipgirls?

They'll need a lot more then two people, even if its two admirals, before they can go to the Pentagon about this. Otherwise they might be written off as having a shared delusion and both get thrown in the loony bin. And once the news starts becoming common knowledge among the USN, its only a matter of time before it starts leaking out to other countries. Once the Americans figure it out, the British will get the news pretty rapidly. From there, the next ones are liable to be the Russians, given how there are a select number of high ranking British and American officials who are in the service of the Soviet Union. Unless James can find some way to rat out the Cambridge 6 and Alger Hiss fast enough.

How long it takes to make it to the Axis is a interesting question. Their strategic intelligence may have been absolutely epic fail, but their tactical intelligence could be decent...

They won't go off half-cocked, I'll say that much. Neither Admiral is stupid by any means. Ideally, they would want it to spread more- say, Utah breaking through -before trying anything along those lines. Better safe than sorry, and all that. Too much risk otherwise, as James is well aware of.

Being tossed in the loony bin wouldn't do much good.

We need the flip side of the coin. I still wonder if some Japanese skipper sees his girl, too?

That'd be cool if Isoroku Yamamoto walked onto the bridge of Nagato, only to see Nagato in his spot.


what does Destin-E look like, anyways?

As others have brought up, I do use Pacific!E as the basis here. That said, Little E wears know...actual skirt. That isn't see-through.

It may cause Halsey to be a bit less aggressive in his tactics/strategy, actually. Which I honestly think is a good thing. Until mid-1943 or so, technology and equipment is not going to be really capable of making carriers truly capable of weathering full-out assaults. While this does mean that hitting the enemy's carriers first (and effectively) is all the more crucial, the Japanese carriers have a significant advantage in terms of their aircraft's operational range (and speed); thus, it's important to take steps to either ensure that the enemy carriers either strike another target before they detect your carriers' presence (and thus can't strike back quickly enough before you can hit them first, ala Midway) or that they're detected long before the enemy detects you--something only feasible through the use of flying boats (Catalinas) or through solid intelligence of the enemy's plans/composition (via codebreaking, which wouldn't be quite ready until shortly before the Battle of the Coral Sea) and some good luck (codebreaking was hardly fool-proof; there was far too much traffic to sort through to find useful info, so they had to develop filtering techniques to know where to look for the useful/important stuff--Thompson could suggest these techniques to the codebreakers, since he would have read about them and they're really simple in concept).

However, defensive tactics and ideas would help a hell of a lot--things like using unburdened Dauntlesses as anti-torpedo-bomber CAP, the Thach Weave, emphasizing evasive maneuvering against dive bombers until much better AA guns/tech comes out, having battleships be loaded with AA guns both for their AA defense and for contributing a lot to AA defense for carriers (even the battleship-obsessed admirals/skippers would approve of the concept, since the cover is mutual and it makes battleships more self-sufficient), practicing radar and flight-operations-coordination/control to better direct fighters to incoming enemy aircraft (and distinguishing friendly aircraft from enemy aircraft on radar plots--like having CAP flying only at certain altitudes when not in combat).

That said, I imagine one of the big advances Thompson would suggest to Halsey in terms of offensive tactics would be overhauling the operational doctrine for submarines--namely, the coordination between submarines and between submarines and the rest of the fleet. A picket line of submarines would do wonders for detecting the enemy fleet and tracking them before they detect/track you--not to mention the chance that they'll take advantage of the pre-1944 IJN's deeply flawed ASW (including the fact that their depth charges are set far to explode in far too shallow a depth--you can thank an American senator for moronically leaking that fact to the Japanese, costing something like a thousand lives and ten+ submarines) to sink or cripple enemy carriers. It was these failings that led to the American submarine force at Midway being largely wasted, despite all of the intelligence available beforehand.

Interesting for sure.
At least the submarines are not present right now.

Although is Lady Lex/Sister Sara in her Pacific uniform or is she actually wearing something a bit more presentable this time around?
At least the submarines are not present right now.

You know, it occurs to me that the whole idea of lewdmarines actually makes a lot of sense when you consider what conditions on a sub are like. It's an extremely intimate environment regardless of how much the crews want it to be.
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I'm going to have to go back and edit the earlier chapters, but yeah, I've fully switched over to WSG!Sara.


That and, y'know, WSG!Lex sisters actually wear real clothing and not...yeah.
You know, it occurs to me that the whole idea of lewdmarines actually makes a lot of sense when you consider what conditions on a sub are like. It's an extremely intimate environment regardless of how much the crews want it to be.
They probably like to cuddle, too. Lewd or not, as long as they're holding you next to them.
You know, having the kanmusu thing be well known to the entire Navy is actually really bad. Remember, Destroyers are considered tin cans and expendable.

That destroyer is now a young girl who is old enough to be a daughter or even grand daughter.

Now imagine those same Destroyers dying and the morale loss from it. Sure the Destroyers are more than willing to do it as it is their duty, but her crew won't like it at all.
I think most Subgirls have little clothes because of heat. I heard a number of subs were very hot at certain places and the crew would barely wear any clothing because of it. So they would at least have some excuse.
I think most Subgirls have little clothes because of heat. I heard a number of subs were very hot at certain places and the crew would barely wear any clothing because of it. So they would at least have some excuse.
Also unlike shipgirls who walk over the sea they actually dive and get wet, and therefore make the swimsuits the most practical and even discrete choice of clothing.
Also unlike shipgirls who walk over the sea they actually dive and get wet, and therefore make the swimsuits the most practical and even discrete choice of clothing.

Interestingly regarding swimsuits, I found something very interesting regarding women's swimwear on the wiki.

Wartime production during World War II required vast amounts of cotton, silk, nylon, wool, leather, and rubber. In 1942 the United States War Production Board issued Regulation L-85, cutting the use of natural fibers in clothing[48] and mandating a 10% reduction in the amount of fabric in women's beachwear.[49] To comply with the regulations, swimsuit manufacturers produced two-piece suits with bare midriffs.[50]

Which basically meant that almost every women wore a two-piece suit during the war. It would be funny if the subgirls all started with a traditional one-piece and suddenly change to a two-piece one day if that law still comes into affect. Much to everyone's confusion. :lol
You know, having the kanmusu thing be well known to the entire Navy is actually really bad. Remember, Destroyers are considered tin cans and expendable.

That destroyer is now a young girl who is old enough to be a daughter or even grand daughter.

Now imagine those same Destroyers dying and the morale loss from it. Sure the Destroyers are more than willing to do it as it is their duty, but her crew won't like it at all.

I'd think that they'd look at it as some sort of grim inevitability, and try to have as much fun with their shipgirl before their time is up.
Also lets not forget that the crew's morale when their ship was sunk, no matter if it was a mere minelayer or a mighty battleship always suffers. The illusion of destroyers being expendable comes from the admirals and is dilluted as you get down, and even then is subjective. A good admiral actually prefers the multipurpose destroyer than a battleship most of the time since a BB cannot perform patrols, escort convoys or defend itself against submarines, the only time they are considered as expendable is when they act as a screen for the most expensive and with a larger crew capital ships, then and only then the harsh math of lives makes the decision of sacrificing a DD with a few hundred men to save a carrier manned by thousands, and while it will hurt even more for a captain looking his girl getting trashed she will encourage him to do their duty and protect the big girls and the sailors within them.
That was an absolutely heartwarming update. I really enjoyed it. Halsey finally meeting Little E just had me smiling all day. And I kinda share the sentiment Thompson had. It almost felt like I was intruding on something special there. Lots of heart in this one and it also sets up a lot of interesting paths you can take now that Thompson isn't the only one who can really see the girls. Not to mention figuring out a little bit more of what it takes for them to be seen.

Really, really well done. :)
That was adorable! :D

Question. How long before Halsey finds out that Thompson is from the future? You know it going to happen. Because it will tear at the heart of the admiral on what Enterprise went through. Also how it changed Little E's personally to Big E's if one goes by Skywalker's other Enterprise stories. :cry:
Were destroyers ever actually regarded as "expendable" by the various Allied navies? Certainly not the RCN or RNZN, considering those would probably be some of their heaviest ships. The RN probably really placed a premium on destroyers what with their convoy escort capabilities. And there are probably not that many cases of the USN just pissing their destroyers away. Sure, there were times when they were sent into the jaws of the enemy but they were never unsupported, those were acts of desperation, and in many cases they went with bigger and more expensive ships. The closest I can think of was kamikaze picket duty and even then they weren't exactly expendable or unsupported.
It's not so much that destroyers were expendable. More that there's absolutely no room for error when captaining one. DDs have no armor, very short-ranged weapons, and rely purely on their speed and their guts to keep them alive in a battle against anything more than a gunboat.

There's a reason USN destroyer crews lived by the motto "Live fast, Die fast, Take many with you."