Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

How does one dishonorably discharge a battlecruiser? Especially one as critical to the British war effort as Hood.
Shortly after the war they arrested and ruined Turing's capacity for math for the same reason. Considering that in his job as a code breaker Turing was more useful for the UK during the Cold War that the Hood ever was during WWII then is not completely out of the question about her being put into home arrest between missions regardless on the effect on her morale.
Good news: Hood is obviously in "free shipgirl" form, so it's no longer the '40s but closer to our time (and possibly from the other side). So can we please quit this depressing train of discussion?
Shortly after the war they arrested and ruined Turing's capacity for math for the same reason. Considering that in his job as a code breaker Turing was more useful for the UK during the Cold War that the Hood ever was during WWII then is not completely out of the question about her being put into home arrest between missions regardless on the effect on her morale.

Turing did not have adequate firepower on his side.

The entire shipgirl fleet (EDIT: Note that "Boston marriages" and other de facto lesbian relationships were quite typical of highly educated and socially respected women who didn't want to be home ornaments, and if overwhelming firepower doesn't give you a "not home ornament" card nothing will...) being in favour of something is a cue to a) bend over for them right the hell now or b) go pants on head retarded and summon Abyssals.

EDIT: Between letting these very attractive women be all over each other (and ain't that a hawt thought) and summoning RAGE DEMONS FROM HELL, I suspect most men are intelligent enough to choose the former. But of course, a person can be smart, People are STUPID.
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Turing did not have adequate firepower on his side.

The entire shipgirl fleet being in favour of something is a cue to a) bend over for them right the hell now or b) go pants on head retarded and summon Abyssals.

EDIT: Between letting these very attractive women be all over each other (and ain't that a hawt thought) and summoning RAGE DEMONS FROM HELL, I suspect most men are intelligent enough to choose the former. But of course, a person can be smart, People are STUPID.
Remember, you now relying on politicians to do the smart thing. I have my doubts.
Turing did not have adequate firepower on his side.

The entire shipgirl fleet being in favour of something is a cue to a) bend over for them right the hell now or b) go pants on head retarded and summon Abyssals.
Would they though? It's not something really discussed in the Kancolle fandom, for obvious reasons, but Shipgirls, both here in 1940s CD and 21st century KC, from their hulls, all grew up in the 1940s or earlier. While it probably wouldn't be obvious at first there should be some fairly significant cultural conflicts between summoned shipgirls and their admirals, as well as our time traveling admirals here.

From our point of view Shipgirls really should have antiquated views on subjects like homosexuality, racism, and feminism. In the seventy years since the war society has made great progress towards acceptance in those areas but the majority of Shipgirls were sitting at the bottom of the ocean during those years and even worse here in CD neither them nor society as a whole has had a chance to make that progress.

Having Shipgirls hold modern day morals is certainly understandable from a doylist standpoint since having main characters holding historically appropriate values can easily be seen as supporting said values, especial in today's climate. From a watsonian point of view while one or two Shipgirls holding anachronistic values is possible all, or even just the majority, doing so incredibly unlikely.
Having Shipgirls hold modern day morals is certainly understandable from a doylist standpoint since having main characters holding historically appropriate values can easily be seen as supporting said values, especial in today's climate. From a watsonian point of view while one or two Shipgirls holding anachronistic values is possible all, or even just the majority, doing so incredibly unlikely.

"Boston Marriage" was a term used since the late 1800s for a de facto lesbian relationship. No one gave a wooden nickel about such as female professors were expected to retire on marriage, so many of them went "fuck that" and didn't marry.

An attack on shipgirls who are in such a relationship will be seen as an attack on the fleet as a whole. Also, women had been for quite some time gaining more independence, and overwhelming firepower is its own language and an automated validation system for claims backed by it.

If all else fails the morons can be "befriended". @beast_regards assuming you're the same name on SB, I use your definition (from Revenant) of Befriend (v):
Using mecha-class beam weaponry to inflict grievous bodily harm in the process of proving the validity of your belief system.

We already have the mecha (musume) part down, so ignore the beam bit and we'll be fine.
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"Boston Marriage" was a term used since the late 1800s for a de facto lesbian relationship. No one gave a wooden nickel about such as female professors were expected to retire on marriage, so many of them went "fuck that" and didn't marry.

An attack on shipgirls who are in such a relationship will be seen as an attack on the fleet as a whole. Also, women had been for quite some time gaining more independence, and overwhelming firepower is its own language and an automated validation system for claims backed by it.

If all else fails the morons can be "befriended". @beast_regards assuming you're the same name on SB, I use your definition (from Revenant) of Befriend (v):
Using mecha-class beam weaponry to inflict grievous bodily harm in the process of proving the validity of your belief system.

We already have the mecha (musume) part down, so ignore the beam bit and we'll be fine.
Problem is that this is not an anime anymore, useful or not a Shipgirl that does not comply with legal orders and choose to answer to those with violence will not be funny, it will crush bodies and grieving families followed with the hunt and destruction of said shipgirl. Something with the firepower of an mechanized division cannot be allowed to set terms with her guns and fists, that lies the path to the abyssmals.
Problem is that this is not an anime anymore, useful or not a Shipgirl that does not comply with legal orders and choose to answer to those with violence will not be funny, it will crush bodies and grieving families followed with the hunt and destruction of said shipgirl. Something with the firepower of an mechanized division cannot be allowed to set terms with her guns and fists, that lies the path to the abyssmals.

...if all else fails (and they are dumb enough to call for and start enacting the scrapping of all lesbian members and rebuilding new ships) the morons can be "befriended"...

There is this thing called subtext.

Also it falls under the trope of Too Dumb To Live, as in "Yeah, you angry (white) guys try stringing up USS Alabama for being black. I'll be over there at a safe distance, thanks."
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I think the smartest move is not not play that game. Either shipgirls rebel and possibly go abyssal, or they take it up, and well, if Abyssals do show up, humanity will find itself with a distinct dearth of allies.

After all, they turned their backs on the shipgirls once, why should them behave like puppies and come back, when chances are they will get the Polish treatment again?
a Shipgirl that does not comply with legal orders
In the story, it suddenly became wartime. This turns a massive switch in the US military legal system. Like certain shit suddenly becoming capital offenses.

Also, as you said, "legal orders". How legal is to say "you and your <insert extremely insulting description of a homosexual female relationship> better drop that unnatural shit and not see each other again" to someone? Because that's what we're talking about here...

Even saying something along along the lines "you and your nigger partner are joining with DesRon 18 for a joint operation" is "unbecoming behavior, improper of an officer".
In the story, it suddenly became wartime. This turns a massive switch in the US military legal system. Like certain shit suddenly becoming capital offenses.

"Certain shit" here of course includes sabotaging warships from doing their jobs because the shipgirls happen to be black/Asian/lesbian/Republican/Democrat/kindergartners/WHATEVER.
"Certain shit" here of course includes sabotaging warships from doing their jobs because the shipgirls happen to be black/Asian/lesbian/Republican/Democrat/kindergartners/WHATEVER.
True. Actually, a hull-bound shipgirl will be most vulnerable to any abuse coming from the crew she's supposed to protect. I also think that most crewmembers will not give a shit about how the girl manifestation looks or acts, and will possibly keep in line the more bigoted/unruly of their numbers. That or strongly "suggesting" them that switching to another ship will be a "wise career move".

Hull-free shipgirls, which for now means Utah, only have to worry about their commanding officers. While their number is low, I suspect they will be dumped on Thompson's lap. Not literally, mind you. That would be L-lewd, and possibly not make Sara happy. We don't want unhappy Sara, now, do we?
Never thought about Alabama being black...always pictured her as a genteel blonde Southern girl like BelBat's Texas.
A bit tangential, but I've always pictured Nevada as being Native American, Navajo specifically, on account of the Code Talkers. I hope when/if she gets implemented, they do that.
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I view SoDak as Native American, personally. Might be influenced by Azur Lane.

The first time I read this I read it as Warship Girls and, well, Zhan Jian Shao Nyu's South Dakota is basically Ro-500 grown up with an extra dose of elegance.

Haven't seen Azur Lane's yet due to all the animal ears being a bit bleh to me.
The animal ears are typically (typically, there are exceptions) an IJN thing. Britbotes and USN capital ships don't have them.




I am officially going back home to my own district. For the first time in six years. Teaching at a middle school for the remaining month or so I had left. This does mean I will be on a hilarious time crunch, so keeping up on updates will be...spotty. For that month.

On the other hand, I'm out of the situation I was in and that can only be a positive. I will definitely, no matter how much I get saddled with this week, put together something for this weekend. No question.