Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Until the IJN makes an official stance on the subject, things can get really messy on a ship by ship basis. I think it will depend on the Captain and the Admiral in charge of the fleets.

To be honest, though, the individual shipgirl personality will have a lot of influence on how things happen. The first time Akebono opens her tsundere mouth, most likely to call whoever is in charge "shitty Admiral/Captain", things will get ugly.
most likely to call whoever is in charge "shitty Admiral/Captain", things will get ugly.
The whole "Kuso Teitoku" schtick is only because the Admiralty blamed BonoBono for stuff over the course of the war that wasn't even her fault. And the thing is, the war is just getting started, so she's been blamed for diddly squat so far. There's a chance that she may be a classic tsundere, but I personally figure she's a more eager and hot-blooded sort right now. That may change.
Historically, that would be the Type KD6-class I-70, one of the few pre-war subs that had virtually no surviving photographs until one was discovered in the Kure archives, showing her damaged after being rammed by sister ship I-69 (later I-169) in May 1941.

What's the chance that she'll sink while sunbathing like OTL? Since I'm quite sure Halsey would not stop until he brought back some news back to base.
Since it's the first post here, Akebono wouldn't be the tsundere devil yet. That's pretty well established as being because of stuff that happened in the War itself. Unless I'm seriously misremembering.

As for what I was talking about yesterday, it really amounts to the fact I may not graduate (with a teaching degree). The teacher I'm saddled with has been doing their level best to sabotage me at every chance. Subverting my authority from outside the room. Not letting me do anything that would set me apart from them. Rating my evaluation so hilariously low even my supervisor goes 'wait a second here...'.

Or, if you want the case in point from today...the supervisor thinks I did great and that, on my self-evaluation, I rated myself too low.

I rated myself higher than the teacher did.

This should say something. And what should also say something is the fact I pretty much did the best I can reasonably be expected at my level of experience, and my supervisor still can't say if I will graduate or not because of this teacher.

To say I'm stressed and depressed by the situation would be an understatement.
The whole "Kuso Teitoku" schtick is only because the Admiralty blamed BonoBono for stuff over the course of the war that wasn't even her fault. And the thing is, the war is just getting started, so she's been blamed for diddly squat so far. There's a chance that she may be a classic tsundere, but I personally figure she's a more eager and hot-blooded sort right now. That may change.

That... that just makes things worse. Seeing OTL!Little E have to grow up without her sisters is a tragedy enough, seeing BonoBono broken will probably be even worse...

EDIT: Also Sky? What type of shitty teacher sabotages... oh wait, it's one of those.

I can only echo the sentiments of the thread, don't give up, all of us have faith in you!
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This should say something. And what should also say something is the fact I pretty much did the best I can reasonably be expected at my level of experience, and my supervisor still can't say if I will graduate or not because of this teacher.

Hopefully your supervisor is higher up the totem pole than the teacher you're saddled with? Hopefully there's some kind of grievance/redress mechanism available since, at the very least, the supervisor can see you're significantly better than what the evaluation says.
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Do keep in mind this is rather unlikely to happen the same way as OTL. While the possibility does still exist that Little E may lose one or more of her sisters, at least one could live to see the conclusion of the war.

Oh you know what I meant. ;) I mean, earlier in this thread we established that Yams might be demure simply due to her pride being utterly crushed. It is only a trivial matter to take each shipgirl with a trauma or crushing relevation and chalk up each character quirk to PTSD.
That... that just makes things worse. Seeing OTL!Little E have to grow up without her sisters is a tragedy enough, seeing BonoBono broken will probably be even worse...
It'd be darkly funny to see her switch places with the nervous and shy Ushio personality-wise. Alternatively, if she makes it to the end, she may be like Haruna. Humbled, quiet, and deeply attached to those who care for her.
While the possibility does still exist that Little E may lose one or more of her sisters, at least one could live to see the conclusion of the war.

Yes, at least one... and the twist is that it's herself.
Forever alone. Just like OTL.

And every day in her life as a museum ship, she looks out to the sea, like she's waiting for something, or someone.

EDIT: And I thought my efforts to prevent optimism, including bringing in a nice, sad song, were obvious enough without stating that I know what you actually mean.
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That... that just makes things worse. Seeing OTL!Little E have to grow up without her sisters is a tragedy enough, seeing BonoBono broken will probably be even worse...

EDIT: Also Sky? What type of shitty teacher sabotages... oh wait, it's one of those.

I can only echo the sentiments of the thread, don't give up, all of us have faith in you!
Do keep in mind this is rather unlikely to happen the same way as OTL. While the possibility does still exist that Little E may lose one or more of her sisters, at least one could live to see the conclusion of the war.

Well, that's Little E's goal, to protect her sisters as well as proving herself to them and Dadmiral Halsey. Considering that both Yorktown and Hornet could have conceivably been saved with some minor changes IOTL, it's not unreasonable. Yorktown was salvageable until I-168 did her in, and if in fact the salvage and tow starts earlier, they might get her clear. Likewise Hornet could have been saved until the last Japanese air attack with her under tow and she just would not sink.

I think it's safe to say that E will prove herself to everyone in the Navy by 1945 as a given. Again.
There are people out there whose only joy in life seems to be the destruction of other people's hopes and pursuits. Usually it is due to someone being afraid of being found out as incompetent and thus will sabotage anything that makes them look lacking.

So I was going to try to re-rail the topic before a random thought popped. Background, been doing some shipbucket stuff lately and with Kancolle, I'm surprised that no one has tried converting fanarts into something along those lines. ShipGirlBucket..... hmmmm...
So I was going to try to re-rail the topic before a random thought popped. Background, been doing some shipbucket stuff lately and with Kancolle, I'm surprised that no one has tried converting fanarts into something along those lines. ShipGirlBucket..... hmmmm...

*Looks at KFC bucket
*Looks at fanart of Yamakaze (with dog ears) sheltering inside a ramen cup

*narrows eyes* Hmm...
There are people out there whose only joy in life seems to be the destruction of other people's hopes and pursuits. Usually it is due to someone being afraid of being found out as incompetent and thus will sabotage anything that makes them look lacking.

So I was going to try to re-rail the topic before a random thought popped. Background, been doing some shipbucket stuff lately and with Kancolle, I'm surprised that no one has tried converting fanarts into something along those lines. ShipGirlBucket..... hmmmm...

Adm. Halsey: E, did you spread the rumor about the cleaning and repair buckets being made of parts from scrapped shipgirls?
Enterprise: Huh? *Looks Innocent, and confused*

USS Constitution: Tee hee~
The whole "Kuso Teitoku" schtick is only because the Admiralty blamed BonoBono for stuff over the course of the war that wasn't even her fault. And the thing is, the war is just getting started, so she's been blamed for diddly squat so far. There's a chance that she may be a classic tsundere, but I personally figure she's a more eager and hot-blooded sort right now. That may change.

More or less. I imagine that the base personality of the shipgirls won't change, so Akebono would still be the eager hotblooded but dutiful spirit right now, just that she hasn't developed her intense dislike of people in charge, aka the Admirals. If circumstances change enough that the Admiralty doesn't blame her for the mishaps that happened during her missions, then obviously she's not going to get that particular personality tic.

*Looks at KFC bucket
*Looks at fanart of Yamakaze (with dog ears) sheltering inside a ramen cup

*narrows eyes* Hmm...

I'd say something relating to this subject about "finger lickin' good", but that'd probably get me banned....
More or less. I imagine that the base personality of the shipgirls won't change, so Akebono would still be the eager hotblooded but dutiful spirit right now, just that she hasn't developed her intense dislike of people in charge, aka the Admirals. If circumstances change enough that the Admiralty doesn't blame her for the mishaps that happened during her missions, then obviously she's not going to get that particular personality tic.

I'd say something relating to this subject about "finger lickin' good", but that'd probably get me banned....

No, bad LGear. Destroyers are not for lewds.
More or less. I imagine that the base personality of the shipgirls won't change, so Akebono would still be the eager hotblooded but dutiful spirit right now, just that she hasn't developed her intense dislike of people in charge, aka the Admirals. If circumstances change enough that the Admiralty doesn't blame her for the mishaps that happened during her missions, then obviously she's not going to get that particular personality tic.

Or another good example would be Zuikaku wanting to prove herself to CarDiv1 and being the brash hotheaded youngster of the Kido Butai, but not having the fixation on turkeys and turkey jokes because she has not had the trauma of the Marianas Turkey Shoot yet.
Or another good example would be Zuikaku wanting to prove herself to CarDiv1 and being the brash hotheaded youngster of the Kido Butai, but not having the fixation on turkeys and turkey jokes because she has not had the trauma of the Marianas Turkey Shoot yet.
And that it's more a senpai/kohai dynamic instead of the even rivalry it is in canon, since canon Zuikaku isn't that newbie anymore.
And that it's more a senpai/kohai dynamic instead of the even rivalry it is in canon, since canon Zuikaku isn't that newbie anymore.

I think to a point, yes, although Zuikaku also has a senpai/kohai dynamic going with Shoukaku as well.

One of the big things fueling Zuikaku at this point is the attitude from CarDiv 1 and Cardiv 2 that CarDiv 5 were the newbies on the block (true) and would never approach the other fleet carrier's accomplishments. Witness them essentially saying that anyone could have done what CarDiv 5 did at Coral Sea. Then after Midway none of the elder carriers are around any more and so Zuikaku can't get the approval from them that she desires through 1942-44.

Or at least that's my two pennies on everyone's favorite tsuncarrier.
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she hasn't developed her intense dislike of people in charge, aka the Admirals.
Actually, it's the other way around.

Akebono is a tsundere. The more she likes someone, the worse her attitude gets. It's a sign of immaturity, and not knowing how to express properly feelings of attraction. Maturing tends to remove the Tsundere behavior.

So, in any case, she'd be the same or worse, assuming she matured during the war.

And if war experiences do really temper shipgirls' characters, what do we make of the energetic and enthusiatically positive Kongou sisters? Their post-war selves should not be that happy and zany, taking into account their experiences in WW2.
Hush man. No one wants to think about Sad Bongos. :(

Then again, we know nothing about how the Mothra wings have flapped and what they will bring about.

Hell, for all we know, Stalin may get desperate enough depending on things early on, that he goes and personally asks Baba Yaga for help to defend Mother Russia from the Germans. Baba Yaga would probably say something cryptic about unintended consequences but agree. And suddenly it's Surprise Abyssal Time bitches! (Pure late night improbable Halloween inspired B.S. Really!)
Since it's the first post here, Akebono wouldn't be the tsundere devil yet. That's pretty well established as being because of stuff that happened in the War itself. Unless I'm seriously misremembering.

As for what I was talking about yesterday, it really amounts to the fact I may not graduate (with a teaching degree). The teacher I'm saddled with has been doing their level best to sabotage me at every chance. Subverting my authority from outside the room. Not letting me do anything that would set me apart from them. Rating my evaluation so hilariously low even my supervisor goes 'wait a second here...'.

Or, if you want the case in point from today...the supervisor thinks I did great and that, on my self-evaluation, I rated myself too low.

I rated myself higher than the teacher did.

This should say something. And what should also say something is the fact I pretty much did the best I can reasonably be expected at my level of experience, and my supervisor still can't say if I will graduate or not because of this teacher.

To say I'm stressed and depressed by the situation would be an understatement.
I would explain your situation in full to your supervisor and ask for his/her help in bringing this up the chain, because this is definitely not okay, and the school's management would definitely want to step in if this teacher is doing something shady.