Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

Sara! What is best in life?

To give Sky marshmellow hell, to see him blush before my stacks, and hear his lamentations of being bullied!
You forgot the Mini-togas.;)
I would, but couldn't find a way to fit them in. *is sad*

Of course, this is just this version's of Sara & Sky. HP & the Shipgirls has TWO Saratogas. The quote there I won't even try to come up with, other than it likely involves Sky beating me over the head with a 5" shell while both 'Togas go 'Kyaaa~!' in the background.
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I would, but couldn't find a way to fit them in. *is sad*

Of course, this is just this version's of Sara & Sky. HP & the Shipgirls has TWO Saratogas. The quote there I won't even try to come up with, other than it likely involves Sky beating me over the head with a 5" shell while both 'Togas go 'Kyaaa~!' in the background.
*hands Sky a 5" shell* I would pay to watch that.
I would, but couldn't find a way to fit them in. *is sad*

Of course, this is just this version's of Sara & Sky. HP & the Shipgirls has TWO Saratogas. The quote there I won't even try to come up with, other than it likely involves Sky beating me over the head with a 5" shell while both 'Togas go 'Kyaaa~!' in the background.
... Would links to that thread be possible? I could have sworn I had OP update alerts turned on...
... Would links to that thread be possible? I could have sworn I had OP update alerts turned on...
Starting from the first post:

It might be easier if you go through it in reader mode until you catch up, as there is a TON of discussion going on.
There's a few alt-universe chapters, and several semi-canon (Harry Leferts, the main author, hasn't said yes they are or no they're not to many of them, and/or has incorporated several ideas into the main story) but most of the chapters are by Harry Leferts. We eventually had to draw up a chart for the readers. Its tongue-in-cheek.

Its also at Spacebattles under the same title, with several of us here discussing alternate issues with our accounts there, although obviously there is some overlap.

And yes, Sky gets a bit of bullying in a few of the newer chapters. That and HMS Hermione/Hermione Granger is a fangirl of his 'novel series' (read: the shipgirl equivalent of a mild bodice ripper series/Harlequinn novels).

Speaking of Sky bullying....

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Agreed. I approve too.

In fact, I approve it so much I need two seals of approval for it.
And just for the bullying to keep going on, this:
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*Looks at Sara* Satisfied, Sara?

Sara: Yep. Thanks for accompanying me though.

Even if you kinda forced me to. (Internal monologue)
Agreed. I approve too.

In fact, I approve it so much I need two seals of approval for it.
And just for the bullying to keep going on, this:
*Looks at Sara/Nagato image*
*glances down minutely*

Nagato? You just got dethroned.
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Taking a break from the bullying...

Sky, I don't know if this has been answered, but with the effectiveness of Scharnhorsts 11" guns against her peers shown, is the Kriegsmarine going to try to do to her what they tried to do to Gneisenau, replace her guns with the 15" dual turrets?
That was always the plan, TBH. The ships were explicitly designed to be upgunned when said guns (and turrets) became available.* They just didn't do it because- especially after Bisko sank -they needed the Scharn sisters on the line too much. Gneis only got started because she was damaged enough to need substantial work anyway. As in 'had her forward turret blown off its mounting and her bow blown apart by bombs in drydock' substantial. Would they try and stick the better guns on Scharn here? Depends.

A lot would ride on Bisko and how she demonstrates if the 15-in gun is any substantial improvement (for convoy raiding) compared to the faster-firing 11-in Scharn already has.

He therefore acquiesced to the ships' being armed with 28.3 cm guns, with the provision that they be upgunned to 38 cm at the earliest opportunity.
On a topic tangentially related to Changing Destiny I just saw the documentary of the Battle of Midway that filmed John Ford during the battle. It is curious how he filmed the land part of one of the more epic naval battles in modern history with as if defeating the japanese navy was a common occurence.

And amongst the people filmed we can see Jimmy Roosvelt as a Marine officer and Commander Thatch, which in Changing Destiny does not get to have his name added to the Weave.

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Oh don't worry. Thach is a WW2 American aviator. And a carrier one at that.

He'll come up with something to slap his name on :V
I mean, PT boats will appear :V

But any sort of spirit is more iffy. I like my 'one girl as the entire squadron' idea, but it doesn't fit in this fic.

No animal boats though.
Easier to get a PT Boat Tender to be the one spirit and let the PT boats themselves being manned by fairies as if they were planes for a carrier.
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I think saying that vessels that are massed produced don't have souls is a bit short sighted since while there were 531 PT boats in service during the second world war, there were 2710 Liberty and 534 Victory ships in service. So using mass production as a decider would exclude these cargo ships. My personal belief on what should decide whether on not a vessel has a soul would be if the vessel has a permanent crew that operates it. This would get past the size problems that would excluded PT boats along with the earliest submarines like the HMS Holland 1. This would mean the only vessels that would excluded would be things like skiffs, whale boats, and life rafts that do not have permanent crews stationed on board them.
@asqwerty3345, The author has already made his decision on how it will work for this fic. You're not the first who didn't get/ignore the memo, and you will meet as much success as your predecessors in changing Skye's mind. If you keep insisting on that, that would constitute a violation of rule 4 and the staff will eventually hear of it. Save your own headcanon for your own fic.
I never even said it was 'mass-produced have no soul'. That would exclude cargo ships and the Fletcher sisters, among others. Hell, it would exclude a lot of DD classes. American ones anyway.

What I've said is that PTs won't have animal spirits, and that's...really about it. In most stories, I lean to tender+fairies. Who knows in here.*

*Well, I do, but I haven't fully decided yet since PTs are very far in the future.
@asqwerty3345, The author has already made his decision on how it will work for this fic. You're not the first who didn't get/ignore the memo, and you will meet as much success as your predecessors in changing Skye's mind. If you keep insisting on that, that would constitute a violation of rule 4 and the staff will eventually hear of it. Save your own headcanon for your own fic.

All i was doing was putting an idea that had just popped into my head out there. I wasn't trying to stir anything up.