Indeed, time is already deviating. And regarding Blücher's comment, that seems to be a popular sentiment in Europe these days, doesn't it?"Not at all." Schreiber reached out to tap the map, where Scharnhorst lay alone, being refit after damage incurred at sea. "Gneisenau was not supposed to be sunk."
"Damn the British," Blücher growled lowly, clenching her Admiral's arm tighter.
Man, she is not giving Lange a fair shake is she? And I don't think Schreiber is going to be able to do much about that.Blücher only shut her eye, returning to letting her Admiral pat her head. As tacit a case of ignoring the Captain as there ever was.
Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. And to be fair, it did at least partially work, as both King and Stark can no longer dismiss Richardson and Thompson's claims out of hand.Skip, for her part, squeaked out, "But I can't hit an Admiral!"
"It's an order Skip."
Minor typo here, should be "its" rather than "it's". And I felt a measure of glee in Skipjack...borrowing...King's wallet.Before Thompson could finish his sentence, an annoyed shout echoed down into the conning tower from the outside of Skipjack's hull.
"Where is my wallet?!"
King's distinctive voice was...distinctive in it's rage. Almost as one, all eyes turned to Skipjack, who whistled innocently, her hands behind her back.
Dude, he's part of the German Resistance. That's enough motive for him to help what you've got planned.Schreiber nodded, pulling out a packet of deployment papers and other documents from his briefcase. More importantly, he pulled out a large map of Northern Germany, the locations of every major combatant in the Kriegsmarine listed. From proud Scharnhorst to old Emden. From stoic Nurnberg to excitable Prinz Eugen. Perhaps more pertinently, it held the deployment patterns and orders. Straight from Admiral Canaris, the intelligence officer more than willing to help Schreiber.
Even if he didn't really know why.
Sometimes, using the motivations of these men is helpful...
And we have a confidant. Wonder if he's going to be taking his wife with him?"Blücher's feelings aside," on the other hand, Captain Lange was much more serious in his own way. "Is this at all like you remember?"
The one, and only, man that Schreiber had confided in. His former XO had been quick to catch onto how he talked to Blücher, and by extension, quick to see the cruiser himself. Schreiber had debated long and hard on how much to tell the younger man...but in the end?
He had told him everything. Perhaps out of a mad desire to have at least one other man know the truth. Perhaps it had been a mistake. But Albrecht Lange had been appalled at the truth, and sworn to do everything he could to help the old Admiral. Evidently, the man had a half-Jewish wife. If such a thing could even exist, outside of the madhouse that was Nazi Germany.
Probably not.
Yup."I don't see any woman." Admiral King's voice was filled with clear and present annoyance, his expression a full glare when he looked at Thompson.
"She isn't there." Thompson replied, inwardly cursing his luck.
Really, he should have thought that one out. Skipjack was a submarine, of course she would want to stay inside her hull. He already knew she didn't like to expose herself at the best of times. This was hardly any different, wasn't it?
You did not think this through.Nothing more was said, as the CNO- trailed closely by a sour King -walked down the gangplank to board Skipjack. Thompson and Richardson followed, albeit at a slower pace. Both of the Pacific Admirals shared a look, no words travelling between them. But then, no words were needed. They both knew exactly what was at stake here.
Exactly what would happen, if Skipjack couldn't make herself known.
And we're relying on a submarine to make herself known...
And Carriers can be pretty claustrophobic."I have a new appreciation for submariners." Admiral Stark's voice echoed up the ladder, as Thompson slowly lowered himself down into what served as the submarines CIC. A tight, confined space with barely enough room to really move around past crew stations.
"I felt the same way," Thompson replied, gingerly lowering himself to the flood as his eyes scanned for the elusive submarine. "Granted, I command the biggest ship in the Navy."
... damn.Shaking his head to clear those thoughts, Thompson walked up to Skipjack, the submarine staring up at him with wide brown eyes. Even now, she was still uncomfortable at best with the Admiral. That may never change.
But they couldn't deal with her shyness right now.
"Skip, say hello to Admiral Stark and Admiral King." Thompson still gave her a gentle smile, reaching out to pat the girl on the shoulder, as he moved aside enough to let the older men into sight.
"H-hello?" Skip spoke up hesitantly, her voice shaking when she looked at the old men. "My god, the CNO. Admiral, I'm not ready for this!"
The somewhat panicked shout would have worked better to get attention, if either King or Stark could hear her.
"I don't see, or hear anything." King's sour voice made it clear that he couldn't hear her. The man crossed his arms over his chest, raising an annoyed eyebrow at Thompson. "Well? Anything to say to that?"
AKA: Nope.Letting out a soft sigh, Richardson turned to his subordinate and superior, "Strictly speaking, neither of us did. I was only able to perceive Utah after she lifted Commander Jackson into the air. And I had gone aboard the old girl expecting the fact that she may be there."
Admiral Stark nodded thoughtfully, tapping his chin gently as his foot bounced up and down, "Hm. So, would I be correct in assuming that unless Ernest or myself believed that Skipjack could talk to us, we will not be able to hear or see her?"
While it wasn't something that Thompson wanted to admit, the time traveler nodded, "Accurate. Every case we have, other than Admiral Richardson, has come from someone who cares about their ship. I...I know it's a lot of faith. There isn't any way to realistically replicate or prove results when they rely on feelings like that."
"Beyond showing that as many cases as possible." Richardson finished, removing his glasses to rub at them gently. His voice never stopped speaking as he did so, "And it does depend, on some level, on one being open minded enough. Are you that open-minded, Harold?"
It was the first time that Richardson had used Stark's first name, and it was a sign of just how serious the man was. Even if he didn't actually show it, his stoic features the same as ever. For his part, Stark looked skeptical. His eyes trailed over Richardson, Thompson, and the spot where Skipjack should have been. Where she was. But his eyes quickly moved on...
Clearly not able to see even an outline of the submarine.
... your improvisational skills need work Thompson."I would like to believe I am," the CNO spoke softly. His expression was pensive though, "But I'm not seeing anything to convince me this is not some elaborate prank or hallucination."
"Why don't you have her pick you up then," King was rather less soft in his disbelief. He just continued to cross his arms over his chest.
And it was a snide comment, considering there just wasn't space. Even if Skipjack could wrap her arms around someone, there wasn't...enough...
This is crazy, but...
Thompson turned to look at the submarine, lowering himself to Skipjack's level, "Skip, I'm going to ask you to do something. This won't be easy, but you need to do it."
"Anything!" The sub was quick to reply, staring up at the Admiral.
"Punch me. Right in the face."
... but it got the job done.Stark frowned, "You can't be serious."
"He isn't." King was quick to speak up, per usual. "Why would that have any impact..."
"You suggested she pick me up, despite there not being enough space in here." Thompson shot back, more heat in his voice than he may have intended when he glared at the infamous Admiral. "Since I can't very well have her slam me into the bulkhead, this is the next best option. They can't touch someone who isn't at least somewhat able to hear them. It has to be me."
Skip, for her part, squeaked out, "But I can't hit an Admiral!"
"It's an order Skip."
Thompson never thought he would ever order a ship girl to punch him in the jaw. But desperate times...
"I'm sorry!"
Called for desperate measures. Skipjack's fist lashed out, a mean right-hook directly to the Admiral's jaw. Thompson grunted slightly, rocking back on his heels with the force of the impact. His jaw ached with the force of a ship girl punch, the man already regretting his choice. Might have been a better idea to have her hug him...
But as he spun away form the submarine, a bruise already forming on his face, it did the job it needed to do. His hands had been by his sides. There had been no human by his side. Thompson had been standing completely alone, and suddenly- to King and Stark -fell back, with a bruise on his jaw and his legs buckling from an impact they couldn't see. It was a bad idea. A crazy one that hadn't been thought out.
And yet...
"Admiral..." Stark coughed, forcing his voice back into some semblance of stoicism when he stared at Thompson with slightly widened eyes. "You just fell back. And have a bruise."
Like actually using Sara.Stark could only frown, rubbing at his forehead in what Thompson recognized now as a sign of nerves, "I don't know, Admiral. You were clearly hit by something- or someone -I can't see. Is that Skipjack? I can't say..."
"Harold, you can't possibly..." King tried to protest, only for the CNO to send his friend a flat look that had even King slam his mouth shut.
"I never said I did believe it, not entirely. But..." sighing again, the old Admiral looked at Thompson with appraising eyes. "You've convinced me, at the least, that something is going on here. I can't see anyone, but there is clearly something here. I...I will take this to the Secretary. He may take it to the President. I suggest you come up with a better way than physical harm to demonstrate your point."
Eh, at least you realized when you screwed up.Richardson's flat look never once went away, even as Skipjack started giggling. Hawkins' good-natured chuckles joined those of his command, while the youngest Admiral in the world just sighed, looking down at his feet. Yeah...probably not his best idea ever. But if it had worked, it wasn't stupid right? If it's stupid but it works...
Well. It's still stupid.
Before Thompson could finish his sentence, an annoyed shout echoed down into the conning tower from the outside of Skipjack's hull.
"Where is my wallet?!"
King's distinctive voice was...distinctive in it's rage. Almost as one, all eyes turned to Skipjack, who whistled innocently, her hands behind her back.
...that... is actually a really, really cunning plan. I like it. It would also have unexpected benefits for Schreiber and Thompson. Schreiber would have an even stronger justification for his seeking refuge rather than fighting it out, while for Thompson, having a German fleet take refuge in the US with two senior officers saying that part of the reason is that they wanted to protect their shipgirls would certainly make even King have to think that there might be something to this, after all.Prediction:
The Germans are going to break into the Atlantic, sink lots of merchant ships to deliberately provoke British reaction while making their way westward. Naturally, the British will sent their capital ships to hunt the raiders down and then the German will pull another 'Graf Spee' but this time it is done on purpose.
Once they got themselves "cornered", they're going to seek refuge in American port, which technically still a neutral power. Then, they let the ships get interned. Probably scuttled in the port so they can be raised by the Americans.
Skipjack can only affect people who can see her, right? So that means King could see her after the demonstration? And he didn't say anything?Before Thompson could finish his sentence, an annoyed shout echoed down into the conning tower from the outside of Skipjack's hull.
"Where is my wallet?!"
King's distinctive voice was...distinctive in it's rage. Almost as one, all eyes turned to Skipjack, who whistled innocently, her hands behind her back.
King is an asshole of a rather high caliber. Underestimate the depths of his vitriol at your own peril.I no idea King would be willing to advocate disbelief just to hurt Thomas when he sees the proof in front of him.
Naah... King is tsuning hard because he has an image to maintain.I no idea King would be willing to advocate disbelief just to hurt Thomas when he sees the proof in front of him.
Nah, King would never be a tsundere, he's too even tempered for that... He's always in a rage or building up for one.Naah... King is tsuning hard because he has an image to maintain.
Eh, it's a catch-22 for him, if shipgirls are accepted. Not only a girl managed to rob him, he can't strike back without looking like a major douche to anyone that is influenced by the shipgirls looks.
'Sure, they can kill us in one blow, and they dress very strangely, but they're ladies! Show some respect Admiral, you're not a RN grunt!'
All eyes?"Where is my wallet?!"
King's distinctive voice was...distinctive in it's rage. Almost as one, all eyes turned to Skipjack, who whistled innocently, her hands behind her back
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewd."Rather shy." The youngest Admiral present replied with a small sigh. "We'll have to go inside to see her. Right, Lieutenant?"