Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

I actually rather like the LOLBlimps *grins* but I'm weird that way.

The only April Fools event in WoWS for me was the bathtub wars, which were awesome. Sadly I'm not that great of a player and get easily frustrated with PVP LOL. Anyways, with the small tonnage ships, perhaps the 'tender' for PT boats could be one of the LST derived repair ships that would work on them?
Yes but what about those ships that actually had an animal as an official crewmember? I can think of one coast guard ship where that is the case the USCGS Campbell.
No I was asking or trying to does the ship girl come back which said abnormal or not? And giving one example of where that was the case.
"Here's your Battlecruiser back, Britain."

"Why is she significantly longer with only three turrets?"

"Huh" *shuffles paper* So Hood wasn't sent to that yard.... *more shuffling* So where did it actually go.... *leaves room*

"I do say something's up"
"Nice looking ship, though"

American official returns "So it turns out Hood is still being refitted... somewhere. We're not quite sure where as several suppliers replied they had won the contract and were delivering spare parts, to different yards. This ship is... we don't know. The yard say it's supposed to be a 'Super-Lexington' and have a contract that says so but we don't have any copy of it in our archives.
So, uh, would you mind taking her for a test cruise while we sort out where the Hood got sent to *mumbles* and hopefully it's hasn't been retrofitted with these 20inch guns the one supplier raved about"

Brits *crumpets ruffled, tea spilled*
Hmm... What about landing barge, kitchens? I imagine the lady behind the counter serving the food being indistinguishable from a human, but then the girls see her on the water.

And then there's the LCT(R)s.
Re: Small tonnage ships:

I've said before. I do not like animals as spirits. With things like PT boats, you have a ship girl tender that is equivalent to a sub tender (if more a conglomeration of the spirits of the various boats if PT boats didn't actually have tenders) with the individual boats being fairy operated strike craft. For stuff like having fairy!JFK on PT-109 which interests me a lot more than 'lol, corgi'.
I dunno, I still like the thought of corgi!109 humping shipgirls' legs thanks to JFK's influence. All sorts of potential for shenanigans there! :lol

Oh, when I said "Strap two cruisers on the side" I literally meant it.

...well, hell, if you think about it, the secondary battery of the Iowas is like having two Fletchers strapped onto each side...
Hell, if you want to talk about strapping ships to other ships just look at the montlanta.
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The reason I brought up the USGS Campbell was that the dog in question was an official member of her crew. In that Sinbad was paid and promotion. There is no evidence that Unsinkable Sam actually existed.
I'm not even sure anymore. Apparently a dog got involved at some point, and I can't tell if the argument is for kanmusu being animals or having animals.
Frankly, Word Of Author is no ship-animals here, others have different rules for their fics. I like this fic without animal-ships, I like the other fics with animal-ships. It's not really anything to get up in arms about. That being said, I'm looking forward to the next chapter with baited breath and can't wait to see it. This is an extremely interesting story that I am loving to read, and it makes me a bit jealous since I'm not sure I can write mine as well *smiles*.
I was going for the idea animals are a part of their official crew they should be allowed to come back with them.
Interestingly, a number of animals had long military careers and even got military promotions. There was a couple of dogs, a pig, an elephant, and even a bear that were very popular during WWII.
Interestingly, a number of animals had long military careers and even got military promotions. There was a couple of dogs, a pig, an elephant, and even a bear that were very popular during WWII.
Wojtek (bear) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Wojtek (1942–1963) usually spelled Voytek in English, was a Syrian brown bear found in Iran and adopted by soldiers of the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish II Corps. He was later officially enlisted as a soldier of the company with the rank of Private, and subsequently became a Corporal."

"Wojtek initially had problems swallowing and was fed with condensed milk from an old vodka bottle. He was subsequently given fruit, marmalade, honey and syrup, and was often rewarded with beer, which became his favourite drink. He later also enjoyed smoking (or eating) cigarettes. He loved wrestling with the soldiers and was taught to salute when greeted."

"According to numerous accounts, during the Battle of Monte Cassino Wojtek helped by carrying ammunition – never dropping a single crate."

"Following demobilisation on 15 November 1947, Wojtek was given to Edinburgh Zoo, where he spent the rest of his life, often visited by journalists and former Polish soldiers, some of whom would toss him cigarettes, which he proceeded to eat because there was no one there to light them for him."

"Wojtek died in December 1963, at the age of 21. At the time of his death he weighed nearly 500 kilograms (1,100 lb) and was over 1.8 meters (6 feet) tall."

Poland superior. Wotjek was fucking badass.
Ah yes, my Grandfather actually worked with him. Sadly, he never lived long enough to tell my mother about him. We only knew about this from other sources. Maternal Grandparents falling under the official secrets act didn't help either in retelling wars stories.