Yeah, Avalanche's quality of writing is amazing, but speed is...also amazing, in a way? :V

But tbch, I think the amount of words spent on fighting scenes of basically-extras was...
Well. It gave us a good showcase of combat between youngling Valks and various styles, so it wasn't actually bad or useless - pretty nice way to worldbuild that I suppose.
And it was nicely written.
Yeah, Avalanche's quality of writing is amazing, but speed is...also amazing, in a way? :V
When people want something they want it to be three things:

1. High quality
2. Cheap
3. Arrive fast

but the thing is, you can only get two out of the three.

Since Avalanche writes good stuff and you cannot get cheaper than free, it was meant to be that #3 would be the option we wouldn't be getting.:V
I'm sure we could organize a Patreon if that's the issue. No worries about copyright either since it's a wholly original setting.
Patreon pays per post/creation/upload, so there'd need to be a lot of people ready to pay a lot or Avalanche really needs to decrease the time between posts so that it would get him more than pittance.
Hmm. A bit of a different topic and I'm skeptical it hasn't gotten brought up before- but doesn't Anna basically have everything she needs to make an anti-matter/matter reactor a feasible piece of equipment?

Considering how crazy the accelerators on her HPBs are, the magnetic bottle should be easily feasible- to say nothing of humanities plasma/particle tech in general. Shielding against neutrinos should be far easier than the non-baryonic smart matter Durga is made of. The impeller makes storing and injecting anti-matter and matter as needed into the reaction chamber. Anything reminiscent of the dynamos she currently uses could absorb the products and turn it into usuable energy. And her energy/matter manipulation should make stockpiling and creating antimatter feasible on her own (If only through multiple steps- Matter->Gamma Rays->Electron/Positron pairs).

Now how long it would take Durga to make, or the complexity it would consist of, but it at least seems feasible if not necessarily practical. After all, nothing we seen so far suggests Anna is ever really running a power deficit these days. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what Durga does to the fusion reactor if given enough time, all the other technologies it already has access to, and if it can turn car batteries into our Omnium capacitors and solar panels into our black body nanoswarm it hardly seems that out there.
The problem is, only Anna would be able to use it. We are trying to do stuff that others Ace of Aces can also use.

Not to mention that if we get a crit fail when dealing with antimatter, is not only game over but we nuke the whole Galaxy.
Hmm. A bit of a different topic and I'm skeptical it hasn't gotten brought up before- but doesn't Anna basically have everything she needs to make an anti-matter/matter reactor a feasible piece of equipment?
An AMA Reactor is pretty much useless though. Yes antimatter has vastly higher energy densities then even fusion fuel but that just makes it a size/mass efficient battery since all the antimatter has to be produced. Not only does this mean energy losses in production and storage but it also makes refueling challenging.

Anna's fusion reactor meanwhile runs on hydrogen which is readily available in both primary isotopes (protium and deuterium) in the form of water.
An AMA Reactor is pretty much useless though. Yes antimatter has vastly higher energy densities then even fusion fuel but that just makes it a size/mass efficient battery since all the antimatter has to be produced. Not only does this mean energy losses in production and storage but it also makes refueling challenging.

Anna's fusion reactor meanwhile runs on hydrogen which is readily available in both primary isotopes (protium and deuterium) in the form of water.
Mind you, with a lot of downtime to spin antimatter in, you can make for a lot of wartime emergency power.

Of course some people may object to spinning up antimatter during downtime in or near civilian areas, and I doubt Valks are going to like spending a lot of time at minimum safe distance from anything important.
An AMA Reactor is pretty much useless though. Yes antimatter has vastly higher energy densities then even fusion fuel but that just makes it a size/mass efficient battery since all the antimatter has to be produced. Not only does this mean energy losses in production and storage but it also makes refueling challenging.

Anna's fusion reactor meanwhile runs on hydrogen which is readily available in both primary isotopes (protium and deuterium) in the form of water.
See, that's the thing though- Anna should have all the tools she needs to economically create and store AM fuel for herself.

She's effectively mastered using her impeller to convert matter into energy and vice versa out of combat at least- even if she can't convert matter into its anti- equivalent (uncertain) she can convert it into gamma rays she can harvest for electron/positron pairs, and then she can proceed to store it in her Valkyrie Core until needed. Since it won't degrade or react in there if the exotic matter in the XHEAP missiles is anything to go off of. The matter to energy conversions she can pull off are as close to 100% as she can measure, so even assuming she can only capture 1/10000th of the electron/positrons that's 10 cubic meters of water per half kg of AM. That's absurdly good.

I agree, conventionally AM is always going to be a way of maximizing energy density rather than a source of power- but Anna is essentially a peerless user of space magic well suited to this.

Edit: I'll concede that *generating* that many super high energy gamma rays as waste might be an issue, but I mean, we teleported into the crust IIRC, that's probably enough radiation shielding. Right?
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See, that's the thing though- Anna should have all the tools she needs to economically create and store AM fuel for herself.
Yeah your post makes sense, which is why she already does this :V
Onium batteries: No external components.
Allows for the additional storage of energy. Can serve as projectiles when charged. Can serve as reactive armour.
- Alpha Strike: Allows for an incredibly powerful attack from an energy weapon at the start of a battle against an appropriate target. Currently, only your Heavy Particle Projectors can channel an Alpha Strike without taking component damage.​
Onium - Wikipedia

It's not held freefloating in storage cause things in storage move around and is typically not strictly compartmentalised unless a valk dedicates some mental resources to keeping it like that. Anna already uses some mental resources making sure the streams don't cross between her components, so a few milligrams or kilograms of AM floating around possibly bumping into something and reacting would not be a welcome development in there.
Not to mention that if we get a crit fail when dealing with antimatter, is not only game over but we nuke the whole Galaxy.

You're exaggerating.

At worst we'd blow up the Earth, and even that would be difficult without actually trying to achieve that result. More likely we'd just end up causing an extinction event, with the galaxy completely intact. Even if we did nuke the galaxy it wouldn't be ruined — just slightly more energetic.

Nothing to worry about, pssssh.
Anna and Nova for an explosive crossover when @Renu and @Avalanche ? :V

Come on, the two just need to meet and talk shop on how to make AM weapons and AM manipulations.
I don't know much about Nova in Warframe, but I did see a video flashback thingy in Renu's thread which shows Nova glassing a planet in seconds with beamspam, that's little (way) above the powerlevels of BAHH quest lol.

Anna would be very happy to don a cheerleader outfit and wave pompoms as Nova blows up all the Antagonists though.
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Yeah your post makes sense, which is why she already does this :V

Onium - Wikipedia

It's not held freefloating in storage cause things in storage move around and is typically not strictly compartmentalised unless a valk dedicates some mental resources to keeping it like that. Anna already uses some mental resources making sure the streams don't cross between her components, so a few milligrams or kilograms of AM floating around possibly bumping into something and reacting would not be a welcome development in there.
Lol, the funny thing was I was rereading a bit before this, including when Anna got her Onium batteries back, and I thought to myself- 'man, I should probably look up if this Onium is actually a thing, if it's capable of drastically outperforming fusion outputs for a short while and is a dangerous explosive it's probably pretty cool' and then forgot, before thinking 'hey man, wouldn't some antimatter be just what Anna needs to spice up her life'. :V

I guess it just goes to know, Durga really does know what Anna truly needs. Also, Anna has seriously considered, and quite possibly has used in the past,Antimatter ERA. I don't even. :jackiechan:- I guess I can't say it *wouldn't* work.
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Meanwhile Arcology, and possibly Space Battleship valks could probably use Black Holes as energy storage.
(DO NOT completely drain the battery.)