If it actually does, I would recommend the 300 just learn it, then hover somewhere out of the way/safe and pick a random type-0 to shoot all at once. Then regain impeller and do it again until they run out of targets.

So I think it won't actually have infinite range. Or at least not the ability to be aimed perfectly at that range.

"any range" is probably just a term for "anything in sensing range is close enough."

But maybe not. Our weapons can hit one side of germany from the other side, or we could be at a point where we can shoot anywhere in britain without moving.

Valk combat scales are insane anyway.

The bolt of Wave Force generated by the Blue variant might actually have infinite range, in the sense that the bolt maintains coherency indefinitely, but the pulse still only propagates at the speed of light, so, a target that moves semi-randomly can apply a functional upper limit on range. Given the speeds that high grade Valks typically fight at, the maximum effective range for any target worth the effort to deploy a Wave Force strike is likely well under a light-second*.

*or 20 and change earth diameters, so for our purposes, let's just leave it at 'infinite'
If it actually does, I would recommend the 300 just learn it, then hover somewhere out of the way/safe and pick a random type-0 to shoot all at once. Then regain impeller and do it again until they run out of targets.

So I think it won't actually have infinite range. Or at least not the ability to be aimed perfectly at that range.

"any range" is probably just a term for "anything in sensing range is close enough."

But maybe not. Our weapons can hit one side of germany from the other side, or we could be at a point where we can shoot anywhere in britain without moving.

Valk combat scales are insane anyway.
We literally can shoot thorugh the earth with it, it has no upper range and nothing can stop it.
@Avalanche Did not think about this.
Doesn't Wave Force also shred any impeller it touches? Because I think that's actually part of the power of it. Blue Wave, assuming it maintains that property, means any Type Zero in combat with any ace could get sniped by a Blue Wave and immediately killed by literally any weapon.
Doesn't Wave Force also shred any impeller it touches? Because I think that's actually part of the power of it. Blue Wave, assuming it maintains that property, means any Type Zero in combat with any ace could get sniped by a Blue Wave and immediately killed by literally any weapon.
The more relevant factor is destroying higgs reaction mass.
Antagonists don't use impeller, just lots and lots of higgs.
Doesn't Wave Force also shred any impeller it touches? Because I think that's actually part of the power of it. Blue Wave, assuming it maintains that property, means any Type Zero in combat with any ace could get sniped by a Blue Wave and immediately killed by literally any weapon.
It expends all of Anna's impeller (and an arm) but it destroy all Higgs it hits. Specifically hit.
We literally can shoot thorugh the earth with it, it has no upper range and nothing can stop it.
@Avalanche Did not think about this.
No I thought about it. You can waste as much time spending in quest time shooting Blue Wave pulses at a Breach as you want once you get it.

At least until the stupidity of such a pointless action becomes OOC and Anna stops on her own that is.
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Really, the best use of Blue Wave is as a threat. Suddenly the antagonists cannot afford to have any type 0 be severely damaged without risking it getting sniped by Blue Wave. That limits their ability to take risks.
Which is why I've been saying that Red Wave is better for the G-Gun
It's wrong to say either is better.
Red is better for the G-Bomb.
It's going to need aspects of both in order to create a working gun though: No point building a bigger blast if its zero range, no point adding greater range (or whatever the upgrades for blue are) if it can't take out the target.
Indeed, whether it's 'infinite range piercing boolet' or 'I cast fireball centered on myself', it's still non-optimal for a static weapon on the moon meant to take out breaches.
About the HPP

Why cant Anna just make more?

She made 10 after all
She didn't make them. They were the result of Duraga incrementally improving the original guns using Valk magic, over the course of the years she was fighting for.
I forget what the explanation that she cannot make more is (as she does understand them to some extent) however my guess would be that human and even Valk tools are insufficient.

E: Despite what others are saying I don't believe that it is necessary to begin from square one. The development of the hyper velocity canons will probably end in the same HPP's however are significantly further along. Assuming the same schedule we had in Canada my guess is it'd only be two or three years before we have replaced the HPPs...
Of course by then the HPP's will probably be HPPP's and will shoot Heavy Particle Projectors rather than just Heavy Particles. :V:V:V
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Anna can't just make more HPPs because she doesn't want to waste 3-4 years out in the boonies fighting to make another one. Assuming she'd be pressed hard enough to make it in that short enough period of time again, which isn't a safe assumption.