This movie is one of the greatest things I've ever seen; some people call it a timeless tale of growing up, and dealing with opposition from your society, and I agree with those summations.
This movie is about a girl named Anna; she lives in the place formerly known as Alaska, and she has a sister. I would talk about her, but she's pretty much completely unimportant.
Anna has a cool shiny thing, Anna tells us; apparently, it's called a "Valkyrie Core", hence the movie's name.
We see her going around the village, and how she goes around, fixing stuff. And then, in the middle of doing so, a swarm of robots show up! They're called antagonists, apparently, and they are very evil and mysterious.
You can tell here that the movie is using various storytelling devices, such as foreshadowing, dramatic irony, and symbolism. This is why it won the Sufficiently Summer Users' Choice. Even though the author was just some guy on the internet.
The author's name is...well, we don't know their name, but they go by 'Avalanche', and they're probably really well-known on the forum they frequent, now.
Anyway, so getting back to the movie, Anna tells her mom and sister to "Stay back!" and let her do all the fighting. Then, a black thing covers her, and suddenly, she's a robot! She then proceeds to fight the antagonists, and they're like: "There's no way you can defeat us!" and Anna's like: "Oh really? Well, take this!" and then the battle's over. But Anna knows they'll be back...someday.
This is where things start getting a little more hazy.
The next morning, Anna decides to go out into the forest and look for treasure. But too late! An antagonist found it first; they say, "I'll be back, but first, I'm taking this treasure!" and Anna (a girl) yells, "Not so fast, antagonist!" and she becomes the black robot from before.
The antagonist replies, "Well, too bad, I'm keeping the treasure, and there's no way you'll be able to catch me on my flying narwhal!" and then, they jump on their flying narwhal, which is actually radioactive. But before they can get up off the ground with the treasure, a Type Zero swoops in and steals it!
The antagonist is like, "No way!" and flies up into the air, pulling out their particle projector., a laser gun. Well, actually, it's a particle projector laser sword...with guns on it. Oh, and it shot other swords.
Anyway, the antagonist flies all the way up to its airship, which has cannons, oars, guns, and other antagonists. The airship's logo glistened in the bright, morning sun. There was a lens flare, and motion blurs!
The Type-Zero is just like, "Yeah right, no one can kill a Type-Zero!"
Anna watches on with a skeptical look, and begins to formulate a plan, while the antagonists fight the Type-Zero.
The airship opened fire on the Type-Zero, and after minutes of awesomeness, the Type-Zero is completely enveloped by smoke. When it cleared, they were shocked to see that the Type-Zero was completely unharmed. And, it had even grown another head!
The extra head opened its mouth, as if to talk, but instead, it let out a tremendously loud and angry yell that could be heard from outer space!
The Type-Zero then shot giant lightsabers at the ship, and the antagonists yelled, "We're going to explode!"
And then they exploded, just as they predicted.
As the antagonists fell, they tried to land on their radioactive flying narwhals, but they missed. They fell a thousand feet to the ground, but somehow survived.
The antagonists approached Anna and asked for her assistance in killing the Type-Zero, and she said; "Nope. You stole my treasure."
But she went with them anyways. Only with Anna, was it possible to kill the Type-Zero; only she believed in herself.
Just then, Anna got a message from her Valkyrie Core; apparently, after analyzing the structure of the Type-Zero, it came to a conclusion: the only way to kill a Type-Zero, was to hit it.
With the moon.
She revealed this information to the group, and shocked everybody.
Now that they had a battle plan, they could begin their crusade against the Type-Zero. Now it was on...hardcore.
They got on their radioactive flying narwhals, except for Anna, who remembered that she could fly without a narwhal. They went up, and up, and up, eventually getting out of the Earth's atmosphere. They were surprised to find not one, not two, but an entire swarm of Type-Zeros.
This sets the stage for the climax.
The climax in a movie or a piece of literature, is generally preceded by a constant 'rising action', and continues until it reaches a sort of resolution. This is followed by denouement, which is French for "The End".
It's because of literary devices like these, that Avalanche won the Sufficiently Summer Users' Choice.
In any case, they needed to open a path through the armada, and it was decided that Anna would lead the way. She started gathering energy between her palms, and yelled, as the antagonists distracted the Type-Zeros.
An enormous hole appeared in the swarm of Type-Zeros, and the antagonists began to enact their plan.
They made a giant chain of titanium (which is really strong), which they connected to the moon. They then began pulling as hard as they could, trying to get it to smash into the Type-Zeros.
Anna was angry; she knew this plan wouldn't work. She knew that the only way to get the moon to hit the Type-Zeros was by using the Kamehameha wave a second time.
And so, she did.
When the dust settled, almost everyone was dead. Except for Anna.
She learned a lot about friendship that day, and about growing up, and about how society sometimes oppresses us.
And that's why Avalanche won the Sufficiently Summer Users' Choice of 2015.
Oh, and Anna went on to live a peaceful life on the moon.
Thank you for listening to my synopsis of Valkyrie Core: The Movie, and have a good day/night/evening/whatever.