*Prods Mechanics in annoyance*
*Dice explode into face*
*Microsoft Excel beckons seductively from the taskbar*
It's that time ladies and gentlemen. The mechanics, created by a first time GM who had and still has no idea what he is doing has grown too eldritch for me to work with.
Imma gonna overhaul the background stuff, cut it down and change manner of resolution of conflicts.
Hard dice numbers for modifiers will be stripped from the front page with only a numerical scale based on skill left. It will be vague as the new system will be much more narratively based. In other words, I'm giving RNGesus the boot.
Training aggregation will be left alone, so you will still have the option to improve stuff. However, gains are now locked rather than rolled. The progression system of this quest is fine, just the combat rolls are stupid.
There is also an argument that the progression system of this quest is not great, simply because Anna being Anna. Such arguments will be... considered entirely valid but eh.
Combat rolls.
I have literally had to do dozens of rolls per round, multiplicatively increasing based on enemy numbers due to way I formatted group combat before. Simply put, the system can't cope with Anna. Well, at least, not with Anna alongside teammates. Works fine for duels, group combat is a total mess.
Combat choices will be thus. Players will write in plans, the most popular will be taken under consideration by Anna and weighted on their relative popularity and Anna's feelings at that point. If needed, I will give IC feedback during vote counts on how plausible a plan will be.
Remember a few lines above how I said I was giving RNGesus the boot? Well... not completely. There will be one dice roll left. Because you have something they didn't. Can you guess? Luck.
Most Special modifiers will be shifted into a skills tab on the character sheet and extra details under the valkyrie frame, "Frame Properties"/"Equipment Modifiers" will be added. Special Modifiers are now reserved for Modifiers formerly labled "Unique"
TL;DR: This quest will be shifting to a near complete narrative system. Standby.