Did this go full Crysis 2 the novel? And Anna is now basically a part of the suit?
Some fanmade theories include that Anna's organic body is already just one of the many things Durga is maintaining alongside her weapon and sensor systems (probably due to the long time she spent fighting).
It's no longer merely a "body" but a "meat puppet used for interacting with humanity", which has been modified here and there for efficiency.

Then again, that might be too morbid, so instead... we have that "two saplings growing together side by side" metaphor.
Hey, is Anna functionally immortal at this point?

Valkyrie enhancements seem to outpace aging, so Valkyries in general are immune to aging. It seems Anna still keeps her memories in her brain, though, and even if she didn't, a powerful enough attack could conceivably damage Durga to the point reconstitution is unfeasable, so she's not unkillable.
We probably won't find out until we get a medical exam...

Mannnnn I can't wait to see what Red and Blue Shift do!

Kinda hoping if we do win, the GM will set up a new quest thread for our 'Spin Off' Show, (And from comments from the GM, probably one with a much simpler combat system that isn't Arcane #'s.)
Kinda hoping if we do win, the GM will set up a new quest thread for our 'Spin Off' Show, (And from comments from the GM, probably one with a much simpler combat system that isn't Arcane #'s.)

But we're still a side character trying to get our own spinoff in that show, while Anna's the NPC main character? Or would it be based on a Viewer Ratings system instead of a Character Relevance one, where failure to be engaging results in cancelation?
Kinda hoping if we do win, the GM will set up a new quest thread for our 'Spin Off' Show, (And from comments from the GM, probably one with a much simpler combat system that isn't Arcane #'s.)
People disparage using large amounts of numbers in the quests I've seen so far, but I don't really understand it. It's like saying a person is less functional or nice to be around because you understand how their skeletal structure works. It's only when the numbers confuse the GM enough that it hinders their writing that they become a problem.
But we're still a side character trying to get our own spinoff in that show, while Anna's the NPC main character? Or would it be based on a Viewer Ratings system instead of a Character Relevance one, where failure to be engaging results in cancelation?

Gotta be the second one. Gotta balance our training with awesome fight scenes and stuff. SV must balance MOAR DAKKA and Slice Of Life Scenes.
A tough task to be sure.

People disparage using large amounts of numbers in the quests I've seen so far, but I don't really understand it. It's like saying a person is less functional or nice to be around because you understand how their skeletal structure works. It's only when the numbers confuse the GM enough that it hinders their writing that they become a problem.

It's more that it might just be too hard on single GM's to keep track of systems that the system probably needs to be simplified. So yeah.
That's what it sounded like from some of the posts made.
It's been... 3... 4? Days so far...

So let's see..

And we've gotten 3 to 6 points on the electives so far...

I'd say then we'd roughly hit 900~ In a month or so for our top two skills. I'd say we'd hit 160~ or so for the other two in that time.

And we'd probably get the first 'level' or 'info trick' or whatever from all the electives in that month.

Gotta admit reading the elective scenes are fun. Especially the Baking one.


For true bread baking silliness. (This would make great OVA comedy.)
one of the more useful looking classes was Demolitions, but I think we should also look into taking something artistic and constructive
So, promising looking electives list time, I guess, I shall divide it into ones we have visited and ones we have not. list is found in post 4
Visited: (Anna has had notably positive experiences with these)
Car Modeling
Not Yet Visited: (these might bear practical skill benefits or be good for her mental well being)
Demolitions (rather obvious potential skill benefits)
Fishing? (could help unwind, but I kind of thing Anna might instead multitask)
Kinaesthetics (This looks like it'd be interesting, and potentially very meditative and therapeutic)
Law? (Anna has shown a rather... simple view of things and this might broaden her horizons vis a vis human society in a way other electives might not)
Mu???? (I am dreadfully curious)
Statistics and Math (could theoretically help us conceptualize the math involved in wave force, down the road, though we will likely have an issue not unlike with chess)
Space and Spaceships (Might give us a head start on sharpening our ability to adjust to eventual missions outside the atmosphere)