So, promising looking electives list time, I guess, I shall divide it into ones we have visited and ones we have not. list is found in
post 4
Visited: (Anna has had notably positive experiences with these)
Car Modeling
Not Yet Visited: (these might bear practical skill benefits or be good for her mental well being)
Demolitions (rather obvious potential skill benefits)
Fishing? (could help unwind, but I kind of thing Anna might instead multitask)
Kinaesthetics (This looks like it'd be interesting, and potentially very meditative and therapeutic)
Law? (Anna has shown a rather... simple view of things and this might broaden her horizons vis a vis human society in a way other electives might not)
Mu???? (I am dreadfully curious)
Statistics and Math (could theoretically help us conceptualize the math involved in wave force, down the road, though we will likely have an issue not unlike with chess)
Space and Spaceships (Might give us a head start on sharpening our ability to adjust to eventual missions outside the atmosphere)