@Avalanche , question. You said that the stronger the AG, the more advanced the technology that they're made out of, right? So, just to be clear here, the AG are engaging in autowar, right?
Guys, I think I just found a viable mid-season upgrade for us, beyond our technology that'll probably be done repairing by then:
We take a Type 18, chosen for their mastery of spacial manipulation because that's incredibly useful,
and. We. Integrate It.
Reasoning: it's technology, we want it's capabilities, and we're awesome enough to capture one intact enough for Durga to incorporate and remember any useful bits that make it so good at what it does. It's also probably more politically -and morally-acceptable than eating another Valkyrie Core, especially when it's been proven that they can have personalities.
Truly, there is nothing that can go wrong with this plan. I'm not even joking. It'd just take a long while because it'd eat complexity like nobody's business.