Well, first you need to establish some facts, like if Anna is in one of the 300, for example.

I think she meant the frame instead of the ranking.

Yeah, just because she's first in line doesn't mean she's necessarily, you know, psychologically prepared to swap over.

My personal theory is based on this; we know that the only advantages 300 frames have over normal ones are their Synchronization excellency (If you can use a Valkyrie core, any core, you can use a 300 frame), and their OP tier weaponry. Based on this, and the fact that normally members of the 300 do not solo minor breaches and Class E (Or was it C?) Type Zeroes, I can only conclude that:

Durga, with her preferred equipment (Was it eight or ten Heavy particle accelerator cannons?) is on the level of a 300 frame, or close enough that Anna's mad skills can make up the difference, and Anna's transcendent offense puts her the rest of the way towards being the most powerful Valkyrie in the world (Once again, provided that she has her preferred loadout, which is currently being dissembled in a lab to figure out how the heck it works, or still being repaired and won't be ready for another month).

It's not saying that much, though, because I don't think she can take on two 300 frames, and you need 10-40 to just drive off the average type zero. It just means that if the concept of dueling ever takes off in this 'verse because the writers need more drama, Anna is going to stomp anybody who has the time to challenge her rather than be off fighting antagonists.
It's not saying that much, though, because I don't think she can take on two 300 frames

Depends on the engagement. Anna is probably highly experienced in ensuring it's she that dictates the pace of the engagement through hit and run tactics, camouflage and short and long range speed. She is also not to be underestimated in sheer flight and combat skill, as well as resourcefulness (I mean, look at the latest post. She hijacked the missiles').

However, the 300 frames would have an army behind them, and Anna, for all her skill, hasn't gone against a rough equal for years until she fought Sekhmet and the Saskatoon Breach. She's not up against just a large bunch of Antagonists here.

Well I ment that she would be stuck as a living armor for the rest of her life and be forced to watch everything she knows and loves die from old age while she continues to stand a lonely vigil for mankind until the end of time but this is fine too. Also class A HAH the final boss is obviously gonna be class S.:V
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Well I ment that she would be stuck as a living armor for the rest of her life and be forced to watch everything she knows and loves die from old age while she continues to stand a lonely vigil for mankind until the end of time but this is fine too. Also class A HAH the final boss is obviously gonna be class S.:V

That's Obviously just the season two finale, dude.

After that we'll have about a year and a half with nothing but Manga versions, Light Novels based around other squadrons filled with backstory and, of course, the non-canon cutesy spin-offs.

Then comes season three, where the main characters are transferred to a Top Secret quick response squad along with a few other secondary characters that were part of the Canon spin-offs.

Anna will spend half the season as a Virtual Girl, hacking things and controlling Drones, only to come back just in time to save everyone in her new and improved human body.

And of course, Durga couldn't help but make a few enhancements to... certain places, because even if this is a mostly serious Anime, it is still a Harem Anime and stuff like that is to be expexted.
Hmm spin off harem anime with Anna having the harem (of girls or boys or both it don't matter). Just because the idea of a girl supposedly part of an MC's harem in harem anime would get her own is highly amusing.
We need to go deeper.

Trap!Koujirou with a Harem of guys from the Arcology, along with a few girls from the Academy?

Anna being followed around by a gaggle of Kouhais who she does her absolute best to ignore?

Shuri blushing and fidgeting because of the guys from the local Host club in the Arcology are trying to woo her? (Possibly because they were hired by Sandra to troll her best friend?)
Kinda sad that my "list-based-caring-for-the-wounded" did not win, so sad.


The year is 2170 Common Era.
Or 158 years Past Impact if you prefer.
"And we are here on this historic day for the second signing of the Trans Planetary Peace treaty.
With us is general Olivander of the United Forces. Good morning general."
"Morning Jeronica."
"So let's get right to it, after notorious rebel Anna Sanchez interrupted the last negotiations what kind of measures are taken to prevent a repeat attempt?"
"I am glad you asked Jeronica...

Anna survives but she will never allow for a peace treaty between antagonists and humanity... Terrorist!Anna ... or is it RobinHood!Anna ... infiltrators everywhere xD.
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Kinda sad that my "list-based-caring-for-the-wounded" did not win, so sad.


The year is 2170 Common Era.
Or 158 years Past Impact if you prefer.
"And we are here on this historic day for the second signing of the Trans Planetary Peace treaty.
With us is general Olivander of the United Forces. Good morning general."
"Morning Jeronica."
"So let's get right to it, after notorious rebel Anna Sanchez interrupted the last negotiations what kind of measures are taken to prevent a repeat attempt?"
"I am glad you asked Jeronica...

Anna survives but she well never allow for a peace treaty between antagonists and humanity... Terrorist!Anna ... or is it RobinHood!Anna ... infiltrators everywhere xD.
"The war isn't over. It will never be over. Not until every last tear, every last drop of blood has been paid in full. Keep your treaties; ink won't pay for blood."
- Anna Sanchez, before the bombing of the Antagonist embassy.
"The war isn't over. It will never be over. Not until every last tear, every last drop of blood has been paid in full. Keep your treaties; ink won't pay for blood."
- Anna Sanchez, before the bombing of the Antagonist embassy.
Actually printer ink is roughly twice as expensive as human blood. So technically you only need half the amount of blood in ink to repay it in full.[/missingthepoint]
I think anna would be more the type to run off and be a Mysterious-Isolated-Warrior-Hermit-On-A-Mountain than start a revolution if she feels she can no longer work with a group for whatever reason.

Which would then neatly segue into a new arc where young and naive protagonists attempt to convince her to come back for a Big Mission, which naturally seems to fail and they come home empty. Then when everyone is on the Big Mission and things are looking grim, Han soloanna flies in and turns the tide.
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Yeah, just because she's first in line doesn't mean she's necessarily, you know, psychologically prepared to swap over.
Who said anything about swapping over? Anna should stay synchronized to Durga, yes, but does that mean that she can't synchronize with a 300 frame at the same time?

What's that? No one else has ever done that before? Talk to the hand, baby, cause I don't care.