I think we're already broken enough to avoid being Not So Invincible After All
Well, as long as we don't challenge Class C Type-0 anytime soon.

The Deus Exit Machina is bound to happen sooner or later. Anna is after all on the list for the two wtf squads. The brass probably hopes that the situation will stay stable for some time so she can get started on recovering but if something bad happens, and the teachers lounge segment had plenty of potential plot hooks, she will probably be called in.
Unless it's going up against the Class A type-0, going around in-squads means Anna can survive still.
Up against Class D or E type-0 and she can solo them. :V
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I'm wondering if we might want to add Impeller manipulation training with Kojirou next time. He's gotten into the entry techs but developing it by instinct...well look at how he fucked himself up.
I'm wondering if we might want to add Impeller manipulation training with Kojirou next time. He's gotten into the entry techs but developing it by instinct...well look at how he fucked himself up.

I can agree to the impeller training, but I thought he fucked himself up cause he unlocked his safeties. Dat ain't our problem.
Ok, so, how to dodge Deus Exit Machina. We either have to bring the rest of the cast up enough that we're not too OP, make our Deus Exit Machina nonfatal, or get enough done that our Exit is the start of our spinoff. Option 1 will hopefully happen without our input thanks to MC being MC; doing it ourselves risks us becoming The Mentor. Option 2 will almost certainly work once or twice in the form of "Defend Anna until she nukes the fuck out of everything", and even after that we should be able to survive if we manage to be seen in the distance murdering a Type-0. Option 3 is nearly ideal.
fuse with other valkyries
And MC will form the head!
You know, one way you can do the 'Valkyrie Frame Intelligence' thing is by having a choral section of the background music constantly whispering status updates in the audience's ears in an indistinguishable stream of noise. It wouldn't be easy to make it work though.

Of course, when a frame speaks up the harmonics just 'work out' from the background music to come to the point of communication.
I can agree to the impeller training, but I thought he fucked himself up cause he unlocked his safeties. Dat ain't our problem.
He fucked himself up because:
-V-Max acceleration for the first time. Force of acceleration crushes him
-He THEN pumps that Impeller Field he was using to endure the acceleration into the construction of a plasma sword.
-And he overrides the Simulator safeties that would have kept him from fucking himself up.

In live combat this is exactly what would have happened, he blew away his Impeller field(which is pretty much all of his defenses) and took massive damage to get up close and pegs the enemy with a powerful melee attack that would in theory destroy the opponent and knock him out.

Sounds familiar?
I'm wondering if we might want to add Impeller manipulation training with Kojirou next time. He's gotten into the entry techs but developing it by instinct...well look at how he fucked himself up.
Well, that training would definitely involve "Koji, try to stay put okay?" and then Anna whacks him away using Impeller Field.

In live combat this is exactly what would have happened, he blew away his Impeller field(which is pretty much all of his defenses) and took massive damage to get up close and pegs the enemy with a powerful melee attack that would in theory destroy the opponent and knock him out.

Sounds familiar?
Nope, we don't get knocked out, just missing an arm. Half of it even.
Well, that training would definitely involve "Koji, try to stay put okay?" and then Anna whacks him away using Impeller Field.
Well...he's used to being smacked by girls.

Nope, we don't get knocked out, just missing an arm. Half of it even.

That'd be what the training is for.

Static Wave:
Level 1: Upon success roll, remove all available Impeller Field, all available Higgs and take 1 frame damage to deal damage equal to maximum dice pool to one target at Zero range.
114/900 to level 2

Impeller Field:
Plasma Shaping
Explosive Redirection
Plasma Shaping ho~
Been thinking about it, and we seriously don't have to worry about Worf. The audience doesn't know that Wave Force Manipulation exists. They don't know that the superweapon patterned off it exists. Unless we had enough relevance for our visit to the teacher's lounge to have been its own segment, they've never even heard the words for any of them. We're the mysterious prototype for a top-secret superweapon that's still secret. We're Worf-immune until the WFM comes out, and that can't happen until they hear about the superweapon, and even then WFM won't be used until an episode closes with the G-Gun being destroyed and everybody wailing about the plan falling apart. We've got at least two major plot points between us and Worf, so good for probably two seasons of being ludicrously OP.
I like this logic.
Ok, so, how to dodge Deus Exit Machina. We either have to bring the rest of the cast up enough that we're not too OP, make our Deus Exit Machina nonfatal, or get enough done that our Exit is the start of our spinoff. Option 1 will hopefully happen without our input thanks to MC being MC; doing it ourselves risks us becoming The Mentor. Option 2 will almost certainly work once or twice in the form of "Defend Anna until she nukes the fuck out of everything", and even after that we should be able to survive if we manage to be seen in the distance murdering a Type-0. Option 3 is nearly ideal.
And MC will form the head!
The real problem is that if the combat rating is linear we are expected to be at least two Shuris, and god help us if it's exponential, how the hell are we going to make ourselves not too OP? Our best shot is to try and sideline any combat, i.e no tournament which is actually IC, try and resolve things peacefully, and always only step in at the last possible moment.

As for the non fatal Deus exit, if we die, the only way it will happen is if we're doing a heroic sacrifice or caught ebola. We're too powerful for any reasonable fight but not for the common virus. The most likely reason we'd drop out is if someone decided we couldn't do the three year course as we're needed elsewhere (or plot demands it). As it stands I think UN vaguely approves of us going slow as two extra years to have an emotionally stable super soldier seems less risky than one for a potentially crazy one, so barring something major like a load of breeches opening up we're good.

As for 3? We need to be memorable, given that there are more than a few of us wishing this was an anime I think we're on our way.
The real problem is that if the combat rating is linear we are expected to be at least two Shuris, and god help us if it's exponential, how the hell are we going to make ourselves not too OP?
There's also that I suspect Anna's actually higher than that because the scale the UN has can't calculate her score.

As for the non fatal Deus exit, if we die, the only way it will happen is if we're doing a heroic sacrifice or caught ebola. We're too powerful for any reasonable fight but not for the common virus.
Didn't Avalanche said something about being a Valk makes you harder to get sick too?
Ebola aint strong enough to kill us.
Purple Haze probably is, but that thing is a story breaker that is luckily not in this universe.

Unless we're secretly in a post MiH JoJo setting, which would make certain things a lot more horrifying.
The real problem is that if the combat rating is linear we are expected to be at least two Shuris, and god help us if it's exponential, how the hell are we going to make ourselves not too OP?

Well going by the numbers at maximum capacity we are 4d6-4 + 4d6+12+2+2 for an average of 40 compared to Shuri's, post healing, 4d6-4 + 3d4+7 with an average of 24.5.

So technically we are 1.6 Shuris by the numbers.

Our combat score is likely >2 Shuris because the relative increase in power between each point likely decreases with the number of points. The reason being that big gaps in skill are pretty easy at the lower levels but the higher you are the more narrow the difference between pilots so the more fine the system needs to be.
Or maybe something like Vandread, where he can fuse with other valkyries?
Vandread, where the fusion was pretty much explicitly a metaphor for sex and the control scheme of the fusion was indicative of the relationship between the pilots? Heck, it even maintains Vandread's thing of requiring the singular male pilot to initiate fusion if he has that ability.
I like how when Anna manoeuvres, she pushes her Impeller field hard enough to fission those air molecules unfortunate enough to be caught up in it. And the whole 'so used to flying by instruments, she doesn't even notice when her eyes aren't working' thing.

Also, goodness gracious me that was a curbstomp and a half. This is probably going to do wonders for Anna's unwanted reputation.
("Eat your loaves and maybe you too can be as badass as Bread-chan!" / "Holy shit, that guy just broke himself trying to keep up with her!")
Well going by the numbers at maximum capacity we are 4d6-4 + 4d6+12+2+2 for an average of 40 compared to Shuri's, post healing, 4d6-4 + 3d4+7 with an average of 24.5.

So technically we are 1.6 Shuris by the numbers.

Our combat score is likely >2 Shuris because the relative increase in power between each point likely decreases with the number of points. The reason being that big gaps in skill are pretty easy at the lower levels but the higher you are the more narrow the difference between pilots so the more fine the system needs to be.
Skill levels probably play a role too though as they give more options and are more efficient. Our teleport for example uses less Higgs or Impeller than Shuris. Also the unique skills like Transcendent Offense, Avalanche has said that we can currently access this at critical plot.
Vandread, where the fusion was pretty much explicitly a metaphor for sex and the control scheme of the fusion was indicative of the relationship between the pilots? Heck, it even maintains Vandread's thing of requiring the singular male pilot to initiate fusion if he has that ability.
I never thought the fusion was a metaphor for sex. Oo And I was an horny teenager when I first watched the show. (Though, I hated the show. The dubbing was so terrible. My ears were bleeding everytime the main character opened his mouth.)
I like how when Anna manoeuvres, she pushes her Impeller field hard enough to fission those air molecules unfortunate enough to be caught up in it.

Hm? That would mean it happened every time she maneuvered. I think what is actually happening is:
Small vents opened from the backpack, thruster ports, generally only used by the Higgs engine for a speed boost, though your fusion engine could dump it's hydrogen plasma through those vents for a similar but somewhat more… violent effect.

Anna was dumping reactor plasma, which would still be highly radioactive, as an afterburner when she needed extra speed.


In fact we even have evidence that was what she was doing:
Suddenly, a bright flash of white envelopes Anna's frame-

[Radiation Warning]

Then she was flying in a completely different direction altogether, a snarling, boiling trail of exhaust firing out behind her frame.
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Anna was dumping reactor plasma, which would still be highly radioactive, as an afterburner when she needed extra speed.
Oh yeah. That makes a bit more sense. I thought that she was basically accelerating hard enough on the sharp turns that she needed to finesse her I-field to avoid non-trivial physical damage, and that was what caused the radiation (since it was mentioned back at the start that onlining an I-field can be catastrophic for anything caught in it at the time, including the air), but your explanation is simpler.

Also, on a re-read, I noticed this little bit from just before Koji tried his all-or-nothing gambit:
Anna's particle cannons snap up and point right at you-

[Severe Radiation Warning! Ensure Impeller Integrity!]
That was a bloody close call there, mate. You are extremely lucky that Anna thinks as fast as she reacts.
Kinda surprised that you managed to get Kousenjoubi. I mangled the romanisation for that one quite a bit.
Thanks, I'm a bit of a mythology nerd, to the point where I've got books and references to various regions...hmm, that reminds me, Australian Mythologies need to be gathered. Anyways, this Quest caught me as I was slowly leaving Japanese Myths and Legends behind, so yeah. ^^

Anna's eyes had already burned out at this point from staring at close range laser beam with no impeller obstructing. However, this shouldn't be that visible, damage wise. It's just retinas. You would need close inspection to see this because her eyes would not be responding to stimuli or focusing properly.
...huh, so my initial instincts were right, only the damage would not have been seen by the audience, only the Instructor's eyes widening in shock as she looked at (and through) Durga's visor.

People, about the Ame no Murakumo, it isn't just the Kusanagi, it was also involved in the creation of Japan. Now then, you know what the power of creation is? Fusion.
The Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi was the sword Susano-wo found in the body of the Yamato-no-Orochi. The one you're thinking of is the Amenonuhoko (The Heavenly Jewelled Spear, usually depicted as a naginata) that Izanagi-no-Mikoto used to stir the primordial waters to raise the first island, Onogoro-Shima.
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