Omake - Kinematics - BUT THE STATS!
Probably going to end up with Anna doing it as a Flight bonding exercise.
Possibly an Interlude with the rest of her flight after they manage to crack the Group impeller exercise, upon which they realise she doesn't have a heartbeat, panic and she has to undergo a proper medical to reassure them.
Would love to see them huddling in a corner under a depression cloud, muttering something about, "One thousand kilometers... seven centimeters... one millisecond..." after Anna recounts the statistics she determined from her prior test.


"But why would you do that?" Sandra asked, concern written on her face. "Surely the difference couldn't be that... significant." She seemed to have a hard time getting that last word out.

"Enabling involuntary systems degraded performance significantly," explained Anna. "Average target deviation increased by a factor of 10, and average time to acquire target lock increased by a factor of 8."

"10?! That's huge!" Kojiro blurted out. "That's like... like..." Kojiro struggled to find a frame of reference for the number. "I mean... Uh. How far off is that?"

"Heavy Particle Projectors would have a mean deviation of 73 centimeters at a distance of 1000 kilometers, and take a full 6 milliseconds to acquire target lock," Anna clarified. "Non-independent systems would have a mean deviation of 92 meters at 1000 kilometers, and would take 114 milliseconds to be ready."

Kojiro nodded along, looking contemplative as he tried to work out the ramifications. It took several seconds longer than the other flight members for his eyes to widen, joining the rest of them in looking at Anna in disbelief. "73 centimeters!? At 1000 kilometers?! That's how close you can get by disabling your heart and stuff?!"

Anna merely shook her head. "No. That is the lower accuracy rate, after re-enabling my involuntary bodily systems. Though that does not account for the additional effects on my acceleration profile, should food be retained in my digestive system. It is rather troublesome," she complained with a small frown.

"So that means... 7 centimeters?" Setsuna faintly stammered. "And under 1 millisecond to acquire lock?"

Anna nodded. "Approximately. Closer to 7.5 centimeters, actually."

Everyone was then startled at Yukari when she smacked Kojiro on the back of the head. "No!" she stated, quite firmly, while shaking a finger at him.

"What? But—" Kojiro tried to respond.

"No!" Yukari repeated.

"But you don't even know what I—!"

"No!" Yukari commanded with finality.

Kojiro hung his head and pouted, while Setsuna glared at him after realizing what Yukari had been so prescient about. Meanwhile Sandra wrapped an arm around Anna, attempting to comfort her, whereas Shuri had acquired a more calculating look as she examined the redhead.
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Omake - Onmur - The Three Hundred and Sixteen
Have a thing that's been in my head for days.

The cafeteria is nearly empty when you arrive. You roused before your mysterious recorded message could wake you up, thus you find yourself almost alone while choosing your breakfast; only a few cadets sit around, none of which seem to pay you any attention.

It doesn't keep you from feeling self-conscious when you pass by the large assortment of breads. You're relatively certain nobody sees you glare at the bread. For daring to exist.

... Bacon it is. Delicious, delicious, bacon.

It feels somewhat wrong, eating alone today. Quiet, without Kourijou's and Setsuna's bickering. Or Yukari's counter-bickering while keeping those two in line.

It also feels... Less?... Darker?... You don't know how to describe the lack of Sandra's presence, but you feel it.

Apparently, your flight has grown on you in the past months. Like a fungus?

At least it also means Shuri's fanclub isn't around?

As if summoned by your thoughts, you notice a group of girls peeking around the cafeteria's doors, making frantic motions amongst themselves while shooting glances at your table.

... Except that Shuri's fans know they can approach her any time. If it was her they're after, they wouldn't be so cagey.

Maybe they're waiting on Koujirou? Plenty of cadets seem to want his attention, so that's a possibility-

"Uh, hello miss Sanchez!"

"Call me Anna," you respond automatically as your delusion ends. You push down the ball of anxiety in your stomach. It's just a cadet who wants to talk with you. A nervous, fidgeting cadet who's fumbling for words. This doesn't have to have a sinister meaning, right? Just because some cadets like to cause trouble doesn't mean it has to happen now.

"I wanted to..." the cadet shoots a pleading look back at her friends, but finds no help there. Oh no, do they want you to practice with them? To... fight them? You can't. Why do they keep asking? "UM!" The cadet startles as you tense, ready to escape, no, advance in the opposite direction of the developing situation- "I wanted to wish you good luck and let you know we support you fully!" the cadet bows and yells loud enough for everyone to hear.

"... OK?"

Your fleeing plan comes to a confused halt as you watch the cadet redden and run back to her friends, the whole group patting her back and giggling and running off and what the bless was that about?

It's with a little dread that you check the local network. Two miliseconds later, that little dread becomes a big whole lot of oh no why, nope nope nope.


Bread-chan is OP OP and deserves a 300 frame!
Page 119 of 119

Thread started 2h ago.


>>>Cadet Phoebe Ross
Signed the petition so fast.​


>>>Cadet Maya Henry
Bread-chan for president! First, we force the UN to give her the 300 frame she deserves. Then, the world!​



You can't close the thread fast enough.

A petition. For getting you a 300 frame. For you. Who doesn't want one. You're fine with Durga. Why this? Whose idea was it to do this? Why? They want to take Durga away.

Your thoughts whirl in a loop and before you know it, you're locked back in your room, crawling under your blankets and wishing the world would start making sense.

Maybe you can shift to the classroom once classes start? And then back? And never have to go out into the hallways where there's people who make no sense?


As it turned out, you weren't given permission to teleport from and to your room all you wanted.

You try your best to ignore the extra looks and murmurs around you today. It seems everyone wants to talk about you. You could deal with that, but not with them trying to make you change frames. You like Durga. Durga is life.

"Tell me if you need me to crack some heads," Shuri grunts.

You appreciate the intention, you really do, specially as the girl -and the rest of your flight- seem to have taken it upon themselves to form a barrier all around you, physically keeping people from approaching you. Setsuna exploding at some second year cadets for bullying 'poor, nice, awkward Anna' was bad enough once.

But you really don't want anyone's heads to get cracked.

"Worry not, Anna," Sandra smiles at you as if reading you mind, while laying a calming hand on Shuri's shoulder. "I am certain this whole situation will die down soon. I'm doing my best to appease your... unrequited fervant suporters. It would help if you made a statement. I could help you with it?"

Haaaaa. You look away, unable to hold Sandra's kind, well-meaning gaze. You, make a statement. As if that had ever worked.

But maybe with Sandra's help, people would listen to you, for once?

No, not when they get like this.

You're about to enter your classroom when your eyes just so happen to wander over Koujirou's datapad. 'Almost greenlit! We need more people!' '300 Bread-chan is go!' 'You know this won't actually work, right?' 'What's Bread-chan's Bread Rating?'

The page count tripled since breakfast.

"Kouji!" Two things happen at the same time: Said boy's head gets smacked and his datapad disappears into Yukari's hands, the third year scolding her brother for being insensitive -Setsuna joining in for good measure-, before turning to leave for her own classroom.

You accept Koujirou's apologies without a thought, not really paying attention as the boy runs after his sister to get his datapad back.

You don't know what to do.

If only you could just... ignore it all. If it were that easy.

You endure the stares and the people trying to talk with you for the rest of the day.


It is late in the evening and you are once again burrowed in the security and comfort of your blanket fort. Safe. Where nobody will try to talk with you, nor make unreasonable demands of you.

Even Instructor Leonhart didn't help. The... unreasonableness has affected too many people, too much. It seems if you can't convince them to stop, you'll have to wait until they stop on their own.

But you can't do that now, can you?

Even if you say no, they won't listen... You just don't know what to do.

Maybe you should just go to sleep early, and deal with this tomorrow? Not like you have a better idea.

Your eyes close and let yourself drift- your eyes snap back open. Wait...


Bread-chan is OP OP and deserves a 300 frame!
Page 1521 of 1521


>>Cadet Lan Yüan Mur
Turns out she's actually pretty nice. Do you think maybe we're bothering her?​


>>Cadet Whitney Jensen
Nonsense, who wouldn't want a 300 frame???​


>>Cadet Anna Sanchez
I acknowledge your demands and promise to take measures.​


>>Cadet Henriëtte Schöttmer
.......HOLY SHIT​


It takes you a few minutes of metaphorical nail-biting and many false starts, but you compose and send the UN a request.

Once you're done, you sigh, feeling a weight partly lift off your shoulders.

You close your eyes once more and drift to sleep...



... You're still tense.

... Seconds turn into minutes...

... You take control of your body functions and force yourself to sleep.


You wake up way earlier than normal, and it takes you a few seconds to remember why.

The instant you do, Durga chimes in that you've got messages.

>>FROM: Cadet Rokusabe Koujirou.

"Well played."
>>FROM: Cadet Kravala Shuri.

You skim the next message, a beautifully composed letter from Sandra, 'Dearest Anna... a clever choice... I hope you achieved what you set out to do...', before all the dread you've felt the whole day yesterday returns with a vengeance.

You check the net.


Valkyrie Frame "Durga" exceptionally re-classified as a 300 frame!
Page 1484 of 1484


>>Cadet Henriëtte Schöttmer
We've been fucking had so hard, it's beautiful!​


>>Cadet Shifra Lyon
i can't believe this unprecedented sugar it's bullshoes how the frick does this sheet happen holy carp​


>>Cadet Haizea Karppinen
You can call it what it is. B U L L S H​


You close the thread.

You drop your head on your hands.

Why can't everyone just be happy?!
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Omake - Tayta Malikai - Tayta’s Nuclear Fever Dream
Someone invoked my name in this thread. This pleases me.

Yesterday I dreamed that someone posted an omake for BAHHSCQ. It was surprisingly coherently written, considering that it was in a dream.

I have attempted to reproduce its contents to the best of my memory below.

Tayta's Nuclear Fever Dream

The ceiling had been torn asunder by Type Zeroes during the First and Second Battles of Sydney, allowing you to see the night sky if you looked through the gash at the right angle. Lightning raged impotently beyond the swirling veil of the clouds, a pale imitation of the nuclear hellfire that burned through the Arcology mere hours earlier.

Naturally, the Parallax powered armour suits your platoon wore were vacuum-sealed to keep out all those nasty radioactive isotopes. Failing that, just before deploying into the combat zone, you'd been dosed up with some of the most powerful anti-rad concoctions ever synthesized inside a Valkyrie's storage space. And then there was your comprehensive suite of implants, which worked to preserve your body's fragile vanilla systems in mysterious ways you still didn't understand after reading the specs. Need to inhibit symptoms of radiation poisoning? There's an implant for that!

Truly, an impressive amount of human and eldritch effort had gone into the technology which allowed you to stand idly inside the bombed-out, irradiated hallways of Sydney's residential tower. The fact that there was still even a tower was further testament to this, albeit reduced to its exotic material superstructure. Long hallways wrapped all around it, their former gloss shining once again under banks of fluorescent lights newly reinstalled by UN Army engineers, only somewhat marred by the occasional residual ion shadow.

At present, you were guarding said engineers while they argued over whether to attempt buffing out the stains with a plasma cloud generator, or simply wait for a Valkyrie to get around to using their Impeller to physically separate the ions from the walls. Personally, you weren't sure that they should bother. Chasing away shadows wouldn't bring back the dead.

Something pinged your motion tracker, but before you could raise either of your arms to shoot at it, your comms suite automatically interrogated and accepted its IFF codes. The tension of being inside an Arcology dead twice over was almost able to overpower your natural soldierly tendency towards boredom, but this time was not that time.

"Hey, Stewart," one of the two returning soldiers greeted you over laser comms, raising her arm casually – an altogether more dangerous gesture when you considered just what was currently mounted on it. "Miss me already?"

"Like ionized rations, Martin," you easily returned. "Still no signal down there then?"

"Not one bar," the other infantryman, Pierce, answered. "AGs blasted all the relays on their way out. We've got the Spiegels for comms, but those are essential traffic only."

"That's a shame. You're missing out on the UNCG session of a decade."


"Oh, yeah," your current partner-in-lounging, Daniel, answered for you. "Pakistan just showed off their brand new nuke-sub. Very shiny, got room for over a hundred SLCMs with MIRVed warheads. India's going fucking ballistic over it… no pun intended."

"Damn, for real?" Martin shoved her way into your midst. "Link me up, I wanna see."

"Me too," Pierce added; and so the four of you were huddled together, powered armours plugged into each other and the nearby relay, so you could watch international politics unfolding on the big screen. Well, small screen really.

"Oof, savage burn," Martin remarked. "Almost nuclear hot, that one."

"You say that, but check it out, this cold war's turning hot!" you commentated. "How will this latest international dispute end? Find out after the commercial break!"

"Great Battle in the streets, UN Ambassadors fistfighting in the sheets," Pierce chortled.

"Oh, but what's this?" Daniel asked rhetorically. "Australia is wading in to break them up! Go, go, Pax Australis!"

"All hail Australia!" you cheered, and then frowned at the holograms playing over your HUD. "Do mine eyes deceive me, or is that a fucking Akubra?"

"I think so," Pierce said. "And look, I think that's a whip he's got in his hand…"

"Seriously?" Martin shook her helmeted head. "Way to represent us on the world stage, old mate…"

"I feel like this just became the kinkiest press conference in history…" Daniel muttered.

"Oh yeah, get in there you fuckin' legend!" you whooped.

"Bloody oath, mate," Pierce also shook his head. "Never thought I'd see something like this in my life…"

Your motion tracker pinged again, and all of you abruptly disconnected from each other to stand up straight again.

It wasn't the Antagonists. It was something much worse.

"You boys and girls having a good laugh, then?" Sergeant Walker's voice chastised you from your internal speakers. "In case you've forgotten, the eyes of this Arcology's dead are upon us."

"Not at all, Sergeant," you answered smoothly. "The scattered radioisotopes of the dead can rest assured that we're keeping a vigilant eye on what used to be their Arcology."

"Is that right? Well then, I'm sure you won't mind heading down there to say hello. It's your turn to patrol."

"Yes, Sergeant," you responded obediently, not wanting to ruin your social credit score through insubordination.

"No way," Daniel complained over the laser comms as the two of you walked away and Walker chewed out the comrades you'd left behind. "That shit was just getting epic!"

"Don't worry, India and Pakistan will still be there when we get back. I think."

Daniel chuckled, and then the two of you settled into silence as you marched down the corridor to the elevator. Your combat reconditioning suppressed all sensation of vertigo as you hopped into the open shaft without a care in the world. An instant later, your suit thrusters fired to slow your descent, depositing you on the lower levels with the gentlest caress of a feather.

This section of the Arcology was a mess. Every surface was slick with rainwater, which poured into the upper levels from rents blasted in the armour plates by directed-energy weapons and eventually drained down here. The surviving illumination panels flickered in time with pulses from secondary generators overlooked by the Antagonists, the post-mortem spasms of a dead Arcology. Your Geiger counter clicked wildly, and suddenly you regretted that offhand radioisotopes comment. Checking your armour's comms, you unsurprisingly received a BANDWIDTH LIMITED – ESSENTIAL COMMS ONLY alert.

As if to emphasize the lack of signal, a flock of Spiegel logistics UGVs trundled past, trailing more fibre-optic cables behind them. With little else to do, you followed them.

There were more of those ionized silhouettes down here. You found yourself keeping an idle eye on Daniel's telemetry as you walked past them. The restructuring was supposed to subdue such sentiment, but you'd known him since your UN Peace Enforcement days in Korea. It'd been a long time since the two of you had played at doctor and policeman, but some things never changed.

"You think they're really going to rebuild this place?" he broke the silence after a while.

"Hm? Well, sure, why wouldn't they?" You couldn't shrug in your armour, so you tried with your voice. "It's not like the location's less valuable just because it's been nuked a few times."

"True. I heard that Murdoch wants to turn it into his personal theme park. He wants to one-up Vo after that whole #DarwinDinos stunt she–"

"Wait, wait, just, hold on for a second." You weren't sure you'd heard correctly. "That old geezer's still alive?"

"Well, yeah!" The gossip seemed to brighten Daniel's mood. "Haven't you heard? He says he's gonna live to seven hundred thousand years old using ValkTech (trademark). I gotta say, I believe him."

"Humans haven't even been alive for seven hundred thousand years," you pointed out. "We might not even be alive in seven, the way this war's going."

"Ooh, be careful," Daniel chortled. "That sort of talk might get you arrested for sedition, you know."

"And spreading conspiracy theories about Murdoch won't?"

"What do you mean theories? Everyone knows he secretly runs UN South East."

"Well okay yeah, but you can't just say that."

"I know you, U-NO-MI, but when there's no signal data is free~"

You sighed and turned away from him. Some things never changed, indeed.

The two of you continued to descend deeper into Sydney's lower levels. In the back of your mind, you marvelled at the irony of what you were doing. Hunting down straggler Antagonists who'd missed the evacuation sirens, just like they did to the humans. It was almost enough to make you anthropomorphize them a little. Did biomechanical aliens from another dimension exchange idiotic banter among themselves as they trudged along on uneventful patrols to root out the enemy? Maybe idiotic beeps and boops…

Around the next corner the halls were completely dark, save for a single ray of light out of a doorway. There were no contacts on your radar or motion tracker, but you sidled up to it carefully nonetheless.

The light was coming from an extraordinarily brightly-lit space of some kind, with high ceilings and a long walkway running down the centre. Fabricated carpet gave way under your boots, and fabricated chairs scattered all over the place, providing ample clutter for Antagonists to hide behind. There was some sort of podium at the far end, and the tables were covered by exquisitely-patterned cloths.

No contacts.

As you started to maneuver around all the furniture to clear the room, something caught your eye. It was a little plastic sign that had been blown over into the corner. Turning it up, it read:

Wedding of
Helen Thompson
and Michael Crawford

You stared at it for an uncharacteristically long while.

"Nice to see that people are still joining together in holy matrimony," Daniel remarked, coming up behind you, "what with the End of Days being upon us and everything."

"I think that whole 'til death do us part thing might've happened a lot sooner than they thought, though," you managed to rejoin, unsure why this civilian casualty in particular seemed to be bothering you so much.

"Sure looks that way. Which reminds me, when are you getting married already? We're not gonna be young forever, y'know."

"Daniel, you and I are both lean, mean, war-fighting, AG-killing machines. We don't do marriage."

"Liza would like to disagree with you."

"Then she can come here and–" Something glinted in the corner of your eye. Checking your sensors showed nothing moving, no radar signatures. "What's that over there?"

"Not sure." Daniel's posture shifted, and your armour detected him activating his laser rangefinder. "Looks like… bones?"

"Let's check it out."

The two of you circled the altar warily, arm-mounted weapons levelled. As far as you could tell, it was a perfectly ordinary and intact human skeleton, lying spreadeagle at the centre of a ring of spotlights. Just the skeleton. It was glowing a little, and your Geiger counter promptly spiked.

"No scorch marks," Daniel observed. "And look, the floor's clean under it. No stains."

"None," you agreed. "Wonder how that might've happened. Some sort of new AG anti-biological weapon? Like, excite the molecules of the human body so that they vaporize, but not so hot that the skeleton is left alone? Bone has a higher melting point than flesh, right?"

"That'd just cause the body to explode and leave blood splatter everywhere," Daniel argued. "And it's not like AGs would clean it up afterwards."

"True." You pondered it for a few moments more, and then shrugged. "Oh, well. Must be some scientific phenomena we haven't heard of yet. Let's go."


Your motion tracker pinged, and you heard the sound of boots clanking and actuators whining. Turning, you were just in time to see another squad of power armoured troops entering the room. Their IFF codes checked out, but the unit insignias on their shoulders were… interesting. What was a medical unit doing all the way down here in Antagonist country?

"Corporal," a Lieutenant Sandberg opened a laser comm channel to your suit. "What are you doing in here?"

What a strange question to ask. "Patrolling for stragglers, sir."

"I see." There was a pause while the medics fanned out to secure the room. "We've got this under control. Return to your patrol."

"Yes, sir." There wasn't really much else you could say.

"What was all that about?" Daniel asked you on laser comms as soon as you moved past them and out of the room.

"Dunno." You watched the dots on your motion tracker. They appeared to converge on the altar, and stay there. "Must be some major scientific discovery the UN wants to pan out. Top secret stuff run by top men."

"That'd make sense. I can really see how an irradiated skeleton is going to contribute to the war effort."

"It makes more sense than UNOMI trying to cover up one of Murdoch's failed attempts to counteract the ageing process. That's what you were gonna suggest, wasn't it?"

"You said it, not me."

"Smartass." The dots moved back and forth across the screen. "Well, I doubt they'll let us stick around here any longer. Let's go."

"Yeah, let's. Maybe we'll actually find some Antagonists to kill."

"That'd be nice, wouldn't it?"

And so the two of you continued further downwards, just two soldiers hunting for their life's meaning in the bombed out, irradiated husk of what was once the very pinnacle of human engineering.


No, I don't really know what it means either.
Omake - commando2341 - Paramecha Valkyries
I saw a comment and got inspired.
[Valkyrie frame integrity beyond tolerances!]
[Pilot health warning!]

Anna Sanchez of Flight 7, Squadron 4, exhaled as she listened to her frame.

It was a good run, Durga.

Slaying the first - and she'd made sure it was the only - Class S Type 0 on the final push by humanity to close the last remaining Major Breach in Tripoli was a good capstone to a long and storied career, alongside her flight mates.

She didn't regret it.

Fragments of speech ran through her shattered communications system.

"An- Hol- we'r -ing to g -ou"

"Sanc - fl - eade - I orde - surv"

She knew they wouldn't make it - the local space was so corroded and shattered that one could forget warping, even approaching in regular flight would shred Impeller fields on the spot as they tried to shield their frames.

Her flight would miss her, but they'd be able to move on. Maybe Koujirou would even notice one of them and start dating.


Nope, impossible.

She should know - she'd run many simulations on whether he'd ever notice. Bless him, but he was denser than a spatial singularity at times.

The involuntary laugh should have hurt, but her physical body was an afterthought at this point.

Durga cut through her internal ramblings.

"Unknown signal detected. Possible escape path. Unknown origination point. Unknown sender. Initiate flight protocols?"


Anna didn't know what to make of it. She'd never expected to come back from this mission and had made peace with it. But suddenly having an option like this?

I don't regret it. I'm content, now.

And yet, as thoughts of her friends - of Sandra, Setsuna, Shuri, Yukari and Koujirou all happy and celebratory - circulated her brain, one unescapable fact remained.

I don't want to die.

She had no idea what lay ahead, but she refused to not take the chance to see her fli - her family - once more.

And as Durga's engines howled in shattered space and rent dimensions joined in irreproducible chance to form an unlikely destination point, two girls screamed in unison before passing out.


A teenaged girl awoke in a sea of green beneath a cloudless sky.

"Where am I?"

A response came from nearby, a faint Canadian accent detectable.

"Within your mind, I believe."

She blinked, looked at where the voice came from. A reasonably tall, heavily scarred woman in her mid 20s with pale red hair and striking eyes in military uniform looked back. There was someone - something? - else present.

"How did you get here?"

"I do not know."

"Who are you and why are we here?"

"My name is Marshal Anna Sanchez of the United Nations Air Force Valkyrie Corps. As for why I am here with you, Durga seems to have accepted you, and so I remain here."

"Durga? I don't understand."

The woman - Anna - tilts her head consideringly.

"Perhaps it is easier to show. It is only fair."

And so the girl learned of Anna's life, her hardships, failures, triumphs in her world. And when Anna was done, she could feel Anna's Valkyrie - her Durga, now - around them, awaiting direction. She could not use Durga as Anna had - nor do the borderline fictional-seeming actions depicted in her memories - but she could feel her compatibility with Durga was high.

Lost, the girl looked to Anna for help. Their worlds were vastly different yet similar in odd parallel. In one, a clear threat in the Antagonists repelled by Valkyrie wielders of superhuman capability. In another, a world forced to come to terms with superhuman individuals fighting amongst themselves. External versus internal conflict. In both worlds, a society creeping towards collapse.

It remained to be seen as to which path the girl's world would follow.

Anna's voice entered hearing once more.

"I saw your memories while you were unconscious. It is why I showed you mine."

The girl ached for someone to share her circumstances with, unwilling to even speak to her father over them. And yet, someone knowing them without her permission was deeply troubling to her, even as she was thankful for Anna's reciprocity.

"What should I do now?"

As Anna turned and looked at her for the first time, truly saw her, her voice echoed even as her mind slipped from dreaming to awakening.

"My story is done, and yet with it a prologue of a new story forms. I do not know what tales your life will tell, for it is up to you to write them, but all the same I shall be here for you, however you might need me. Now, turn to page 1 and set pen to paper, Taylor Hebert, as your new life begins."


Paramecha Valkyries, a Worm/BAHHSCQ crossover.

@Avalanche, omake for you.

The alternate universe where this is a show is breaking containment again.

Someone write me an HP crossover, a Worm crossover and a Naruto crossover and we'll have fully breached the barriers.

I did one for you.
Information: Nope, this is not happening here guys.
starting to get off topic here.
Oooooor, if population levels are reeeeally low, she might tell them to practice abstinence instead.;)

Yeah, ok, I am sigging this. Why? Because while I find Worm cool enough, I also find most of the fanfiction surrounding it detestable. The fact that it's so popular among writers in here and SB is one of those big tragedies that has wasted away literal years of said writer's time. And, until now, I couldn't quite say why I felt that way.

This? This is why. There simply isn't a lot that you can do with Worm; Either you follow the stations of canon or the whole thing ends up being either depressingly dark, because things end badly, or end up extremely unfaithful to the source material, because a good ending otherwise requires an asspull. There are exceptions, but I dearly wish we didn't have a fascination with that setting anymore. Blergh.

We don't need posts like this to start flooding this thread. It was fine when people were talking about Anna's inclusion into Worm, since it's still relatively on-topic, but this will not become a 'this is why I hate Worm fanfiction' thread.

This is your only warning here guys. Stay on topic, and take the off-topic crap to the appropriate threads.
Omake - Noitaerc - I bet the primarchs are behind this
I am imagining the fauxchan post to the anime if Anna was the master builder of fortifications I joked a while back. This is after Anna was unable to participate in the simulation class due to her frame's size. Then we get the training exercice: Protag+team vs Anna's fortress.

"So Anna is Dorn's unofficial daughter. So that's where he landed, at least for a while before getting back to Terra."


""If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device" on youtube. It's a parody of Warhammer 40k. Dorn's thing is "I am fortifying this position", being blunt and not understanding figures of speech. He starts his tales of past events like this: "Ten thousand years ago, I existed." The guy was thought lost when the enemy vessel he boarded was lost and his sons recovered only a hand. Turns out he was on Terra."

"Nah, she's Perturabo's. From what we saw, her Valkyrie frame is a fortress that reminds me of the Iron Cage. All those traps and methods to make enemy bleed if they get in."

"You got it wrong. She is obviously their forbidden love-child. Wall of fortifications + Fortress of attrition."

"I think forbidden hate-child is closed to the Primarchs' relationship. But the result is the same: any attacker is going to regret it."

(2nd poster) "So I looked up what you mentioned and I am unsure how to feel about that."

"Perturabo makes more sense to me. I mean, after all those sieges and proved by the Iron Cage, Perturabo can built fortifications very well. But he is also noted as having a hidden/unused talent as an architect, something he never got to show.

Secondly, unlike Dorn, Perturabo is said to be in the Eye of Terror and not doing anything. In other words, he could easily have left to explore other places (since nothing he builds would last long in the Warp) and nobody would have noticed.

The question is: Where is he now?"

"Okay, the Warhammer fans have occupied the thread long enough. I am more interested by the fact that a Valkyrie can have such a big frame. We knew Valk Cores are used for battleships and Arcologies, but there was no pilot/bonded there. Anna just showed that one can have an city-sized fortress Valkyrie Frame, and from the cast's reactions, it is not something seen before, expected or common. My guess is the first."

"That's a good point. Even the instructor looked surprised when they read the information for why she could not participate in the simulation."

"It is also the first time I saw an anime girl basically say she is "fat" without any single problem."

"But that raise questions: Why would she make her Valk so big? At that size, she is impossible to miss, which means expending energy and ressources to protect herself. Why would anyone let her do so? If she is the first one to do so, will we see Valkyrie-piloted Battleships? Oh god, this would result in Kantai Collection, wouldn't it?"

"That's a good question that we don't have any answer to."

After mention of her effectiveness at construction efforts during the humanitarian mission (Anna alone allowed doubling the amount of work that could be done), posters tend more towards Perturabo being the father.

"Perturabo. That ability for building non-fortification is a clear sign that it is him the father, or a direct ancestor."

"That's right, he has not 'left' the Eye of Terror for 10 000 years, that's a lot of time for him to have slipped out and produce an heir."

"If he is aware of her ability in construction, both civilian and military, he must be proud and wanting to be able to shove the proof of his (and his heir's) skill in Dorn's face."
Omake - noncanoon - I'm a genius- Oh no!
TRE would activate until the Types send their escorts away, at which point it's just Anna alone against 3 Class C+ Type Zeroes, and being a level 1, Class C Zeroes are too strong for TRE to activate.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Koujirou hissed through grit teeth. His gloved fists clenched and unclenched repeatedly while, behind him, Kandakara shapeshifted harshly in a series of expressions. "This doesn't actually make any sense."

His actual thoughts were rather clear: We should be up there, with them.

The angry stare from Setsuna, her hand firmly on his shoulder, was equally clear: You'll die instantly, you idiot.

Worse, Anna would be distracted trying to protect him. Shuri was barely holding her own, and she was keeping distance nearly a kilometer away, swerving in and out of the Instructors' firepower umbrella.

"This Type Zero execution squadron doesn't make any sense," Sandra seethed, shaking her head, "not with everything we've been able to determine about their politics. If this doesn't work, we're dead regardless, so we might as wel--"

"Crafting club to the rescue!" "When you need several million drones at a few seconds notice..." "These drones aren't really up to our usual quality, though--" "Will you shut up already we're literally moments from being overrun" "--basically just a rocket engine attached to a camera, like any plebeian could make--" "I suppose the entire swarm could buy her two seconds, maybe three." "You didn't look into the special programming, I take it." "Huh, that's weird..."

"Thank you very much for coming," Sandra said, very tersely. "Release the drones."

In a series of flashes--some clearly showing last-minute drones being assembled mid-expression--thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands of rusted cylinders flew off into the desert plain. More than one crafting club member gaped at the horror they had wrought, those stick-ugly mass-manufactured camera lenses glued or taped to the top of the floating buckets, whirring audibly as early twenty-first century processors struggled to determine who even was on the battlefield.

The reinforcements had arrived just in time, too. The Class C's were sending their minions away which, according to Sandra's mad theory, would weaken the Coroner's offensive abilities, giving the Type Zeroes a window to punch through. One set of minions had even been diverted to the drone swarm, curious as to its significance. There was no more time to waste.

"Defect!" Sandra shouted.

Many of the cobbled-together drones did, indeed, have defects. More than a hundred-thousand lasers shined harmlessly on the Antagonists, despite them looking nothing, even remotely, like the intended target. This did, to the drones credit, have some tactical significance, causing several of the Antagonists to pause momentarily, as if having a mid-flight crisis as to the purpose of their attack.

The remaining eight-hundred ninety-four thousand, two-hundred twelve drones correctly defected to the Antagonist side, painting the No 1 Valkyrie with their primitive laser pointers. At the height of Anna's flight, the lasers were wide-spread and attenuated, though the nearly million simultaneous attacks did require a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of her impeller to be diverted towards shutting down the glare. Gazing down angrily at the distracting drones and the mastermind whom, she knew, had orchestrated this, Anna turned her swirling attacks toward the greater threats, by far: the Class C's and B in front of her. She would deal with the Crafting Club's latest annoyance at her leisure.

One of the Class C's made a wiggle that, had the Cryptology Club enough data to translate it, would have roughly approximated to "Oh, shit!" In the after-action investigation, it was speculated that that particular Antagonist had possessed some sort of precognitive ability.
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