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No SV, you are the WiFi. I'm pretty sure that this quest title started that rather awkward trend of No SV, you are x.


I'll fix this up later.
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2015 Sufficiently Summer winner: User's Choice. Original Post.


Atypical Netizen
So, after seeing too many harem series, I made a quest.
A lot of IS and it's innumerable derivatives, a lot of Muv-Luv (very Ironic I know), a lot of Knight Run, some Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, mixed together with my personal antipathy for harem series, we get this.

Battle-Action-Harem-Highschool... Side Character Quest.

No SV. You are the waifu.


The year is 2070 Common Era.

Or 58 years Past Impact if you prefer.

It has been 58 years since the old world ended.


The touchdown of the jet on tarmac was soft, computer guided control surfaces and thrusters ensuring the landing was barely noticeable. The magnetic clamps locking down on the body of the plane was not, the flight control computer apparently deciding better sure than sorry.

Military transport jets had few comforts and comfortable seats happened to not be one of them. Absently rubbing at the back of your head, you take a look outside as the jet is guided into the underground hanger, the weak sunlight and dusty Earth replaced by harsh white illumination strips and ceramic tiles.

The safety lights flashes green and you unclasp the safety harness, slam down the armrest to collapse the seat and collect your duffel bag alongside the three dozen odd other passengers. All through the flight, you had been the subject of discreet stares and hushed conversation, a trend that did not change now. As someone sitting in the back of the plane, you had the honour of disembarking first, meaning you could feel the stares boring into your back. You patiently endured it despite the raised hairs on the back of your neck, waiting until the ramp was fully depressed to step off.
It was not because of your looks, you thought you looked rather average. It was not your clothing, you wore the same tracksuit, naval blue with gold trim as everyone else did. It was your gender.

Rather, it was because you were a guy. The other thirty or so passengers were all girls.

Ignoring the stares still drilling into your back, you glance down at your datapad, which was tracing a path towards your room, and make your way through the halls. On the way, you received more stares from the women whom seemed to make up the entire staff of the base, mostly silent and assessing, though a couple burst into giggles as you walked by.

Entering your room, you dump down your bag and take it in. Walls painted a neutral off-white, a single glow strip in the ceiling, a holoscreen currently depicting the outside world and two single beds set on opposite sides of the room, each with a small cupboard set against the head, and an attached bathroom. Your room mate had already arrived, a dress uniform neatly arranged on the bed and a few personal effects on top of their cupboard. For a moment you felt like walking over to peruse the few photos there, but you restrain yourself.

Checking the time, it was another two hours till orientation assembly and with nothing else to do, you flick the holoscreen to news with your datapad and sit down on your bed.

"-the latest report suggest the clean-up operations following the recent Alaskan offensive is proceeding well ahead of schedule. With the destruction of three minor Breaches in a record breaking, lightning fast two week campaign and the elimination of two Type Zero AGs on top of that, our analyst suggest that the Western Seaboard of the North American continent will be completely cleared of hostiles within months."

Footage rolls across the screen in tandem with the voiceover, showing the hulk of an AG battleship, charred and deformed to be barely recognisable after falling out of orbit. Reserve armour units idling under the midday sun next to their air carriers, the small dots of pilots and drivers waiting under the shade cast by their machines. Flashes in the sky lighting up the night sky in tandem with a red glow along the horizon. A shot from out at sea of enormous swaths of smoke rising from the distant shore where hydrocarbon deposits must have been ignited. An ominous spherical shadow, most of the dome hidden by the horizon and distance, of a destroyed Hive, the remaining funnel clouds of an active breach dissipating in the time accelerated footage.

"Marshal of the Armed Forces Arrakesh released a statement earlier today supporting our projections."

A spokesman walks up to a podium, tapping the mike twice to begin a presentation on the screen behind him. You watch on, absently absorbing the news as you wait.

"As always, we begin with the Valkyries units whom made our offensive possible," shots of many faces appeared on screen, all female, "without their remarkable courage in breaking through the frontlines of the Antagonists and destroying the hardened enemy defensive redoubts, as well as their suppression of the Type Zeros Aeon and Sekhmet, our victory, had it come at all, would have been again bloody and eked out over many months."

A brief medal award ceremony was next. The Valkyries, not physically present but projected into the air via holographic technologies, appeared in a row, some stoic, some smiling and waving. Without their weapon systems extended from the interdimensional storage space of the Valkyrie core, they looked like standard light infantry troops in semi powered armour, though the plates were somewhat thinner than even that, giving the illusion of frailty to strongest armour system humanity had.

The medals were awarded and the holograms faded out, leaving the Valkyrie symbol floating in air for a few moment before fading. You absently rub at the patch on your shoulder where the very same symbol was stiched. The texture of the words "UNAF" "AAG1" "VALKS" cradled by the laurel wreath felt strange under your fingers.

You are a members of the United Nations Air Force. As someone compatible with the Valkyrie Cores, you make up a part of humanity's most powerful weapon. The Valkyrie Core integrates and improves upon any technology it is exposed to, from simple wrist watches to nuclear reactors. Initially used for utilities and reconstruction in the wake of Impact, the emergence of the Antagonists rapidly changed the role of Valkyries from civil to military, from wanted to needed.

The only drawback in the Valkyrie cores was that the ratio of compatibility was skewered towards women. Heavily.

Amongst the twenty thousand or Valkyries in service currently, there were less than one hundred men.

That made you part of the 0.5% of the entire force whom was male.

You suppose some of those other guys might have felt proud. You?

The door opens. You glance over, your roommate was staring at you, eyes wide, before they slam the door back shut.

You just felt awkward.


If you have read this far, then you have gotten your first look at the main character of this story.

You will not be playing as him.

Rather, you are playing as one of the side characters.

Your goal is to become a main character and star in your own series.

How you do this is up to you, win the main characters affections, get popular enough to be labelled 'best girl' or save the world, anything goes.


Pick a cliche character:

Pick ONE character to play as.
Then pick ONE subtype for EACH of the other characters: (You can abstain, if no votes are given here, I will pick the subtype.)

[N/A]Main Character (Main character)(NPC)
[]Clueless moron: Neophyte to the whole combat business. Extra moron included.
[]Already retired badass: Had previously had combat experience. Still a moron.

[N/A]The Estranged Childhood Friend (NPC)
[N/A]The annoyed rival: Exasperated that he would come to the front as he is and sees him as a casualty waiting to happen.

[N/A] The other Childhood friend (NPC)
[N/A] Superhuman:

[]The Sibling:
[]Loudly Possessive Tsundere Younger Sister: "I can't believe the idiot is heading off to the front. Without me there, he'll get hurt again."
[]Quietly Protective Older Sister: "I walked into hell to fight demons, but I only paved the way for the one I wish to protect most to follow."

[]The Ojou:
[]Noblesse oblige: One who is in power has a responsibility to those whom are not.
[]Nouveau riche design child: I was made to collect power and save the human race, so I shall, even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming.

[]The Ace:
[]Golden Ace: She has it all, famous pedigree, looks, skills and a caring heart.
[]Broken Ace: She had it all, some would say she still does, but four-score men and half a dozen more, could not ever remake what she was before.

[]The Warrior:
[]The awkward shy girl: B-By the end of the week, I'll have made ten friends!:
[]The monster: Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

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Character Sheets
Character Sheets:

POST 21 Note: Due to uncertain heading, general skills progression is not currently shown due to pivotal vote. Progression will be updated with Post 22.
Reminder to all; Due to the narrative system this quest now runs on, all numbers are indicative, rather than absolute.

  • The Warrior, the Monster
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Anna Sanchez

    • Born in 2054, you came into the world merely three years before the Antagonists became active. Isolated as it was, your town did not even hear of the frantic evacuations that were carried out as the Antagonists swarmed out from Cincinnati and Denver major Breaches.

      In that same year of 2061 as the Denver Major Breach crushed Anchorage, all but pushing humanity off the North American Continent and established the Fairbanks Minor Breach, you found a Valkyrie core and as luck would have it, found yourself compatible.

      For about a year afterwards, you simply went around town, using the frame to offer utilities and repairs, abruptly improving quality of life as plumbing and electricity supply was restored in some parts of the town. Despite the occasional refugees that stumbled in, rambling of aliens, this was the happiest time of your life, especially after finding a few light aircraft allowed you to fly.

      This short golden period, isolated from the outside world, did not last. The Saskatoon Minor Breach was established by the Cincinnati Major Breach in 2062.

      Probing attacks reached the town within the year. Despite the reluctance of the adults to let a eight year old girl fight for them, they soon were forced to by pragmatism as it is shown you are the only one who can take and return strikes on the same level as what the aliens could.

      For a short while, the town rallied, digging defences and reinforcing their homes, and you with them, but the arrival of enemy air units cut such endeavours short, as you were the only one who could drive them from the sky.

      The attacks continued.

      As the attack mounted, so did the casualties and fear. You were soon left as the only one who dared walk in the streets at night. People retreated to their basements, hiding from the sky. The sense of community was fractured by this isolation and the pressure mounted.

      Food became scarce as many farmers from the outer farms fled to the town center, leaving the few hydroponics cells that you had set up, what few people who dared hunt and the fewer still who stayed on their farms as the only source of food.

      The attacks continued.

      You were not sure when it began, but people looked for something to blame, a reason for their suffering. Originally held up as a saviour, you were accused of being a harbinger, some form of demon that attracted the attackers along with the refugees who had arrived more recently. The town fractured further as those who wanted the safety of your presence were set against the ones who believed you were some form of lure. While the arguments ran on, you began patrolling further and further around the outskirts, doing your best to intercept any attacks before the reached the town.

      The attacks continued.

      Casualties still mounted from the ones you missed, slowly chipping away at the remaining humans. You extended your patrols longer and further to reduce the number of those which might have slipped past your net. One day you returned to find several people, refugees whom had sought shelter in the town some years back, lynched and on public display, an offering of appeasement to the attackers. Your longer patrols ensuring less invaders attacked the town only convinced the fringe group that they were justified. The town cracked in two, the refugees and those who supported you against those who now saw you as a reason for the invaders.

      The attacks continued.

      Now beyond the view of the town, you still fought on to protect the town and the people, but you knew that the current state of affairs could not hold, you began looking for the source of these creatures.

      A breach was enormous and obvious, you did not have to search long, but as you returned, you found the town on fire, humans killing humans, finishing in a few days what the invaders had been working towards for seven years. The insane group bore down on those under your protection. Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

      You put an end to the fighting the only way you knew how.

      You left for the Saskatoon Breach after promising the remaining people of your town that they would be all safe.

      The attacks ceased.

      You were late.

      To the depths of despair, I have been sent.
      No one was saved, and to their graves, perished and dead.
      All on my head.
      Because of me.
      Those I have failed, feel my betrayal.
      The final nail, hammered by me.
    • Durga:
      Generalist frame. Smooth and rounded pure black armoured plates underset with a navy blue layer of flexible composite. A prominent pair of backswept horns emerges from the top of the helmet.

      Surface of frame reconfigurable, capable of shifting mass to reduce damage, taking the place of missing appendages and forming extra appendages if necessary.
      Frame can redistribute mass at high speeds to serve as a zero range melee attack.
      Extremely durable armour plates can resist a moderate amount of damage before failure.

      Heavy Particle Projectors * 4
      (Autonomous or back mounted)
      All purpose, all range, variable power weaponry. Fires in either bursts or continuous. Fires exotic particles as standard to deal damage in a variety of ways. Capable of combining and reconfiguring into different forms to suit the situation at hand. Can function as a point to point communications array. Can function as a scanner illuminator.​

      Melee Halberd, Plasma Lance * 1 (Handheld or emitters on fingertips)
      Melee combat, zero range, moderate power weapon. Output of blade is continuous. Cuts through high temperature and can overcharge to add mass/energy negation principle to blade.​

      Hypervelocity cannons * 2 (Autonomous or vambrace mounted)
      Short range, high power projectile weaponry. Fires in bursts. Deals damage through kinetic energy. Requires ammunition in addition to power.​

      XHEAP Missiles * 260 (Waist mounted racks, 30 per carrier, 60 maximum salvo)
      Short to long range, very high power missile weaponry. Requires ammunition in addition to power.​

      Broad Spectrum Laser (Autonomous or optical ports mounted on multiple frame hard points)
      All range, variable power weaponry. Output is either burst or continuous. Deals damage through EM radiation and radiation pressure. Can function as a point to point communications array. Can function as a scanner illuminator.​

      Broad spectrum sensors:
      Manifests receivers on top of helmet as a pair of horns.
      Allows for a high level of awareness of surroundings. At high Valkyrie compatibility levels, upgrades into Omni-Sensors.​
      Omni-sensors: Allows for practical omniscience down to the elementary level within a small radius. Drastically increases range of standard sensors.​

      Onium batteries: No external components.
      Allows for the additional storage of energy. Can serve as projectiles when charged. Can serve as reactive armour.​
      - Alpha Strike: Allows for an incredibly powerful attack from an energy weapon at the start of a battle against an appropriate target. Currently, only your Heavy Particle Projectors can channel an Alpha Strike without taking component damage.​

      Solar dynamos: Either layered over armour plates or extrudes from surface of frame as a mist.
      Absorbs EM radiation and converts it to energy. Can be used to mitigate a moderate amount of damage from laser weaponry.​

      Energy dynamos: Layered over armour plates.
      Absorb kinetic energy for storage. Can be used to mitigate moderate amounts of damage from projectile weaponry.​

      Medical Module: Manifestation manner unknown. (Integrating. 20 days until process complete.)
      Allows for the fast recovery of physical body and the treatment of the physical bodies of other humans. Requires supplies.​

      Fabrication System: Manifestation manner unknown. (Integrating. 36 days until process complete.)
      Allows for the construction of various objects. Requires mass and energy.​
    • Talent: 0
      Initial Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: 1% (Stat maximum: 2)
      Training multiplier: 1.0

      Valkyrie Core Synchronised Hours: ~78,000 hours.
      Valkyrie Core Combat Hours: ~20,000 hours+
      Current Valkyrie Compatibility Rating: ~100%
      Rating: Peerless
      Stat maximum: 200
      Training Multiplier: 10x

      Points gained for skills per training action: 10

      Social Aptitude: Very not. You're an oddball. What normal people do as part of everyday life may confuse you and vice versa.

      Character Relevance: 12 (Center Cast Character/Shipping Wars)
      • Static Wave:
        Level 2: Upon success roll, remove all available Impeller Field and take minimal frame damage to deal enormous damage and destroy all Higgs Particles at Short range.
        Skill Mastered.

        Blue Wave: Expend all available Impeller and take minimal frame damage to deal very heavy damage and destroying all Higgs Particles in a line at any range.
        0/1050 for Level 1.
        Red Wave: Expend all available Impeller and take minimal frame damage to deal indiscriminate, enormous damage and destroying all Higgs Particles around you at short range.
        0/1050 for Level 1.
      • Mitigate minor damage against a few allies in combat. (Cannot be upgraded)
      • You are extremely capable at dealing with large numbers of minor enemies, your deadliness will grow as the numbers of enemies grow. Grants average competency with any weapon system if skills present do not qualify, excluding Exotic Principle Weaponry.

        90/350 to Level 2.

        Legion of One:
        You are extremely capable at dealing with small numbers of elite enemies, your deadliness will grow as the numbers of enemies fall. Grants increased survivability from from all skills. Does not upgrade Shattered Aegis.
        Requires: Target Rich Environment Level 2:
        Requires: Gate:

        Range: 4/120​
        Precision: 14/200​
    • Weaponry: (Stat Maximum can be capped based on equipment characteristics and suitability to ranges involved)

      Zero Ranged: <100 meters

      Impeller Field: (See Impeller Field Skills)

      Unarmed Frame:
      Precision: 46/50​
      Speed: 50 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 37/50​

      Heavy Particle Projectors: Any configuration:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​

      Melee Halberd: Plasma Lance
      Precision: 78/200​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 136/200​
      Hypervelocity Cannons:
      Precision: 50/100​
      Speed: 50/150​
      Efficiency: 50/150​
      Precision: 25 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 50 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 25 (Mastered)​

      High Energy Sensor Pulses:
      Precision: 25 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 25 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 25 (Mastered)​
      Reactor Plasma Dump: Causes temporary deficit of Power in Valkyrie Frame, can be mitigated with capacitor.
      Precision: 10 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 100 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 10 (Mastered)​

      Short Ranged: 100m - 15km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: Any configuration:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Hypervelocity Cannons:
      Precision: 50/100​
      Speed: 50/150​
      Efficiency: 50/150​
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​
      Laser systems: All spectrums:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/150​
      Medium Range: 15km - 100km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 1*4 and 2*2 configurations:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​

      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​
      Laser systems: X-Ray and down spectrums:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​

      Long Range: 100km - 600km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 2*2 and up configurations:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Missiles: Long range, high altitude missiles:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/50​
      Efficiency: 50/100​
      Laser systems: Visible and down spectrums:
      Precision: 50/200​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/200​

      Extreme Ranged: >600km
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 3*1 and 4*1 configuration:
      Precision: 50/100​
      Speed: 50/100​
      Efficiency: 50/100​
      Heavy Particle Projectors: 4*2, 5*2, 10*1 configurations.
      Weapon Tactics:
      Target Rich Environment (See Special Modifiers).
      Impeller Field:
      Intrinsic Level:

      Automatic Defense:

      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      The most basic and intrinsic ability of the Impeller Field. Allows to the automatic impelling of any external force registered as harmful to the Valkyrie.
      This skill gates all other skills.

      Precision: ???​
      Speed Efficiency: ???​
      Efficiency: ???​
      The lesser known intrinsic ability of the Impeller Field. At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, enforce the operation of divergent laws of physics. Cost increases with magnitude of divergence. This skill cannot be trained.

      Basic Level:
      Inertial Cancelling:
      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Selectively cancels or increases inertial mass with Impeller, allowing for allowing for increases acceleration or resistance to acceleration.

      Hardened Impeller Field:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Directs the Impeller to thicken at site of incoming attack reducing damage taken by Impeller.

      Energy Distribution:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows the Impeller Field to redirect incoming attacks evenly, reducing damage taken by Impeller.

      Energy Absorption:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for the Impeller Field to store incoming energy rather than releasing it right away.

      Intermediate Level:
      Selective Nullification:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows a user to set the Impeller Field to tune itself against a specific damage type, greatly reducing damage from the selected type of damage at the expense of increased damage from all other forms of damage.
      At high Precision, additional types of damage may be specified with the Impeller at reduced effectiveness.

      Layered Impeller Fields:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows the creation of multiple layers of Impeller Fields to prevent singular attacks penetrating the entire field at once.

      Partitioned Impeller Fields:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for the creation of Impeller Fields with limited coverage to prevent attacks from harming multiple areas at the same time. Reduces Maximum damage from one attack to a certain level of Impeller and Frame within reason.

      Impeller Field Shaping:
      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for purposeful shaping of Impeller Field, allowing for the manipulation of objects with the Impeller Field. Extends maximum Impeller Field range.

      Impeller Cancelling:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      Use the Impeller to directly attack another Impeller Field or Higgs Barrier upon contact. Interactions between fields generally violent as they cancel.

      Spatial Manipulation:
      Range: 200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Allows for the distortion of spacetime, manipulating relative distances between points. At high speed, high precision and high range, this ability can mitigate damage taken or increase damage done.

      Spatial Fixation:
      Range:200 (Mastered)​
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 200 (Mastered)​
      At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity, enforces the reference frame of the user upon the volume occupied by the Impeller Field. At high precision and speed, this ability can be used to cancel out attacks at reduced cost to the Impeller Field. Required for all Advanced Level Skills.

      Advanced Level:
      Energy Equivalency:
      Precision: 200 (Mastered)​
      Speed: 170​
      Efficiency: 60​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity, slow freeform conversion of energy of any type into another form within the Impeller Field. Allows for the direct conversion of energy within the Impeller into work. At high precision, direct conversion between mass and energy is possible. At extremely high precision, speed and efficiency, large scale unshielded units can be directly damaged through converting unit components into energy.

      Closed Space:
      Range: 9​
      Precision: 11​
      Speed: 112​
      Efficiency: 148​
      At the continuous expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a closed, stable space time bubble. Unshielded objects within the closed space will take constant damage, damage taken depends on their relative mass to total mass of closed space. At high precision, storage of unshielded items for prolonged periods of time without damage is possible.

      Range: 55​
      Precision: 162​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 168​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, move mass a large distance instantaneously. At moderate speeds this ability can be used to escape attacks. At high precision and speed, unshielded units can be disassembled with this ability.

      Range: 41​
      Precision: 100​
      Speed: 200 (Mastered)​
      Efficiency: 32​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, in a moderate radius around the Valkyrie, spatial manipulation effects are prevented. In a large radius, spatial manipulation effects have are slowed and degraded in performance. At high speed, this ability can mitigate some Spatial Manipulation damage. At high precision and speed, this ability can corrode spacetime, freezing and crushing all unshielded matter within the afflicted area.

      Range: 4​
      Speed: 48​
      Efficiency: 2​
      At the expense of Impeller Field integrity or Higgs Particle expenditure, create a spatial tunnel. At high speed, this ability can be used to deflect attacks. At high speed and high precision, this ability can reflect attacks. At high range and precision, this ability can spatially shear an unshielded volume of space from existence.

      Derived Skills:
      Wave Force Manipulation (See Special Modifiers)​
      Many, many others.​
    • A few lonely loaves of bread. Alphabetically sorted by name. Can be gifted out as emergency rations.
      9 pairs of Chopsticks (Confiscated from Setsuna)
      2 Lunch trays (Confiscated from Setsuna)
      3 Paper fan (Confiscated from Setsuna)

      Ceremonial Cutlery.
      Swimming wetsuit.
      Many of serving of food (sufficient for 2300 days at starvation rations)
      A comfortable lounge chair.
      Woolen blankets.
      Pillow * 7
    • Aerospace modelling - 2/10
      The models are cute, I like them.​
      Athletics - 2/10
      Amateur novel writing and literary critique - 2/10
      Architecture - 2/10
      Wow, really nice. Amazing to see what can be built when there are no Antagonists around.​
      Astronomy - 2/10
      The sky is clear of enemies. The stars are pretty.​
      Baking: 2/10
      Ballistics Study/Angry Birds: 2/10
      What. The. Hell.​
      Board Games: 2/10
      Was alright. Didn't see that much of this class.​
      Calligraphy: 2/10
      Not my area of interest really...​
      Cars and Small Scale Models: 2/10
      More cheerful than Aerospace modelling, the model cars are cute.​
      Computer Games Review: 2/10
      …No you don't think so.​
      Swimming: 100/100 (Class Limit Reached)(Skill gained)
      It's pretty fun, not quite as much as flying though.​
      Swimming Elective Class at 100/Innate to Ace level Valkyries:​
      Underwater Movement 1: You are capable of moving underwater without penalties.​
      Cooking: 2/10
      Wonderful yet terrible. You're torn.​
      Crafting: 200/100 (Class Limit Reached)(Mastered)(Innate Skill)
      Tsk, a shameful lack of manners by the members, but interesting none the less.​
      Crafting Elective Class at 200/Innate to Monster Archetype:​
      Artificer: Highest level construction skill. You can understand and recreate anything made by human hands, given the right tools.​
      Dating advice and Matchmaking: 0/10
      Demolitions: 200/100 (Class Limit Reached) (Mastered) (Innate Skill)
      A little lacking in depth, but very useful. Would recommend for others.​
      Electronics: 100/100 (Class Limit Reached) (Innate Skill)
      A somewhat calmer reflection of the Crafting class...​
      Fishing: 50/50 (Class Limit Reached) (Mastered) (Innate Skill)
      Foreign Languages: 50/150
      Difficult. This is a challenge.​
      Gambling: 50/500 (Class Limit Reached) (Innate Skill)
      Aerospace modelling, Athletics, Amateur novel writing and literary critique, Architecture, Astronomy, Baking, Ballistic study, Board Games, Calligraphy and font design, Cars and small scale models, Computer games review, Competitive swimming and water sports, Cooking and Culinary sampling, Crafting, Dating advice and Matchmaking, Demolition, Electronics, Fishing, Foreign Languages, Gambling, Gardening, Golf, Homemaking, Inventions, Jewellery design and construction, Jokes and stand-up comedy, Kayaking and boating, Kinaesthetic, Law, Martial Arts, Modelling, Mu, Noise and Music, Origami, Pets and animal care, Pottery, Questions, Radio, Relaxation, Skating, Statistics and Maths, Space and Spaceships, Trains, Urban Exploration, Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary.
    • Projects:

      1. Teach Koujirou and Setsuna to take care of themselves:
      Keep them above Academic standard: Currently true!​
      Get them both to:​
      Junior Valkyrie Third Grade: Both of them are here, and after just one week too. The two will be going places...​
      Junior Valkyrie Second Grade: Not there yet!​
      Junior Valkyrie First Grade: Not there yet!​
      Enlisted Second Grade: Be at least here by Third year!​
      Enlisted First Grade: If you're here by the time you graduate, you're average, congrats.​
      Elite Enlisted: Yukari was already here by the end of first year!​
      Elite: Things will start getting pretty dangerous from here on…​
      Elite First Grade: This is the wall, most can't get further than this no matter what.​
      Ace/300 Level Valkyrie: Shuri is here, she finds it kind of lonely here…​
      Genius (300 Level) Valkyrie: There are only twenty people at this level in the entire world!​
      Peerless: Would it still be called Peerless if two other people gained this level of skill?​

      2. Write paper to allow Valkyries to use Wave Force Manipulation:
      Requires 4 cumulative Levels in skills under Transcendent Offense (Currently at 2: Members of the Twenty Genius Rank Valkyries may use Static Wave Level 1)​

      Possible Avenues of Study

      Impeller Field:

      Derived Skils: Plasma Shaping​
      Derived Skills: Explosive Redirection​

      Extreme Range Combat:​
      Missile MLSI​
      Missile Minefield​

      Group Skills;
      #Group skills are restricted to the average between the highest and lowest skilled of the Synchronised Impeller Field:
      You are unable to access Group Skills at this point in time due to your character archetype.
  • The Main Character, a Clueless Moron
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Rokusabe Koujirou

    • Younger brother of Rokusabe Yukari. He could pass as a girl in the female dress uniform. He seems rather friendly to me, despite the fact that apparently the girls in his life hit him a lot. I will make sure I don't. Yukari asked me to teach him until he can protect himself on the battlefield. Rather competitive against his friend Setsuna. He is rather skilled at sleeping. …I think I hurt him… but he's alright now. He doesn't blame me.

      Very interested in hitting things with his sword. Likes... grabbing onto people for something he calls Martial Arts.

      ???: 2/???
    • Kandakara,
      Close combat frame. Thin, elaborately articulated white plates with red highlights and a black underlayer. Helmet with a large clear visor.
      Thruster bands for plasma arc engines wrapped around pauldrons and greaves. Dense thruster arrays on back, forearms, waist and shins.
      Hypervelocity Cannon (Mounted on left vambrace)
      Melee halberd (Capable of overcharge, reconfigurable)
      ??? Surely there is more... there is something very strange about that Valkyrie Frame.
    • Combat: Valkyrie Third Grade?
    • Murakumo: ???
      Zen: ???
  • The Sibling, the Elder Sister
    Valkyrie Cadet Third Year, Rokusabe Yukari

    • She escorted me from Anchorage to the Academy. Older sister of Rokusabe Koujirou, but she seems to serve as an elder sibling to Masaya Setsuna also. Despite only knowing me for a few hours, she trusts me with the protection of two people dear to her. I hope I don't disappoint her, because I don't trust me. Occasionally attacked by laughing fits.

      She has joined the Flight via a mentorship program, serving as a guide for those in our Flight.

      A relatively skilled and patient teacher. She might be having some issues... some of her Wingmates from the senior year have asked if I can help her.
    • Nue,
      All rounder frame. Iridescent green plates with and dark grey mesh. Glyphs and circuit patterns inscribed over limbs.
      Particle Projector (Left Vambrace)
      Laser Port (Right Vambrace)
      Plasma casters * 2 / Plasma Torch * 4 (Autonomous, capable of combination, acceleration enhancement)
      Missiles (Back mounted rack)
      Melee halberd (Impeller whips. Long metal lines channelling her Impeller Field)
      Cannons, Variable Munition Launchers * 2 (Back mounted or Autonomous)
      Raitei: (Custom built lightning weapon, integrated over plates)
    • Elite Valkyrie
    • "Finishing Move; Ultimate Secret Technique; Thunder Emperor!" Deal moderate to severe damage whenever she attacks a target many times consecutively.
  • The Ojou, The Price of power is responsibility
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Aleksandra Marianne Cambridge.

    • Our Flight leader. She prefers to be called Sandra I believe. I met her in the Simulator on my first day with Shuri Kravala. She's very forward and seems quite enthusiastic about piloting. It appears that she has had experience with Valkyrie frames before arriving at the Academy but not any of actual combat. She seems to know Shuri quite well and admires her piloting ability. Appears to try and keep Shuri in check occasionally and she can actually hold onto Shuri's reins when she feels like it. She's very... intimate in greeting people.

      Her looks make me a little jealous. Never feel envy!

      She is also an Undersecretary of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, and is very dedicated in settling refugees into comfortable homes if possible. She seems to take her responsibilities seriously indeed.

      She knows about some of my past and my capabilities. I... think I would now trust her to put me to good use.

      She also owns a jet! Her own jet!

      Her history: She is the daughter of a highly placed UN official. A few years ago she was in Mombasa Arcology when it was attacked, it looked like she met Shuri there. Just last year, she was involved in a kidnapping Incident in 2069. There's a lot of classified details around that.
    • Albion,
      An all rounder frame. Angular red plates edged with white and a deep blue under layer. Her helmet has a large backswept tail behind it, giving the helmet a aerodynamic look like a tear drop. Standard thruster arrangements on back, ankles and wrists.
      Plasma Caster * 2 (Mounted over vambraces)
      Melee halberd, unknown type
      Cannons, Variable Munitions launcher * 2 (Shoulder mounted)
      Missiles (Back mounted rack)
    • Junior Valkyrie Third Grade
    • Hair flips.
  • The Ace, the Broken Ace
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Shuri Kravala.

    • I met her in the Simulator on my first day with Sandra M. Cambridge. She has taken some form of injury that is currently severely inhibiting her ability to pilot. In spite of that, her skill is exceptional, even if her style is a bit exaggerated. Appears to be left handed. She seems rather serious with piloting as I am, but does not appear to like me? Maybe. Very… intent on training, too much so for some. She makes good points about training. Currently she seems much more relaxed compared to how she was when I first talked to her with her Flight.

      She knows about the Ginnungagap project. I think anyway.

      She doesn't seem very enthusiastic about teaching. Her performance varies greatly. It's strange, she seems to underachieve in general whenever Sandra is not around. Her injuries are being fixed, they seem to be getting worse.

      Her history: She was formerly part of the Pakistani military and served with their detachment on the frontlines. It didn't appear to be a positive experience. She faced down two Type Zeros, Hou-Yi and Medusa, during her service, alongside a close brush with a third, Kronos. It was not long after that she started a short retirement from the frontlines, but still was involved in the same kidnapping incident as Sandra last year. Some more things happened, but they're very secret.
    • Konark,
      A close quarters frame. Angular and jagged plates coloured bright gold, subtly different shades of gold trace out decals and crimson under layers. Dense thruster arrangements on back, waist, forearms and calves.
      Particle projector * 2 (Right vambrace mount, capable of overcharge and combination.)
      Melee halberd * 2 (Handheld, capable of combination)
      Plasma torches * 6 (Waist mounted, acceleration enhancement)
      Missile Rack (Back mounted)
      Plasma Weapon (Back mounted)
    • Ace pilot.
    • Teleport:
      Range: ?​
      Precision: 80?​
      Speed: 80?​
      Efficiency: 70?​

      Range: 10?​
      Precision: 100?​
      Speed: 100?​
      Efficiency: 50?​

  • The Estranged Childhood friend
    Valkyrie Cadet First Year, Masaya Setsuna.

    • Though I did not believe it at first, it appears that she is a long time friend of Rokusabe Koujirou. She has a bit of an excitable personality, and I'm honestly not great with these types. I hope that does not manifest as sloppiness on the battlefield. Yukari has also asked me to protect her until she can protect herself. She has moments where she can be surprisingly genuine, though the don't appear to last long. Seems to slightly resent people who protect her. Rather focused on self improvement and defeating the antagonists when not engaged in her rivalry with Koujirou. She's actually rather practical and wordly. Has some martial arts ability, seems to specialise in kicks.

      Really, really loves fried foods.
    • Kosenjoubi,
      Long ranged frame. Elaborate, nearly ceremonial, red frame with golden highlights, her helmet had a wide clear visor, showing almost all of her face. Standard thruster arrangement clustered around her back, ankles and wrists.
      Zero range plasma caster (Wrist and ankle mounted, serves primarily as thrusters)​
      Cannons, Variable Munitions Launcher *2 (Hip mounted)​
      Plasma caster * 2 (Back mounted)​
      Missile racks * 2 (Leg mounted)​
      Melee halberd (Left Vambrace mounted)​
    • Junior Valkyrie Third Grade
    • ???
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List of GM Posts, hail Xon
Valkyrie Frame Durga

Spin offs:
Jemnite: (Not really a spin off) Teaching Quest
Kaizuki: (Actually a spin off quest) Anna Gaiden [BAHHSCQ Spinoff]
Kaizuki: (Round two!) Anna Gaiden
Kellogo: (Sorta a spinoff) Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Sidequest)
Alivaril: (The Worm crossover #bigOnSV) Calibration (BAHHSCQ/Sanctioned) Crossover

Episode List: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 100

Timeline by Kaizuki

GM Posts (Updated sporadically)
Most GM Posts courtesy of @EmpirePlayer
On Valk Cores: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 4
On What a Valk looks like: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 4
On Higgs and Sims: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 5
On Type-0s, Impeller on Impeller Action and Anna's Combat Style:Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 5
On 300 Frames, Sims and Equipment Breaks: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 6
On Anna's Starting Stuff and Backstory: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 10
On Leaving Earth and Improving Valk Equipment: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 10
On Combat Outlook and Importance of Impeller Fields:Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 13
On Levels of Skill and Ability: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 15
On The 300 Suits: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 17
On The 300 Suits Part 2: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 18
On The 300 Suits Part 3: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 18
On Valk Quirks and Synch: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 20
On Network Diving: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 27
A Little Bit on Everything: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 30
A Little Bit on Everything Part 2: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 35

Classification, Impeller, some answers about mechanics...: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 54
Character Relevance Table: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 60
Sims, Valk Cores and additional processing power: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 76
Roads not taken: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 81 & Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 81 & Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 91
Athletics: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 97
More sim stuff: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 100
Impact and Valkyrie frames: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 106
Beginnings: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 112
Valkyrie Storage and Improvement Capabilities: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 113
Stealth and AG appearance: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 127
Little bit of everything 3: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 145
Simulated Valkyries: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 152
Valkure no idoru!: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 153
The Months after First Contact: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 235
Explanation for the World map: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 251
History of Armstrong Lunar Base: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 253
Particle Projectors: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 339
Valkyrie Cores and Valkyrie Frames, the title fight!: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 345
Valkyrie Frames and Complexity, what goes into putting stuff into your frame: Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 416
Impeller Fields and defending against attacks: Original - Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 431
On UN Army Infantry for a few posts: Original - Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest (No SV, you are the Waifu) | Page 432[/spoiler]
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Post 1
Vote Results:

You are playing the Warrior, you are a monster.

The MC is a Clueless moron.
The Sibling is the Older Sister.
The Ojou's attitude is one of Noblesse Oblige.
The Ace is broken.

Happy Backgrounds: 2
Unhappy Backgrounds: 3
The tone of the this Universe is -1. (Not the most cheerful verse, but hardly hopeless)

Plot shields Dice bonus: MC Happy Background + 2, Ojou Happy Background + 1
Total: + 3

Current Character Relevance: +6


Holy shit it can fly! - Anna Sanchez, stop that flying foolishness right this moment! -

Oh come on mom! Just a little longer?​

Hey girly, how did it look up there? Anyone else? -

There's people, but they look pretty lost.​

So the South is definitely a no go area then? - Wow, I've never seen the northern lights so bright - What the hell is that? - Help please, they're everywhere… -

It- It's okay, I can fight them. I can keep you safe.​

North, East, West, it's all the same, we're surrounded. - Maybe there aren't any other humans left but us -

No, there must be. If we just hold on…​

Another attack, Anna we need you back! - There aren't many of us left - Jeff? Jeff walked off the bridge yesterday - My little darling is gone, what use is it?! Why God! - You! You're the monster who brought them here! Why else! They're here for you! - Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. -

Stop it! Stop! What are you doing!​

- So, it's just us left in the end. -

Stay here, stay hidden. I found where they are coming from, I'll stop them for good.​

Saskatoon Breach is down! It's down, it's down! Repeat, Saskatoon Breach is has been destroyed! - Holy shit, we found Type Zero Sekhmet! What? Of course it's dead, you think I'd still be alive to talk to you if it wasn't? -


TAB 15, we have eyes on the bogey. It's a Valk. No IFF - Unknown Valk, please respond -

I'm back…​

Good god there is a town here? So close to three Breaches? - 'Was a town' are the right words. So many graves, oh my god. - The bodies in the cellar are still warm, the attack must have been within the last day… - Miss. Excuse me miss, we're part of the United Nations Armed Forces -

You're late.​

Dammit she's lost it, take her down! Take her down!


The memorial was austere, a shard of granite set in the circle of concrete.

"Miss Anna Sanchez?"

Eight thousand five hundred and three names were inscribed into the dark stone. You were told anyway, you had never counted back then and you do not care to count them out now. For a moment you rest your hand on it, in contrast to the chilly air of anchorage, the dark slab of rock was warm from the midday sun. The UN forces had better things to do than relocate all the bodies, but they had collected the names from the crude graves back at home- back… back at town.

"Excuse me, Miss Sanchez."

You step away and look back at the call.

A Valkyrie, no, a Valkyrie cadet if you were reading her uniform correctly, was standing at the edge of the field. She had long black hair, cut straight across her brow and pulled back into a ponytail. Her features were… different and you stare for a moment before realising she must be an Asian, one of the ethnicities of humans that you've so far only heard about.

"Just call me Anna," you automatically respond, rote learned through habit, "What is it?"

"I am Rokusabe Yukari, Valkyrie cadet third year. I'm here to escort you to Perth Valkyrie Academy and help you with anything you need to acclimatise." she said, giving you a slightly uncertain smile.

You blink slightly in remembrance. Today was the day, you remember vaguely, your memories of the past few weeks in Anchorage were somewhat hazy, the days blending together since you had nothing really to do.

"Do we leave now?"

Her gaze flickers past you to rest on the monument for an instant, "Ah, it's a special charter. You can take as long as you wish, anytime before sunset is fine."

You take one last look back, "There's nothing else to do here, lets go."

She nods towards a car, "Right this way then."


The other cadet seemed to be anticipating question, eagerly glancing over at you every so often as you travelled, but you could not think of any worth asking and stayed silent.

It was not until you were both buckled into the military transport jet and well on your way to Australia that more words were exchanged between the two of you.

"So, Anna…" Rokusabe starts off hesitantly, but quickly finds her pace, "do you have any questions about the Academy? If you're nervous, you don't have to worry about your age, some candidates are found late so there's no explicit rule about your age, some of the first years can be older than many third years."

You glance over at her in slight confusion, "I am sixteen. That's the average age for first years."

"Oh." she says, putting her hand across her mouth, "I'm sorry, it's just you are taller than I, uh, expected…"

She trails off and the plane lapses back into an awkward silence before she rallies and asks, "So, do you have any questions about the curriculum then? They're planning to hold an inter-academy grading tournament this year. It sounds like it will be a big event, Perth, Santiago and Beijing will all be sending students. It is likely the winners will be put on the Three Hundred list."

"I'm not taking in the normal curriculum," you respond, "Accelerated course, academic only."

School. Back at- the town, before you could fly, you had found it fun, you had the chance to talk to the other children, meet people who talked about life outside the town. But this?

-You're late-

You take a deep breath and swallow your feelings back down. Rokusabe on the other hand seems to perk up slightly at the news that you were taking an accelerated course, "Are you? You are skipping the combat certifications completely?Then you must be an Elite. I was also eligible for the Accelerated course and I skipped second year altogether."

You noticed her hands grip harder on the armrests at that, "I honestly wouldn't recommend it though. Staying with your Flight through the years is- it would be better than intruding into another Flight with people you don't know."

She shakes her head briefly, before looking back up at you, "Even if you are not partaking in the combat certifications, it is still a good idea to join a Flight and participate in the school activities. Are you going to?"

"Maybe." you allow after a moment of thought.

Your therapist had been recommended that you participate in as many school activities as you could to regain a semblance of normality but… you weren't sure.

She looks over at you with a hard to read expression for a second before twitching as a thought hits her, she fumbles with her pockets for a moment before pulling out a small tablet, "Anyway, I should have done this when we, but what's your Datapad ID? If you can think of any questions, you can pass them onto me and I'll be able to respond from anywhere in the school."

You concentrate for a moment and Durga responds, a small notice popping up on Rokusabe's datapad with your contact details.

She glances over in surprise at that, "Wait, you already have a Valkyrie frame? You have it equipped right now? Most cadets are not allowed to hold onto theirs outside the Academy until third year. Most don't even settle on a frame for good before second year."

"I've had mine for a while now. Years at least," you say simply.

Her eyes widen further in surprise at that, "Years? But you are only entering an Academy now? Where were you before?"

A sour twist of anger enters your stomach at that. Didn't she know? It seemed absolutely everyone else in Anchorage did.

"Elsewhere," you snap, turning away. You see Rokusabe hesitating at your back, clearly with more questions, before she relents and leans back into her chair.

It was a long three hours for the rest of the flight to Perth.


As the flight neared Perth, Rokusabe became animated again, constantly checking the hull mounted clock that displayed local time and muttering under her breath, "We can still make it…"

For a moment, you consider asking, but then decide it would be easier to just check and access her datapad's schedule.

There was an "Orientation Assembly" at 0900 local time, which was most likely what Rokusabe was worried about.

You talk with the plane and ask it to hurry up just a little.

The jet slams into the runway with a crash that shakes you even through the heavy duty suspension on the wheels, performing a hot landing rather than a standard one as it taxis itself with its engines towards the underground hangers.

Rokusabe shakes her head slightly, quickly standing up with her feet spread wide for balance and collecting her baggage all before the safety lights flash green, "Was that a hot landing…? C'mon this way. We won't have time to change into dress uniform but we can still attend."

You already memorised the map but allow her to lead the way as you both move through the corridors.

After a few minutes of travelling, you come upon the amphitheatre, a huge cavernous room.

You look around in slight awe. At the front of the room where you had entered, there was a raised podium with several dozen people standing on it, dressed in immaculate white blazers and pants, but on the floor before them, there was a veritable sea of people. There had to be at least a thousand people within the room, divided into three groups, those at the front with navy blue blazer with gold trim, those in the middle with navy blue and white trim while those at the back wore white blazers like the instructors, except with blue details and skirts instead of pants. This was a larger gathering in one place than you had ever seen before. There were also people of all ethnicities, you take in the landscape of different appearances with fascination. Though no one was talking above a murmur, the collective noise was a roar of sound.

Fascinated, you look closer at the other Valkyrie cadets in the room. One thousand and thirty four people within the amphitheatre and a large number of them with Valkyrie Units currently equipped, forty four at the front of the room, one for each other people standing there, likely the instructors, two hundred ninety four amongst the rear most group, likely the third years, one hundred and forty for the middle group, probably the second years and only fourteen in the group of cadets at the front near you. They must be the first years.

A number of the people at the front of the room noticeably twitch as you scan them, a few even looking back at you, and a few of the cadets in the crowd also shift uneasily, looking this way and that.

"…Anna, did you just active scan at high band?" Rokusabe had also appeared to notice the sudden shift in atmosphere.

"I did." you confirm.

"…Please don't." sighs Rokusabe.

You nod in confirmation, holding back your questions as to why.

She takes a breath and straightens her posture, walking forwards and gesturing for you to follow, "The first years line across the front of the room and the third years at the back."

She nods "Looks like there is a spot in the line there at- at- aaaaaack! Wha-!"

You snap to attention, searching for the threat. With no immediate threats found, you trace Rokusabe's gaze to an- absolutely mortified looking first year cadet? You look her over more carefully but don't see any threatening signs at all, she was standing at the edge of the line so your place was likely next to her, but otherwise, you found her unremarkable.

Rokusabe rubs her face in her hands for a moment, "…The ceremony is about to begin, so take your spot. But after it ends, could you hold that cadet back? I wish to talk to them."

You frown at the odd request, wondering why could she not simply call their datapad, but you agree, it should be no hassle.


You weren't sure what you were expecting from the Orientation ceremony, but it all but left you asleep on your feet.

You were rather used to snatching sleep when you could and for all the novelty of the huge crowd of people surrounding you, the speech was terribly boring. You record it for future reference but from occasionally tuning in, there appeared to be no information of notable importance through the speech.

Things took a turn for the very mildly exciting as the two Directors dismissed the assembly however. The cadet next to you tried to slink away, ignoring your calls.

You frown and catch onto her shoulder, "Excuse me, third year Rokusabe would like a word with you."

She turns and smiles awkwardly, "Yankee ai no speeku engurish. Gaijin gou homu?"

You stare at her utterly baffled, what? What language was that just then?

"Rokusabe Koujirou!"

The strident shout echoes across the amphitheatre.

"Oh shit!" mutters the cadet, showing she was perfectly capable of speaking English.

Rokusabe strides through the dispersing crowds and firmly seizes the cadet by the other shoulder.

"Thank you, Anna, for holding on to my younger brother," she says quietly.

Brother? You stare down at the other cadet. Face, inconclusive. Adam's apple, faint. You adjust your vision and look down and past their clothing. …Yep, boy.



"Both your names are Rokusabe?" you ask.

She sighs, "For certain people, the family name comes first. My name is Yukari, and this fool here is called Koujirou."

"Hi?" the boy tentatively greets.

"Hello. Why are you wearing the female cadet uniform?" you ask. People with their family names first, boys dressing in girl clothing… the world was a strange place.

"Shhh! Don't say it so loudly. There were no male dress uniforms and she insisted I wear one." he mutters under his breath.

"Oh no. Don't tell me Masaya Setsuna is here too." mutters Yukari, all of a sudden looking very tired.

"Wow, how did you know? She's here, she's as loud and small as ever." asked Rokusabe with surprise.

"She's also behind you," sighed Yukari, who was again rubbing her face with her palms.


A small, relatively to you, girl hurtles towards Rokusabe from his back, arm extending out for a punch at his head. - Man gives innumerable prayers to Heaven for salvation. Heaven replies with nothing but death to recompense Man. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

-before you are consciously aware of it, you stepped forward and grab her wrist, stopping the attack.

"Hey! Who are you? Let go of me." she yells up at you.

"What are you doing?" you trample over her questions, glancing to the side, you see Koujirou uncurling from a defensive posture.

It had been quick, practised, instinctive. You stare her down, flickers of true angers starting to burn, "Do you regularly beat him?"

Setsuna gulps slightly and tries to pull away, she was afraid. Good.

"H-hey, it's alright. We used to do this all the time." says Koujirou from the side, reaching over and tugging at your arm.

The words shake you out of the trance and you let Setsuna go. She streaks around Koujirou and behind Yukari, peering out at you from under the older girls ponytail.

"...Who is this gorilla woman Koji?"

Koujirou shrugs and glances at Yukari, just in time for her hand to reach over and grab his ear in a vice like grip. A moment later and she also has Setsuna's ear in a mirrored grab with her other hand.

You almost intercede again, the rush of memories like ice flowing through your veins, but hesitate. Koujirou had said this practice was a habit that they used to pursue, maybe people from their part of the world were more… physical than back at the town.

Yukari looks up at you from where she has both the first year cadets in a double headlock.

"Anna, I'm sorry for putting so much on you, but can I ask a favour? I'm in third year and will be graduating after this year to leave for permanent station at the front. You're an elite pilot with hours beyond that of many instructors so you are undoubtedly the most capable Valkyrie of this school. Can I then ask you to- to take care of these two, or at least, stay with them long enough to teach them to take care of themselves?"

You shift your weight uneasily, taken aback by the sincere plea.

[]I… will give it an attempt. (Temporarily join the MC's fledgling flight. Gain plot protection. +Character Relevance)
[]I… do not think that will work out. (Decline.)


Plot protection is simply a dice bonus to your rolls. You kinda don't need it unless it's a social roll though since you picked the Warrior/Monster. It basically comes into effect whenever you are working towards the same goal as the MC and in the same scene.
Character Relevance is a measure of how important your character is in the MC's story. You can gain it by following the MC around or by causing events of significance plot-wise. If you gain enough, you become a main character of your spinoff work and you 'win'.

Since this is my first quest, don't worry yourselves about the numbers too much, I may adjust them as needed or simply dump them outright if they inhibit my writing.

Random musings: Tons of writing on background that will likely never see the light of day and also, it is amazingly hard to find pictures of notable quality for sufficiently generic characters online, you'd expect the exact opposite right? ._. I had to settle for pictures of non-generic characters, except for the Ojou, since there's a character named literally 'Ojou' in some series.
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Post 2
Vote Results:
[X]I… will give it an attempt. (Temporarily join the MC's fledgling flight. Gain plot protection. + Character Relevance)

Character Relevance increases to 7 (Notable Side Character/Harem Nominee)


To protect?

- I can keep you safe -

You clench your jaw and frown. You… were not a protector, you had already failed before.

But, you had been fighting alone back then, no one had come to help. Until there had been no one left to help that was.

…Were you also going to wait until it was too late to help someone before trying?

You shake your head at that thought.

"Very well. I will give it an attempt," you reply to Yukari.

She bows at the waist, dragging both the first year cadets, still locked under her arms in their headlocks, down with her, "I cannot thank you enough."

Nonplussed at her bow, you nod, before talking to the Academy and asking it to assign you into Koujirou and Setsuna's squadron for classes.

Straightening up, she releases the other two first years and stares at them levelly, then sighs again and starts talking, "I am happy to see both of you, especially you Setsuna, after so long, but you should not have come here. You do understand the severe risk you are putting your lives under right? I can't protect you two as I did in the camp."

"Sis, I know. I really do, but we all know camps can come under attack as well. The only difference there is we won't have any means of fighting back," Koujirou responds.

"Then why didn't you move to an arcology?" snaps Setsuna, "Sis would definitely have vouched for you. Perth arcology right next door is the safest in the whole world."

"Well… uh, why didn't you?" retorts Koujirou, "You could have moved to an Arcology with your family too, I'm sure Sis would also have vouched for you."

"Cause I know I can take care of myself, unlike you, you crybaby," Setsuna said, head upturned.

Koujirou again flushed in mortification, his voice growing heated, "If I am still a crybaby now, then that would mean you're still a bed -"

"Children," interrupts Yukari firmly, placing a palm on top of their heads and rotating them towards you, "This is Anna Sanchez. Though she might be first year and no older than you two, don't think she is a fresh cadet like you two. I won't share what of her story I know, you can ask her if you are curious. Just know that she most likely the best Valkyrie in the entire Academy. Afford her the same respect, at the very least, as what you do for me and listen to her words. Now introduce yourselves."

With that she takes a step back, letting your two new charges have space to talk to you. You were honestly rather uncomfortable now, that was rather too trusting of Yukari, she had only known you for a few hours, why did she have so much faith in your abilities?

Koujirou takes the first step, he advances with hand extended, you take it and shake once before withdrawing.

"Hello Miss Sanchez, I'm Rokusabe Koujirou, younger brother of Rokusabe Yukari as you heard. Call me Koji if you want. I'm currently wearing a girls uniform because I would apparently disgrace my roommate by association if I didn't wear a dress uniform to orientation. No matter to her that I had to crossdress to do it. Also, are you really only 16?" he asks, a grin across his face the whole time.

"Just call me Anna, and yes, I am," you say in response. He seemed the chatty and upbeat type, you hadn't been very good with them back when there were still chatty and happy people in town, but you can cope. As for his question, you did note that you were amongst the taller first years when you first entered the room, but you were hardly the tallest, why did everyone assume you were older?

Setsuna steps forward, but keeps a wary distance from you, "I'm Masaya Setsuna. Setsuna is my given name. I'm Koujirou's friend from a while back, when we were still kids."

"Call me Anna," you say with a nod in response, before Koujirou cuts back in, "Hey, you won't randomly hit me for stuff right? The girls in my life seem to like doing that, some, like present company, more than others."

"Koji, you brat!" shouts Setsuna, her hand rising- before she notices your stare and hurriedly lowers it again, shuffling behind Koujirou.

You sigh internally, these few minutes were already taxing your people skills, "No I will not, but that doesn't mean you should try to and provoke Setsuna either."

"Heheheh, okay, no worries Anna," chuckles Koujirou, before smiling sheepishly at the girl, "Sorry Setsu, but it looks like you gotta watch that temper of yours now."

Setsuna huffs in annoyance and puffs out her cheeks, but nods sharply to show her forgiveness.

At this, Yukari steps back into the conversation and claps her hands, "Alright, now we're all introduced, I should do my Senior duties and give you all the Academy tour. Is there anything you all would like to see first?"

"Uh sis, I would like to go get changed first."


After Koujirou rejoined your small group, Yukari led the three of you on an expansive tour of the campus.

Perth Valkyrie Academy was a sprawling series of underground complexes perched on top the of the Perth Arcology, which itself was an enormous facility nearly forty cubic kilometers in volume. Technically the two were a single structure, which extended in a conch spiral downwards into the Earth with the deepest rooms, containing the Higgs Generators, nearly 8 kilometers deep. The sheer bulk of the academy meant that exploring it in full in a single day would have been impractical, especially for Koujirou and Setsuna whom did not have Valkyrie Units available.

Instead, Yukari leads the group on a short tour through the most populous areas of the Academy. Starting with the central class rooms and proceeding in an outwards spiral.

First through the indoor combat simulation rooms, where there were already a group of cadets practicing against each other. There was a small crowd of people watching through the holoscreens, most were third years by their uniform, though there was also a smattering of first and second year cadets also.

"Ah, it's Hiroto Flight against O'Conner Flight. They're some of the best Valkyries in Third year." said Yukari, watching with interest.

Your group had apparently arrived towards the end of the battle and as you watched, one of the remaining flying Valks was struck by a series of missiles then tackled from above by another Valk. Light flares between the two as both engage CIWS from melee range. The entangled pair smashes into the ground with an enormous explosion of dust and rock fragments. You grimace and look away at that, but rather than the dust clearing to reveal a pile of mangled limbs and mashed body parts, the screen fades to back and the stark white text scrolls across it.

SCORE IS NOW 28-21-3

The door under the screens opens and out files a dozen women, some still glowing as they reset their Valkyrie units back into storage mode. They were chatting and… hitting each other? It really did appear people physically struck each other here more often but less seriously than back at the town.

The lead two Valks, one fairly tall and brown haired, the other shorter and with black haired appeared to be the flight leaders, the taller one apparently O'Conner and the shorter one Hiroto from their name tags. O'Conner looked towards your group and perked up, breaking off from her argument with Hiroto, "Oh hey! It's Yuka! You're back!"

She trotted over and abruptly swept Yukari up in a hug, ignoring her surprised gasp, and spun her around before setting her back down. She then looked over towards you and the other two first years. You eye her warily back, wondering if she was going to try and hug you too.

"I see you're already taking some tiny first years under your wing too-" "I am not tiny!" "-and a boy too, pretty rare to find one of them around here."

"Welcome to Perth," She gives you three a lazy a salute.

For a moment she seems to want to continue her sentence, but then hesitates, her eyes lingering on you and you feel a scan from her. You immediately jam her on instinct, before catching a hold of yourself. Ah, that's probably why Yukari asked you not to scan other Valkyries without reason.

She staggers a step and claps her hand to her temple, wincing, "Alright, never gonna do that again…" she mutters, shaking her head and turning to Yukari, "Well, can't really label your group fresh meat…"

"Anna was at Alaska also," replies Yukari quietly.

"Oh. Well shit." said O'Conner, smile sliding off her face.

She turns to you, expression serious, "Sorry about that, er, Anna. I was just wondering which Valk you were using- gah!"

Hiroto, who had approached from behind, was pushing O'Conner in the direction of the corridor, she turns to your group as she walks, a contrite expression on her face, "I'm sorry for Julia here, don't let her scare you away from the Academy alright?"

Their two flights trail after them, some of them giving brief hellos to Yukari and welcomes to your group, all of them apparently ignoring Julia's protests.

"Hey c'mon did any of them look scared? None of them look-" the closing door cut off her protests.

Yukari shakes her head, but smiles fondly, "Julia and Asuna are nice for elite third years and so are their flights, but don't take their personalities for the general attitude of third year elites, they tend to be… standoffish."

"Sis, you're a third year elite too aren't you?" questions Koujirou.

Yukari throws Koujirou an amused look, "Didn't you say I come off as standoffish to people other than you two?"

"Well I uh, that y'know, wasn't really meant to be serious?" Koujirou stutters out.

To his side, Setsuna huffs a breath of frustration, "See? This is why Yukari is too good for you, you moron."

"Next the cafeterias." said Yukari, studiously ignoring the bickering behind her.


The Cafeteria was a fairly large and open room with tables arranged around several banquet tables, with softer yellow lighting and dark crimson floor tiles compared to the clinical white and grey of the rest of the school, the room presented a far more relaxing atmosphere. Open 24 hours with food on demand, this room was one of four such through the campus.

Where three were located towards the perimeter, the fourth was located towards the center of the Academy, above the classrooms and closer to the surface observation rooms. Nominally all equal, Yukari noted that they were not so in practice.

"It's one of those things about elite Valkyries I noted earlier. There is an informal rule that the fourth Cafeteria can only be used by elites Valkyries and those they invite, doesn't matter which year, just that your practical score qualifies you to be an elite. Since scores are public record, anyone can check. Some of the elites don't care for it, me included, but enough do that it's part of the unwritten rules. The Academy probably allows it to encourage competition."

She turns to you, "Though you do not have a publically available combat performance score, the fact that you have a blanket combat training exemption is notable enough that you could use it without anyone attempting to give you trouble if you wanted to."

You think about that for a moment, then shrug in response. It might be nice to eat in a place with fewer people, but you get the feeling it might actually be less hassle if you were to eat in the main cafeteria where there would be more people and thus, less reason for someone else to focus attention on you.

"Hey guys, since we're here, why don't we grab some food to eat as well?" interjects Koujirou, looking wide eyed at the banquet spread.

Yukari glances at the wall clocks, "It is nearly midday here anyway, who's hungry?"

"I am a little hungry I guess," mutters Setsuna, but her eyes are also glued to the banquet tables. Koujirou by her side doesn't bother with the pretence of reluctance and early nods.

You give a slight shrug, you didn't feel particularly hungry, but it would be early evening in Alaska now, when the UN personnel usually ate dinner.

"Lets have lunch," you allow.


After lunch, or dinner for you and Yukari, the last part of the tour was to the above ground observation towers that overlooked the aboveground training grounds, the airstrips and various radar and defence installations.

You had to say though, whilst the sunlight was comforting, the landscape around Perth was rather… flat. Most interesting was the remains of Old Perth, some of the houses of the suburbs around Old Perth were still above the water, creating a rather surreal view as the ruins of houses and apartments marched further and further out to sea.

"Wow, uh, Australia is… reddish."
"It's… very smooth."
"…the sky is a nice colour?"

"You can say you find the view boring if you want," smiles Yukari, "Most of the Australians think so too."

"I'd take you to the observation decks the looks down into the Perth arcology but uh," Yukari coughs into her hand at this, closing her eyes, "…that's known as a romantic area, the place for couples to hang out."

Koujirou chortles at that, "Yeah. Wouldn't want that kind of misunderstanding forming."

"And what is that meant to mean you moron?" growls Setsuna.

"Eh? What?" Koujirou blinks in confusion, "Like, would you want everyone confusing us for couples?"

"When did I say that?" snapped Setsuna, "Who'd want to be mistaken for being in a relationship with you?"

"Oh I dunno about that," murmers Koujirou, rubbing at his chin in thought, "When I was arriving, some of those girls were definitely 'miring."

"You freaking pervert!"

You block Setsuna's punch midway with the back of your hand, sighing internally. You suppose you will just have to get used to people striking each other without the intent to kill, or even true intent to harm.

She makes an odd squeaking noise and rapidly crabwalks sideways away from you until Yukari is between the two of you again, before she turns back to Koujirou and the two of them appear to get into another argument.

Yukari shakes her head at the two, grinning, then looks back towards you.

"I think that's all there is to see today Anna. I'll be off to collect my Valkyrie unit and settle back in, then I'll will be sleeping off the jetlag. You should probably rest as well."

You consider it, there's nothing in particular that comes to mind, but...


What do you wish to do for the rest of the day?
[]Nothing in particular. (Sleep and Skip to tomorrow, first day of classes)

[]Explore more?
-[]Perth Arcology Observation Deck
-[]Simulator Rooms

[]Write in?

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Post 3
Votes are

[]Sleep 1 vote

[X]Explore more: 16 Votes
-[]Perth Arcology Observation deck: 1 votes
-[X]Simulation Rooms: 15 votes


"I will soon," you reply to Yukari, "First however, I was given some new equipment which I have not used yet, so I'm going to the simulation rooms to practice with them."

"Very well," she nods at you.

"I will see you two in class tomorrow," you continue to Koujirou and Setsuna in farewell.

"Cya later Anna," waves Koujirou.

"Bye bye Anna," says Setsuna, still keeping a wary distance from you.


You walk without hurry down towards the simulator rooms, appreciating the quiet of the hallways.

When you arrive to the same simulator that Yukari showed you to however, you feel that you probably should have hurried. There were many third and second years in the area, watching on the screens as various matches took place between different flights and in one case, between two entire third year squadrons.

Listening at a distance, it appeared that everyone was excited for the Inter Academy Tournament as Yukari had mentioned on the flight here. The second and third years appeared to want to make the most of today as the simulation rooms are typically booked out by first year classes, especially at the start of semester where first years apparently cannot be trusted to use the outside training grounds.

You take a look at the scheduler and sigh. There did not appear to be any free spots for the large scale simulator rooms. You concentrate and talk to the Academy, asking it for any spare Simulator rooms. The Academy answers and sets you a navigation marker for one of the more isolated small scale simulation rooms.

It's a fairly short, if complex path to the open simulator room. These were somewhat less viewer friendly, with a door leading directly into the room from the hallway unlike the large scale rooms with their small lobby for spectators to gather in. While there were still holoscreens set into the walls, any large group of people stopping to watch would end up blocking the corridor.

That suited you just fine, you were never all that comfortable with showing off anyway.

You step inside, looking around curiously. The simulation room was a circular room, seven meters in total diameter and dimly lit with light strips. A deep and powerful background humming filled the entire room, seeming to echo through your very bones. The grated floors and walls revealed obsidian black, intricate and ribbed machinery all around you, nearly organic in its complexity. You stick a finger through the grate in curiosity and meet resistance, a Higgs barrier.

At that, the Academy, or rather, this particular room speaks to you, a series of instructions and warning about the proper use of the simulation room.

You internalise the key points, the maximum Valkyrie cores supported in any given simulation was six, the expansion of the simulation field may feel like an attack to Valkyries with high sensor capabilities, do not engage weapon systems until simulation field stabilises as safeties cannot engage until then, the maximum relative distance that can be accurately simulated by this room was only 20km, the simulation safeties cannot withstand the use of high yield weaponry and will shut down if an attempt is made to deploy them, spatial warping technology may force a shut down, Higgs particle use will destabilise the simulation so the simulation will try its best to replicate the effects on cue but don't actually use Higgs particle technology.

You sigh in slight disappointment at that last one, you had been looking forward to seeing how well the new Higgs engine integrated by UN specialists into Durga performed. You had for the greater part of your life brute forced any Higgs sources with your Impeller field, before pulling a Higgs engine out of a Type 5. Even then, it had only been of any use when you killed other high level antagonists and consumed their Higgs supply.

Dismissing the thoughts, you glance through the scenarios available to try, there was an enormous array, though some had a disclaimer indicating that the Simulator was not up to the task of replicating the scenario realistically due to technological limitations.

You scroll to the end of the list and hesitate at what you see.


Your stomach clenches at the name.

The fact that the Antagonist you had fought in front of the Breach had merely been 'Class C' rankled. That there were still two ranks of enemies above even that horrifying monster which came so close to killing you sent shivers down your spine. You feel a smile split across your face as you consider-

Taking a deep breath, you dismiss the list with a shake of your head. You were only here to test your new systems before the first school day.

You call Durga into existence around you with a flick of thought. Light glows as sections of the Valkyrie Frame materialise around you, armour plates settling down like a second skin, seamlessly replacing your uniform in milliseconds. Your senses expand, sight, sound, smell, taste, balance- all merging to become a simple awareness of all that was around you. The air around you thickens as your Impeller field activates, small blips of radiation popping into existence as the barrier severs atomic bonds, before you capture the radiation with your Impeller field just as easily.

For a moment you simply enjoy being aware.

Next, you take a look over yourself.

Durga's appearance had not changed drastically, the same smooth and rounded pure black armoured plates underset with a navy blue layer of flexible composite. Your helmet though had gained a transparent visor and details rather than encasing your head as a blank oblong. If you felt like it, you could use your eyes rather than your sensors now when the frame was fully expressed. Small backswept horn structures emerged from the top of your helmet, with a shift of thought, you understand that the two new features were Durga's expression of the new sensor and communications systems issued to you.

A large structure was now perched on your back, as you think the question, the answer returns in that it was your new power generator and the Higgs engine. Or more accurately just the Higgs engine encased in armour and power conduits, as it could not operate from within Durga's storage space as your fusion generator could. Small vents opened from the backpack, thruster ports, generally only used by the Higgs engine for a speed boost, though your fusion engine could dump it's hydrogen plasma through those vents for a similar but somewhat more… violent effect. You main source of thrust was from several faintly glowing red bands, stretched along your limbs, the exhaust ports for your new plasma arc compressor engines.

All your weapons remained in storage currently, you'll wait until the simulation actually starts and engages the safety field just to be sure.

You ask the simulator to set up a simple area, empty, anywhere would do.

The humming in the back of your head, now so much louder, increases to a roar, the room seems to inhale, the walls blur and twist, space twisting-

You counter the spatial warp completely on instinct. The space around you is smoothed and forced back into Euclidean geometries by your Impeller field.

A message flashes across your face.

>Please do not resist the Simulation startup, it is not an attack<

You confirm the message with a wry shake of your head.

Again, the nauseating sense of twisting wrongness washes over you and-

You're standing outside Perth Academy. A briny wind blows in from the sea. You were just south of the observation tower you visited just earlier today.

You look around curiously, the simulation was remarkably immersive, you kick the ground with your Impeller field, watching the dust swirl, zooming in on individual grains to examine them. Too uniform to be real dust, but otherwise convincing.

Good enough.

First of all you take off and fly, wrenching yourself this way and that in testing if Durga handled any differently. You were faster but you don't otherwise notice any changes.

Landing back down, you browse through your new weapon systems, analysing their designs whilst reading the notes sent to you by the UN technicians, then select what appeared to be the 'mundane' weapon from your new stockpile.

4mm hypervelocity cannon. Typically 60,000 rounds resupplied in one standard ammunition crate. 9000 rounds per minute. 15km range in atmosphere, high power, very fast projectile travel, high penetration, very strong projectile deviation when firing whilst strafing at high speed.

A flash of light and the weapons materialise on your forearms, the vambraces shifting in form slightly to allow the mounting of the cannon barrels. Mostly still in storage, the barrels were all that were extended. You consider the new weapon, moving your arms to test your range of motion, then change their materialisation manner so that both cannons detached and floated around you supported by your Impeller field. They were a fair bit larger in this manner, but maneuvered far more freely.

You fire a few test rounds with the cannons in 'autonomous' mode, noting the projectile travel times and near nonexistence ballistic arcs, then fire a long burst of rounds, before reattaching both cannons to your arms and repeat the procedure, taking aim at imaginary targets. Flying, first at a hover, than at combat speed, you repeat your tests.

The sheer volume of fire and speed of the projectiles gave the cannon fire the appearance of a laser. You nod in satisfaction at the weapon, it was rather like your heavy particle projectors in both function and form.

You consider the next weapons on your list but before you can test the missiles or lasers, the simulation space goes grey. Everything freezing in place except you.

>All weapons stop<
>Confirmed all weapons stop<
>New participants entering simulation space<

An area of space some distance away from you twists in the now familiarly disgusting manner and you turn your eyes away with a frown, though your sensors worked against you in this, forcing you to be aware of what going on regardless of where you looked. Entering the simulation space looked and felt far too much like a Type 18's spatial entrapment technique to you.

The two who enter are talking intensely to each other, not at all minding the twisted space resetting to normality around them. Neither had expanded their Valkyrie units, though both had theirs equipped.

One blonde woman with what must have been litres of hair, actual litres of it, coifed into curls that twisted around and around to end in points. If her hair was straightened, it likely would have trailed behind her on the ground like a dress train. You stare in shock at the sheer amount of hair. Durga's sensors dutifully confirm, 14.8 litres of hair.

The other was a dusky skinned brunette with fairly long hair herself. You find much more notable her slight, nearly imperceptible limp and the manner the light shone off one side of her face slightly differently. If she was still limping even with a Valkyrie unit equipped, then the injuries must have been massive. Major reconstructive surgery, you conclude. You had seen quite a few such veterans during your stay at Anchorage. It was very well disguised surgery, that would likely, in time, fade without a trace. You wonder if she was also a participant of the Alaska campaign.

"-too much. Shuri, don't worry, if the screens are not functioning, then there isn't anyone using this room."

"Sandra, take a look around you, does it look like this is an empty Simulation?"

The blonde, Sandra, looks around, blinking at the frozen landscape of the burning remains of Perth Academy, one hand delicately retrieving a handkerchief from somewhere and covering her mouth with it, "…Oh my. I think I flew in on that jet the day before yesterday."

Meanwhile, Shuri scans the sky. You meet her eyes from your position in the sky.

One newly implanted eye for sure, you note.

"Oh there she is. Good day to you up there!" calls out Sandra, waving and sending you a contact request.

Bemused at her forwardness, you accept the request as you wave silently back.

"Miss Sanchez, do you mind terribly if we were to share this simulation space? We're just here to practice a little to get a little head start as you appear to be."

"Call me Anna, and I don't mind," you reply. You were just testing weapons after all, if they decided to start an active scenario then that was just some slightly dynamic testing.

"There, you see Shuri, it all worked out." smiled Sandra to her friend, the light of her Valkyrie Unit materialising growing brighter as it slowly manifested around her, the process taking multiple seconds, she was likely a fairly new pilot then.

"Don't always just assume the best Sandra," says Shuri levelly as her own Valkyrie appears in a flash around her.

Sandra's Valkyrie was angular, primarily red in it's plates with white strips running across their edges and a deep blue under layer. You note with some amusement that her helmet had a large backswept tail behind her head shaped like a tear drop, probably to store all that hair. Her weaponry system appeared to be a mix of all ranges. You recognise some form of plasma caster on her left hand while her right loosely held a melee halberd, two cannons were mounted on her shoulders, whilst what looked like a retracted missile rack was stored on her back.

Shuri's Valkyrie was angular enough to be termed jagged, bright gold across the plates with different shades tracing out decals and crimson in its under layers in contrast to Sandra's. She kept her own weapons in storage as you normally did. You raise you estimation of her skill several notches at this, it takes some significant concentration to swap between weapons or even supress the Valkyrie unit from expressing them in the first place as they tended to by default.

IFFs pop up in your awareness for both of them, the simulator attaching a tag to them in your vision alongside the simulator resuming normal operations as colour washes back into the world and things begin moving once again.

>>1st Year Cadet. Aleksandra Marianne Cambridge
>>1st Year Cadet. Shuri Kravala

The two seem to speak over comms for a moment before Sandra turns towards you again and broadcast in open channel, "Anna would you like to have a match? We're practicing for the inter Academy tournament later this year, would you be interested in joining?"

"I'm not interested in the Tournament," Shuri cuts across the channel, a faint hint of exasperation suggesting she's had this argument before, "You're much better served practicing against Antagonists Sandra. Any humans you face on the battlefield as a Valkyrie will not be facing you out in the open."

You agree with Shuri.

You can't say you find the idea of fighting against other humans, even in a practice match, appealing at all, in fact you were rather put off by it. Though, if you were being helpful in doing so, you suppose you could…


Interested in some combat practice?
>[]Against Sandra and Shuri
>>[]Free for all
>>[]Write in teams?

>[]Against Antagonists
>>[]Random Scenario

>>[]Historic Scenarios (Difficult to Impossible)
>>>[]First Contact (Survival. As the name suggests. Survive the Antagonist attacks, protect the ICBMs on terminal approach, survive the resulting explosions)
>>>[]Uralsk Massacre (Survival/Objective. First human attack on a Breach. Succeed.)
>>>[]Battle of Britain (Survival/Objective. Hold the island until the first of the 300 arrive.)
>>>[]Once more unto the Breach (Objective. The Elazig Breach is ahead, Type Zero Indra is behind. Destroy the Breach before you are destroyed.)
>>>[]To the Stars (Escort. Protect Ark Ship Noah from Type Zero Abraxas. Until it passes Martian Orbit.)
>>>[]Second Impact (Objective. Protect the ascending orbital defence satellites from attack.)
>>>[]One small step for man (Objective. Protect lunar base Armstrong from attack until Valkyrie Battleship Gomorrah activates.)

>[]Decline and Continue practicing with your new weaponry
>[]Bail and go to sleep
>[]Bail and do something else
>>[]What in particular?

[]Write in?


Notes: Looking at the votes, maybe I made it a bit too obvious which choice lead to what. In case anyone was wondering, exploring the Perth Arcology exploration deck would have lead to a very introspective post, with you thinking about your past and all that and then followed onto the next day.

Also: Since you've met everyone, I'll probably be writing up a character sheet.
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Post 4

>[X]Against Antagonists:
>>[X]Random Scenario: 17 votes
>>>[X]Moderate: 15 votes

>>[x]Historic Scenarios (Difficult to Impossible) 2 votes
>>>[x]First Contact (Survival. As the name suggests. Survive the Antagonist attacks, protect the ICBMs on terminal approach, survive the resulting explosions) 2 votes


"I agree with Miss Kravala," you say after a moment of thought, "the inter academy tournament is not a matter of life and death. Your familiarity with the Antagonists is."

"It appears then I am outvoted," sighs Sandra, "We will have plenty of opportunities to battle against the Antagonists within the simulator through our years at the Academy, so why not take advantage of today?"

"There is no doubt that we shall fly against other Cadets through the year too," says Shuri, taking to the air in a smooth practiced motion, nearly flawless.

"Very well," grumbles Sandra, her hand moving across the air to scroll through the simulator menu, "Anna, what is your combat rating? I can't seem to access it."

"I do not know," you reply, you were almost certain it would very be high, but you have never taken a standardised test for your combat ability. Also, when you cannot use either Higgs particles or spatial warping, you weren't really sure how well you would adapt. You have fought for so long with the assumption that you could do both freely, it would take some getting used to.

"Are you new to Valkyries Frames as well? Then let us just keep the difficult at moderate," Sandra says, pressing down decisively down with a finger.

No, that was not what you meant-

The world goes grey again as the simulator halts.

>1st Year Cadet. Aleksandra Marianne Cambridge proposes new simulation<
>Random Scenario Selected<
>Moderate Difficulty<

You mentally shrug then confirm with a thought but-


"Sandra," Shuri sharply complains.

"What? You finished a moderately difficult Scenario for first years by yourself last time. I may be new, but I will not be a burden."

"That was- I don't-" Shuri abruptly cuts herself off, "I may be able to keep the Antagonists in a moderate scenario from shooting down one green Cadet, but two is asking too much."

"I am capable," you interject, a sharp spike of annoyance at her assumption making your tone clipped. What did she know of your experiences?

"Anna is confident and so am I. What does it matter should we be shot down in the Simulation? We can treat it as a learning experience," Sandra says, spreading her arms as she takes to the air also.

Shuri is silent for a moment, then the simulation goes completely black, with only the glowing exhaust vents of the Valkyrie frames and the small IFF markers projected by the simulation showing that the simulation was still active.

>New Scenario Startup
>>Suppression of Antagonist Airbase

The terrain unfolds around you, again with that nauseating wrenching of space.

The trio of you appear standing at the edge of a cliff.

You take a glance around, mountains soar into the sky around you, snow capped with pearly white ice. Around your feet, alpine flowers bloom in profusion, a rainbow of colours. The horizon ruins the idyllic view however. Dark smoke clouds rise thickly into the air, casting the plains past the foothills into darkness.

Flashes of colour sullenly light the cloud from within as look on and you focus in on them to discover the source, only to find you can't make out a source for the explosions at all. Durga quickly marks those as expended active decoys.

A transmission suddenly blares across your comms in open channel, "Shark Fifty One Thirty to all. Roach Nest found. Position marked. Heavy Ant presence."

You mentally flick through your dictionary, a Roach Nest was an Antagonist air base, one of the larger variants, and Ants were Antagonist anti-aircraft.

A nav point appears in the distance, you immediately zoom in, but again cannot pierce through the dark smoke. Was this smoke some newly deployed form of electronic warfare?

"Command to Shark Five One Three Zero, Air is contested. Ground cannot advance. No backup ETA."

"Shark to Command. Roach Nest is Active. Air gets here now or never."

The channel is silent.

Flashes of light announce Shuri extending weapon systems, a particle projector of some sort that sat over her right vambrace, a melee halberd in her left hand and a series of additional thrusters appear mounted to her waist like an armoured dress.

Sandra looks at Shuri, Shuri silently nods back at Sandra.

"Command. This is Valkyrie Cambridge. En route to Roach Nest with two other Valks," Sandra speaks authoritatively over the channel.

She takes off at the sentence in near synch with Shuri and accelerates towards the Nav point. You hurry after them, still trying to pierce the confounding clouds.

"Valkyrie Cambridge, your flight is at half strength. This needs a full flight of Valks. Wait for reinforcements."

"Valkyrie Kravala is an Ace, we can handle this," says Sandra with complete certainty. You notice Shuri's flight wobble slightly at this, before she pulls slightly ahead of Sandra.

"Confirmed Valkyries. Good luck. Command out."

You shift to Shuri's other side and above, forming a basic triangle.

Shuri dives towards the ground and begins Nape of Earth flight as the distance to the nav marker drops to 70 kilometers.

At just under fifty kilometers, you spy several battalions of Antagonist tanks towards your right flank. The large and squat vehicles, topped with one heavily armoured rotating turret, steadily advance forwards, crushing the ground under their treads and throwing up dust as they charged over the ashen ground at three hundred kilometers per hour. Your current flight path would put you within a couple of kilometers of them. You call another of your new weapons to the forefront, the racks of XHEAP missiles materialising in carriers attached to your hips, both Shuri and Sandra slow slightly at this.

You can't help but feel slightly satisfied at their visible surprise. That sense of satisfaction turns to surprise as you scan the tank columns. Their emissions were too low and flat out missing in several bands to be actual Tanks. Convincing, but not up to the task of fooling your sensors.

Flares of light announce incoming plasma and missiles. You analyse the attacks quickly, the plasma was far too low energy to weapon fire from a real Antagonist combat vehicle and the missile acceleration profiles were wrong. Durga marks the entire lot as decoys as you focus and try to find the real threat. You've never seen Antagonists go to such effort to construct elaborate fakes when they have always had the number to simply use actual units for any feint.

You are broken from your concentration when the low energy plasma bolts from the decoys rattle off your Impeller field. You eye the 'tanks' speculatively, shifting slightly to duck a 'missile' on instinct, those attacks were not anywhere near the real energy of an Antagonist tank cannon and anyone would have realised that by now, so why-

>1st Year Cadet Anna Sanchez hit by Antagonist Tank Battalions<
>Predicting negligible damage taken<

What- oh.

"Sanchez, if it takes too much concentration to maintain multiple weapon systems, dump some," calls out Shuri as she returns fire alongside Sandra, a glaringly bright white beam of high energy particles racing out to join Sandra's cannon fire and missiles.

"Sorry, I forgot this was a simulation," you say as your join in the returning fire, sending your own missiles soaring at the furthest tanks while shredding the closer ones with the hypervelocity cannon.

The missiles were both fast and agile, plunging into the antagonist tanks, through active defences and shattering armour, causing secondary explosions to bloom through the backline of armoured vehicles while your hypervelocity rounds chewed craters into and then through the innards of the tanks, sending spurts of molten metals flying everywhere.

Though none of you slowed down, in the fourteen or so seconds you were in optimal range of the Tank battalions, the trio of you had completely annihilated the enemy force.

4 AG Tanks roll 2d4 + 2 each: (8,7,5,6)
Anna: 4d6 - 4 + 4d6 + 8,
Babbys first time in a simulator: - 2
I can't use this that, them or those: -1 from die maximum and some special modifiers disabled
Result: 32

Shuri: 4d6 - 4 + 3d4 + 7,
I can't use this that, them or those: -1 from die maximum and some special modifiers disabled
Injuries: -4
Result: 17

Sandra: 4d6 - 4,
Practised: + 1
Well Read: + 1
Result: 11

AG Tanks fail to gain any individual successes.
Group totals:
60 vs 26
20+ difference.
Flawless success.

The trio of you reform into loose formation and continue your advance, several more Antagonist armoured formations race for you but fail to get in range before you leave them behind. At just under twenty kilometers you start making out fighters ascending into the upper atmosphere from a jagged spire. Around it, hulking grub like creatures, easily two hundred meters tall and four hundred long, their long articulated carapace covered with glowing red lenses that shifted this way and that with jerking, irregular motions, plod along the ground. Enemy 'Ants', heavy laser anti-air.

"Enemy Roach Nest in sight," said Shuri, "Ants around it, four groups of three."

"Yes," you confirm.

"I see them," thirds Sandra, "we close in right?"

"We do," says Shuri.

Your formation disperses slightly as the three of your pick up speed. Against the heavily armed and armoured Ant, standard tactics for Valkyries was to close in, to lessen the number of firing arcs that she would be in, then tear the monsters apart at close range.

Durga flashes a notice to you as she detected tracking beams, again marking them as spoofing rather than actual rangefinders. You shake your head slightly and adjust your sensors to be less discriminatory. The lenses shift from the sullen red standby colour to the white blue of imminent discharge.

You'll Shift just before- wait no, you can't do that in the Simulation. Then you'll try use your Higgs engine for an emergency strafe- no actually you can't.


You slam your thrusters into full strafe and extend your Impeller field into a large plane, angled towards one side, turning nearly all your forward velocity into sideways speed. Dozens of lasers flash out, but you were already outside of the area they were bracketing. Only momentarily missing, the beams sweep after you with unerring accuracy, even as you push power into a tight turn in the opposite direction, the distance between you and the Antagonists nullifying the fairly slow traverse speeds of the individual lenses.

You see a grid of lasers box in Sandra and fire a missile into the ground ahead of her, sending a plume of ash, dust and rocks into the path of some of the lasers, momentarily obscuring them. It doesn't work quite as well as you hoped, but Sandra manages to take only glancing hits.

The lasers cut out, the Ants having exhausted their capacitor charges. They start swing their bulky bodies around to allow their still charged lasers on their other flank to target your small Flight, but the trio of you were already on them.

Dozens of cilia extend from between their armoured plates, spitting short ranged explosive flak shells at you. You fire your hypervelocity cannon in return, shredding through the incoming fire and drawing a fiery line down the Ant's side. Through the gap you fire another pair of missiles, which swing in and turn to burrow into the gap of the carapace from where the cilia extend through and explode. The entire section of carapace cracks as fire and gore races out from the gap and the giant weapon slumps.

You fire one more missile through the gap just to be sure and take stock of the other three Ants. Sandra had chosen use her plasma caster to break through the laser lenses, then fired missiles into the creature as you did, followed by more plasma blasts. It was somewhat inefficient as the laser apertures were actually very well armoured and bulwarked internally, but it did succeed on causing the Ant to seize up then slump as something important internally was destroyed. Shuri exploded out of her target, apparently having cut her way into the Ant with her melee halberd, then she wrenched off a piece of carapace and held it in front of her with her Impeller field as a shield.

Lasers slammed into it as the three of you raced for the next group of Ants, but the strong and ablative armour held, though the explosive force from the vaporising material caused her flight path to wobble dangerously. You clear the next group without hassle and rapidly swing for the third, then the fourth.

All in all, it takes slightly less than a minute for all four Ant groups to be eliminated.

4 groups of 3 AG Anti Air roll 3d5+3 - 2 (Attacked from NOE flight) each: (12, 11, 12)(10, 10, 12)(8, 6, 11)(8, 7, 11)
Anna: 32
Shuri: 17
Sandra: 11
AG Anti Air 1 beats Sandra by 2 points.
1 point mitigated by Anna (Shattered Aegis)
Sandra takes 1 point scratch damage.
AG Anti Air 2 beats Sandra by 1 point.
Mitigated by Anna (Shattered Aegis)
No effect.
Sandra's scratch damage fades.
Group totals:
60 vs 35
60 vs 32
60 vs 25
60 vs 26
+20 difference in all cases.
Flawless Success on all counts.

"Command, this is Valkyrie Cambridge, Ants around Roach Nest eliminated. Attacking Roach Nest," Sandra broadcasts as the last Ant goes Silent, Shuri having caved the entire side of the monster in with her melee halberd, toppling into its side with an enormous crash, revealing hundred of legs on its underside, some still twitching weakly.

"Confirmed Valkyrie Cambridge, local AG forces on retreat. Friendly air is advancing."

Missiles, lasers and shells streak from the Antagonist base even as she speaks, alongside nearly three squadrons of light fighters. Deciding to conserve hypervelocity cannon ammunition, you materialise your laser systems. Small optical ports appearing all over your frame and you begin counter fire as the three of you advance, breaking kill boxes of missiles and shells, then targeting their launchers and turrets with missiles of your own. Shuri is blazing around the perimeter, simply dicing apart the approaching fighters with precise shots from her particle projector while Sandra supported her with cannon fire. Perhaps the approach for your three was awkward for the weapon systems of the redoubt, but your found the incoming fire somewhat light, still you could not neutralise laser fire and a beam slices through, slamming into Sandra head on. You destroy the laser port before it completes the full attack as Sandra's Impeller field shrugs off the energy without trouble.

AG Redoubt rolls 5d6: (13) and 3 Squadrons of AG Light Fighters roll 3d5 each: (12, 9, 4)
Anna: 32
Shuri: 17
Sandra: 11
AG Redoubt beats Sandra by 2 points.
1 point mitigated by Anna (Shattered Aegis)
Sandra takes 1 point scratch damage.
AG Light Fighters 1 beats Sandra by 1 point.
Mitigated by Anna (Shattered Aegis)
No effect.
Sandra's scratch damage fades.
Group totals:
60 vs 13
60 vs 25
+20 difference in both cases.
Flawless Victory.

With most of its weapon apertures now in smoking ruins, the three of you hover over the armoured cap of the airbase's central shaft. Shuri charges her particle projector until it glows, then fires the weapon directly downwards into the cap. The super strong composite material never stood a chance and is simply peeled back as the particle beam passed through. A rumble shakes the entire spire as the barrel of Shuri's particle projector smokes, clearly overloaded, and you frown slightly at the waste - then Shuri stows it, presumably for her Valkyrie Core to fix, and materialises another identical weapon.

You shake your head slightly in bemusement at the tactic as the three of you fire your remaining stocks of missiles into the base through the breach in the cap.

The ground shakes as the detonation of a hundred missiles in the depths of the Antagonist airbase throws a plume of fire up from the central shaft.

You scan the base, wondering if that was it, when Durga flashes an alert, her 'voice' sounding rather irritated. Pseudo Higgs engine reaction?


A Type 5 explodes out from a secondary shaft. Dark blue, flat and angular like a pre-Impact stealth bomber, a long segmented tail extended from its back and four limbs trailed outwards from under the main body. A brightly glowing sensor band on it's leading edge shone with amethyst light.

Ah. The simulator could not replicate the Higgs engine signatures output but it tried its best, which was apparently not up to Durga's standards.

"Type 5!" yelps Sandra, spinning to face it and reversing away on instinct from the high level Antagonist at the same moment Shuri charges forwards, combining her melee halberd with her particle projector.

The Type 5 turns away and immediately engages a pseudo- … it immediately engages its Higgs thrusters and burns towards the human lines, if it broke through to the incoming air transports, casualties would spike.

You raise your hand and every weapon you have speaks out to refute that possibility.

It wobbles and then is forced into a spin as first your lasers, then heavy particle streams slam into it, followed fractions of an instant later by hypervelocity cannon rounds. The Impeller field of the Type 5 was unable to disperse the incoming fire evenly and the thermal explosion of so much concentrated energy knock it off it's flight path, your strike very nearly managed to break through the field judging from the way it visibly distorts. Before you manage to reacquire weapons on it, Shuri smashes the Type 5 towards the ground with her particle melee weapon combo, shattering it's Impeller fields with a flash of light. A secondary layer underneath slows the strike enough to prevent it from being bisected by the blow.

The Type 5 crashes in an enormous explosion of dust, another flash of light announcing its secondary layer of Impeller fields had overloaded at that. Shuri points her melee halberd down and the blade extends, shooting for the beast. From within the dust, you see the type five raise an arm, the glow of some particle weapon charging- before you sever the arm with a well place beam of heavy particles of your own. Shuri's blade slams down right through the creatures center of mass, annihilating its Higgs engine and coring it right through.

Shuri disconnects her particle cannon from her melee halberd and you let most of your weapons slip back into storage as the slag that was formerly a Type 5 smoulders on the ground.

A pair of missiles slam into the remains.

You both turn and look questioningly at Sandra.

"I will have both of you know that I let those missiles loose while the Type 5 was still alive," she huffs at you, an arm coming up to her head and making a sweeping motion, "I don't believe I've seen a high level Antagonist die that fast since I watched a holodoc about the Battle of Britain."

High Level AG Type 5 rolls 4d5+5 to attack transports: (17)
Anna rolls 4d6 - 4 + 4d6 + 8 to intercept:
Babbys first time in a simulator: - 2
I can't use this that, them or those: -1 from die maximum and some special modifiers disabled
Result: 27
Anna beats Type 5 by 10
Interception successful

High Level AG Type 5 rolls 4d5+5 for battle: (15)
Anna: 4d6 - 4 + 4d6 + 8,
Babbys first time in a simulator: - 2
I can't use this that, them or those: -1 from die maximum and some special modifiers disabled
Result: 31
Anna beats Type 5 by 16.
Critical Success
Shuri: 4d6 - 4 + 3d4 + 7,
I can't use this that, them or those: -1 from die maximum and some special modifiers disabled
Injuries: -4
Following up a Critical Success: + 2
Result: 22
Shuri beats Type 5 by 7.
Significant Success
Type 5 has been defeated!
Sandra: 4d6 - 4,
Practised: + 1
Well Read: + 1
Following up a Critical Success: + 2
Result: 17
Sandra beats Type 5 by 2.
Type 5 is already dead!

>All enemies eliminated<
>Scenario success<
>Casualties: 0<
>Objectives lost: 0<
>Grade: S+<
>New time record for Scenario achieved<
>Formerly: 06:19<
>Currently: 03:15<
>>View statistics?

You shrug at that, dismissing the notice from the simulator. The simulated world around the Spire fades and with a shuddering convulsion of space, you find yourself again outside Perth Academy, restored to its flawless appearance.

"Well that was quite exciting," sighs Sandra, her Valkyrie unit retracting, leaving her in her uniform.

Looking over at you, she questions "I thought you said that you were new?"

Shuri looks over at you too at that.

You shake your head, "I have never taken a standard combat rating test, but I fought, before I arrived here."

Sandra winces imperceptibly and Shuri shakes her head slightly.

"Ah, I am sorry for asking."

"No worries," you say with another shrug, mostly thinking back to the battle.

No. Not the battle, the simulation.

It was too… unreal.

Too far removed from what you were used to. No Higgs usage, no spatial warping, attacks that were only threatening in the sense of removing points. You had fought Type 5s before and none died so easily as that fake. You hope that the larger simulator rooms that could support up to a hundred Valkyries at a time had fewer restrictions than this one. You hoped that they felt real.

Suddenly you were very glad that you had not decided to try and fight a hollow copy of Sekhmet in this simulator.

"Still Anna, I must say, you are extraordinarily skilled," says Sandra, clapping her hands together, turning to Shuri, she smiles slightly and continues, "You might have competition as top Ace of the first years now Shuri."

You notice Shuri clench a fist and stiffen slightly at that.

"Maybe, maybe not." Shuri defers, then abruptly, "I am heading back to the dorms now, will you be coming Sandra?"

"Yes, I think I should, active battle is far more tiring than manoeuvre and weapon practice, even though I did very little," said the girl as Shuri retracted her Valkyrie frame.

"See you in class Anna, keep up the good work," she gives you a wave in farewell.

"Goodbye." you say, then the two exit the simulator.


Target Rich Environment Level 1: (0)+56 = 56/??


You wait a minute for the two to get clear, then retract Durga and exit from the simulator yourself.

It was still only a few hours into the afternoon, but you remember Yukari's advice, your therapist had also suggested that you try and sleep more.

Walking to your room, you pull up a scheduler and view it.

Combat theory classes in the mornings, lunch, then Valkyrie handling and combat classes again in the afternoon. Dinner, then Free time or elective classes in the evening.

The elective classes looked like an enormous bludge, all were completely self study and most appeared to be recreational activities. There didn't even appear to be any real incentive to actually formally enlist, as it was noted that unless specifically noted, these classes were open door, if sometimes difficult to get to, with location markers such as the bottom of Perth Arcology and several kilometers out to sea at Old Perth CBD.

You glance over the hugely expansive list, noting some that stood out. Aerospace modelling. Amateur novel writing and literary critique? Athletics. Aviation. Baking and pastries. Ballistic study. Cars? Computer games review? Competitive swimming? Cooking and Culinary sampling? Demolition. Electronics. Fishing? Golf? Homemaking. Inventions. Jokes and stand-up comedy. Kinaesthetics. Law. Matchmaking? Modelling? Mu? Noise and Music? Questions? Radio. Statistics and Maths. Space and Spaceships. Trains? Videos of various things that are often cute but sometimes rather scary.


You scroll past the rest of the open door ones and to the bottom where the non-open door classes were located, or rather, just one class.

Elite (Invite only.)

No location marker and not very descriptive.

You focus back onto the corridor as you come upon your room. Opening your door with a thought, you take it in.

A large room maybe twenty meters squared with walls painted the standard off white. If you were to say the door opened in the south east corner looking north, then directly to the west of the door was a large wardrobe. A large bed with soft yellow blankets and pillows sat in the Southwest corner along the western wall, directly under a wide window, currently set to be opaque. On the opposite side of the room, a desk with a reclinable chair was arranged along the eastern wall, also with an opaque window in front of it. Towards the North, a long sofa was squashed against the wall, a small coffee table in front of it. You raise an eyebrow at it's positioning then turn and look up, an expansive holoscreen stretched along the upper half of the South wall.


You turn and adjust your vision slightly and look through the north wall, revealing a large bathroom behind the door in the Northwest. You were quite sure normal cadets don't get a room this nice. Then again, if it was true that scarcity was no longer a problem in arcologies then maybe they did.

You take off your shoes and walk over to the bed, sitting down and considering your classes-


You blink at the sensation of the mattress and quilt giving way under you. Putting a palm flat against the quilt, you ran it over the quilt, reveling in the sensation of smooth and soft fabric under your hand.

Somehow before you knew it, you ended up lying down on the bed, enjoying the sensation of the fabric enveloping your hands and calves.

Wow. Really soft.

You look up and eye the pillow at head of the bed, it looked soft too. You reach out and grab it, putting it under your head. Relaxing back into it, you sigh, it was as soft as it looked.

But something was wrong, a subtle resistance, a slight dullness in the feeling.

You turn off your Impeller field completely for the first time in years.

This was amazing! You reach up and grab the other pillow at the head of the bed, hugging it to your chest and rubbing your face into it. It was so comfortable.

Swinging out an arm whilst using the other to keep the pillow pressed to your chest, you grab the quilt and fold it over yourself, rolling over and over to cocoon yourself in the nice soft material.

The beds here were amazing, you think absently as you roll over and over on the bed, enjoying the feeling of the mattress giving way under you. Your feet swing out over the edge of the bed.

Uh oh.

You try reversing you momentum with every trick you knew, but confined in the treacherously soft quilt and pillows, you are helpless as you slowly topple off the bed.

Brushing you hair out of your face, you unravel yourself from the quilts and consider the problem.


Walking over to the wardrobe you open it and hit gold. Many more quilts and pillows inside, many, many more.

You enthusiastically haul them out and throw them onto the bed.

Leaping back over, you construct walls with the extra quilts and pillows, before pulling your original quilt and pillows back around you and resume your rolling about. Now there was no threat of falling off the bed and a command turns off the room lights.

Another malfunction occurs however as you bump into one of your walls and it topples on top of you. You wriggle free of your cocoon then burrow to the surface, poking your head out from under the piles of pillows and blankets.

Actually, this wasn't so bad. You yawn and relax back into the pile.

This reminded you of an earlier time, a more innocent time.

Sunbeams shining across the room - Half remembered faces swim across your memories - Anna! Get up you little sleepyhead! - A sunset from a rooftop -

Your hand twitches as you grab for the hand of someone else, who?

Finding nothing, you sigh in disappointment and fall to sleep.


Social score + 1


Where do you focus your efforts on during day classes and which, if any elective class do you choose?

Combat theory classes:
Mostly study of common AGs and the tactics against them.
What do you want to question the instructor about?
>[]Focus on studying close in combat
>[]Focus on studying ranged combat
>[]Focus on studying Higgs, the Impeller field and the abuses of, and spatial warping (Self study)

Valkyrie handling and combat classes:
Actual piloting of Valk frames. You probably won't learn anything here, but you might teach some.
What do you want to practice with the instructor?
>[]Focus on practicing close in Combat
>[]Focus on practicing ranged combat
>[]Focus on studying Higgs, the Impeller field and the abuses of and spatial warping (Self Study)

>[]Do not join any elective classes, keep them free.
>[]Do not commit to any elective classes, explore them.
>[]Join an elective class
>>[]Write in. (GM reserve right to Veto)


Notes: Okay. This update took ages. I meant to publish a character sheet first but this has taken long enough. Before the next update comes out, you'll get the character sheet though.
Last edited:
Post 5
What I should have done:
What do you guys want to do in the morning and lunch?
*write update for morning and lunch*
What do you guys want to do in afternoon and evening?
*writes update for afternoon and evening*

What I did:
Hey guys, wat r u going 2 do tommrw?/
*Its just 1 day lol. cant take that long to write*
*yes tis but a single day, there is naught that the players may fancy to decided upon, none whatsoever*
*nek minute*

Well, I guess this is a result of 'first day syndrome.' I'm fairly sure the next days will be short enough to be one update things, but then again, I thought today was going to be short enough to be a one update day. >_>

Votes Results:
Morning theory classes:
>Ranged Combat: 2
>Close Combat:
>Self Study: 12

Afternoon practical classes:
>Ranged Combat: 11
>Close Combat:
>Self Study: 3

Evening elective classes:
>No Join:
>Explore: 13
>>: Comedy: 1

Study stuff d56 = 7, 19, 15


You were floating on clouds.

Soft sunlight played over your skin, enveloping you in comforting warmth.

A faint beeping shakes the scenery.

You snap your eyes wide open, expanding your Impeller field -why was it off?- shaking off the dream, looking and scanning around you for what disturbed you.

You were on a bed in a room. Your bed, in your room. Ah, right.

A clock on the desk opposite your bed beeps softly, slowly getting louder.


You shut if off with a thought, before digging yourself out from the piles of blankets and pillows. Pulling up your schedule again you look it over.

>04:00 Onwards: Breakfast available.

>09:00 Morning classes.

>12:00 Morning class ends. Lunch available.

>14:00 Afternoon Classes.

>17:00 Afternoon Classes end. Dinner available.

>18:00 Elective classes may begin from this time.

>23:00 Mandatory end of elective classes.

It was still two hours till morning classes begin, while you certainly did have enough sleep by now, it's still odd that-

A ping from Durga interrupts you. A pre-recorded message, set to play upon waking up?

Curious, you accept and listen and hear your own voice speaks out, "Reminder to Anna Sanchez. Upon waking up, shower and clean. Eat breakfast. Do other normal things. End message." don't remember recording that, but it was useful, you suppose that why the default alarm time was two hours before classes began.

Entering the bathroom, you step out of your clothes, looking for a place to put them. A small door next to the sink marked Laundry catches your eye and you place your clothing inside. The door closes automatically and a soft whump sounds, before the door opens again, revealing a fresh set of clothes.

You stare at the contraption with interest, wondering how it worked, but shake off the thought and walk into the shower.

A host of options appear in your mind as the shower asks what kind of shower you would like. Water temperature, water dispersion pattern, water flow rate, automatic dispersion of soap and shampoo in water flow yes/no, scent of water-

You- you just want a normal shower?

The shower confirms with a cheerful ding and the nozzles in the ceiling spray water at you. You flinch as -thousands of projectiles race towards you, no time to dodge- The water hits your Impeller field and runs off. You take a breath and clench your fists. This is just a shower, you've taken showers before, you still remember enjoying them. It's just water.

You turn off your Impeller field off and the water hits your skin, soaking into your hair and running down your body. The droplets strike your body all over and you clench your fists at the sensation. A drop of water drips past your eye and you flinch, closing your eyes and leaning your head against the wall. The drumming of water on your skin and the floor below you fills your head with white noise. You just focus on regulating your breathing.

It only when warm air blows around you to dry you off do you realise that it's over. You stalk out of the stall before the drying cycle finishes, a targeted pulse of your Impeller field throwing the remaining water off you. The shower calls after you, asking if you would like to keep the current settings as the default, you suppress the channel with an annoyed huff. Grabbing your clothes, you throw yourself back on the wonderfully soft bed to calm down.

Fuck showers, you're going to stick to baths from now on.


You didn't particularly want to get out bed after falling back into it, but you forced yourself to as the clock struck 08:00.

You walk to the cafeteria, this time using the travelators to speed up your travel.

Entering the cafeteria, you see that you were relatively early, the cafeterias currently not even a tenth filled. Walking over to the buffet table you look over the spread. Pastries and breads of every sort, many that you could not even pronounce the names of, cold cut meats, hot meat products such as sausages and bacon, soups and porridges, dairy products in profusion, eggs prepared in various ways, cereals, various salads, hundreds of different drink dispensers and a rainbow of fruit. It appeared the banquet table had its food portioned by category, then arranged alphabetically, there was that much variety in the food.

You are more than a bit overwhelmed by the sheer breadth of selection available. Cheese and bacon had been a luxury back in the town, highly prized for barter and eventually meat reached the same status, but you were aware that they weren't considered such by the UN in your time in Anchorage. Actually seeing all this, the level of selection and amount was different. Yesterday at lunch the cafeteria had been near full and people had already taken their shares, but now that you were early, you could see the banquet tables at near full load.

You consider just taking what you were familiar with, some bacon, eggs and some bread, before someone talks from your side. It appeared you had been hesitating for long enough that you had been noticed.

"Hey freshie, If you can't make up your mind what to eat, try a little of everything," suggests a blonde cadet from your side, a third year, as she collects a plate, "If you don't like it, throw it. Don't feel guilty about it, the trays might start looking sparse when more people get in, but it never runs out for real."

"Never runs out…?" you mutter, rolling the words around in your mind, the only things that never ran out in your experience were the Antagonists.

She moves past you, collecting fruits then looks back and grins, "Perks of living in an Arcology. Everybody in Perth can gets this much. Get used to it freshie."

She moves on towards a table with a backwards wave.

You turn back to the banquet and shrug, taking her advice, moving from one of the table to the other. You don't even make it a quarter of the way before your plate is stacked too high for you to consider taking anymore.

You move to an empty table and sit down, analysing the food you had taken, due to the manner you were sampling in, your plate was essentially nothing but bread.

Best get started then.

You cut off a small mouthful from each and work your way across the plate, left to right. The bread was very good, warm and smooth for some, crunchy and chewy for others, some fragrant and some sweet. However you only manage to make it up to the croutons, before you sit back, far too full to consider eating anything else. You manage to take a nibble of the crumpets but that was it, you could barely taste it.

You turn and look at the other cadets and see many walking with their plates, many more than half full and some stacked as high as yours, to a conveyor, where they put down the plates before the belt takes them through a slot in the wall.

"Hello Anna. I see you are taking a very large breakfast today," you look back over and see Yukari walk over with a tray of her own, she gestures at the seat opposite you with it, "May I sit?"

"Go ahead," you wave her down, "Another Third Year cadet suggested I try everything since I didn't really know what to eat."

You gesture at your plate, "So here I am. It will likely take several morning meals to work my way past the breads. Then I will start with pastries. Though if there is an overlap between the breads served at breakfast and those at lunch and dinner, I will perhaps start on the pastries as soon as tomorrow."

Yukari is staring at you, a spoon full of rice porridge held in front of her mouth, you watch her hold it there for one, two, three seconds, before she drops the spoon back into the bowl and covers her mouth with her hands, her shoulders shaking. You wait, slightly concerned as her face reddens, then she bursts into laughter, collapsing onto the table as she supports her head with her arms.

"Ahahaha- Anna, nahahaha, she meant, she meant for you- hahahaha, oh gosh you- you're actually going through it in alphabetical- ahahaha!"

At this she leans back and collapses on her side to lie down on the couch still laughing. Other cadets in the cafeteria were starting to look over, especially those who were just now entering.

"Umm Anna, did you just break sis?" you turn to find Koujirou standing by, holding a tray of food, gaping at his older sister.

"I did not 'break' her," you snap in protest, "I was just explaining my food choices."

Koujirou raises an eyebrow at you, before he moves next to his sister, nudging her legs further up the couch to sit down next to where Yukari was currently breathlessly giggling, still on her side.

"So uh, since I don't think sis is in any condition to talk, why is your plate stacked with nothing but bread?"

You twist your mouth out of its frown and explain the situation as concisely and seriously as you could to Koujirou.

His leans back, you can see his mouth starting to wobble as he suppresses laughter of his own, was your breakfast some communicable vector that made people laugh?

"Aha- Ahem, Anna. You know you can, aheh, just choose the foods that you like to try out, in- instead of going through them like a, a list right?" he said, seemingly exercising a great deal of will to not burst out laughing.

"I will go through the entire menu in that manner anyway, might as well try out everything in order," you mutter, feeling a slight blush rise to your face.

Thinking about it, the third year likely did mean for you to everything in the sense of everything that you want to try out, rather than literally everything. Yukari manages to lever herself up, catches sight of your plate, then falls back to the couch, suppressing a new batch of giggles with her elbow.

"Hahaha, oh my stomach hurts, sorry Anna- ahaha- I don't even know why- hehahaha~!"

You pick up your plate of bread with a sigh, for a moment you consider putting it on the chute with the other students, then shove it into Durga for storage instead. You might need them later.

"See you in class Koujirou," you farewell the boy, he manages to keep his mouth straight as he smiles and waves back, "See ya there Anna."



You weren't sure what to do now. The little message that you had sent yourself said after breakfast, you were to do other normal things.

You doubted that there would be Antagonists so deep into human territory so patrolling was out. You had a fusion power plant now so there was no need to extend your solar arrays and other energy dynamos to recharge your batteries.

Thinking about your batteries, you concentrate for a moment and to assess them. Still busted from taking that particle stream, onium batteries apparently made rather good ERA, another 216 hours until full repair, same with the majority of your dynamos, though those would take another 400 or so hours.

Thinking of nothing else to do, you head for the classroom.

The door smoothly opens, revealing a fairly spacious room shaped like a semicircle, tiered rows of seats of increasing height surrounding the central pulpit.

You take a seat close to the middle and mentally glance at the time, 08:21

Well, nothing else to do. You double tap your desk and the integrated computer blinks on.

>>Welcome Cadet 1st Year Anna Sanchez

It was slower and far less intuitive than using Durga, but directly talking to networks for long enough gave you headaches.

You browse through the Academy net. The default page was set to the discussion forums for student and Instructors of the Academy, then one level up were the various websites run by the residents of Perth Arcology on its network, then access to the inter Arcology network. You go up to the highest level network, the so called Internet, and search for topics relating to Higgs, the Impeller field and spatial warping. Thinking about it, you also add some descriptors for Wave Force Manipulation to the search.

An immense number of different results appear on screen from your search, including a fair number marked Classified.

Perhaps you should leave those alone? No. You aren't using Durga right now, if you can see them, you are pretty clearly meant to be able to. You notice a small camera track onto you. It appears that the Academy could stop you at any time also. You go ahead and open the links, the very first one on top, which has a title too long to be compressed into the computer screen and is cut off halfway.


That's a lot of math and that was only the abstract. What was this article even talking about?

You scroll through the pages.

A 9.3TB equation?

Nope. Can't deal.

Maybe you could process it with Durga, but you'd honestly be pretty happy putting it off for about forever.

You broaden your search parameters, removing the terms relating to Wave Force Manipulation. There were many hundreds of articles dealing with the mysterious particle, news articles, scientific papers, opinions posts and public journal entries, mostly from Valkyries. You start off with the news articles but find them sensationalised, ridiculous and in some cases flat out inaccurate. You eye a few of the scientific pieces but upon seeing the rather complicated maths, decide to skip those and turn to the public journal posts by Valkyries. Sent from all over the world, you decide to read through them. Most mention Higgs only in passing, though you browse through the pictures in the post with some interest. It appeared that the manipulation of Higgs particles with the Impeller field is not unique to you, although it appears no one else has brought it as far as to start using Wave Force, most others who do so merely remark on the increased offensive potential of their Impeller fields.

The door opens as you continue to read. A pair of women walk through into the classroom. Instructors from their uniform, sharply pressed white dress blazers and pants.

"Hello," you greet both the instructors, Meyer and Leonhart from their name tags. Meyer appeared in her mid twenties and had light brown hair hanging freely around her head, whilst Leonhart looked in her mid forties and had dirty blonde hair cut short.

"Good Morning cadet," returns Leonhart absently, only briefly glancing up from her tablet.

"Good morning cadet, always good to see people turn up early," chirps Meyer cheerfully with smile to you, "I don't think I remember you from the squadron roster, you're… Sanchez?"

She stops right in tracks, eyebrows raised, her eyes flicking to one side, obviously using her Valk to check on details, causing Leonhart to bump into her back, "Wait you're Anna Sanchez?"

"Oh, you were the orientation scanner. So you're Anna Sanchez?" says Leonhart, looking you over carefully.

"I am," you confirm.

Both abruptly stand straight and salute you.


"Thank you for destroying Sekhmet," says Meyer, her tone sombre, "We both lost people we knew to that Monster during Alaska."

"We probably wouldn't have been able to pin down Aeon either if you did not go on to shut down the Saskatoon breach," continued Leonhart, both of them still holding their salutes.

"With Aeon and Sekhmet still around, Herakles and Raksha probably wouldn't have retreated from Portland and we'd still be fighting today," said Meyer as both women finally dropped their salutes, "So you undoubtedly saved our lives and hundreds of thousands of others."

For a moment you just stare flatly at them. Saved lives. Did you now? You didn't manage to save even one of the townspeople whom depended on you, but they would credit you with saving hundreds of thousands. -You're late- Shaking your head clear of the memories, you resist a sudden urge to burst into hysterical laughter and simply nod, deciding to accept their gratitude, no matter how underserved it might be, without contest.

Meyer and Leonhart exchange a quick glance, a subtle sideways flicker of the eyes towards each other, Leonhart shakes her head just a tiny bit, Meyer bites her bottom lip slightly, then Leonhart speaks up again, "Miss- uh. Cadet Sanchez, while we're glad to see you, I was under the impression that you were taking an Academic only course and would be taking accelerated classes."

"I was," you say, for a moment considering to leave it at that, "I was asked by a third year to take care of some other cadets, so I'm taking normal classes for the moment."

The two share another glance, slightly longer this time, but before anything comes from it, the opens and other students start filing in. A slight blip of the screen makes you look down and you note that every single document marked Classified has disappeared. Interesting, does that mean you have the same level of clearance as the instructors?

"Welcome to Squadron Four everybody, for the moment, gather near the front of the room," calls out Leonhart with a clap of her hands.

You tap the screen twice again to logoff and walk towards the front of the room, standing slightly behind the first row of desks. The vast majority of the students file in just as the clock hits nine, including Koujirou, who cheerfully waves at you, and Setsuna, whose eyes widen at the sight of you then determinedly slides off to the side to stare at something over your right shoulder. You tilt your head in slight curiosity, sometime since yesterday, Setsuna and Koujirou had both collected Valkyrie frames, though you can feel that neither have theirs equipped, the fist sized Valkyrie cores stored in the belt attached side pouches for both of them.

Quite a few people in the class stare and start whispering to each other, pointing not-so-subtly at Koujirou, whose smile turns a little wry at this. The next two who step into the classroom steal all the attention that Koujirou gathered up.

Shuri and Sandra enter the room.

So they were in the same class as you were, quite a coincidence.

You were not the only one to recognise the pair, the whispering goes still for a moment then resumes at a much higher noise level. Sandra weathers the attention unfazed, a smile on her lips as she nods to some of the other cadets she seems to recognise. Shuri's face twitches for a fraction of a second, not quite a frown, then her face resets to a neutral expression as she walks beside Sandra into the room, giving out polite nods to the cadets whom call her by name.

Shuri really did appear quite famous, it appeared that practically everyone in the room knew her, the only other one who didn't seems to understand the fuss like you was Koujirou, you catch sight of Setsuna leaning sideways and whispering into his ear, an awed expression on her face.

"-the Golden Ace, -" "-youngest serving Valkyrie-" "- finally back in Academy-" "-pressure eased enough now-" "-so cool!"

You tune out the noise and lean backwards, you'll search up why Shuri was famous on your terminal later if there is a need to. Your movement appears to have drawn attention however, her gaze, sweeping imperiously over the assembled cadets suddenly locks onto you. Previously smooth and aloof, her expression changed subtly, her brow creasing slightly, her lips thinning, eyes narrowing a fraction. Enough change a look into a glare.


You do your best impression of Setsuna and look innocently at a point somewhere to the left and past her.

It was not very successful.

She was definitely coming this way. Shuri casually sidles in next to you, turning to face the front of the room without a word to you. You notice Instructor Meyer wince and a slight shake of head from Instructor Leonhart at the byplay between you two.

Sandra walks up a moment later, smiling genially, "Good morning Anna, what a coincidence to see you in this class also."

"Good morning Sandra," you return, deciding to ignore Shuri until she actually talks to you, maybe you were just misinterpreting her look. Sandra smiles wider and walks to your far side, standing next to Shuri. Wow, when Sandra's this close, you can truly appreciate the sheer volume of hair she has. It stretched, blonde, thick and curly along its whole length, to fall slightly past her hips. You unconsciously raise a hand to pet your own short ponytail before you catch yourself and lower your hand.

"Good morning everyone! Welcome to Squadron Four," calls out Instructor Meyer, calling attention back to the front of the room, "For those of you who do not yet know, I'm Instructor Fiona Meyer and this is Instructor Cereza Leonhart. We will be the Instructors of Squadron Four for your first year at this Academy."

Instructor Leonhart takes over at that, "The first order of business for you cadets is to get into your temporary flights. This can be from 4 to 6 people. For the moment, these flights will be temporary, but by the end of week four, we expect you to have settled into permanent flights."

Practically every face in the class turns towards Shuri at that.

Instructor Leonhart continues, exasperation tinged with a hint of resignation in her voice, "Take this time to get to know your fellow cadets and think about who you want covering your back and how well you will get along with your flight members. Find your friends if you can. Do not, I say again, do not just swarm at the cadets with the highest combat ratings. Take a moment and think."

"Alright Cadets, we will give you fifteen minutes to organise yourselves, so go ahead," finishes Instructor Meyer with another clap of her hands.

You turn towards where Koujirou and Setsuna were standing and- a hand catches you by your elbow. You feel the slippery static sensation of low power Impeller fields interacting and turn in surprise. Shuri is looking at you sidelong, one arm reaching out. Even at this distance, without Durga extended, you could not make out the prosthetics that you knew were embedded across her face, it was very good work.

"Anna, how do you feel about joining my Flight?" questions Shuri, her expression somewhat conflicted, Sandra stands behind her, an eager smile on her face, almost bouncing in place in anticipation.

"Sorry, I already have other Cadets in mind," you respond immediately. Where did this question come from? You suppose that your skill would be attractive, but you were nearly sure that she did not like you yesterday following the simulation.

Shuri keeps her hand on your elbow for a second, seemingly undecided between relief and disappointment, before she lets go and nods silently in acknowledgment. Sandra pouts, looking positively crestfallen, but also nods in resignation.

You move on, noting a few eyes following you in interest for a few seconds at the interaction, before the other cadets close in on Shuri and Sandra, a swarm as Instructor Leonhart predicted.

Setsuna and Koujirou stand, mostly by themselves, towards the edge of the room along with a few other groups of cadets. You nod in greeting to the two and again Koujirou grins in welcome to you, "Anna! Good to see you make it. With how the crowd is over there, I don't think I could have managed to make it out in one piece. Also, just before the swarm closed in, I thought you got kidnapped by tall, dark and beautiful back there."

'Tall, dark and beautiful'? Does he mean Shuri Kravala? Setsuna aborts a slap before it even begins and turns her head away with an unhappy pout at your gaze. You were getting a handle for when she was likely to launch her physical attacks now.

"She asked me to join her flight," you say, "but I promised Yukari that I would look after you so I declined."

"Cadet Sanchez," Setsuna suddenly interjects frostily, drawing herself to her full, somewhat unimpressive height, "I do not know who you are or why Yukari onee-sama holds so much respect for you."

She gulps slightly as you look at her, wondering what an 'oh-nay sama' was, but her voice remains steady, "However, I can assure you that I can take care of myself and I can take care of Koujirou too while I am at it."

-It's okay, I can fight them. I can keep you safe-

She reminded you of… you from so long ago. A small smile of melancholy at that thought sneaks onto your face before you reset your expression, "How can you be so sure?"

Setsuna puffs herself up at that, "I already have more than seventy hours synched with Kosenjoubi, forty of them flight hours and I'm already combat rated as a Junior Valkyrie Third Grade. That would take the average Valkyrie at least one hundred and thirty five flight hours. I'm one of only fifty first years already rated as a Junior Valk. I can protect and teach Koujirou everything I know, so there's no need for you to inconvenience yourself."

"I am glad to hear that," you say honestly, the stronger they were, the better for everyone, "but let's leave it to the afternoon practical lesson to compare ability. Then you can make a decision of whether you want me around or not."

"Alright deal!" Setsuna pumps her fist and jumps in place slightly, turning to Koujirou and smirking, "See Koji, Anna thinks I'm awesome!"

Hmm, well Setsuna no longer seems to have an objection so you supposed you were 'officially' accepted into their Flight then.

"Setsu, I don't think that's what Anna was saying."

"You're just sore I whupped you in the simulator after dinner."

"Wha- It was my first time, you dive bomb me three seconds in and I still got hits on you anyway!"

"What's that Mr Zero-Wins-One-Loss? I can't hear you~"

You stand by their side, waiting as the minutes counted down, occasionally listening in on their arguing. Apparently "onee-sama" meant respected elder sister, Setsuna used a ranged combat frame while Koujirou used a close combat frame, Koujirou had not managed to make out the name of his frame and decided to not rename it, he thought that it would be disrespectful, Setsuna thought that was silly as first years were offered a wide range of Valkyrie frames to see which one they have the best compatibility with and then the argument took a tangent and you stopped listening in.

A few other cadets drift over, but aside from talking to Koujirou, something that has Setsuna getting redder and redder in the face, they do not appear interested in joining the Flight even on a temporary capacity, so when the Instructors call time, the three of you were waiting alone.

Your new team designation was Flight Seven of Squadron Four of Perth's 2070 First Years.

Instructor Meyer takes in the scene at a glance, "Well I can see there are some Flights with fewer than optimal members," a looks at your group, "and a few Flights with more than the optimal number of members," over on the other side of the room, Shuri appeared to have gained no fewer than seven other cadets in addition to Sandra.

"As the Flights as they are now are temporary, we will let this slide, sometimes missions will call for larger or smaller Flights as needed," the Instructor continues.

"Right, now we begin your first class as Combat Valkyries of the United Nations."

You lean forwards, interested in the lesson, wondering how normal Valkyries would start their career. Instructor Leonhart starts with a quick recount of recent history, then continues to on to give a brief summary of various Antagonists types and conventional human tactics against them.

There did not appear to be too much variation in conventional human tactics against Antagonist forces however, it mostly boiled down to launch hundreds of thousands of missiles and shells at Antagonist groupings. This is then followed by calling in Valkyries to suppress the AG interception units revealed when they fire to intercept the missiles, quickly followed by fast air to contest air superiority. All this time, high yield weaponry would be deployed selectively against newly discovered concentrations of enemy forces. While the heavy AG units were occupied by Valkyries, armoured formations advance with heavy air support advance and bury Antagonist units under Humanity's overwhelming numerical advantage. Lastly, infantry would sweep behind the main thrust for scattered remnants of AG forces.

While this was all happening in the planetary atmosphere, the battles in space was one of hide and seek that would begin weeks before the ground engagement as the various orbital forces stop each other from conducting bombardment on each other's staging areas and supply depots, moving through high and low orbits, hiding in the debris and radiation pockets that cluttered all levels of Earth orbit. Humanity nominally held orbital superiority over much of the planet, but even Valkyrie battleships could not withstand the anti-orbital weapons of Major Breaches for more than a few minutes at a time and would take damage from the anti-orbital weaponry of minor breaches, so attacks on AG controlled territories would have orbital forces descend into atmosphere and begin direct fire support for ground forces if orbit was declared swept sufficiently clean.

Once deployed enemy forces were sufficiently depleted, then attacks on enemy redoubts could begin, which was either the job of Valkyries if orbit remained contested, or the job of spaceships if orbit was clean and the redoubt was far away enough from a Breach for the ships to attack whilst a safe distance from the ground.

Once the Higgs Engines and the Higgs Generator of a redoubt were destroyed or disabled and along with them, the production capability of the redoubt, high yield weaponry would be used to collapse the perimeter structures and drones and infantry would sweep through the labyrinthine central structure to make sure it was cleared of hostiles and hopefully secure Higgs engines and Generators. If Valkyries could be spared, they would assist in this.

Appearances of High Level Antagonists change the equations significantly and Instructor Meyer gave a very basic overview of the various Types known to human forces.

Type 5s were air superiority units, capable of destroying entire squadrons of human aerospace fighters without problem from neutral scenarios.

Type 10s were artillery units, usually counter firing on human formations during concentrated pushes against AG redoubts.

Type 16s were small, stealthy but powerful Antagonist ground units, apparently serving an equivalent role to special forces infantry, usually inside redoubt tunnels to murder human infantry or hiding amongst destroyed AG units to ambush human armoured and artillery formations.

Type 18s were battlefield control Antagonists, capable of jamming, E-War, space warping and periods of full spectrum electromagnetic stealth, mostly found in space but always ready to give human ground forces a nasty surprise alongside other high level Antagonists that it might have been hiding or negate entire waves of missiles and drones with its jamming.

Type 7s were the general purpose monster, capable of everything that the other types were at reduced capacities, which made them the most dangerous to human forces as they were most flexible.

Type 2s were High Level Antagonists apparently created specifically to counter Valkyries, armed with single target, high precision weapons, they were deployed against Valkyries exclusively.

You calmly view the pictures and diagrams the scrolled across the board, looking for any unfamiliar enemies. You didn't find one, though you had only encountered Type 2s once you began your assault on Saskatoon Breach, so you pay rapt attention to the unfortunately brief description of the monster.

Instructor Leonhart steps forwards now, "Lastly and mostly, the Type Zero."

New pictures scrolled across the screen, a funeral under the shadow of the destroyed Elazig Hive for the one hundred and thirty six Valkyries and twelve of the Three Hundred killed by Indra during the doomed first push. Blurry pictures of the first interstellar space ship of humanity, Ark ship Noah, bisected by Abraxas at nearly a million kilometers from Earth, its terraforming tools and gene banks spilling out into the vacuum. Three shattered UN Arcologies of eastern Africa, destroyed by Aswang to result in fifty million civilian dead in just one hour.

"The three most infamous and publicised instances of attacks by Type 0s, before public information on them was squashed by the UN," a few cadets murmur in surprise at this, before Leonhart continues.

"I'm sure that even before you came here, you all researched Type Zeros. Know this, there is no standard doctrine for dealing with Type Zeros. The appearance of an unknown Type Zeros with a Generator output of Class B or above calls for a general halt of operations, or even retreat, of the entire front until its patterns are recorded. The first rule for you personally when it comes to Type Zeros is that you cannot win a fight against one alone. The second rule is that you cannot win a fight with your flight. The third is that you cannot win a fight with your squadron. Simply do not confront them head-on. If you become an Elite pilot, you may begin entertaining thoughts of attacking Type Zeros with a squadron of other Elites."

You shift slightly in discomfort at that, you understood that a normal cadet stood less than a ghost of a chance against a Type Zero, but the advice for fleeing and the certainty with which Instructor Leonhart advocated this bothered you at a fundamental level. You take a brief glance sideways, both Setsuna and Koujirou were absorbed into the presentation, leaning forwards in their seats with looks of concentration on their faces.

You would not be able to rely on your Flight for support against a Type Zero, nor would it be right for you to do so after promising to protect them.

Instructor Meyer steps up, beginning a in-depth analysis of tactics for Valkyries against Standard AG forces, attacking at range and attacking close in for the various types of normal AG units. You listen for a few minutes, but it's nothing that you don't already know. You lean forwards and again begin browsing the net for texts and other records relating to Higgs and Impeller use by other Valkyries, occasionally responding to questions asked by your two teammates when the Instructors quiz the Squadron on how to respond against various AG units. In particular, you read with some interest in how some Valkyries talk of using their Impeller field to shape plasma.


Theoretical (Transcendent Offense): (0)+7+3 = 10/???


"… which brings us to the conclusion of this lesson. That is it for theoretical today Cadets. Meet up in the lobby of simulation room L-four. You might get to put some of what you just learnt into practice so don't just let the knowledge slip out of your head," finished Instructor Meyer, again with a clap for emphasis.

Koujirou gives a mighty yawn as class ends and people start standing to file out of the various exits. He stands up and stretches, "Alright, so Anna, Setsu, want to go off and get lunch now?"

Setsuna mirrors his yawn, but manages to nod.

You shake your head, "Thank you, I've already got lunch."

You retrieve the plate of bread that you stored at breakfast.

Koujirou boggles, "Hang on Anna. You kept that plate of bread? You know you can get it fresh from the cafeteria right? Not that- I mean, slightly fresher… hmm, I've never tried food that's been enhanced by a Valkyrie core, I wonder if it taste better as well as being more nutritious."

He trails off halfway, looking at your plate of bread speculatively. You're about to offer to share when-

"Oh c'mon you moron, you'll get plenty of chances to eat Valk enhanced food later on through the year on our fieldtrips," Setsuna grabs onto the back of his shirt and drags Koujirou out of the room.

You shrug and pick up the Curry bread, noting it was still piping hot and crispy on the outside and take a bite out of it.


You walk over to the large scale simulator room, this time having stopped your sampling at the Pretzel, the last of the breads that you were able to fit on your plate. You're quite confident that if the full selection of breads is served at dinner, you will be finished with the bread section. Entering the lobby, you note that you were again early, having simply wandered over after finishing your lunch.

For a moment you wonder if you should be elsewhere. What do normal people do during lunch? 'Eat and relax' Yukari had said during lunch just yesterday. You've eaten. So now it's time to relax.

You lean against the wall and wait, appreciating the quiet and solitude.


Some time passes in peace.

"Miss Sanchez? Why are you here so early again?"

You wake up with a slight start, beginning a scan- before you squelch it. Instructor Meyer was standing on the other side of the lobby, having just entered the room.

"I was waiting for class," you answer promptly, rolling your neck slightly, no matter how much you did it, sleeping upright always made your neck sore.

"By yourself? Did you just come right here after morning class ended? What about lunch?" Meyer asked more questions, looking confused.

"Yes. Yes. I ate and I rested, I have already completed lunch."

Meyer stares at you for a second, then her eyes flicker slightly to the side, communicating silently over her Valkyrie most likely.

After a few moments, the Instructor shakes her head slightly, "Anna, I- okay. Anna, you should be hanging out with your friends, talking and getting to know them during your free time. If you're uncomfortable around people, Perth Arcology below has some great biomes that every cadet should find time to visit, especially if they haven't been in an Arcology before, even the City itself. Really, if you have nothing else to do, we're extending an invitation to the Instructors lounge to you. You don't have to talk if you decide to come, but you can hang around and listen to us whinge, maybe share some thoughts about how the war is going on, things like that, we've all been through years of battle as well. Leonhart's over ninety years old, she lived through Impact, so we all know. Did you at least sign into an elective class?"

"I am planning on visiting them all."

"Okay, that's good. They might formally open at six at night, but there's likely people who there during lunch and breakfast too, so you can visit them also."

She then hesitates a moment with a slight scowl, her eyes flickering back and forth, "There's also the 4th cafeteria. A few there might have egos the size of the Arcology, but most of the third years there will also be combat veterans. They know when someone is just there to rest."

You tilt your head slightly at the last suggestion, it sounded somewhat contrary to the previous ones, then answer, "Thanks for the advice, I'll think about it."

Meyer continues standing there for a second, looking troubled, then brightens and brandishes her datapad at you, "I'm about to go set up the simulator for the class, do you want to join me? It's very interesting to watch."

You wince slightly at the thought, "Thanks, but I don't like the sensation of the simulator setup, feels too much like a Type-18."

"Ah, yeah, you're a sensor type," murmurs Instructor Meyer, "Well, when the clock strikes two, Instructor Leonhart will arrive and once everyone is here, she'll pass you all in together. See you then Miss Sanchez."

You almost respond with the habitual 'call me Anna', but somehow saying that to an instructor felt inappropriate and you simply say goodbye as she enters the simulator main room.

You straighten up and wait for the remaining few minutes to pass as more and more students come in. Almost exactly on the dot, Instructor Leonhart stepped into the room lobby herding a last few cadets before her. She was over 90 years old? She did not look it.

… You suppose this was the same effect that had people guessing that you were older than you looked. You wonder for a moment how old Meyer was if Leonhart was over ninety and looked in her mid thirties.

You give a brief wave to Koujirou and Setsuna, enthusiastically returned by Koujirou, then fall into step behind them as you all enter the simulation room. They had both synched their Valkyrie frames sometime over lunch.

The large scale simulator room was not that much different in appearance to the smaller one, except scaled up in every dimension, more than thirty meters in diameter compared to the smaller rooms mere seven. Durga traces the flows of Higgs through the surrounding machines, which seem to writhe and twist upon themselves as you watch from the spatial shivers surrounding them.


"Alright cadets, for those of you who have not entered a simulator before, this may look rather alarming but do not be worried, these simulator are explicitly safe. We will enter on the count of five."

You roll your shoulders slightly, annoyed at the sensation of space distortions growing stronger and stronger.

"…two, one-"

Space around you wrenches, twists, the walls around you collapse inwards-

And you were once again outside of Perth Academy, on the surface. Instructor Meyer was already there, lazily waving to the squadron.

"First thing cadets, remember in theory how we told you all of what you can do and 'things to not do' inside the simulator, I once again emphasise, even if you are capable of them, do not use spatial warping abilities, for Higgs usage, use vocal prompts. You will be able to use both freely in the above ground airspace and the arenas," calls out Instructor Leonhart, her voice seemingly coming from every direction.

She glares around until there is a chorus of nodding and acknowledgements then looks towards Instructor Meyer. Both Instructors extend their Valkyrie frames in a flash of white light, weapon systems still retracted.

"Flights who are mostly comprised of cadets without many flight hours or even never synchronised with a Valk outside of compatibility testing, to me!" calls out Meyer, also with voice coming from every direction.

"Flights who are mostly cadets with flight hours or have synched with their Valk cores multiple times, this way," sharply gestured Leonhart.

You take a step towards Leonhart before looking back for an opinion from your teammates, but both Koujirou and Setsuna also walk towards Leonhart without objection.

There were two flights gathered around Leonhart, Shuri's Flight with its nine people, a Flight of four and your small Flight of three made for three total Flights, though the sheer size of Shuri Flight really meant that there were enough cadets for four Flights total, even with your smaller than average Flight. All in all, there were around even numbers of people between the two groups.

As a passing curiosity, you pull up a combat rating thing that people have been mentioning into your vision. Some of the cadets in your group were rated in the two to three hundred range while those in Meyers groups for totally new Valkyries were mostly '0's as expected. Setsuna, giving truth to her boast, was rated '930'. You honestly have no idea what the numbers mean and take further looks around. As you expected, Shuri was rated rather highly at… '14,700'?

That… was a rather enormous difference numerically.

You look around some more for other comparisons, Sandra who stood right next to Shuri was labelled '790', lower than Setsuna and no where near her wingman. The cadet, Syifa Wulandari, at the center of the third Flight was moderately highly ranked also, with a rating of '4500'. Three other cadets aside from Setsuna had a ranking above '900', but there was nobody close to the ten thousand mark, let alone half that again as Shuri was. You idly research your own combat rating and find a question mark.


Well, nothing for it, you close the list as Leonhart begins talking.

"Now most of you would already be familiar with synchronising and extending and your Valkyrie frames, but regardless, we start there. All cadets, synchronise your Valkyrie cores if you have not already and extend your frames."

There was a dual flash of light as you and Shuri both extend your respective Valkyrie frames in milliseconds, followed fractions of a second later by Syifa.

Setsuna finishes a couple of second later, revealing Kosenjoubi, an elaborate, nearly ceremonial, red frame with golden highlights, her helmet had a wide clear visor, showing almost all of her face. Brightly glowing blue thrusters clustered around her back, ankles and wrists, likely double serving as a weapon system, likely a zero range plasma caster. A pair of cannons were mounted at her hips, currently set to a neutral position of pointing behind her like a tail, while a pair of plasma casters were slung behind her back. Missile racks were strapped to the outside of her legs and a melee halberd was equipped in its recessed form over her left vambrace.

Koujirou nearly keeps pace, his own frame, thin, elaborately articulated white plates with red highlights and a black under layer taking shape moment later, his helmet also with a large clear visor. Large thruster bands for plasma arc engines like yours were wrapped around his pauldrons and greaves, supplementing more thruster arrays that emerged from his feet and back. A melee halberd shaped like a curved sword of some sort was equipped on his hip and a cannon on his left vambrace… and nothing else.

You look over his frame more carefully but find nothing, surely that couldn't be it? Maybe he was already at the skill level where he could hold weapons in storage and change their materialisation manner?

"Where are your other weapons Koujirou?" you ask him over comms.

He jumps slightly, then scratches at his helmet, "Ah… well, I've got more don't worry, it's kinda weird though. I can feel them in storage, but I can't seem to extend them right now. There's two more, then a third that feels even harder to express out for some reason."

You shake your head minutely, one cannon and a melee halberd? Far too little utility to survive against Antagonists- you check yourself at this thought and turn your attention to Shuri. Her frame now sported both Particle cannons deployed alongside her thrusters and melee halberds, which she had two out right now, and some large plasma weapon now sat along her back over the Higgs engine along with a pair of missile racks nested next to it.

As you expected, her frame had more than just her particle cannon and halberd.

Over at Meyers group, you see some cadets synchronising with their first Valkyrie cores, a few falling over at the shock of the enhanced sensory input. A few went right on to extending their frames, all of them without exception had more weapon systems than Koujirou did.

"You should change frames," you advise Koujirou bluntly, "Or at least integrate some more ranged weapons."

"Eh, I actually went down to the fabricator to try yesterday evening but I can't seem to do it. But- I kind of don't want to change frames either, I bonded with this one during compatibility testing. They used to use this one for general compatibility testing since no one registers high compatibility with it specifically."

He sounded rather reluctant. You think it over, as you've only ever used Durga, you wouldn't really know what changing frames was like, "Have it your way then, make sure to figure out how to use those other weapons before you go onto the battlefield. You do not want to be holding something unfamiliar during a vital situation where lives are on the line."

"No probs Anna," he said, "but ah- where are your weapons?"

"I'm keeping them in storage. I don't need them out yet."

Setsuna turns and stares at you suspiciously, Koujirou tilts his head in surprise.

Before any more could be said on the subject, Instructor Leonhart begins talking again.

"Alright my cadets, from now on, treat this simulation as a battlefield. I understand that sustained expression of the Valkyrie frame, or simply keeping a core equipped, can be exhausting for those who are not used to it, but the Antagonists will not wait for you feel ready for a fight and in here neither shall I. Endeavour to keep your frame active for as long as you can."

A chorus of "Yes Instructor" dutifully rings out.

She nods sharply and continues, "As said in theory, the air is the Valkyrie's natural domain, it's most likely where you will be spending most of your time in combat. Some of you may have not flown before, so here and now, inside this simulator, is the best time to start. We start with simple manoeuvres."

Glowing green rings appear in the air.

"Follow me through the rings, bumping into your fellow cadets or touching the rings on your way through them will lose you score," calls out Leonhart, taking off on low thrust, ascending into the air, "Cadets who are confident with flying, you may fly ahead and try to complete the course in the minimum amount of time, the shorter your lap, the higher your score."

"Race you," smirked Setsuna at you.

"Make it a three way race?" questions Koujirou with a daring smile, but at Setsuna rather than you.

"Alright Koji, you're on!" shouts Setsuna, blasting off.

"Hey you- cheapskate!" yells Koujirou, launching himself off after her.

You burn after the two with a slight shake of your head. The two twist and turn through the course, coming far too close multiple times as they fly forwards, centimeters separating the two.

>>Cadet Masaya has contacted Cadet Rokusabe.

Oh boy.

>>Cadet Rokusabe has contacted Cadet Masaya.

The two were began going at it, no longer considering the contact between them and the rings or them and each other.

>>Cadet Masaya has contacted Ring 53.

>>Cadet Masaya has contacted Cadet Rokusabe

>>Cadet Rokusabe has contacted Ring 58.

Yep, they were trying to ram each other into the rings now. You shift, weapons unconsciously manifesting halfway around you before you retract them. Was this part of their 'normal' physical… relationship? Are such things even allowed in a lesson? You were quite sure either would get a blasting if they suggested to attack the other in any manner no matter how minor in a theory lesson, so surely this should be absolutely off bounds.

"Anna, just so you know, you are scored on this as a Flight."

A private channel from Shuri.

"This is meant to be team exercise where you help your team mates with formations and awareness," she continues, "If they keep that up, there's no way they will win, even if they do come first, which they probably won't."

Indeed as Shuri talks, Syifa and one of her flight passes both of them. Both of them had slowed down significantly now that they were ramming each other into the rings. This exercise seemed specifically designed against your flight mates. Then again, if the purpose of the lesson was to teach people how to work together combined with the fact that there would be no danger inside the simulator…

"Well," you finally respond, "I suppose I could let this exercise teach the lesson it's meant to teach…"

The Instructor was leading the rest of the students, staying silent as she watched from behind.

"Are you going to? I somewhat wish I did," grumbles Shuri.

Thinking about it, you did see several of her Flight bumping into her as they jostled for positions around her, before she apparently explained the purpose of the exercise.

"No I don't think I can," you murmur, mostly to yourself.

You push power to your thrusters and push between them before they could ram each other again.

"Setsuna, Koujirou! You are going to lose the exercise," you call out on flight channel, "Scores are calculated on a flight by flight basis. If you can't work together, at least don't work against each other."

They falter at your words and slow down further, staring silently for a few seconds at each other, likely having an argument of their own on a private channel, before both turn and bow mid-air at you.

"S-sorry Anna, we got caught up-" says Setsuna, then yelps as her posture sends her tumbling forwards before she corrected thrust ratios, nearly impacting against Koujirou again.

"Lets just finish," you allow with a sigh.


Your flight still came last on average score.

By the time you intervened, it was too late to save the average. There were only three flights anyway and none of the others had fallen into the level of chaos as yours had so you weren't really surprised. It also turned out there was an enormous unmentioned penalty to deliberately pushing another cadet into the rings.

"So. Children. Tell me," growls out Instructor Leonhart, her armoured form looming over the despondent forms of Setsuna and Koujirou, "What. Have we learnt today?"

"…uh, well-" starts Koujirou.

"Wrong." Leonhart squashes the rest of his reply, turning her back to you three and looking to the rest of the group, "Of the sixteen cadets in our group, how many of you heard and understood when I said 'treat this simulation as a battlefield'? A show of hands."

Some hesitantly, some reluctantly, a full thirteen hands rose into the air. You did not even consider raising your own, you understood what the Instructor was doing.

And you hate it.

Setsuna's own hands had balled into fists and her lower lip was trembling now.

Instructor Leonhart turns back around to the trio of you, focusing on Setsuna now, "Well Junior Valkyrie Third Grade Masaya, do you think you can answer correctly?"

"We should have worked as a team," mutters Setsuna after taking a breath, looking at her feet, her hands now trembling.

"And?" Leonhart turns to you on this.

"We must not attack other humans, neither here nor anywhere," you return succinctly.

Through her visor, you see her brow creases for a instant, did she have some issue with your wording?

"Good," she cuts out brusquely.

"This is not a kiddie school. These are not games. Try that on a true battlefield and you would be lucky to escape court martial. If you were unlucky, you would be dead. If you were really unlucky, it would be your friends who are dead."

Koujirou and Setsuna flinch at that grim declaration. You just clench your jaw.

The rings appeared in the air again, this time moving and undulating like an enormous python.

"Now we go again."


For an hour afterwards, seventy more circuits through increasingly complex paths followed, with more and more stringent rules and surprises in the course as it evolved. From a series of moving circles firstly to a solid tube obstructing views of what came next, then to a moving solid tube, to a simulacrum of a series of rock caves complete with collapses and finally to a moving simulation of a Breach Craft throat, complete with valves, plasma mists and spasms.

It was gross.

Instructor Leonhart had stopped upping the complexity when only you and Shuri were able to complete the courses. It rankled you, but with the rules set up as they were, even if you physically pushed and pulled your two team mates away from the various 'instant death' zones that appeared as the difficulty ramped up, so much contact eventually disqualified you before you could reach the end of the course. Very soon after you were disqualified, your two team mates would be too, unable to react in time to the various surprises inside the course without you there.

You did admire the persistence of both your charges however. They stuck in there and continued attempting to complete the courses despite obvious exhaustion until they were part of only five cadets attempting the paths at all, the rest simply concentrating on floating with their Valkyrie frames extended, too exhausted to fly more. You, Koujirou, Setsuna Shuri and Sandra were the last ones flying.

Once the last run had finished, which Shuri won again, her close combat frame's acceleration advantages allowing her to edge you out in these courses, Instructor Leonhart leads the group back down towards Meyer's group. Everybody there appeared to all have managed to equip Valkyrie units and had been running through a rather simple air course of their own, displaying the entire squadron with their Valkyrie Frames equipped for the first time. Some of your group however, collapse with groans once they reach the ground, a few even letting their Valkyrie frames retract as they sit down, clasping their heads.

Words aside, Instructor Leonhart appeared to know the limits of the cadets quite well and declares a quarter hour break.

Koujirou is one of those people who've clearly had too much to handle, his eyes swirling about in their sockets as he sinks to the ground.

Setsuna manages to continue keeping Kosenjoubi extended, she settles Koujirou into a more comfortable resting position then stands and stares at you for a few moments.

"You're an Ace Pilot," she states rather matter of factly.

"I have not taken a combat test before, so I don't know," you deflect with a slight shrug, it was likely that everybody in the group already knew, but you didn't feel much like broadcasting it.

Setsuna shakes her head, then rubs her visor with her palms, muttering under her breath.

"…Okay," she straightens, "Okay… I didn't know why Yukari respected you so much at first, but for what it's worth, I'm glad that you joined our Flight and I'll try my best to learn from you. And I'm also really sorry I got you into trouble then."

You tilt your head slightly in surprise.

"B-but! I'll get better than you someday! I'm planning to make Ace level as well! Then I won't need to rely on you or anyone else for protection," she flares up suddenly, glaring up at you.

Well, looks like Setsuna did not change her spots so easily.


Koujirou had recovered once the two Instructors called an end to the break, still grimacing and rubbing at his head, but now functional and back in his Valkyrie frame.

"Alright cadets. From now on, we begin practical weapon training alongside manoeuvre practice," said Meyer, "As Valkyrie frames often sport differing and non-uniform weapons, this part of the lesson will be broken up into two general halves. Combat at range and close in combat."

"Divide into flights and decide amongst yourselves which role you would like to eventually play. Everyone, no matter what your frame configuration is, start off practising as much combat at range as possible, as familiarity with combat at range is necessary to close the distance."

Targets appeared floating in midair, simple polygons floating this way and that. Again, Durga marks them as decoys and this time you let the designation stand as they were making no pretensions about being anything else.

As it turned out, firing of missiles was a very in depth exercise rather than the fire and forget that you had expected it to be after the simulation on your first night, requiring a specific order and launch frequency that changed depending on relative altitudes, distances and velocities between the Valkyrie and the Target for maximum effect. First was to launch long range launching active seekers, then long range passive seekers, then setting up brackets and area denial with long burners with long linger times, then finally launching the medium range high manoeuvrability fast seekers.

This would take entire missiles artillery batteries or full alpha strikes from naval cruisers to set up with conventional equipment but was within the capabilities of singular long range focused Valkyrie frames thanks to the storage, compaction and refinement abilities of the Valkyrie cores.

The manner which Valkyries fought also depended heavily on their specific frame types, both Instructors made rounds advising on likely tactics for cadets.

Upon reaching you as you were resupplying on your missiles, Instructor Leonhart paused for a moment, "Anna… don't try to do too much at once, there is only so much one person can carry."

You freeze for a moment at the words, then continue loading missiles without a word as she moves on.

"Cadet Rokusabe! Get some more damned weapon systems! No you can't just fly up to them and hit them with your sword!"


Practical (Target Rich Environment Level 1): (56) +19+3 = 78/???
Character Relevance increases to 8 (Notable Side Character/Harem Nominee)


You glare at the roll of Yufka on your plate.

Why had you decided to do this?

It was all a misunderstanding on your part in the first place.

You hate bread.

There was only Zopf and Zwieback left after the Yufka.

You can do this.

It was delicious in every objective manner. Warm, chewy, fragrant.

You hate bread.

You take a perfunctory bite out of the last two different slices of bread and stand up.

"I have completed dinner," you declare stonily.

On the other side of the table, Yukari collapses into another attack of giggles, Setsuna stares at you open mouthed in shock and Koujirou maintains an absolutely expressionless face, but his faintly trembling shoulders show he was close to his limit.

You place the plate of bread into your storage again and march out of the cafeteria.


Right. Elective classes, you open the list and consult the various locations.

Suddenly it occurs to you that exploring down the list in alphabetical order may be a poor decision like your food sampling. You open up more detailed descriptions for the various classes but there was enough variety that you were reasonably sure that it should not end in the same manner.

You decide to allocate one hour to each class as you scroll down the list, first was Aerospace modelling.


Inside one of the expansive fabricator rooms, you find the elective class. A sign hung in front of the door declaring that Valkyrie cores must be synched before entering the room. You confirm the electronic prompt with Durga and the blast doors slides apart.

Small scale models of many different planes and rockets festooned the shelves of the room, some flying lazy circuits inside the high ceilinged room, filling the entire room with a whirring noise. You recognised a few different models of light planes that you had seen in the town, but most were completely unfamiliar to you.

There were some people gathered near the fabricator units forming what appeared to be tiny compressor engines for a model of a pre Impact passenger jet, but most people appeared to be throwing small folded pieces of paper around the room. Paper aeroplanes you recognised, though some of the designs were elaborate far beyond anything you used to build.

There were two third year Valkyries arguing quietly near the side of the room and you can't help but overhear as you walk past.

"-clearly origami-"
"-aerospace includes gliders okay?"
"We don't have enough formal members as is, can't you help me out here Liu?"
"-small scale modelling, not us-"

You move on past and sit down at one of the various tables, absentmindedly folding up a paper aeroplane from memory as you quietly watch the rest of the class. Compared to the actual classes with the Instructors heading them, the elective class was amazingly freeform. You idly launch your paper aeroplane, giving it a slight push with your Impeller field.

It soars towards the ceiling, before tracing a lazy spiral towards the ground. Then a model military jet angles towards it, there was a small flash of light and your paper plane smokes, then tumbles towards the ground, a small hole bored through one of it's wings.


"Interested? You can call it down if you want a closer look," the third year who had been arguing at the side of the room walks over, tracing your glance, "Rafale, land."

The jet you had been watching turns and glides downwards, angling down and slowing until it extends tiny wheels from it's body and uses the table as a runway, sliding to a stop in front of you.

The third year gingerly picks it up and holds it out to you.

"Analyse it with your Valk if you want freshie, but honour rules here say we don't integrate anything we build to improve them."

"Thanks," you say to her, cradling the small machine with your Impeller field. It was remarkably light yet solid, somewhere under five kilograms for a model around half a meter long.

"Hold it there for a second will you?" asks the senior, fishing out her datapad from her pocket and extending a wire from it.

"Sure," you say absently, directing a scan into the small machine as the senior plugged her datapad into the model. Small hydrogen fuel cells, high energy density batteries, processor cores, various sensors in the nose cone, a small compact laser system, too low power to hurt an Antagonist of any class but capable of burning paper with enough time focused on it. You paid most attention to the tiny compressor engines slung under its wings though, it was amazingly intricate work.

"Thanks," she says as she puts away her datapad, "Someone tried to be smart and decided they wanted to see model dogfighting again. Since we don't do and see enough fighting already apparently. Anyway, interested in joining?"

"I'm just here to tour," you respond.

"Well, paper gliders are alright, but if you want to get into this stuff, you need to look at the design and construction on the fabricator. Just leave the jet on the table, it'll taxi itself to a shelf to recharge. Come with?" she says with a gesture towards the fabricator.

"Sure," you respond, placing down the jet, which instantly starts up its engine and start rolling towards the shelf, and stand to follow the senior.


Next on the list was the Athletics class. It was held inside the middle of the Perth Arcology. You descend down a series of freight elevators alongside the cargo and walk through service corridors directly to the location.

It opened up to a fairly large sports stadium. Tiers upon tiers of seats surrounds the field all the way up. A large scoreboard was projected around the upper edges of the ceiling a series of records sliding scrolling continuously across it.

>100m Sprints - 3.56s - Shuri Kravala<
>200m Sprints - 6.82s - Shuri Kravala<
>400m Sprints - 13.41s - Lesidi Traore<
>110m Hurdles - 4.41s - Shuri Kravala<

You raise an eyebrow at the familiar name. Really? She really was a superstar.

In the center of the field there was a moderately large group of Valkyries, performing various activities. There was another similarly sized group of Valkyries just standing around, not just Valkyries, they seemed to be talking to boys? Male athletes from the look of them. They just seemed to be talking and mingling rather than performing any athletics.

You walk past them and look over the track. One hundred meters exactly from starting line to finishing line.

You rarely ran with your legs once you managed to integrate an electric engine some time ago, when you needed to get places fast while your engines were out of power or repairing, you had jumped with the assistance of your Impeller field. You still somewhat remember playing tag but that could hardly be called competitive running. You consider the track, then bounce up and down on your feet slightly, trying to remember what it was like to run.

You can't, the action of running simply doesn't ring any bells in your head.

Well, it had been a while.

You decide to simply watch this time, maybe your will remember with some encouragement.


Third on the nights agenda, Amateur novel writing and literary critique, located in one of the Academy's classrooms.

You enter the room and take it in. Most of the Valkyries were clustered at the front of the room using the holoprojector to read a text aloud, whilst smaller clusters of Valkyries were gathered around the periphery of the room, whispering to each other and occasionally bursting into giggles.

You walk towards the largest group first, listening in as the holoprojector's artificial voice read out the text in a soft but deep male voice,
>He blazed into the restaurant. Customers halted with soup spoons halfway to their mouths to stare at the impossibly glamorous man who had just walked in in a storm of testosterone and muscle.<

You tilt your head in confusion. What?

As you listen on, it becomes more and more difficult for you to follow the plot, the sentences were rather too complex for you. The other Valkyries appear to have no problems understanding the prose as they gasp and cover their mouths and giggle into their palms in turn. One particularly notable one you have Durga record and analyse for you as you could not make head nor tail of what it was about.

>>Translating: "Maria had been reading a chryselephantinely overwritten book called Moll Flanders in the coach, and very definitely she thought the somber, passionate, tragicomic and picaresque story was most absorbing, and certainly presented the dark, sinister, underground side of English life in a vivacious and veridical manner that carried conviction, but she wished Mr. Defoe were not so in love with ornamentally excessive adjectives and long, stentorian, and somewhat inchoate sentences that, even by the standards of the time, seemed to twist and turn through curlicues and arabesques and wind on and on through ever-increasing clauses and sub-clauses, including abrupt changes of subject and total non sequiturs, even if he did seem to be making a unique effort to understand a woman's perspective on the world, which was all to the good, of course, and it was less monochromatically monotonous (she had to admit) than the other one he wrote with virtually nobody in it but that one ingenious mechanic on the island, living in total isolation until he found that mute but ineluctable footprint; and yet it could all be told as well and be more pleasant to read if those sentences did not get so totally out of control and sprawl all over the page so often in positive apotheosis of the lugubrious style, and then she wondered if reading so much of such labyrinthine and arabesque prose for so long in the hot carriage had affected her own mind and she were starting to think like that herself, instead of just enjoying the shade of the oak trees and resting from thought in the dense cool quiet of the mid-afternoon English summer."

>>"Maria read a book called Moll Flanders in the coach. The subject was English criminals in the pre Impact era. She found the language of the book overly complex. However, it is more engaging than another book by the same Author which focused on a mechanic on an island. The complexity of the language eventually drives Maria insane. The end."

You blink in slight shock. Well that was depressing.


The fourth elective class was architecture, located inside Simulation Room L-12 every Monday evening.

You enter the simulation space, again annoyed at the shuddering space that preceded entrance and exit from the simulation.

You were standing… somewhere.

Enormous towers, kilometers wide and stretching far into the upper atmosphere rose up in every direction. Thin, shining cables reached out into space, floating spaceships the size of Arcologies hung in the air. Spires, delicate and graceful next to their blocky cousins, stab into the sky here and there. As you watch, one of the enormous towers wavers, dust falling from one side as something internal gives and the entire structure collapses like a pyroclastic column. Before the falling section hits the ground, it suddenly disappears along with the rest of the tower. In the distance, more enormous towers begin ascending into the sky, monumental in their bulk, pieces of construction material appearing around them to slot themselves in.

IFFs popped up on your screen, showing the locations of Valkyries, some hundreds of kilometers away.

A small notice appears on your screen requesting you not attack any of the structures as they were undergoing testing at the moment.

You confirm it and express Durga, taking to the air to explore the labyrinthine space and the titanic buildings within it.


You were almost loath to leave the fantastical simulation, but force yourself out and walk for the surface observation towers. Acknowledging the notice that exiting the Arcology without a Valkyrie synchronised was an offence, you exit to the surface.

Flying a few kilometers from the Academy, you find and land alongside the class.

Around two dozen Valkyries, some suited up, sit or lie down in the shrub grass, staring at the night sky. You weren't sure whether to keep Durga extended or not when a request from another Valk comes in. A high bandwidth in/out data sharing program, you accept it and gasp.

The power of a dozen Valkyrie frames sensors and sharing data across them made for an incredible picture of the night sky. This was a jump on par with the sensory boost you experienced when you equipped Durga with its new sensor suite. You stare out at space, occasionally zooming in on the plentiful orbital debris, occasionally looking much out towards the stars. A ping comes from one of the Valkyries and you turn your attention to what she was pointing out. A UN space fleet, centered around the Valkyrie Battleship Sydney and two 'normal' space battleships alongside a five carriers and their attendant swarms of aerospace fighters, they were swinging over Australia in their polar low orbit patrol route. You barely catch it, but the white glimmers of 300 frames appear near the thruster wake of Sydney for just a moment.

A few minutes pass as the class follows them before they disappear over the horizon.

Then you all return to looking out to space.


Elective: 15

Aerospace modelling - 3/30
Athletics - 3/30
Amateur novel writing and literary critique - 3/30
Architecture - 3/30
Astronomy - 3/30


You sigh as you once again lie down on your bed, feeling rather drained. You had fought continuous battles that lasted longer than this but for some reason this one day exhausted you.

Another voice message, once again from yourself pings in, again one that you don't remember setting up. You stare at it in irritation before opening it.

"Bath, brush teeth. Remember to sleep. End message."

You scowl and haul yourself up. At least you weren't suggesting you shower to yourself.


As always, feel free to abstain votes. If you choose to do nothing during breakfast, lunch and dinner, Anna will just loiter near the classrooms waiting for classes.

Also, sometimes I will likely cut an update off in the middle of a day to present a decision to you guys as I really, really should have several times this update, they won't affect the votes for the rest of the day though.

Continue down The List for breakfast?
[]Damn the laughter, full ahead.
[]No, no more. You do not want to ruin pastries for yourself also.
[]Write in?

What do you do in the morning?
[]Write in?

What to study? (Slight change here as I managed to work out a proper upgrade path for you guys that wasn't stupid. You may try to improve an existing special modifier or attempt to gain a new one with the self study write in option.)
[]Morning: Self study. Continue as is. (Transcendent Offense)
[]Morning: Self study. Write in particular subject.

Do anything in lunch break?
[]Lunch: Hang around with friends?
[]Lunch: Hang around the cafeteria.
[]Lunch: Visit Perth Arcology.
[]Lunch: Bum around the Instructors lounge.
[]Lunch: Visit the 4th cafeteria.
[]Lunch: Write in.


Detailed responses to the thread and stuff and updates to character sheet in a bit, cause there were a lot of responses this time. Promise that it won't take as long as the update to write the responses though.
Last edited:
Post 6
Day 2:

Vote Results

[X]Damn the laughter, full ahead.
-[X] Reorder The List. Each sub-list of food is to be merged into a Great List. Poached eggs, porridge, potatoes. This should keep an order to the food, while having more variety.
34 votes

[X]Morning: Feed Durga the 9.3 Terrabyte equation.
21 votes

Morning Class:

[X]Morning: Self study. Continue as is. (Transcendent Offense)
38 Votes, (Wow that a lot of voters here suddenly, and you're all agreeing on this with 1 abstain.)

[X]Lunch: Hang around with friends?
>[X]Koujiro and Setsuna. They're the first few people you've met in Perth (albeit through Yukari). And it also counts as watching over them just like she promised Yukari. Not to mention a chance of the plot spotlight shining down on her as a side effect from being with the MC....
23 votes


>[X] Lunch: Bum around the Instructors lounge.
19 votes


Once again the faint beeping of the alarm clock wakes you from sleep. You turn off the alarm with a thought and sit up, pushing aside the heaps of quilts messily stacked on top of you.

The air was chilly.


Ah, that was right. You expand your Impeller field and the sensation fades from your skin. With another thought, you adjust climate control to set air temperature back up to normal room temperatures.

The Arcology's default liked the air too hot and humid for your tastes, you liked to set the temperature really low, then snuggle up in quilts to warm up.

A ping rings out, another one of those messages. You sigh slightly upon remembering what following its advice led to yesterday morning and open it.

Again, your own voice whispers out, "Upon waking up, bath to clean. Eat breakfast. Do normal things. End message."

Essentially the same as what you had received yesterday.

You stand up, stepping over your walls of pillows and onto the floor, you start heading for the baths when on an impulse, you scan the other wardrobes to see what alternative clothing is available to you aside from the standard tracksuit uniform.

Four sets of dress uniforms come into view most prominently, then an assorted of various long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, skirts, dresses, shorts and pants. Aside from the ceremonial decorations of the dress uniform, most of the other clothing was plain and unadorned with any designs aside from functional pockets, simply being singular uniform colours all the way through.

With a slight mental shrug, you continue into the bathroom.

As with last night, approaching the bathtub caused it to chirp options your way. Water temperature, water volume, water replacement rate, scented water, soapy water, spa options, bubbles-

You set the default to normal bath and mentally tick the option for it to not ask again unless prompted.

You enter the water and turn off your Impeller field again, relaxing back into the warm water, enjoying the sensations of the faint currents against your skin.

For a moment, you simply float, staring absently at the ceiling. Again options pop up inquiring if you wished to watch movies or other programs on the ceiling holoscreen. You dismiss with a flicker of irritation, was it too much to just to ask for some time to soak in peace?

After a moment of thought, you bring it back up and search for 'relaxing scenery'. Perusing the options, you select something called 'Ocean's depths' and play it.

The lights dim to near darkness and the ceiling begins playing a holo, showing a blue light shining faintly above you. For a moment you look on in confusion, then you realise it's the sun, it's beams refracted and diffused through dozens of meters of water. Small holographic fish dart through the air, some within the screen above, casting tiny shadows through the sunrays, some projected into the air mere meters from your face.

Floating in the water inside the darkened room, it felt like you were truly underwater out in the midst of the ocean.

It was beautiful.


You stare down the rows of food, eyes narrowed. You feel a brief shudder pass through you as your eyes slide over the selections of breads.

It had been a grave mistake to attempt to sample the entire breadth of selection upon the tables in order.

You need to reorder The List. Each sub-list of food is to be merged into a Great List. Poached eggs, porridge, potatoes. This should keep an order to the food, while having more variety.

Nodding decisively, move along the tables with a plate, frostily ignoring the breads.

Cereals. Dairy products. Egg dishes. Fruits. Meats. Porridges. Rice and Noodles. Seafood. Soups.

Addams Family Cereal and All Bran - Kellogg's. Amasi and ayran. Boiled eggs and coddled eggs. Acai and acerola. Bacon and bratwurst. Atole and avena. Ackee with saltfish and Amplang. Avgolemono and bacon soup.

You settle down with your tray and begin working your way through your breakfast.


That was much better, you think as you cheerfully walk towards the classroom. The combinations of different textures and broad range of flavours made eating the food an actually enjoyable affair.

Mmm, bacon…

You had given a brief thought to trying out some more athletics and exploring the interior of Perth Arcology some more, but you were piqued by the mysterious scientific papers that you had seen yesterday.

You enter the classroom, noting that again you had an hour before class starts, walking to your desk you tap the station to log on and again peruse through the classified articles you had been reading through yesterday. Still incomprehensible to you.

You extend Durga. The plates bump slightly against the seat behind you and you quickly refine your Impeller field slightly to make sure you don't cut anything by accident.

You connect and begin talking to the Internet, retracing your path through the network, following along the connections that your terminal took. Data pours into your mind and is processed. You look over the paper from a different perspective and understand.

It was a study into the long lived spatial anomaly located within the Saskatoon Hive. You spread yours mind outwards and look all parts of the report over to gain context. Links branch outwards to differing reports and measurements measuring the spatial tear. A mild ache begins somewhere far behind you.

Several reports on you specifically. Recordings of you demonstrating Wave Force, the video growing unsteady then cutting out just before the Wave reaches full cohesion between your fingers. Another recording from a Valkyrie, looking over the walls of the testing chamber, radiation everywhere and gaps in the metal from where the matter had failed to expand as space collapsed inwards. As it was still collapsing inwards towards a tiny point where you had fired the wave towards. Measurements from the Valkyrie's observation instruments flooding in, before she flees as her Impeller is eaten away by the contractions of space. More data from outside the facility as the entire facility rippled faintly inwards then outwards, like the ground itself was breathing, before the entire area collapses. Data from Perth, Beijing, Santiago, Capetown, Delhi and Armstrong base, their powerful sensors reading the disruptions with more clarity than any local sensors. The disembodied ache grows stronger.

Comparisons with the anomalous spikes of data during the Alaska campaign, now attributed to you fighting Sekhmet with Wave Force. Recordings of the spatial shocks from the destruction of Fairbanks Hive and the subsequent collapse of the Breach compared to the noise that overlapped with that of the collapse of the Saskatoon Breach. Gathering the information you need, you look back to the central equation, a posit for the necessary shaping of Higgs required to form and maintain such a tear. Indirect, based off hypothetic extrapolation of data from your uses of Wave Force. Models built off from the theory. A proposal for a megaproject, a cannon on the lunar surface, the Ginnungagap cannon, something to fire upon the Major Breaches and destroy them from the outside, a trump requiring another facility the size of Armstrong base in total. Theoretical studies as to the effects of such a weapon on Earth, designs for a scaled down version for Valkyrie battleships. The ache is now beginning to become distracting.

It was different from how you did it.

That was the first thought that comes to your mind.

It was a different approach to how you were using Wave Force to arrive at essentially the same result. You're not sure how it was- no, you knew how it was different but you can't express it, trying to summarise more than 9.3TB of relational data into the few bits per second of human speech was simply-

You suddenly notice your body has collapsed. The ache intensified to the point where you were truly beginning to lose concentration.


Now is perhaps a good time to cut this off. You turn your concentration and regather the scattered parts of your mind, pulling your focus back into your body. You pick yourself off the floor with your Impeller field and scan yourself.

Burst capillaries inside your right eye that blinded it, minor embolism inside several veins inside your brain and a rather irregular heart rate. Thankfully no direct damage to the neurons themselves, you always lost memories after such injuries.

This wasn't the first time you had done this, you had collapsed several times in your early years when you flew for too long. You had also collapsed briefly when you met the UN forces. Unused to the high density, high bandwidth traffic that had flooded the air through their datalinks, structured, partitioned and thus different from the targeted noise that AG jamming was, you had briefly collapsed trying to take it all in.

That had been the only time you suffered such an attack in what could have been a combat situation and you were glad that you did, as it stopped you from possibly doing something that you would have regretted.

Still, it was very unusual for you fall from such a fit, no matter how relatively minor, from less than an hour of operating Durga.

There were still a few minutes until morning classes begin. You decide to sit and concentrate on healing until then.


Morning Research Roll = 45
Roll >= 4: No injuries or penalty to social score.
Special research action success: Unlocks specialisation: Red Wave, Blue Wave.
(Transcendent Offense) Static Wave level 1: (10)+ 45 = 55/???


By the time you saw the instructors walking through the hallways outside the classroom alongside a few early students, your injuries were well gone. You retract Durga and sit down into your seat.

The class files in, chatting and talking amongst the groups, already quite a few already had their Valkyrie frames equipped this time. As the others sit down, you notice a few discrepancies. Shuri had managed to lose two members of her flight, one of whom had joined with Syifa and another had shifted over to the other side of the room, joining a flight who had been with Meyer's group. Two more members of her flight looked ready to fall asleep. Shuri herself looked completely unruffled, as did Sandra, who as always seemed to be smiling sunnily, chatting to the various other cadets around her without a care.

"Morning Anna, missed you at breakfast today," greets Koujirou as he vaults the desk to collapse into the leftmost seat on your row.

"Good morning Anna," echoes Setsuna as she dives under the desk and slips up into the seat between you and Koujirou.

Both tap their console screens and log on almost simultaneously. The two stare at each other challengingly before Koujirou frowns and looks away, "You were faster…"

Setsuna grins, leaning over towards him and resting her chin on her palm with a cheeky smile, "What's that Koji? I couldn't hear you~"

Before the two can take it any further, Instructor Meyer calls attention to the front of the class again with a clap.

"Alright squadron, today, we continue with the studies of conventional Antagonist units, but rather than in a vacuum, this lesson will cover the most common Antagonist deployment formations."

You listen on, as the two instructors gesture through holograms depicting formations. Antagonists used rather similar formations on the open field as humans did, changing as you approached their redoubts with their networks of underground tunnels.

Large scale AG armies on the attack were invariably led by overwhelming air superiority forces, decoys, jammers and artillery in several waves to draw out humanity's high yield weaponry. Armoured formations and high level antagonists were right after them along with more waves of air, covered by heavy mobile ground to air, this time generally heavy on ground attack aircraft. Without the need to worry about heavy ground to orbital weaponry on Earth, Antagonist spaceships often approached frontline under the cover of Type-18s, unveiling themselves in 'weakpoints' in the line of battle, providing enormous volumes of fire equal to mobile redoubts. AG infantry was a constant presence at all depths in the smoke of a battlefield, their low energy signatures and small profiles allowing them advance in a scattered wave, yet capable of forming up into dense assault formations in an eye blink whenever needed.

It was much the same with other types of Antagonists units, if less apparent as they tended to remain in unit formations like equivalent human units, but had a flexibility that even the best drones on the human side did not, capable of forming new formations from scattered remnants without pause and essentially impossible to flank due to their absurdly fast unit reorientations. Time and time again proved that if you were seen by one Antagonist, you were seen by them all. It was hypothesised that all Antagonists were capable of communicating and networking through a means other than through electromagnetic radiation, possibly in the same manner Valkyries are always connected to their partnered Valkyries cores regardless of the physical separations imposed upon them.

Antagonist armies on the defensive tended to act in the exact same manner as an Antagonist army of the attack, pressing forwards to meet human forces head-on. Only when Type Zeros were present on the front did Antagonists formations show aberrations from their effective if uncreative patterns of attack with overwhelming force. Such was often the first sign of a Type Zero.

You pay more attention in this lesson as you rarely fought large formations of Antagonists head on, mostly leading them in chases and destroying the resultant splinters. Still, as the Instructors begin to quiz the various flights on responses to the various elements of Antagonist forces, you turn your attention away to browse through more online articles relating to the use of the Impeller field and spatial warping in combat.

You follow a subject for a while discussing a technique of some Valkyries where they use their Impeller fields to form cupolas to focus incoming forces back outwards towards a single point, forming what was essentially a zero range explosive counter action against attacks. A few talking about it note that was only marginally useful, and then only in redoubt clearing. Some more talk about its utility against other Valkyries and you promptly drop the thread there.

When you change your focus to searching for spatial warping, you gain a bit more success, a few Aces were discussed the offensive uses of teleportation and promptly got into a rather intense if polite argument over its merits, linking to many records and videos in support of their own points. You take a moment to consider what new opportunities would be possible if you could teleport a coherent Wave to a target, before dismissing it. You would need a better understanding of what exactly Wave Force was before considering that.


Morning Class Roll = 35
(Transcendent Offense) Static Wave level 1: (45)+ 35 = 90/???


Lunch rolls around and the class disbands.

"Do you already have lunch today Anna?" asks Koujirou with a lazily stretch, before he bounces to his feet.

"Not today," you respond, standing up also.

"Well then, follow us, we're going down to the Perth Arcology biome for lunch," he says casually, sliding over the table and moving towards the door.

Setsuna has a finger half raised, her mouth opened to speak, but she seems rather lost for words at Koujirou's rapid pace and simply blows out an unhappy sigh and follows Koujirou.

You also hesitate slightly, thinking about Instructor Meyer's offer to visit the Instructors Lounge, then decide you could visit afterwards. You had promised Yukari that you would watch over these two after all and while you trusted the UN to keep the Arcology free of Antagonists, Antagonists may well not be the only threat to your two cadets.

With that, you follow the two down the corridors also.


As you rode a clear sided passenger elevator down into Perth Arcology's upper biome, you could only think that it was far too large to be called a room.

Six kilometers in diameter with a ceiling four hundred meters in the air, the powerful holo screen depicted a sun burning brightly over head in a clear blue sky. Occasionally, apartments stuck down through the illusion, one of which you classified likely to be the Perth Arcology observation deck from the Valkyries you could see through the glass, otherwise, it would be easy to believe you were outside.

The terrain was wide and varied, an artificial mountain, capped with ice somehow, climbed up the east wall to nearly touch the ceiling. From that 'mountain', small sparkling streams ran from it, splitting and joining as they pouring through the gentle hills and grasslands of the 'foothills' until the tributaries all merged into a single large 'river'. The river than ran through dense woods before pouring out into a lake that spaned the crescent of the west side of the room, gravelly and rocky with dark igneous stone on the north side and smooth with white sand on the south side. Birds flew through the air and you see the flash of fish scales slicing through the water.

You shake your head in sheer disbelief. It was so surreal, knowing the size and sheer presence of mountains, rivers and the ocean, then seeing this molehill with its little creeks and swimming pool playing masquerade. Even so, it was a beautiful vista, hundreds kilometers of terrain compacted and flattened, features exaggerated and flaws smoothed out to present this tiny slice of 'nature'.

Did you miss this last night by travelling into the sports arena in cargo elevators? You wonder if the residential areas that you did not bother looking into were also this elaborate.

How many people would grow up only knowing this reflection of the outside world?

"It's a sight isn't it?" murmurs Setsuna from your side, looking out over the terrain wistfully, "When we win, we will be free to see this kind of thing in the real world, no need to play make believe down here."

You had seen plenty of nature on your flights, but the sentiment was one you agreed with.

"When we win," you affirm.

"We will win," thirds Koujirou.


After agreeing to the conditions to enter the biome (absolutely no weapon fire whatsoever, no engaging engines, no flight or jumping to glide, in fact just keep your Valkyrie frames retracted), the trio of you had walked through the dense woods until entering a small clearing filled with rounded stones. Soft moss covered the ground and clear, shallow streams of water ran between the rocks. Light dappled by the thick foliage touched softly across the clearing and the air was cool and moist.

It was a very relaxing place, you would call it solemn.

The solemn air did not last, Koujirou and Setsuna both seemed allergic to peace and quiet to your annoyance.

Setsuna had cheerfully set out a blanket on the largest, the had a small double take upon turning and seeing you. Maybe you should talk more, she appears to have forgotten you had followed the two of them.

Koujirou sits down casually, seemingly oblivious to Setsuna's discomfort, waving you down also, "C'mon Anna, take a seat, you stand straight way too much. So… Setsu, um, where's the food?"

You sit as a soft white glow fills the clearing and slowly fades, announcing Setsuna retrieving a wooden box of some manner from Kosenjoubi's storage. She seems hesitant to hand it over to Koujirou however.

"You said yesterday that you were interested food enhanced by a Valkyrie core, so I kept some from lunch yesterday… " mutters Setsuna, looking down at her knees, "but uh- I only kept enough for two."

Koujirou blinks and looks hesitantly at you.

Well you did still have some stores of breakfast left, you had planned to continue eating down your list, but what happens, happens. You'll just combine some dishes with others. You wordlessly materialise your own tray of food left from breakfast and begin eating.

Setsuna blinks then smiles at you, bobbing her head with a hand held vertically in front of her face.

"Oh well then, crisis averted," comments Koujirou, scooting over next to Setsuna, "So, show me what you got this time Setsu."


Despite your aversion to noise, you found lunch with the two rather enjoyable, even if you did have to save Koujirou from being jabbed in his nose by a pair of chopsticks twice.

Having finished your lunch, you confiscated Setsuna's chopsticks and then bid the pair of them goodbye, heading up into Perth Academy.

You take another lingering glance at the biome, then the view is cut off as you enter the armoured plate separating the Arcology from the Academy.

The trip into the Instructors lounge was fairly short, set a couple of floor above the central classrooms, the path leads there naturally along the spiralling structure.

Outside the unremarkable door, you hesitate. Should you knock? Ring a bell? Simply tell the door to open?

The door opens before you decide, an Instructor, Vivas from her tag, standing on the other side.

She looks you up and down once and then steps aside, gesturing inside, a wordless invitation.

You nod slightly in thanks and walk inside.

The lounge was fairly spacious if relatively unspectacular, deep blue carpeting covering the floor and lounges are scattered in a loose circle where most of the Instructors seemed to be seated. A large map of the world was projected on the left wall, parts of it angry red and parts of it deep blue, representing the Antagonists and UN controlled areas. There are some parts coloured in other shades and you realise that those must be the independent countries that still remained. A holoscreen on the right wall showed a collage of different pictures, you scowl as you recognise pictures of Type Zeros surrounded by faces of Valkyries. On the far wall, a series of changing pictograms and charts blur over the screen, changing every few milliseconds, you read a few but are unable to understand them without context.

The lounge wasn't full, out of the forty two Instructors and two Directors that you saw at orientation, there were only eleven inside the lounge, neither Leonhart nor Meyer were in.

"-what I'm saying is, sure they're eighteen, but that's no excuse to suddenly run down to the arcology to see boys," one Instructor complains, nursing a steaming drink in her hand, staring intently into the cup.

You quietly move to one of the furthest couches and sit down to listen. One of the Instructors facing your direction looks up from her datapad and taps her index against her eyebrow, a very informal salute, before returning to her business. A few more who catch the motion looks over and soon everyone except for the one nursing her cup is aware of you, Instructor Xing from her tag.

"You worry too much Xue, after Alaska and the years of the Great Battle, everyone deserves some time to relax. Besides, knowing how to talk to boys will help them out in future," comments another Instructor who was focused on the far wall, Shapira her tag declares, "We've also got a guest here, so best to drop the silly worries."

Instructor Xing looks up, worrying at her lip, her eyebrows shoot up then reset just as fast. Her face smooths over and she sits up, also giving you a small salute, "Hello Miss Sanchez, Meyer told us about you."

She gives a small look around the room, then turns back to you, "Lots of us are out and about right now, it's always like this early in the year, patrols and admin work."

You decide you should probably say something back around now and latch onto the topic you were familiar with, taking a glance at the map, you say "Patrols? For Antagonists this far from their territory?"

Xue shakes her head and also glances at the map, "No, just inside the academy, it's actually for the students. With so many girls synching their Valk frames in first year around now, there are occasional temper flare ups, ego clashes, things along those lines. Director De Vries makes sure to clamp down on that nonsense in orientation but there's always a few. As for the AGs, they haven't set foot, flown over, made an orbital pass and all included for a few years now. We've got a little counter for the next time."

She flicks a finger upwards to the right and you look.

>>1756 Days since last AG attack on Perth

Almost five years.

"Hopefully, it lasts," mutters Vivas, who had sat to your left, her head leaned back against the couch and eyes closed, but from the twitches from her eyes, she was probably connecting to a network with her Valkyrie, "We almost had to reset it during the Great Battle."

"We have Alaska, Fairbanks and Portland are both down, the Antagonists shouldn't have a bridge anymore," said Xue, sipping on her drink.

"Marduk is a Class A and we don't have anything permanent on the west coast aside from Anchorage, if we get too close to Cincinnati Major breach and Marduk sallies, all the progress we made isn't going to last… Argh, just thinking about facing another Indra makes me shiver," sighs Shapira, turning away from the back wall and also turning to face the map.

At the mention of Indra, almost everyone glances at the left wall.

The incandescently white Type Zero, first ever of its kind, surrounded by hundreds of photos, most greyed out and a few still coloured in. You suddenly realise that the greyed out photos must be of the Valkyries whom had been slain by Indra and those still coloured were those who had fought it and lived, including those who eventually killed it.

Indra himself had a large cross over its portrait. You search along across the board and find Sekhmet, also crossed out. Sure enough, next to it, a photo of you floated next to it. However, many other faces, greyed out, were arranged next to yours, at least eighty portraits of Valkyries. Nearly three squadrons of Valkyries had fallen against it through its bloody career, almost a quarter of an entire Academy year.

'Just' a Class C Type Zero. Seeing the faces arranged next to Sekhmet, some cheerful and some stoic, but all dead, you think back to Leonhart's advice yesterday, -you cannot win alone, you cannot win with your flight, you cannot win with your squadron-

You suddenly agree wholeheartedly and without reservations. You cannot allow your fellow cadets to face a Type Zero as they were.

"-command is probably aiming for Oslo and Helsinki or Quebec and Timmins, secure the north."

"I really doubt that we would be able to secure another sweep, not without another Wildcard appearing leftfield."

The opinions of the Instructors around you were given without heat, a repetition set views, stating rather than arguing. They had been over these debates before apparently. It was new to you though and you sit back to listen, tracking the map as it shifted over the various situations around the world. The constantly shifting lines of battle in central Africa, the stalemate in Europe and the Middle East, the constantly looming threat over the EU nations of Scotland and Ireland and large scale relief finally reaching the isolated EU nations of Greenland and Iceland.

"There's also the Tamanrasset double Breach, we definitely can't let those two approach each other for much longer."

The map zoomed slightly towards central Africa, showing two Minor Breaches, slowly creeping towards each other, a projected timeline for their convergence appearing.

"Too close to Tripoli Major. We'd need the entire Three Hundred and probably half the rest. We do that, every other front get pushed back, even if it's at a low activity period."

"We definitely cannot let another Major form if at all possible, that means seven Type Zeros each year instead of six."

"Commit too much and Cincinnati and Denver will push us off North America again. If we're unlucky they'll decide to push South this time and attack towards La Paz, Brasilia and Santiago. They could ignore Anchorage if they wanted to."

"We've argued this hundreds of times since Alaska, let's switch topics. How are you feeling about the First years this time Sunny?"

"The new year is promising. We've got two Aces already and six Elites, not to mention Anna there," Instructor Hwang nods towards you, "We keep them in one piece, and we'll probably see a graduating year with eleven, maybe twelve Ace flyers in three years time."

"Twelve Aces, heh, Director Wang is going to be bringing down the ceiling in Beijing, I can hear her yelling about diligence right now."

You pull your knees up to your chest and rest your chin on them, listening to the Instructors talk.


You excuse yourself as the clock ticks past quarter to two, heading down towards the simulation room.

You loiter as the rest of the Squadron files in ahead of Instructor Leonhart, but rather than entering the Simulation room, the two Instructors call to attention the various flights.

"Alright, Squadron Four, you've probably already heard of this through various sources, but I'll just repeat it for those of you who did not know. Later this year, there will an inter-academy competition between us, Beijing and Santiago, with maybe some wildcards from the independent military academies joining in. As a prelude to that, Perth will be running some tournaments for the various years to decide on representative teams. First part of this would of course selecting our own representative flight and in addition to that, the Squadron Vanguard," said Instructor Leonhart.

You lean forwards slightly in interest along with the rest of the class in this. Wondering what format would these competitions take. Maximum number of Antagonists destroyed in a simulation? Frame specifications and the user's ability to customise them? Maybe even performance evaluation on actual combat deployment?

"The selection for the representative flights will be taken through combat matches between the flights, as are the position for Vanguard. First at the Squadron level between our Flights, then between the various squadrons. The top flights and Squadron Vanguards will represent the first year in the tournament."


Fighting against other humans. Ugh.

"These trials begin at the end of week four so there is no need to feel rushed, but I will ask for a show of interest in the position of Squadron Vanguard. Don't be afraid to volunteer, it will be extra flight hours, but every single little bit you can squeeze from the Academy, you should. You can always volunteer later if you don't feel confident now, just before the start of week four," calls out Instructor Meyer.

Most of the Squadron turns to look at Shuri. She turns and looks at you. You hum tunelessly and look up at the ceiling. Instructor Leonhart rubs her face with her palm.

"I shall volunteer my skills to represent Squadron Four and further, Perth Academy in the Inter Academy Tounament," a voice calls out.

You look back down in interest, the voice was from Shuri's flight, but not from Shuri herself, it was Sandra who had immediately raised a palm at the call.

For a moment, a looks and whispers are exchanged amongst the various flights, then when Shuri still remains motionless, Syifa steps forward too, "Sure, I'll give it a go."

A slight nudge at your side has you looking down, Setsuna stares up at you in clear questioning, "Are you going to try out Anna?"

"Maybe. Probably not, I don't know," you say. You certainly didn't want to fight other humans again, but…

She frowns slightly and looks over the Squadron, then gives a brief sigh begins raising her hand-

"Sure alright, sounds like an adventure, I'm in," Koujirou pre-empts her and steps forward.

"Wha- dammit you- I'm also in for position of Squadron Four Vanguard," splutters Setsuna.

You look over the Squadron again and the four current volunteers, you could defer the decision, but it was best in your mind to make a clear choice now.


Class Rep Squadron Vanguard position, will you give it an attempt?
[]…ugh. Try it maybe?
[]Write in?

What to study?
[]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)
[]Afternoon: Self Study. Write in.

Do anything between dinner and elective classes?
[]Dinner: Write in.

Any particular elective classes you want to see?
[]Evening: Continue down the list.
[]Evening: Yes.
>[]Evening: Write in. Feel free to suggest elective classes.
[]Evening: Do something else.
>[]Evening: Write in.


More responses to the thread and edits to character sheet in a little bit.
Last edited:
Post 7
Gaiz halp the update is too long.

I am apparently incapable of being concise.


Day 2 Afternoon + Evening

Tryout for Class Rep position?
No: 33 votes

Afternoon Class:
[X]Afternoon: Self study. Continue as is. (Target rich environment)
25 votes and a few...

Dinner wat do:
[x] Dinner: Hang around with friends.
>[X]Shuri (and Sandra)
25 votes

Evening wat do:
[X]Evening: Continue down the list:
38 votes

Afternoon class roll: 14



You weren't going tryout for Squadron Vanguard. You had no interest in competing against another human at all.

Your energy would be better spent training against actual enemies. You could assist Koujirou and Setsuna in their training, but otherwise you were not inclined to have anything to do with this event. However, with how eager Koujirou and Setsuna were for the position of Squadron Vanguard, the representative flight competition was likely something that was going to require you compete unless you get a waiver.

You do wonder though, reading and occasionally watching recordings of the specialised techniques that other Valkyries used was alright in that you knew what they were doing, but seeing such techniques in action with your own sensors might help you gain a deeper understanding.

The instructors waited a few more seconds, and when no one else calls out, Instructor Meyer claps her hands again, "Alright, if you do feel like throwing your hat in for the position, don't be afraid to mention it to us in class or over the net, now, time for practical."

Setsuna sighs slightly, then glares at Koujirou, he grins back unapologetically, "Re-match time Setsu."

"You know we might not match up against each other right," said Setsuna, "There's four already and if more join up, we might have to win two rounds each to go against each other."

"Eh, we can take them," says Koujirou dismissively, then flinches away and waves his arms at Setsuna's intensified glare, "Hey, jokes, joking. Still, let's see each other in the finals yeah?"

He holds a fist up.

Setsuna gives another sigh and rolls her eyes, then pushes her own fist out and punches Koujirou's fist. A small spark of light flares as their Impeller fields interact, then she withdraws her hand.

"You better not lose you moron."

"Same to you Setsu."


The Squadron files into the simulation room and enter into the simulator, again, the space just outside Perth Academy.

Again, the squadron is broken into two halves after equipping their Valkyrie Frames with Leonhart taking the more experienced flights and Meyer taking the others. Shuri's Flight had lost another cadet over lunch somehow, the girl joining into a flight in Meyer's group.

With only 6 members now, her Flight was back into the range of normal sizes. You do wonder how she was losing members so fast though, but you suppose Cadets changing flights wasn't unusual so early on. From a quick scan over, there was quite a lot of shuffling in membership of the various flights in Meyer's group also.

"The first half of this lesson will be Flight formations, you've all had a little practice with individual flying yesterday, so today you'll be trying some formation flying. This will take much more co-operation between the various elements of the Flight than individual flying, but the benefits of this are enormous. This is one of the most important, if not the very most important lesson that this Academy shall teach you and it will be repeatedly hammered into your heads throughout all the years until you take formations by instinct."

"Decide formations based on your frame configurations and personal preferences, then take to the air in standard wedge formations."

Typical Valkyrie formations were divided into three broad roles, vanguards, sweepers and keepers. Vanguards to provide mid and close in breakthrough power, sweepers to cover for vanguards and thin enemy ranks directly forwards and to the flanks at mid range, then the keepers to shape incoming enemy forces through attacking concentrations of forces at long range, providing battlefield control and intel support.

As expected, short range frames were generally in vanguard, all rounder frames in sweeper and long range frames in keeper positions. Commanders tended towards the sweeper position to co-ordinate front and rear positions whilst the most skilled Valkyries were generally placed in the Vanguard as the advance of any Valkyrie formation depended heavily on breakthrough power.

The three of you looked at each other, your flight had started discussing this issue over lunch, but it had been side tracked then appeared to have slipped the minds of all three of you.

To the side, Shuri's flight takes into the air with a blast of dust towards Instructor Leonhart, leaving the two other flights to discuss amongst themselves.

Setsuna gives Koujirou's frame a look and says, "Well Koji, you're the Vanguard."

Koujirou looks around then points to himself and tilts his head. At Setsuna's scathing look he rubs the back of his helmet and says, "Um. Are you sure? Shouldn't Anna be Vanguard?"

You shake your head at the suggestion, "You don't have enough weaponry to serve as either Sweeper or Keeper."

Setsuna growls slightly under her breath at that, "Really you moron, we're going to be doing everything at this rate."

Koujirou waves his arms in protest at that, "H-Hey, I swear, I'll be able to use those hidden systems any second now- er- Any day… maybe month. But they'll be awesome, I promise."

"They had better be Koji," said Setsuna, before turning to you, "So uh, Anna. Sweeper or Keeper?"

You think for a moment, your balance of weapons was flexible, long range missiles, short range cannons, zero range melee halberd and your heavy particle projectors and laser system capable of acting at any range. Your capability was mainly focused towards multi target engagement and you had been told you were beyond exceptional at processing large volumes of data with your sensors, a result of your long patrols. That was a fairly good fit for the position of Keeper.

"Quick test," you say to Setsuna. You were fairly sure her sensors were ordinary in capability from seeing her yesterday, but to confirm…

Her eyes widen and she nods, her lips thinning and her hands clenching.

"Keep watching me," you say and begin walking a circuit around her, she looks confused for a moment then complies.

She starts turning and you pause, "Don't turn your body or your head, tell me you can no longer perceive me."

"Uh- alright, does using my context map count?" she asks, turning back, her eyes straining to you in sight.

Hmm, she wasn't using her Valkyrie frames general awareness abilities, relying on vision and HUD elements for her spatial awareness.

…Did other frames even have such sensor abilities?

"Nevermind, I will take Keeper position," you declare.

"Hey uh, Anna," Setsuna begins awkwardly as the three of you take off, "Did I pass?"

"I aborted the test," you respond.

Little white lies…

"Ah, alright then."

Your flight reaches Instructor Leonhart and levels out, a short pause occurs before Syifa ascends with her flight also.

Familiar green rings light up in the air.

"Alright cadets. I am sure no one, no one, has forgotten yesterday's lessons on co-operation," a glare was sent in your general direction, "Stay within assigned distances from each other, fly as fast as you can, standard penalties apply. It'll get more complicated as time goes on, so don't get lazy."

The three of you set off, flying through the rings in a simple triangle formation, the lack of members in the flight not really allowing anything else. You, without any weapons extended, were the fastest, Koujirou, with his minimal weapon systems, was second and Setsuna with her heavily armed frame, was the slowest. Koujirou though kept within distance to Setsuna without any reminder, slowing down often to allow her to keep up.

As Instructor Leonhart said, the course quickly complicated itself. It was initially much like yesterday, firstly the rings connecting to form tunnels, then morphing appearance into a cave system.

From there on, things changed however, the tunnels began branching rather than just twisting and turning. You barely catch sight of the branch as you see the echoes of scans that other Valkyries ahead released.

Approaching one, Koujirou slows down. You fire out a sensor pulse, dismissing the irregularities of the simulated terrain to that of real rock and look through the tunnels. Koujirou and Setsuna both wobble in the air as your sensor pulse washes past them.

"Right branch continues," you say.

"Ow. Thanks, but holy moly Anna, next time, keep it down could you?" mutters Koujirou, correcting his glide and turning for the right tunnel.

"Anna, might want to narrow scans that powerful in the future," agrees Setsuna, sounding slightly shaken.

"I will," you agree, slightly bemused.

Were your scans truly so powerful? It was true you never had to worry about noise pollution against allies before, but you did not expect your active scan to cause quite that much disruption when the other Valkyries had their frames equipped.

The tunnels continue twisting through the course, branching and narrowing, as you direct the flight through the correct splits, then the system abruptly opens up, the walls falling away from each other as the tunnel grew huge, several hundred meters in diameter.

Decoys sudden extend from within the walls. They begin firing small green bolts towards the flight. Not decoys, weapon emplacements.

You materialise weapons, feeling a drag on your Impeller fields as the extra mass is matched with your velocity and destroy the first thirty near immediately, short bursts of hypervelocity fire and laser bursts slamming into the exposed projectors as your heavy particle projectors core through rock to strike those around bends and behind outcrops.

"Holy shit Anna!"

"What the hell."

No important information. You dismiss the words and fire another scan, releasing a full spread of missiles down the tunnel simultaneously. The self guided projectiles angled towards the weapon emplacements further ahead, ahead even of the next flight up. Another sixty energy projectors erupt into fire and fragments, before the destroyed emplacements disappear without a trace from your sensors in a simply unnerving manner. You intensify your scanning for a moment before you remember that you were inside the simulator.

"Miss Sanchez, you will need to leave some targets to your flight mates and the Valkyries of the other flights. I would say leave most of them as you have no trouble at all with this exercise. If you always do so for them they won't learn to carry their own weight."

A private channel from the Instructor.

You almost instinctively refuse. You could protect your friends this time, this time, you will.

-teach them to take care of themselves-

You breath out a slightly shaky breath. No.

That wasn't right. You were not infallible. It would be cruel to force people to again depend on you as their only salvation.

Setsuna and Koujirou would eventually grow skilled enough to hold their own, your role was to accelerate their journey there. Doing too much for them would be counterproductive.

"…Alright, I will," you respond, then close the channel.

"Koujirou, Setsuna. Keeper cover fire from this point on will decrease. Be careful."

"Aww… oh well, wouldn't be learning if we did nothing."

"Geez, alright. Here we go Koji, show me your moves."

The two sweep down and begin hugging the tunnel walls weaving between crags and outcroppings, Koujirou destroying the few emplacements in their path whilst Setsuna fired towards the emplacements on the other walls and the ones to the sides. You follow them down and restrain yourself to only finishing off the emplacements that Setsuna missed or failed to destroy in singular weapon sweeps. Their speed wasn't bad, but despite their best efforts, the team score dropped steadily as the false bolts slammed into their Impeller fields.

Despite the hits your flight took, the enormous point advantage you gained the flight through the destruction of so many of the emplacements in your opening salvo placed your flight on top for the first circuit. More than a few cadets stare suspiciously at your flight as the scores are pop up.

With combined manoeuvre and firing practice, which you learned was only slightly less taxing than true combat on rookies, Instructor Leonhart calls for a short break after only half an hour of runs through the courses.

The flights landed and this time, Koujirou was able to stay on his feet, though he still didn't manage to keep his frame extended and sits down heavily massaging his scalp.

"Wow, that was intense," he mutters, he glances up at you and Setsuna, then looks over the Cadets who're still standing, "You're saying we'll need to do this kind of stuff for hours everyday?"

You elect to stay silent on this.

"Of course," says Setsuna, puffing herself up, her weaponry coming to attention before settling back down to rest positions, "Real Valks do a lot more than this. It's part of the curriculum to prepare us for that, the more flight hours and longer consecutive synch hours you have, the better."

Koujirou lowers his gaze, looking pensive.

Soon, the break was over and the flights again form up to perform several more circuits. Rather than run the flights to exhaustion, Instructor Leonhart calls a halt to it after another half hour and the two halves of the squadron reform after another short break.

"Fourth Squadron, for the second half of today's lesson, we begin with squadron formations. As there is neither a Squadron Vanguard nor have your flights stabilised into their final configurations, the exercises will remain simple," calls out Meyer, "A part of large scale formation organisation can be offloaded to your tactical doctrines in your Valkyrie cores and when not under jamming, TACNET. However, it is very important for you all to internalise where you need to be in a large scale Valkyrie formation without support should the need come up to form one whilst on the battlefield."

Leonhart takes over here, "This is not a matter of simply looking good on a parade or air show, as you advance through the years, you will learn techniques such as mass teleporting and overlapping of Impeller fields. Such techniques are the only reason to assume such tight formations on the battlefield as doing so without cause leaves you as nothing but bait to High Yield Weaponry. If performed correctly, such techniques can exponentially increase the power of a group of Valkyries."

A display pops in the corner of your eye, a map for your position in the formation. The formation resembled a large sleek arrowhead, flat and broad, centred around Instructor Leonhart at the middle of the formation and with Instructor Meyer at the tip of the arrow.

Your flight was towards the center, you were placed center back, directly behind Instructor Leonhart, Koujirou towards the leading right wing, Setsuna behind you on the trailing right guard. Giving a brief overview of the names that appear, you note that the stronger Vanguards were stationed to the font left and to compensate, the skilled sweepers and keepers were assigned on the right flank.

"Here we go cadets, maintain your relative positions and speeds to us," calls out Leonhart.

The instructors start off slow, moving languidly across the sky. There didn't appear any problems for the moment and this keeps up even as the instructors begin gentle banks. A few cadets wobble as they fail to keep formation and fly over each other's wakes but the formation holds.

As the manoeuvres become faster and tighter, more and more cadets slip out of formation but the squadron manages a façade of coherence.

Then things break down.

"Cadets! Split! Resume individual flight formations! Run through assigned courses and return. Standard rules! Fifty seconds and counting!" Meyer suddenly shouts across comms.

Green circles, masses of them, one course for each flight, appears in the air. The simulator tags one as your objective.

For a split second, most of the cadets are frozen, then Shuri's flight burns after their Vanguard, breaking everyone else out of their funks.

"Lets burn guys- er- girls!" shouts Koujirou as he streaks towards the course.

"Right after you!" yells Setsuna, following close behind.

"In position," you report in, keeping behind them.

Your flight completes the course with more than thirty seconds to spare and reform up on the instructors. All three of Leonhart's flights had returned by the time Meyer's flight trickle in.

The instructors speed up further, now pulling banking turns.

"Cadets! Split! Same as before! Forty five seconds and counting!"

The barely organised mass of Cadets manage to break apart and complete their courses. On the reformation, you need to duck a cadet that nearly slams into you, her deceleration burn too late.

"Sorry!" she wails at you as she shoots past the squadron.

You see a few others not as fast as you, flashes of grazing Impeller fields lighting up the sky.

The Instructors were merciless, not waiting as they pulled more manoeuvres, then-

"Cadets! Split! Same as before! Forty seconds and counting!"

"Cadets! Split! As before! Thirty five seconds and counting!"

"Cadets! Split! Same as always! Thirty seconds and counting!"

By now, most of the flights were barely managing to return to the Squadron, let alone resume formation before they were forced to angle elsewhere.

Then it happens.

The formation, compacted by the Instructors beginning a sharp turn, stalls as more individual courses appear in the air. As the cadets turn to head for the new courses, late returning cadets plough head on into the squadron.

Two pairs of cadets slam into each other, tangling. They spin through the air, one pair collecting another Cadet before the ball breaks up, throwing all three in different directions as the other two continue their entangled tumble. You see Shuri neatly plucking Sandra out of the way of one tumbling cadet and collect Koujirou to pull him clear of another in turn.

It was a classical chain reaction. With as few as three meters of clearance separating some cadets, attempts to dodge resulted in more collisions.

Syifa managed to steady one of her flight mates clipped by another cadet. Setsuna lets out an indignant squawk as she banks hard, shooting clear of the increasingly chaotic ball and finds a path skywards. Instructor Leonhart swerves into the path of one cadet and stops her before she slams into a flight. Instructor Meyer looks on with a small smile.

TACNET was filled with cursing and screaming and you filter it.

By the end of the five seconds of madness, at least a third of the squadron was scattered over the simulated ground in craters and another third were scattered in the air below the remnants of the squadron formation.

"Cadets! Ground down around me, break time," calls out Instructor Leonhart as she descends.

After everyone gathered and took a few minutes to catch their breath, Instructor Meyer floats up and looks over the squadron.

"That was, well, a disaster," Meyer's smile suddenly takes a sinister edge, "Well no need to worry cadets. We've got all year to improve yet. No time like the present however, back into the air!"


Roll = 14
Practical (Target Rich Environment Level 1): (78)+14+3 = 95/???

Group Bonuses unlocked. (+1 to roll result for every two members of group rounded up, limited by lowest ranking member of group, +3 per rank.)

Sandra is now a Junior Valkyrie Third Grade (4d6-4 to 4d6-4+1)


"…I think I need to go lie down, maybe sleep an hour, or ten," mumbles Koujirou from his position on Setsuna's back as the squadron stumbles out of the simulator.

Setsuna herself looked pretty haggard, but she carried the boy without trouble on her back. In fact, she was even smiling slightly, but even so…

"Would you like some help? I could carry him to your rooms," you offer.

Setsuna back away at the offer, looking at you with momentary suspicion. What? What did you do?

"No! I uh- mean, it's fine Anna. Just fine yep. I'll carry him back," she clips out rapidly.

"Are you sure? It would be no issue for me to carry you both," you say with a touch of concern, Setsuna was acting erratically again.

"I'm fine, really. Yep," she hops in place slightly, "See, fine."

Okay. Nothing to do here.

You nod in farewell and walk towards the cafeteria for dinner.

Collecting down you list once again, you stack a tray full and angle towards an empty table, before switching course as you see Yukari waving you over.

"Good evening Anna, how are you finding the Academy so far?"

You swallow down a mouth of Beef Alambre and roll the question around your head.

"It's very different," there was too much here to go over in just words, so you summarise.

"Good different I hope, are you having fun at least?"

You frown slightly at the question, "I'm not here to have fun."

Yukari tilts her head then shakes it, "That doesn't mean you can't. C'mon Anna, surely you found something that you enjoy doing."

Bed. Baths. The food. You think some more. Seeing the Arcology biome, as fake as it was. The immense towers inside the Architecture sim. Watching the skies without fear of attack.

"Yeah. Several things," you concede.

Yukari smiles slightly at that, then searches the cafeteria.

"Anna, where are Koji and Setsu? They'd be some of the first ones here normally."

"Koujirou was talking about needing one to ten hours of sleep after Sim practice today, Setsuna was carrying him back to their room."

"Oh dear," murmurs Yukari, standing up and shaking her head, a flash of light announcing she was storing her own tray of food, "Anna, I'm going to bus a few trays of food to their rooms, otherwise they'll laze around, play videogames all evening again and forget to eat."

"See you later then," you wave her off.

You absently look over the cafeteria as Yukari departs looking for more of your Squadron mates. The cafeteria was filling up and it appeared most of the first year tables were nearing capacity. You shrug and decide to concentrate on your food.

"Good evening Anna, does you table have spaces enough to seat another six?"

A message from Sandra pops up.

You look around the cafeteria and see Shuri's flight, minus the Ace, gathering around with their trays, and looking for a table with enough vacancies to seat them all.

"It does," you respond.

"Excellent, we'll be right over."

You shake your head slightly, Sandra really did have a way of assuming the best.

The flight trickles over, you note that despite the cheerful tone of Sandra's message, she looked rather tired herself, slightly pale in face and a slight lag in her movements.

The flight collapse down at the table without a word. A few of the other cadets nod to you, but without any energy behind the greetings. They looked better off than Koujirou, but not as well off as Setsuna.

You consider saying something, but nothing comes to mind and you return to your food.

You note that the flight were rather frantic with their food, eating as fast as reasonably polite with the exception of one cadet who was merely picking at her food, looking sullen.

A few minutes later, Shuri arrives.

"It's time. Let's go everyone."

The members of her flight stand up with alacrity, except for the sullen cadet at the inside of the table.

"Silvia," Shuri addresses the member of her flight who remained seated, "Are you not coming?"

The girl shakes her head silently, looking down at her plate. Several member of the flight look helplessly between Shuri and Silvia. You shift in your seat, feeling completely out of place.

"Very well then. Anna, we're down to five in the flight, would you like to join in for some practice? General flight with cumulative tag in Arena thirty."

What? Just like that? You look back to Silvia but she continues looking despondently down at her plate without a sound.

"What are you doing? This is far too harsh a manner to be pushing the other cadets," you ask Shuri over a private channel.

"They asked for such when I formed the flight, they asked to become an Ace through our time as a Flight," responded Shuri

You scowl at that.

"Even so, leaving behind your friend so easily-" you begin.

"She is not my friend, she is my comrade and I will trying to form her into an Ace as asked. If she no longer wishes for me to do so, I will not force her. Are you here to make friends Anna?" she cuts over you.

You sit back with a blink as the question. Were you? Why were you here? Was it to make friends?

You look at Silvia for a moment. Was it better to provide her with friendships or survival skills? Was it right to force her to train if she did not wish to? Stated in such a manner, absolutely not. Something niggles you about the argument. It wasn't… you can't put your finger on it.

"…It's to early to push them like this."

"Is it? How are you sure? I trained like this from my very first day. So did you most likely."

You glare. Shuri returns the look levelly.

… You didn't want there to be another person forced to be like you.

They were not being forced into this though, it was their choice to join up with Shuri, but…

"So are you interested Anna?" Shuri asks again.

You hesitate a moment, you weren't planning on anything else during dinner.

You nod silently.

"This way," Shuri says simply and turns away, walking with long and fast steps.

Behind you, Silvia buries her face into her palms but tears still leak past her fingers.


As the flight waits inside the elevator Sandra glares at Shuri.

Shuri glances over to the other girl at her side and shakes her head minutely.

Sandra glares harder.

Shuri stays mute.

Sandra shakes her head in slight dismay.

Shuri shrugs.

…No one else says anything despite the obvious interaction.

You didn't like filling the air with useless words but even you considered the atmosphere awkward.

"We're here."

Shuri breaks the silence with simple words.

The elevator doors open and the flight entered the Arena, stepping onto the red dust of the field.

Arena 30, along with the other arenas, were all above the armour plate of the Arcology and open to the twilight sky. A large circular depression of uninteresting earth a kilometer in diameter, several raised rows of seats were arranged around the perimeter like a sports field, along with a giant scoreboard above the seats. If not for the size of the field and the sparseness of the seats, you could mistake this for the athletics field back in the Arcology you visited last night. The seats were empty with the exception of a few third year cadets, who watch on silently.

A faint hum fills the air and you feel a Higgs barrier crackle under your feet and crawl up the sides of the arena to form walls between the grounds and the seats. For a moment, wild Higgs particles pollute space as they rush up and the walls darken, then they disperse leaving only coherent Higgs particles left to form the barriers, which causes space to glow slightly but otherwise remain transparent.

To visible light at least. You shudder slightly as you sensor range is suddenly choked to just within the arena and directly upwards on many bands. Did everything about the various training grounds did have to remind you of Type-18s?

The other cadets begin materialising their Valkyrie frames and taking to the air, dispersing across the arena and you follow their example.

"Flight, same rules as before. No weapons fire. Impeller field contact counts as a tag. Flight ceiling one kilometer. Spatial warping allowed. Random selection of first tagger. If you are tagged, join in to tag the others. 3 minutes round limit."

You blink in alarm. This small space of barely a kilometer in diameter? It wouldn't even take you a single second from dead stop to reach the other side of the room. It was much more clearance than given to you during flight practice, but you were supposed to play tag in here? There was absolutely no space.

Shuri turns at this to look up at the scoreboard.

>>First Cadet tagger: Anna Sanchez.

"Oh dear," murmurs Sandra over coms.

You ignore the tiny volume of the arena and consider how to corner the other cadets. No weaponry and immediately shifting… might be unfair.

Just fly at them?

You thrust at another cadet, above and to the right of you. She burns away, but her expressed weapons weigh her down, and her acceleration is slow. She abruptly throws out a hand, pushing herself into a hard turn with her wrist thrusters. Despite the sharp movement, the sign of such a large tell allows you to easily slide in front of her. You see her eyes widen through her visor just before she slams into you.

"Tag," you announce as you hold the other cadet by the arms for a moment, then release her and shoot for the next nearest, Sandra as it appeared from the red white and blue angular plates.

She leans back and flies with her front to you, using her arms to control her course, keeping her eyes on you. As you closed in, she tucks up her legs and changes power ratios to her back thrusters, beginning a very tight ascending loop that would take her over you if you kept approaching. You expand your Impeller field and change thrust direction, catching the air and slamming yourself to a dead stop. Sandra sees it, but is unable to correct in time and also collides into you.

"Tag," You hold onto her by the arms for a moment, ignoring the light show under your hands of your conflicting Impeller fields, then move on to the next cadet, or rather next pair.

Shuri lags slightly behind her fleeing flight mate and peels off in a different direction. She was trying to bait you.

Eliminate the weakest first

You angle for the other target first.

You ignore Shuri and thrust towards the other target at maximum burn, closing the distance in seconds, it turns its head to try and gain an eye on you and you thrust in the other direction to stay out of its vision. It turns its head the other way and you repeat your actions. The target cuts thrust for a moment then pushes its limbs in front of it, pushing into full reverse deceleration burn.

… slow.

You modify thrust direction and match velocity without difficulty.

You reach out and clench a fist-


-You reach out and rest your hand on her Impeller field above her shoulder, "Tag."

She clicks her tongue in irritation and turns away to fly for the rest of the squadron.

You take a moment to survey the arena at that. Shuri was still flying around, using the sheer power of her thrusters to throw powerful shockwaves in the paths Sandra and the other cadet to disrupt their flight paths as they chased the other cadet who was not yet 'in'.

…Did that really conform to the no weapons fire rule? You current engines were powerful enough to burn through layers of composite armour in seconds if you were close enough and concentrated power through one set of ports. You were quite sure Shuri's waist mounted booster engines were also powerful enough to serve as a zero range weapon.

You hang back for a moment, watching Sandra who was directing the two other cadets with enthusiastic waves of her arms and orders over TACNET.

-teach them to take care of themselves-

You hesitate for a moment, thinking of the haggard faces of Shuri's flight at dinner.

It was only the second night of first year, they could take it easy for a while yet.

You engage thrusters to hover above the cadet, hemming her downwards and limiting her space. Sandra calls out several sharp orders and the three cadets form up into a diagonal line to press the other cadet in towards the arena wall and the ground.

Shuri roars past in the opposite direction, her thrusters burning bright and her Impeller field spread wide. You neutralise the shockwave with a fluctuation of your own Impeller, but the shockwave buffets the rest of the flight, throwing a gap wide open in their press and allowing the other cadet to escape.

…You've just thought of a great idea to participate and not interfere with the learning of the others here.

You peel away and fly at Shuri. She turns and faces you directly, spreading her arms wide in challenge, her 'skirt' of thrusters lighting up as they increase output.

You don't change course and continue onwards directly towards her.

Spatial distortion. She disappears.

A shift. Or teleport as it is formally known.

Well. It certainly won't be unfair to use spatial warping against her now.

You twist your Impeller field into the echoes of the spatial distortion and force the path to reopen, pushing your way right through after her. Space stretches and shifts around you, then you were right in front of Shuri on the other side of facility.

Another spatial distortion, she was trying to teleport again. You throw you Impeller field wide, smoothing space around you back down, slamming the gate closed. Her Impeller field flashes as it takes the backlash of the failed attempt and her flight path wobbles for a moment.

She backs off quickly and you follow, but her frame's superior acceleration allows her to pull clear of you. You teleport closer and emerge just to see her disappear as she blinks away, having begun her own teleport the moment you initiated yours.

You follow again and find her flying away conventionally. From the ragged state of her Impeller field, it was clear that after the backlash from your Interdiction, three quick consecutive teleports without Higgs was the maximum she could manage.

You shift towards her again and emerge nearly on top of her. She's already swerving out of the way, flaring her Impeller field into a wing, having detected the spatial distortion of your teleport. Even so, there's simply not enough room and she smashes into you.

"Tag," you say firmly.

She sighs slightly and pushes out of your arms, "Yep. Tagged."

On the other side of the arena, you note the other members of the flight had managed to apprehend the remaining cadet.

>Cumulative Tag<
>>Taggers win
>>Anna Sanchez: 4 tags: 00:03.91 + 00:07.14 + 00:11.31 + 00:21.56
>>Claire Chaucer: 1 tag: 00:19.47

"Well that was over quickly. I am proposing some new rules. Anna joins Shuri in the list of cadets who are not to be the initial tagger. And no more spatial warping either, since only Shuri and Anna appear to be able to use such," said Sandra across TACNET.

You shrug at that.

>>FOR: 4

"Very well then," Shuri concludes, "New rules in effect. Prepare for another round."

The various Cadets reset to neutral positions and prepare to go again.


'Tag' roll = 48
Evening (Teleport Level 5) = 24/???
Evening (Interdiction Level 4) = 24/???

??? = 6
??? > 1: No penalties.

Chase Contest: 36 vs 24
(+12 Massive Success)


You shake your head slightly as you leave the arena to head for your elective classes. In the end, when the rules were changed to disallow spatial warping, no one could tag Shuri. You could extend your Impeller pretty far and change it's properties almost at will, but the distance she very carefully kept from you was too great.

You found yourself strangely frustrated at that.

You shake your head to clear the thoughts from your mind. This is what happened when you compete even the slightest against other humans.

And lose.

You pull down the list for the next series of electives.

Baking, Ballistic study, Board Games, Calligraphy and font design and lastly, Cars and small scale models.

You eye Baking warily. Really? Must you? Must you really?

You steel yourself and head down towards the manual kitchens.


You step into the vast and expansive manual kitchen, walking past a mysterious portrait of a man biting into a capsicum.

This kitchen was larger than your entire room, it wasn't just a kitchen, along one entire side of the room, there was an elevated platform with seats arranged around tables along the top, it was an entire restaurant.

At the very center of the room was a large fire pit, smouldering with glowing charcoals. Rows upon rows of gas fire stoves, grills, ovens and other machines radiated out from the central fire pit, standing gleaming and silent under bright white UV lights. Beneath the machines, pots and pans of every description and size lay upon the benches. Shelves and racks of spices and ingredients ringed the room whilst the walls were all enormous refrigerators.

Baking appeared to be a fairly small class, only a dozen cadets were gathered in the rooms as the pored over pastries and… breads. The pastries and breads lined the top of almost every available surface in the kitchen, and there was a lot of table space. Small dolly drones trundle out and bus away empty trays, replacing them with trays of other products.

You feel a mental nudge as you watch, you just received a new message.

You open it and read.

>>THIS MESSAGE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED TO YOU: "Heeey! Sorry that we're not in, but we tend to gather before breakfast and lunch. Anything you see is from us, try it and rate it! We'll take it into account and try to improve. If you want something to do, try making some dough. Leave your name on a placard and we'll make something with your dough. Come back tomorrow morning to watch, or come back in during dinner to try out the full range of end results! Have a good evening~"

You glance over the selections of food available and firmly shake your head.

Dough making it was.

Walking over the to flour you select the first bag you see and pour it into a bowl, then add some water and smash the mixture up with your Impeller field.

It looked alright. You prod it and feel the consistency, sorta soft and sorta firm you guess? Good enough.

As an after thought you tap the table to activate the computer and note the bowl was mixed by you. A dolly drone rolls over to collect the bowl as you turn and exit the room.


Next up was Ballistics study located on the surface.

You exit the Arcology and take off towards the indicated location, some kilometers south of the Arcology.

You see crude buildings and constructs rising in the distance along with a rather large crowd of Valkyries. There were several different grouping of buildings along with a few piles of rubble. A pair of large scale builders, looking slightly past their use by age, rummaged in the wreckage, salvaging materials and clearing the debris.

Most of the Valkyries were gathered around several… mortars? Some form of large projectile launcher.

You land at the periphery, inquisitively looking over the scene. What was going on here?

One of the machines fires out a very large projectile of solid rock, you track it towards one of the buildings. Your weapons extend, locking onto the projectile as you scan the building for inhabitants- and find none.

Confused about the whole thing, you watch on as the rock arcs down and slams down into the building. Cheers erupt from the gathered Valkyries as the building collapses, "One shot!" "Go Chen!" "First one shot on this design, nice one!"

What even was this class?

As the pair of builders continue their work, construct another group of buildings over former position of the ruins, pouring materials into their crude fabricators, the other Valkyries continue to pound the already existing groups of buildings into ruin with their strange mortar.

After a while of watching, you leave, still confused.

You suppose you were slightly better at demolishing buildings with extremely limited resources now?

Your Impeller field could expend vastly more energy than that slow flying rock though so you had absolutely no idea how such knowledge was useful.


Board games were located back inside the Arcology, inside a classroom.

The atmosphere was hushed, with small pairs and groups of Valkyries huddled around tables, watching the screens intently. One the presentation floor, wooden furniture had been scrounged up, or constructed, and set down to form a series of small tables.

A third year cadet sitting beckons you over when you don't immediately head for any specific table.

She pulls out a checked wooden board and casually set down several dozen pieces. Ah, you recognised this one, Chess.

"Interested in board games?" the senior, Blake from her nametag, languidly asks.

"I'm exploring," you reply, rotating the board to take the black pieces.

"Well, if you do join up, general honour rules are no Valkyrie assistance for games on the floor," she says, waving around her and moving a pawn forwards.

You move a pawn in turn as she continues, "For the games up on the tables, go wild, pretty much impossible to even understand the rules in those if you don't."

She moves another pawn and you respond in kind as you talk, "Those sound pretty interesting, but the only board game I know is Chess. And Monopoly."

She chuckles slightly at that, moving a bishop.

You continue down the game with the senior, several moves clicking across the board every second, till she holds up a hand.

"You sure you aren't using your Valk frame there?"

You look up at her, ready to deny it, then frown slightly and you think the question over. Were you?

"How do you tell if you are?"

She sits back slightly, eyes widening, "How? Well. I… I think you might want to have a talk with your Instructor hon."

"I will keep that in mind. Check."

She looks startled, then looks over the board for a minute, silently muttering under her breath as she looks over the set of the board, then sighs slightly, tipping over her own king.

"How many moves ahead were you looking, jus' wondering."

Moves ahead?

"I thought about winning. I know how the pieces on the board moved and so I won."

There was a chance that you'd lose from the moves you envisioned, but it wasn't a large one and decreased with every single move.

She looks you over with a frown, "You were definitely using your Valk then. I… well nevermind. Just think about talking to an Instructor about this sometime alright?"


You leave the question unasked and nod in combined acknowledgement and farewell, leaving the room.


Calligraphy was also hosted in a classroom and had a similar atmosphere to the Board Games class. There were far fewer people, with only nine cadets inside the room.

And an Instructor.

Instructor Xing Xue, the cup lady who was complaining about boys from lunch today.

She looks up and raises an eyebrow, before smiling and nodding in greeting.

You incline your head in response and walk to back rows to spectate. There rolls of paper and blocks of wood and metal blocks, along with scalpels and brush pens arranged neatly at the ends of each row of desks.

The cadets were hunched over their desks, slowly and meticulously inscribing on paper, or in Instructor Xing's case, using her Impeller to carve characters into a tablet of metal, small shavings of metal slowly falling to the desk.

The computer on your desk flashes and you tap it to acknowledge it. There's a guide to calligraphy for many different character sets for what looks like basically every language along with an attached note.

>>"You can ask me for help if you need it ~<3"
>>FROM: Instructor Xing Xue
>>VN: 1420

You type out a brief thanks and pull over a small roll of parchment and an ink pen, reviewing the guide as you settle down slowly begin tracing out letters.


Calligraphy was pretty okay. The mindless and repetitive motions of tracing out letter and words allowed time to fly by.

Last on the List was Cars and Small Scale Models elective class, also located in a minor fabrication room like Aerospace modelling.

It was much like the other class, if slightly more popular and more chaotic for it.

Small cars maybe half a meter long raced around on the inactive fabrication belts and shelves around the edge of the room. One side of the room was almost completely taken up by a huge expanse of cityscape, the model skyscrapers topping out slightly above your eyebrows. Part of the city was devastated, a large black lizard of some sort standing between the buildings, confronted by several tiny figurines of Valkyrie in model Three Hundred frames.

Small railway tracks crisscross above your head, spanning across the room, supported by tiny suspension bridges, model trains ran back and forth along the tracks.

Cadets were gathered here and there, huddling over tiny piles of parts, gingerly plucking out components and assembling them. Some others were simply staring between their data pads and the cars racing around the perimeter of the room. A small placard pointed off to the side, cheerfully directing first years to start at the simple model kits.

You walk over and pull up a small metal box with a picture of a very angular car on it's front. Heading over to an unoccupied table, you open it delicately. A small slip of paper flutters out and you read it.

"How fast can you assemble this model? Use of your Valkyrie is allowed! Bonus points if you improve the design also."

You raise an eyebrow at the message and consider just ignoring it and assembling the model by hand.

But, well, since it asked you to…

You push the box into Durga's inventory and concentrate on the picture of the car on the front of the box. It was no where near as advanced as the model jet that you held in Aerospace Modelling. The components were a very basic battery and electric engine, simple control circuits with only basic collision avoidance systems and a few basic IR sensors along with the steel bodywork. A few seconds later, you feel that the car has been assembled and remove the box from storage.

Opening it did in fact reveal the completed model car, cradled neatly by the reorganised shock absorbing foam. You place it on the floor and talk with the simple computer chip inside the car, instructing it to race with the other cars.

It sets off with a quiet electronic whine.

Disappointingly, it wasn't any quicker than the pack. You didn't hold it nearly long enough for tangible improvements.

With a slight shrug, you move on along the room.


Modelling was pretty fun, and quite a few other Valkyries thought so to from the way the seniors had to shoo out the lower years from the room.

You had absently walked your model car back to your room and now you watch it doing donuts on the bathroom tiles. You call it to heel and it parks itself next to a power point, spitting out a small cable.

You smile slightly at that and plug the model car in.

Setting the temperature down to lowest again, you rather eagerly hop into bed, forgoing a bath.

For a moment, you wait for another one of those mysterious messages to appear but nothing comes.

You consider you options for tomorrow as you huddle down into your blankets.


Bread Trauma roll: 15
Roll > 1
Trauma reduced.

Elective Dice: 26
Baking: 6/30
Ballistics Study/Angry Birds: 6/30
Board Games: 6/30
Calligraphy: 6/30
Cars and Small Scale Models: 6/30


What do you do in the morning?
[]Write in?

What to study?
[]Morning: Self study. Continue as is. (Transcendent Offense)
[]Morning: Self study. Write in particular subject.
[]Morning: Nothing. (Just listen to lesson.)

Do anything in lunch break?
[]Lunch: Hang around with friends?
[]Lunch: Explore Perth Arcology more.
>[]Perth Arcology: Biome.
>[]Perth Arcology: Residential areas.
[]Lunch: Visit the Instructors lounge again.
[]Lunch: Visit the 4th cafeteria.
[]Lunch: Write in.
[]Lunch: Nothing.


Update late. I blame burnt fingertips. Those injury suck when trying to type. Also, length spiralled again. Shorter updates ahahahahaha- Where did I even spend all these words ._.

I note a case of each update being longer than the last and each update coming later, if this trend continues, updates will take months by update 12 and consist of > 25k words.

Also, more shenanigans going on in the background of this quest. I've put this much work into muh numbers! I can't give up now. Sunken costs etc…

Honestly slightly surprised by how quickly people are attaching to Shuri. Amusing note: there were a multitude of ways that the Monster and The Broken Ace could have had their relationship devolve into 'zettai yurusenai'. Still are really.

Updates to character sheet in a little bit.
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