Oooooor, if population levels are reeeeally low, she might tell them to practice abstinence instead.
Yeah, ok, I am sigging this. Why? Because while I find Worm cool enough, I also find most of the fanfiction surrounding it
detestable. The fact that it's so popular among writers in here and SB is one of those big tragedies that has wasted away literal years of said writer's time. And, until now, I couldn't quite say why I felt that way.
This? This is why. There simply isn't a lot that you can do with Worm; Either you follow the stations of canon or the whole thing ends up being either depressingly dark, because things end badly, or end up extremely unfaithful to the source material, because a good ending otherwise requires an asspull. There
are exceptions, but I dearly wish we didn't have a fascination with that setting anymore. Blergh.