The vote is a forgone conclusion at this point, so I'd like to highlight something else to the Threadviet: That Klimenko has been forced to eat his words, because the ASU has been an ABSOLUTE
RIP-ROARING SUCCESS in ways even Voznesensky did not expect.
This is what we expected:
but as the same operators are using the machinery to make the reports significant changes are not expected... (-9 CI2 Electricity +1 Educated Labor)
And what we
(-17 CI2 Electricity -3 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (+1 Dice Modifier)
Never mind all the narrative information we got about how enthusiastic the enterprises are adopting these computers, the direct mechanical impact is far larger than anticipated. Indicated by electricity consumption, the scale of adoption is
almost twice what was expected. The automation potential with it was so extensive general labor utilization dropped by three points immediately. The administrative use is so much that
we got an entire +1 modifier to our dice, in spite of us not even being the main beneficiaries.
Even a critical success would be unlikely to get boni this good for average projects, and we got this from regular rolls. Klimenko was not prepared, WE were not prepared, perhaps even the managers were not fully prepared, for the massive transformation computers bring to the white collar parts of the Soviet economy.
The narration mentions the managers are starting to experiment with direct computerized process control, and our automotive industry has also started experimenting with the Nat 100 on the automotive plan. The age of automation is dawning on the USSR, which will bring big transformations that the SupSov might have trouble with.