Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X]Plan Hi, Name is Lito I Promise I am not Tito, Gib Loan (Garbo edition)
[X] Plan Redshirt's No Loan Guarantee
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[X]Plan Resolving Economic Shortfalls With Liquidity Surpluses
[X]Plan Hi, Name is Lito I Promise I am not Tito, Gib Loan (Garbo edition)
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[X] Plan Redshirt's No Loan Guarantee

I wanna hold off on loans for now and I figure delaying the new tooling plant is fine so long as we get it done within the plan
Waiting a turn effectively gets us +7 per dice spent on the tooling plant (-3 from anti corruption progressing, +10 from the HI penalty going away), which will come out to something like 21 extra progress.

Considering that it's a 300rpd project, that's something like 120 effective resources saved by waiting a turn.
Waiting a turn effectively gets us +7 per dice spent on the tooling plant (-3 from anti corruption progressing, +10 from the HI penalty going away), which will come out to something like 21 extra progress.

Considering that it's a 300rpd project, that's something like 120 effective resources saved by waiting a turn.
Well the winning plan doesn't include the tooling plant but yes we will effectively "waste resources" this turn for everything in HI but personally the 360/7=51 resources wasted just seem miniscule compared to being able to build a car plant and activate 9 more dice this turn. I also think it is worth noting that right now Klim is riding high from winning big but that can quickly change next turn and then the loan could look a lot more scary.
Well the winning plan doesn't include the tooling plant but yes we will effectively "waste resources" this turn for everything in HI but personally the 360/7=51 resources wasted just seem miniscule compared to being able to build a car plant and activate 9 more dice this turn. I also think it is worth noting that right now Klim is riding high from winning big but that can quickly change next turn and then the loan could look a lot more scary.

That plan spends 4 dice at 160 rpd and 1 dice at 120 rpd.

That means that due to the penalty compared to next turn, it "wastes" [(4x7)/50.5]x160 + [(1x7)/50.5]x120 = 105 virtual resources compared to if we did the exact same choices next turn.

Obviously in reality there aren't fractional dice that always roll the average result and get spent precisely up to the point of project completion, but it shows the general point - resources spent on HI are less efficient than next turn.
That plan spends 4 dice at 160 rpd and 1 dice at 120 rpd.

That means that due to the penalty compared to next turn, it "wastes" [(4x7)/50.5]x160 + [(1x7)/50.5]x120 = 105 virtual resources compared to if we did the exact same choices next turn.

Obviously in reality there aren't fractional dice that always roll the average result and get spent precisely up to the point of project completion, but it shows the general point - resources spent on HI are less efficient than next turn.
I get that investing in HI now comes with a penalty my point is just that your plan wastes [(1*7)/50.5]*160 + [(2*7)/50.5]*120=55~ resources there also so the net difference of wasted resources is about 50 and i just don't think sacrificing a car plant and a good spread of service dice is worth 50 wasted resources as if the car plant actually finishes it is likely going to be able to almost make that back in one turn and that is discounting the bonus and growth we get from likely completing 2 out of the 3 invested in service projects.
I waffled for a long time on subsidies vs food program, but ultimately: Subsidies are a numbers go up thing at heart, trying to keep production up. We'll likely get smaller parts of that policy in drips and drabs as relations with the peasants improve and more people realize we should give incentives for stuff like preventing soil depletion. Expanded Food Program on the other hand? It's a unique opportunity to sign into law that being a citizen of the Soviet Union entitles you to never fear starvation. All in on it, I say!

[X]Plan Hi, Name is Lito I Promise I am not Tito, Gib Loan (Garbo edition)
I know now what this is a reference to, but I would like to harden our garbage system against the storm of packing foam and fast food wrappers that are about to hit it.
Since it seems people like the loan plan, here's my own adjustment to it:

Changes compared to the leading plan are:
-1 dice on Water Distribution Systems
-1 dice on Agronomy Institutes

+2 dice on Caspian Sea Petrochemical Extraction
-1 dice on Bryansk Truck Plant
+1 dice on Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation
Net cost change: +40R spent

My justification is pretty simple: Completing a second oil project is going to give us much greater returns than a single dice on water a turn earlier, or agronomy institutes kicking in a year sooner. The extra 40R should easily pay off as soon as next turn.

Our petroleum fuels are at 29 +5 this coming turn, so even if we finish both projects we'd still end up at 29 +5 -6 -7 = 21, so we wouldn't hit the breakpoint if that's a concern.

I also think that it's worth taking the coinflip chance of getting Bryansk done with a single dice and saving 160R overall, especially since it means we can take a less expensive HI action with that dice and thus sink less money into HI while the penalty is ongoing.

[X]Plan Resolving Economic Shortfalls With Drill Baby Drill
-[X]Infrastructure (9/9 dice) 875 Resources
--[X]Western USSR Regional Roads, 3 dice (255R) 41%
--[X]Ural Region High Capacity Roads, 2 dice (170R) 78%
--[X]Unified Canal System(Step 2 of 3), 1 die (70R) 32%
--[X]Power Grid Expansions, 2 dice (160R) 0%
--[X]ASU, 1 die (220R) 91%
-[X]Heavy Industry (5/5 dice) 720 Resources
--[X]Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation(Stage 1), 2 die (240R) 12%
--[X]Nikolayev Automotive Plant, 2 dice (320R) 38%
--[X]Bryansk Truck Plant, 1 dice (160R) 48%
-[X]Rocketry (2/2 dice) 200 Resources
--[X]Stalingrad Plant Expansion, 1 die (200R) 56%
--[X]Publicly Provide Atmospheric Information, 1 die
-[X]Light and Chemical Industry (6/6 dice + 3 Free) 1040 Resources
--[X]Caspian Sea Petrochemical Extraction(Stage 1), 2 dice (280R) 57%
--[X]Samotor Field Development(Stage 1), 2 dice (240R) 57%
--[X]Air Conditioner Plants(Stage 4), 1 die (100R) 95%
--[X]Modern Foods Production(Stage 1), 3 dice (270R) 75%
--[X]Second Generation Plastics(Stage 2), 1 die (150R) 65%
-[X]Agriculture (6/6 dice + 1 Free) 800 Resources
--[X]Domestic Meat Programs(Stage 2), 4 dice (440R) 76%? Stage 3
--[X]Agricultural Insurance Enterprises, 2 dice (240R) 57%
--[X]Second Generation Seed Program, 1 die (120R) 29%
-[X]Services (10/10 dice) 960 Resources
--[X]Distribution of Banking Branches, 2 dice (160R) 61%
--[X]Expanded Childcare(Stage 3), 2 dice (140R) 62%
--[X]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 1), 2 dice (220R) 74%
--[X]Legal Consulting Programs, 1 die (80R) 14%
--[X]Hotel-Enterprises, 3 dice (360R) 69%
-[X]Bureaucracy (8/8 dice) 0 Resources
--[X]Unified Passport Zone, 1 SupSov die
--[X]Resumption of Punishments, 1 SupSov die
--[X]Codify Convertability, 1 SupSov die
--[X]An Expanded Food Program, 1 die
--[X]Start a Commission on Agriculture, 1 die
--[X]Call a Second General Meeting, 1 die
--[X]Request a Loan, 1 die
--[X]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project (Domestic Meat Programs), 1 SupSov die (unrolled)
-[X]Total Cost: 4595R/5970R, 1375R reserved, 49 dice rolled

[X] Plan Redshirt's No Loan Guarantee
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[X]Plan Hi, Name is Lito I Promise I am not Tito, Gib Loan (Garbo edition)
[X] Plan Redshirt's No Loan Guarantee

Ya know all our worrying will be over when we average a roll of 75 and get at least 3 nat 100's guys. Or that is what I'm praying for 🙏 🙏 🙏