Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
it's weird, stalin might not be seen as so bad in this TL. There was no famine, fewer purges, some of those purged were verifiably dipshits who deserved it (I think we purged lysenko)
Sure, but that's not how TTL will see it.

Here, Lysenko is an innocent victim, a guy who might have been wrong but is nonetheless a martyr for independent scientific thought.
It was a mixed bag overall in my opinion. They were 1930s sociologists after all, and apparently OTL Stalin had a thing for phrenology for a while. By purging the sociologists we ended up also stamping out scientific racism as collateral damage.
Some more (perhaps still hopium-addled) thoughts on the future:
State of the Plan and Economy:
MNKh Average Education Bonus: +8 Bonus (+2 per Plan at Current Education Rate(Max at 10))
Economics Education: +2 (+3 per Plan at Current Education Rate(Max at 10))
Right now our boni from education are +10, in 1965 they'll go up to +15 with general education maxing out in the process. Theoretical overall max is +20. But I wonder if we can still boost it? Our automated education dice are building more universities, and one option we didn't take but presumably will be able to do in the future is expanding secondary schooling. Perhaps the bonus will eventually go up to a max of 15 there?

And of course we've one more level of economics autobulding, but that might just increase the growth rate without the max. Does anyone remember what the maximum bonus was for Economics Education before we finished Stage 3 Economics Institutes?
At some point you'd hit diminishing returns on education. More and more graduate-educated economists and mathematicians and engineers are nice, but at some point you just have... enough.

I suspect +20 is as high as it will ever go.
At some point you'd hit diminishing returns on education. More and more graduate-educated economists and mathematicians and engineers are nice, but at some point you just have... enough.

I suspect +20 is as high as it will ever go.

I think we'd need *better* education at that point, not just more. Not entirely sure what that would entail. Lots of teachers, very well trained? Extremely good digital education aids? Nootropics? :/
The MNKh education bonus is for how educated the bureaucrats working in our offices are in university-level math and sciences, we're not conscripting secondary school teachers into office work and even if we were the MNKh staff is a total rounding error compared to how many teachers the USSR needs.

If you mean sending them to be university professors, the same problem about scale applies, but we are kinda doing that with the economics institutes - the faculty are former MNKh personnel that we're donating. Not because it's impossible to source faculty elsewhere, though, we had multiple options for where to get them and chose to strip MNKh bureaucrats for teaching cadre because we wanted to engineer political control over the system, not because it was the only place to find professors.
The MNKh education bonus is for how educated the bureaucrats working in our offices are in university-level math and sciences, we're not conscripting secondary school teachers into office work and even if we were the MNKh staff is a total rounding error compared to how many teachers the USSR needs.

If you mean sending them to be university professors, the same problem about scale applies, but we are kinda doing that with the economics institutes - the faculty are former MNKh personnel that we're donating. Not because it's impossible to source faculty elsewhere, though, we had multiple options for where to get them and chose to strip MNKh bureaucrats for teaching cadre because we wanted to engineer political control over the system, not because it was the only place to find professors.
They will be good teachers still as well even if they sometimes scream uncontrollably when there students mention certain project they badly don't want to remember?
Well we are a little bit behind compared to Atomic Hearts timeline, but I sure that with enough will and dedication we will be able to achieve greater results overall in time.
Non-Cannon Omake: Megamag and Mikonyan V: Changing Plans
@Blackstar another Omake for the pile. Don't worry, this is my last snip in this series. Probably. My weird FGO-borne moment of inspiration sure took on a life of its own huh? But my muse is moving elsewhere. And Magnitogorsk slipped out of the quest's focus after the 1950 Plan anyway. Wasn't sure about the title since Mik is hardly present, but eh whatever.

Megamag and Mikonyan V: Changing Plans

Malenkov stepped off the train. In the several months since Mikoyan had first introduced him to Magnitogorsk he hadn't had a chance to properly talk to her. His few visits had been brief, he had been occupied elsewhere in the union surveying the achievements and messes Mikoyan had left behind. He was half-dreading that he would find something horrible here too now that he came to look properly.

Speaking of looking, where was Magnitogorsk? He saw her across the yard leaning over a hopper of some raw materials and rifling through it. He approached wondering how close he should be before calling for her, only to notice a shifty guard standing in his path. He was looking towards Magnitogorsk, seemingly enraptured by something. "Hello there comrade. What has your attention so?" The shifty guard didn't react. Malenkov looked in the direction he was starting, up at Magnitogorsk's... his round face turned red. "Oh I see. I see indeed." he growled.

That got a reaction. "Oh yes, great view isn't it Comrade- um..." the guard turned his head, blinked twice, and jumped back wide-eyed. "Whoa Comrade Malenkov I forgot you were visiting today umm just making sure everything's in order and keeping to the dress code I have to hurry actually sorry!" The shifty guard rushed off with a woosh, kicking up a huge cloud of dust that left Malenkov coughing and hacking before he could try following Eventually the dust settled and he managed to clear his throat. He saw Magnitogorsk looking his way in worry.

"Comrade Malenkov! Are you OK?"

"I am fine, just got some dust kicked in my face by a misbehaving guard."

"Misbehaving? Oh, right." Her face darkened, having guessed what the guard was 'observing'. "I hate perverts like those, and it's frustrating I can't do anything about them." She kicked at the ground. Malenkov just barely kept his balance.

"You have problems with them often?" he asked in worry.

"Yeah, there's always some of those types around. But at least they know better to do anything more than look. And as Mikonyan said, we must endure some discomfort to build socialism!"

Though Magnitogorsk spoke the words with triumph Malenkov was not moved by them and he narrowed his eyes. "You mean the same Mikoyan who said the workers of the union need to "endure" severe frostbite, lethal equipment failures, and black lung from coal dust?" Malenkov caught the venom building in his voice and suddenly got nervous. Perhaps showing his frustration with the one person Magnitogorsk was close to may not have been a good idea.

Indeed, Magnitogorsk seemed taken aback by what he'd said. For a moment she said nothing, thinking. Coming to a concerned realization, she asked "I… I didn't ask much about the rest of the Union's industries. I kept my head down, like we all did under Stalin. But I sometimes overheard the workers talking about how this is a better place to be than so-and-so other place. Just what did Mik get up to with his other projects?"

Malenkov sighed. "Very harsh things. I'm not a fan. But I am not here to argue if the miseries Anastas forced people to endure were necessary. I am here to fix things." His demeanor was resolute now. "Mostly safety matters, but I am doing a general checkup on everything. Is there anything here-" he paused and blushed faintly, "well, anything on top of misbehaving workers that you are concerned about?"

Magnitogorsk thought for a moment. "Umm, it's not a safety issue or anything" she twiddled her thumbs, "but I realized I walk pretty far to get iron ore, and I am starting to worry it will run out soon. I'm not sure what will happen after that. I… I'm not going to become useless am I?" Her voice was becoming shaky at the oncoming existential dread.

Malenkov was quick to jump in. He did not know Magnitogorsk well, but he had seen too many people afraid about the future. "No no no, no such worries! You're a big service to the Soviet Union in more ways than just being right next to Mount Magnitnaya! You can process iron ore better than anywhere else in the world." That was not true, or wouldn't be for long, he thought. Like many things built by Mikoyan, Magnitogorsk's Stalin-era equipment was lacking in quality. But lying as naturally as one breathed had been an unfortunate condition for survival in the Soviet government.

"There are many more ore deposits in the Union, I could have the rocks shipped here. Let you keep doing your great work, and probably more efficient than building a bunch of new smaller mills. Or…" Malenkov trailed off.

"or what?"

"It's a more out-there option, but there are projections the Union's concrete demand is about to rise dramatically. We're going to need a bunch of new housing for the post-war baby boom, the Ministry of Infrastructure is talking about building some really big hydroelectric dams, the works. And you're digging up a lot of gravel along with iron ore. You would be doing just as big a service to the Soviet people by making concrete aggregate instead of steel in your kitchen."

At that, Magnitogorsk perked up. "Being able to keep making useful things with what I dig up here is what I would love more than anything. But, would it be OK? The people need all the steel I make, what will they do if I am making concrete instead?

"I have plans to modernize the old steel mills from before the revolution, and build a few new ones. Not as centralized, but at least it won't stress the rail lines- god that's also on the list for modernization, what isn't? Sorry, there's a lot of stuff to do! Anyways, it will be good for the Union's economy to spread production out a bit, or so Voznesensky tells me.

"Oh I am glad that is covered! But, I still barely know anything about concrete…" She lightly kicked at the ground. The resulting dust cloud narrowly missed Malenkov.

"Don't worry. I am sure I can teach you somehow."

Later, at the Moscow library

"Well hello there Comrade Malenkov, fancy meeting you here. Decided to educate yourself a little?"

Malenkov prepared to chew out the man who had interrupted his thoughts, only to stop himself at the sight of two handsome fox ears. "Ah, General Secretary Mikoyan! I was just putting together a little cookbook of sorts, it'll be a big project so I want to get things right."

The Fox smiled. "Ah! You know, I've been working on writing a cookbook myself. It's not ready yet, unfortunately." Mikoyan smirked. "But who knows, if you do a good job with the MNKh, I just might send you-" The fox stopped suddenly, scowling. "Wait."

Malenkov was worried. "What is it Anasatas? Did something happen?"

"Malenkov." Mikoyan stared narrow-eyed


"You came to this library to look for a cookbook, right"?

"S-something like that." The minister shrunk backwards

Mikoyan laughed. "Malenkov. This is the civil engineering section. I think you've been hitting the vodka too hard again, in fact I hope so because the other possibilities are even more suspicious!

Malenkov cringed buried his face in his palms. Why could he never get any respect?

My early drafts were longer. They included Mal and MegaMag discussing safety before the depleting ore deposits got mentioned (which would have a little more lampshade hanging over the "giant woman" thing), and Magnitogorsk actually showing Mal what ore deposits were left. I felt they weren't useful enough to excuse the damage they did to pacing, and the latter scene was mostly indulgent Mal bullying anyway. I entertained keeping them and splitting the snip into two to fleece Blackstar out of twice the omake bonuses, but unlike Mikoyan I have a sense of ethics and I couldn't find a natural breakpoint. So I just cut them. One of the scenes had enough fragments done I feel comfortable sharing it below.
"Usually Mikonyan stands on my shoulder when I want to take him somewhere."

Malenkov looked between her shoulders and the ground. They seemed awfully far apart and that was with Magnitogorsk crouching down. Still, if Mikoyan had managed than how bad could it be. "OK then, let's go!" He nodded. Magnitogorsk brought her hand down to pick him up.

two minutes later

While the giant steelworks-woman strolled briskly towards the Ural mountains Malenkov found himself on all fours with his eyes squeezed shut, and his white-knuckled hands gripping the thick fabric of her shirt for dear life. The consequences of slipping loose of this shaky platform haunted his mind. The struggle against the rocking felt like eons.

"Well, we're at the mountain. Where would you rather we start surveying?" At the lack of response, she turned her head and saw the MNKh head shaking. "Comrade Malenkov? Are you OK?"

"Huh what oh we've stopped moving. Just a bit shaken up." [no, need much more relief here] He looked around. Mount Magnitnaya didn't seem as tall as the old propaganda reels had shown it. "Best start at the north end and work our way south. But I really need to find a less frightening perch." He groaned.

Malenkov did find a pocket on Magnitogorsk's dress much more pleasant, though it often left him wondering if that was what a baby kangaroo felt like. At least it left his hands free to carry his clipboard. As Magnitogorsk showed him where she'd been digging, he compared it to the geological records he'd copied from the archives. By the end he was frowning.
Turn 66 Results (July 1st, 1960 - January 1st, 1961): A Proletarian Wave Results
Turn 66 Results (July 1st, 1960 - January 1st, 1961): A Proletarian Wave Results

External News

The Vietnam war has entered a far slower phase, as Chinese advances have been checked by greater Vietnamese mobilization and the deep insufficiency of the Chinese army. While Volunteer air units have performed acceptably, the loss of air-frames has still been significant as many of the conventional advantages present in ground based radar tasking have been limited by Chinese incompetence. A lack of heavy units has also failed to realize significant gains despite mobilization and a tentative attempt at peace talks has been organized by local ambassadors in order to save some face in the war, but little has come of them. No real gains are so far expected until broader Chinese army reform is undertaken with an emphasis on heavier equipment and a far more coordinated command system, but any direct threat to China has at least been negligible given the limitations in Vietnamese striking power.

US elections have proceeded with a relative upset, as the Democratic party has succeeded in one last attempt at overall coordination, consolidating votes behind LBJ on the principle of him being a Southerner along with a mixed populist platform. Still, he carried the election with a solid performance in the West and South, only losing a number of electors in Mississippi and winning the three way races across the upper South. With 278 electoral votes and majorities in the House and Senate, he has still won and can implement a decent degree of his agenda, though with a limited margin. The Republicans have also performed far above expectations, forming a liberal-business alliance and carrying the lakes and East Coast. LBJ has so far moved to coordinate domestic policy and clamp down on the relative racism, if party meetings are anything to go by, but his actual course is still questionable.

Cross CMEA developmental efforts have also been initiated through several ministries, encouraging several nations to start the construction of a unified high speed loop in order to increase passenger throughput and tourist money. This has so far only been proposed and not at all implemented, but through the contribution of subsidies and a few polite encouragement the project is expected to be initiated on an acceptable time frame. Currency unification has been put off, with the debate spreading out to CMEA structures. The industrializing nations approaching Soviet standards of living have so far been the strongest proponents, as a unified currency promises to improve block coordination without too many downsides.


Leningrad Renovation:
Home of the revolution and rapidly increasing in size over the last few decades to the point that rapidly constructed moderate-density Mikoyan and wartime-era housing predominates entire districts. Through a dedicated modernization towards a proper skyline in those areas based on the high-density metro integrated district model, it is possible to significantly improve labor and organizational throughput. Dedicated areas for the organization of the largest enterprises and developmental areas for several critical aspects of the economy will be designated, ensuring that any large services projects can have a sufficient degree of bureaucratic space and a rapid flow of labor. This will be accompanied by moderate protective work to ensure that further inclement weather doesn't damage the city. (50 Resources per dice 37/400) (Pork Project)

The unfortunate first phase of any large-scale urban renovation has been the demolition of older constructions to leave room for newer ones. Relocating a few thousand workers out of the center of the city to start mass reconstruction has gone to plan, with mass demolitions occurring in order to replace them with higher density housing. New metro planning has also started, with a comprehensive multi line system already designed and waiting for implementation. Worker relocations to newer higher towers constructed by the housing effort has gone acceptably with no protests, but the city center now needs a dedicated reconstruction. A new service and financial district is planned and has entered enterprise bidding for the land, with a few grand projects of socialist development planned to accompany it.

Popular discontent is at acceptable levels for now, but the overall time table of the developmental project needs to be accelerated in order to avoid significant disruptions. Initial forays into demolition have cleared out a number of old developments, but funding is needed now so that everything is finalized before the next electoral cycle. Prioritization of local funds has been approved for the construction of several new blocks, with development programs accompanying enterprise expansion.
-Report to the Leningrad Soviet

Passenger Rail Network(Western SU): Electrification is a fundamental improvement in the transportation of personnel at high speeds, as diesel locomotives are not properly optimized to run at such a pace. Utilizing several innovations in rectification and localized drives for passenger units, it is possible to provide similar or better speeds across the HSR network. These new units will require a large-scale modernization and be limited to serving passengers. Still, as there is already a network specializing in the task, this optimization is more of a question of specialized production. Electrification of the track itself will be done according to a 25kV AC catenary scheme, allowing a reduction in power loss across the vastness of the Union. (75 Resources per Dice 1657/2250)

Electrification of the close-urban systems has been completed according to plan, with most routes out of Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev lasting less than an hour electrified and steadily converted to electric traction. Availability of electric locomotives has so far lagged behind the passenger demand and necessity for speed, but conversion programs have been sufficiently underway to ensure that any shortages can be compensated for. These local locomotives will not be able to run significantly faster than the long range diesels for as long as electrification is partial, but progress is being made. The long range routes are not expected to be the most economical, but they will ensure that line speeds can be increased to the projected 190 kph.

Civilian Airports(Stage 1): The initial program for constructing airstrips was tainted with Malenkov's optimism. Instead of going through the conventional buildup of military strips for dual-purpose use, dedicated airports are needed. The army can always convert them to their use in wartime, but the expected volume of passengers has resulted in the necessity for massive runways. Their construction is expected in all major cities, with some secondary destinations planned for the next stages to deliver workers to areas unreachable in any high-speed manner. (302/300 Stage 1 Complete) (2/200 Stage 2)

Massive construction programs towards large scale concrete and bitumen air strips for the latest airliners and the upcoming massive Antonov have proceeded at an excellent pace. Dedicated radar systems and flight control has already been practically established, with much of the build-out expected to occur over the next year. Expansions have so far prioritized the massive tier one cities, as they are expected to be the major destinations, but future efforts can shift towards the smaller town centers that may not have any transit opportunities outside of buses, causing regional aviation to significantly improve popular throughput.

Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4): Continued work on the telecommunications system of the Union has been partially taken up by private and enterprise-level efforts. Instead of the centralized drive, many enterprises have started adapting telephones on the floor level independently for the benefits of coordination and informational throughput. Civilian adoption has been slower as the new networks have been stressed over the last few years, but progress has been made to ensure that sufficient switchboard capacity is there. Further funding will go more towards expanding switchboards and ensuring that lines maintain clarity rather than a broader build-out. Still, even that will increase the overall cyberneticization of the economy and extend the current period of rapid growth. (270/250) (Complete) (-7 CI2 Workforce) (+1 to all Dice) (EASU 20/??? Sub Vote)

Finalization of the basic phone network has been a major event, but a critical one now that it is entirely completed. Now nearly every citizen in a major urban center and most smaller towns can call anyone else in the nation without a significant delay or degradation in audio quality. Business and enterprise utilization has practically become universal through the last effort, as the advantages posed by rapid communication cannot be under-estimated. Further proposals towards the direct enhancement of the system so that it can directly and formally assist with planning have already been planned out, and will be available to construct.

[]ESAU: Kitov's ambitious proposal towards networking the various state enterprises in a coordinated web has promise towards increasing economic returns, but not towards the minimization of administrative cadre. While local cadres may be weakened by the implementation and electronization of orders from above and targets from above, a novel bureaucratic apparatus will need to be constructed to manage it. The most ambitious of the proposals and likely the most broad scale implementation, networking enterprises towards computing hubs should result in a general increase in coordination and improve adherence to the plan. (20/600) (??? Impacts)

[]ASU: Nemchinov, has a different and far more politically viable proposal. Instead of striking at the managerial structure and significantly disrupting it, giving the upper administration the tools to strike against their underlings will accomplish far more in a smoother manner. Enterprise specific computing adaption for calculation and consolidation of administrative roles will minimize the oversized administrative cadres and improve responsiveness of enterprises in a general model. Simultaneously, by outsourcing the political battles to the enterprises while providing them the tools to do so, more progress can be made now and enable the accumulation of experience. (0/400) (??? Impacts)

[]ESS: Kharkevich's line is more practical and practically conservative, focused on improving communications rather than direct planning authority. By bypassing any leadership struggles and continuing the implementation of electronic systems, prototypes of document transmission over electronic networks can be pushed forward to implementation. These would be limited, but would massively improve communication throughout the system without any inherent disruption, providing an unambitious continuation of the previous networking efforts. Expensive for the technical aspects but entirely doable with partially mature technologies, there should be few issues in implementation. (20/400) (+1 to all Dice)

Heavy Industry 8 Dice

Novocherkassk Locomotive Plant:
A new dedicated plant for producing electric locomotives is needed as the limited runs in the Leningrad Plant are inefficient, if adequate, for now. With the planned necessity to further increase loading on the passenger network and to enhance the degree of cargo throughput throughout the nation, electrification is a logical and efficient answer. Current grid power is only approximately at the price of fuel oil, but the reduced maintenance overhead of electrical traction alone is expected to recoup most investments. Once the plant is completed, it is expected that the overall cost of the HSR project will go down by a small degree while enabling a sufficient degree of experience to develop to enable large-scale conversions to freight electric traction in the next plan. (80 Resources per Dice 180/250)

Efforts towards the electrification and modernization of the locomotive system have gone slowly but have accomplished most of the goals. The main factory floor has been effectively completed and prepared for the production of a new type of locomotive-train car set. Distribution of the traction motors across cars promises an increase in prices, but a considerable gain in speed at little cost and far improved thermal performance. Technical efforts at design have advanced considerably, as aerodynamics, wind tunnel evaluation, and a focus on 25kV AC has practically ushered in a new age of designs. Cargo freight is expected to still use a standard centralized locomotive model, but passenger trains should eventually shift off of it. Initial production of the EP1VL train set is expected to start in 1963, assuming sufficient funding is provided, with continuous production of freight models continuing for some time.

Maximum Speed: 210 kph
Continuous Speed: 190 kph
Formation: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 cars
Capacity: 340-1610 Passengers
Power: 220 kW x 4 (continuous)
Electrical System: 25kV AC Pantograph
-EN1 Technical Specification

Further Arc Furnace Efforts: Scrap steel utilization has always served as a low-cost methodology for improving steel utilization efficiency in several sectors. The construction of a larger number of newer furnaces, along with the modernization of several older ones, will ensure that further improvements can be made in steel production. Energy intensity is expected to remain fairly high throughout the project, but this is a natural consequence of the process and will still be worthwhile relative to the steel yield. (110 Resources per Dice 372/250) (nat 100) (98 CI8 Steel -40 CI6 Electricity -4 CI2 Workforce) (+40 RpT)

Technical graduates from a number of metallurgical projects have collaborated on novel methodologies for the production and processing of secondary steel. Novel techniques involving continuous process production and oxy fuel torches have served to significantly improve both labor and energy efficiency. Broad-scale modernization has also started across the secondary steel industry, with considerable savings in energy consumption expected from a modernization of technique and division of heating source. These are expected to occur over the next few years, reducing electricity consumption at the cost of natural gas. Direct reduced iron experiments have also started to be carried out with a number of arc furnaces, promising to eventually shift the steel industry towards a more efficient model, enabling production of primary steel during periods of scrap steel insufficiency.

New Automotive Plants(Zaporozhye): More automotive production has practically been a direct translation towards growth in the export balance and domestic economic growth. Automobiles form a consumer product that the unique advantages of the Union further enhance the production of, enabling the planned massive steel surplus to go towards productive ends and workers across CMEA. By developing each of these plants, a genuinely wide selection of automobiles can be presented to every worker in the Union, allowing them to have a degree of choice and hopefully eventually lowering prices and profitability ratios to a reasonable level. (278/225) (Completed) (-24 CI2 Steel -11 CI2 Electricity -6 CI1 Workforce) (+40RpT)

Work on the Zaporozhye plant has been finalized with the full line constructed with a further expansion already initiated. A mixture of domestic and foreign demand is already expected to buy up most of the first production lots, with more opportunities for export expanding far faster than production. Our socialist allies have already begun mass imports in exchange for a mixture of consumer products and raw materials, and this is only expected to accelerate over time. Further funding has effectively been authorized for the automotive industry, as returns are massive compared to the committed labor.

Rocketry 3 Dice

Development of the Stalingrad Plant(Stage 3): A further expansion in ministry-exclusive production capacity can enable the further consolidation of productive infrastructure under central control. Sure it may be logistically inconvenient, but at this point, all but the guidance packages are effectively made in-house, rendering large parts of the R7 far cheaper than they otherwise would have been. To continue on these developments, the latest in equipment can be utilized to further improve standards and continue the push towards developing viable orbital production. The cutbacks in the army's research arm can secure a wealth of talent used to working with complex guidance packages, accelerating development further. (218/200) (Completed) (-4 CI2 Steel -15 CI1 Aluminum -18 CI2 Electricity -6 CI1 Workforce) (Cost Reductions)

Massive expansions of the Stalingrad industrial complex has at this point decoupled the production of high precision components away from Moscow and practically built its own development center. Continued imports of academics and strong cooperation by the local soviet has expanded academies in the city with a practical constant stream of optimistic students going in to learn and participate in the rocketry program. Several army experts have even been transferred over towards the city to further enhance its scientific potential and education, helping to isolate production. The plant itself has also been completed along with several secondary lines, taking over almost all booster production for R7U launches and splintering away from more expensive army machinery.

Hydrogen Engine Programs: The current expander cycle engine is sufficient for most applications, but there is a limit in how much power can be yielded from an expander cycle. Work needs to start on a true closed cycle hydrogen engine, as even the upper stages of the RLA are limited by engine capability rather than launcher capacity. Additionally, several academics have considered an upgrade to the full power RLA involving a far larger hydrogen core stage that is constantly burning, minimizing mechanical stresses. The engine for such a project will take time to develop, but with consistent funding it may even be ready in time for any attempt at a moon launch, improving payload mass and greatly loosening tolerances. (57) (Project Cost 10 RpT)

Hydrogen turbo-machinery is a unique but solvable challenge for the advancement of orbital development. While nozzle stability is primarily a solved issue, actual turbo-machinery for very low density fuel is its own technical challenge. Continued funding is expected to progress the field significantly, but results should not be expected in the short term as broad scale development takes time. Current goals for the program involve the construction of a second stage engine for the RLA booster stack that is more efficient then the combined expander cycles of the original plan. This isn't expected to be available for at least five years, if not a decade, but the development itself is critical.

Vacuum Electronic Development: While shipping electronic packaging in pressurized compartments is mostly functional for closer missions, the technical challenges involved in maintaining them for long periods is significant. For longer range probes and to improve the technical reliability of several mission profiles, a dedicated development effort is needed in order to build vacuum hardened integrated circuits. Current integrated circuitry has already served as a boon for guidance packages and control systems and further developments in them can only further help. Additionally, as electronics production across the USSR is a new field, university and educational programs will be initiated to broaden the program and ensure that there is a sufficient number of experienced engineers and designers. (82) (Project Cost 10 RpT)

Effective cooling problems with both discrete transistor and Vacuum tube systems due to their power efficiencies have practically restricted them to pressurized applications for orbital work. Integrated circuits have however shown a degree of promise for the application given their lightweight and low power requirements. Actual working examples are not expected to be made for years, but initial progress has already practically started in several bureaus, pushing forward development. Collaboration with a number of more terrestrial industries has also opened in order to expand progress, as there are a number of more conventional aerospace applications where metal oxide systems can work.

Light and Chemical Industry

Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4):
Further expansions of the overall pipeline network into the Far East have proven necessary as the massive petrochemical demand of the nation has only increased. The necessity of gas and power production in remote locations and the steady industrial intensification in the East have led to a proposed project for an oil and gas pipeline to be constructed to Vladivostok. The project will be costly, but it will ensure an easy and consistent flow of energy resources across the Union. Furthermore, constructing this pipeline will enable far cheaper petrochemical exports to China, supplying a massive market. (50 Resources per Dice 310/350)

Continued construction of the pipeline complex has gone according to plan with bi directional construction started at several sites in order to accelerate the overall project. Already it is expected to soon link past Irkutsk and reach out towards Vladivostok. Exports to China will effectively start as soon as the pipeline is completed, as their energy sector is only expected to intensify in demand over the course of industrialization. Gas plants across the Union have also been planned to take advantage of expanded capacity, ensuring that even the Far Eastern and Siberian regions can be modernized and industrialized.

Fertilizer Plants(Stage 4/5): High-intensity production of several types of fertilizers is required to fulfill the target for already utilized agriculture and continue the current expansion of land under cultivation. It may not be possible to become an economy where the agricultural sector is not a drain on state funds. Still, a continued shift towards cheaper nutrition can only benefit the workers. Nitrogen-fixing apparatuses will be modernized and continuously improved, along with several vertical layout improvements developed in the petrochemical sector being implemented at all levels. (60 Resources per Dice 404/560)

Continued efforts have been undertaken in dual track methods, focusing on a simultaneous intensification of potassium derivative mining and further ammonia production. Significant intensification of fertilizer use is already expected if current trends continue, and sufficient supplies will be critical towards the accomplishment of the plan. Slightly behind schedule relative to the expectations in increasing agricultural production, the plant itself is still being completed and should secure enough gains when accompanied by some funding for select goods.

Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 3): Expansions in producing many luxury items are a natural and logical conclusion to the overall effort. Consumer goods supplies have only increased in trade across the border, enabling the development of far more production capacity. A current lot of expansions will focus on the integration of a large number of private interests into the state sector, capturing controlling shares of them and massively intensifying production of the most popular items. Yields are expected to be high, with continued export opportunities and a developing internal. Primary opportunities will occur in the immediate consumptive sector, ensuring that local chocolate, wines, and other luxury goods are produced sufficiently from imported resources from CMEA. (206/200) (Completed) (-11 CI3 Electricity -12 CI1 Workforce) (Effective +30 RpT consumer)

Direct funding towards the export capacity of localized Georgian wines, several chocolate brands across the Union, and cultural goods has yielded an acceptable return. The enterprises have taken charge of their production and increased it towards more of an industrial scale while committing small amounts of funds towards targeting market acquisition in the West. Many of the funds have so far prioritized local over centralized investment to secure a broader basis of political support, as the transfer of labor-power towards the export economy is still politically contentious. These plants are only expected to increase in scale off available funding, especially as trade relations normalize.


Peoples Dietary Initiatives:
Vitaminization and enrichment of standard foods has brought millions out of nutritional deficiencies, but far more can be done. Further vitaminization of foods and the enrichment of a number of standard components can make even the worst diets acceptably healthy. The demand for meat or any other product isn't expected to be significantly affected, but the enrichment of food will ensure that even the poorest workers can maintain their health. Fortification of breads with vitamin D in sufficient doses and a number of other moderate fixes can ensure that the health of the people improves at a minimal cost. An increase in protein concentration can also be accomplished for a number of specialty items, allowing workers to have more variety without negative health impacts. (40 Resources per Dice 148/200) (-6 CI1 Electricity -8 CI1 Workforce)

With the amounts needed in terms of vitamins, the far larger portion of the initiative has been combined with standardization efforts and the necessity of supplying every large enterprise with mix-ins. Most have so far been slow to adapt modern methods of supplying nutrition and have required constant oversight and insistence on modernization but the funding is present and available for most construction. Dedicated construction and production of additive compounds has already effectively been done, but implementation needs a further funding allocation.

Enterprise Supply Management: Moving the supply management of agro-enterprises to their own dedicated structures can help to introduce redundancy to the overall agricultural system. By constructing a number of large warehouses and low temperature transport yards, it should be possible to improve the transit of perishable goods and enhance their availability in all seasons. Novel methods of preserving imports will also be used at major harbors, ensuring that product quality losses can be minimized for import only products. A moderate net negative effect is expected as the service will be offered to internal enterprises for a low cost, but the redundancy on offer will be more than worth it. (172/150) (Completed) (-4 CI1 Electricity -4 CI1 Workforce)

Subsidies and expansions of the overall rail stock of freezer cars and smaller transportation methods have been used. Freezer containers for ships, new containers for cargo trucks, and a massive collection of new train car plans have been finalized. Significant production isn't expected for at least a few more months, but over time the transportation of fresh meat and fruit will become a solved problem. Consumption across the Union is expected to be more than enough for current production, but as transport will also get easier demand growth from abroad is also expected to increase. This will likely impact the economy a bit as the people get more used to luxuries, but the morale impacts will more then compensate for any financial shortage.

GOST Standardization: As everything is being standardized for easy exchange and shipping, it is time to formalize the most common types of products so that workers can purchase with confidence and consistency. If a bag of milk is advertised as having a certain percentage of milk fat, it should conform to that standard and be an unadulterated product. By implementing these standards a simple conformity tag can be applied to any good in compliance, with small teams of testers hired and sent out to verify that the end products are in compliance and that usability dates are not too ambitious. In effect, this is an extension of the old system of industrial standards to the food sector, but one that is necessary to keep quality high and enhance popular health at a minimized cost. (179/150) (Completed) (-3 CI1 Workforce)

The effort towards standardizing bread has been its own bureaucratic nightmare, much less actually getting a production standard for any other product. The enterprises have all insisted that their production methodologies were perfect and what should be standardized, with even the private sector making its own proposals for certain products. So far the ministry has given each standard its own broad designation and left it at that for non health critical products. Even under such an approach, a cursory independent investigation effort has immediately found hundreds of failures of standards getting to end consumers. The managers themselves have so far been criticized and brought to evaluation and it is expected that production will improve. Far more independent testing however is needed in order to keep them to a bare minimal standard.

Development of Additional Fruits: The distortion of the cybernetic mechanism inherent to the internal grain system has caused the agricultural sector to operate at a consistent loss despite increasing exports. By focusing on utilizing fruits and high-demand vegetables instead of basic grains and starting several healthier diet-based recommendations in the overall system, the overall mechanism can be corrected. This utilization of the population as a cybernetic organ has already been perfected in the West, and there is no reason for it not to be utilized. (247/200) (Completed) (Increases Agricultural Profitability)

Planting of an expanded crop of fruits has been successfully accomplished across the Altai and a number of caucuses zones. These are expected to significantly improve the throughput of domestic fruits while enhancing currency strength. Due to climatic limitations, it is not possible to grow enough fruits to satiate the general public, but imports exist for that very reason. Funding here has also resulted in a general development of more intensive cultivation methodologies for fruits, enhancing yields through chemicalization. Forestry yields have already been improved with denser planting and continuous fertilizer use, and even more gains are expected as availability improves.

Services 0 Dice

Film Studio Formation (Stage 3):
Despite Malenkov's best efforts, the simple transfer of personnel to the film industry hasn't produced a significant quantity of quality work. To amend this, and to fix the already constructed studios, adequately trained personnel with popular productions can be brought on board any junior studio as senior consulting staff. As the industry is expanded further, eventually, this personnel will stop being necessary. Still, for now, the sheer inexperience and rapid expansion have led to a general lack of directing talent but a plentiful degree of mechanical talent. As the final stage of expansions is completed, the industry is expected to only improve and possibly even be competitive outside of the Union. (178/150) (Completed) (-8 CI1 Workforce)

Funding to shovel more failures into their holes has been acquired and implemented. Now that there are actual studios capable of producing decent content, the wave of novel developments needs "talent" and the funding has been primarily allocated to them. These small remaining studios are expected to do whatever art students do on a modicum of funding and fairly loose creative tasking. So far domestic film-making has even managed to make competitive foreign productions, but far more is needed in order to match the Americans. Additionally, production is hampered by most of the artistic potential exiting government work on the completion of their contracts, leaving students with most of the work.

Television Station Development(Stage 3): Building more stations is a useful utilization of creative potential and can further augment the distribution of new television units to the general population. While there will be some learning delays in determining the types of programming that the people primarily consume, it should easily be possible to continue an intensification and saturate several standardized channels, allowing everyone with a television to receive news and watch slightly older films. (60 Resources per Dice 100/175)

Funding towards enhancing televised programming has come at a slow but still sufficient pace. Current schemes of a series of standard broadcast channels are expected to be expanded to almost a dozen standard mainline channels. Most of the content produced is expected to be news and information based programming, but a dedicated children's channel and a few others have been proposed and effectively funded. Most of the spending is going towards the buildup of studios in order to support the expansion of programming, as the continuous demand is expected to be quite large.

Bureaucracy 5 Dice (No Free Dice can be Used)

Advocate Cross CMEA Standardization:
The partial implementation of commercial standards has already happened under Mikoyan and Malenkov, but a further step can be taken. The Americans have standardized on shipping containers as discrete units of transit and shipping already and we cannot allow a gap in ease of logistics. By moving all of CMEA to a standardized loading and scale of container, commerce can be simplified and augmented, ensuring an acceleration in externally funded development for little cost. Due to the degree of trade with the Americans themselves, the standards will likely be cross compatible, just to further enhance commercial activity ensuring that exports are further strengthened, improving the strength of the currency and the size of the gold reserve. (99) (Supreme Soviet Reform)

Borrowing concepts from the American trade policies and enhancing them has proven to be politically uncontroversial despite the debates on trade. Unification of railway loadings, equipment standards, and a number of smaller codes has started in full swing. During the next major Comecon conference, it is expected that a unified electrical and formatting code will be approved for manufacturing of appliances. Commerce itself has been revolutionized with the full scale adoption of containerization planned for the following decade along with a unification of trade codes. These have also been accompanied by the unification of some enterprise level standards for those working across nations, enhancing responsiveness.

Accelerate Rural Development Programs: The countryside is inherently reactionary and backwards as a core characteristic, but that simply means that they are under-informed and underutilized. By ensuring that the ministry is the one sponsoring improvements in their communities and initiating programs to expand local work, support can be secured. Profitability is expected to be consistently very low through the programs, but the sheer extent of a willing and spread political base ready to back the technocratic faction is massive. As an added benefit these programs will also improve education and economic participation, tying under-developed areas into the broader Union. (101) (Internal Reform)

Dedicated funding initiatives towards enhancing rural development and economic integration have been continued and expanded as a logical further step in the mobilization of rural cadres. Family members willing to move for education and work have been partially subsidized in order to do so while further programs for improving quality of life in rural areas have been approved. The largest gains in viable political capital are expected from the limited programs of party promotion and education, but improving economic throughput in the countryside is expected to cybernetically enhance overall economic turnover. Once the next stages of local development are finished, a renewed emphasis on bringing the countryside into modernity can be integrated into the next plan.

Negotiate with Kosygin and Podgorny: Kosygin is clearly plotting something through his attempts at reform. While ignoring him is theoretically an option, the risk that he actually manages to talk with Aristov or Shepilov cannot be understated. Podgorny is an idealistic liberal too tied up in delusions to be a threat, but he can still manage to do damage after inevitably exploding. By talking to both of them and ensuring nothing is done without technocratic involvement, their bad ideas can be mitigated, Podgorny squashed, and continued political stability secured. (109) (Subvote)

Kosygin's largest reform proposal has been his attempts utilizing the party cadre system in order to bring a larger percentage of the population into the vanguard and justifying the policy as a further step in the construction of Communism. As a move to increase cadres and political power this is for now sub-optimal, but by increasing the electoral base and transferring more power to younger students, an increased harvest of political support can be secured for various social causes and improving the scientific portion of politics. Such a motion should also reduce the influence of conservative voices until they correct with a new social platform, but that is expected to take time. Technocratic support is the critical and last remaining linchpin as such a masterstroke leaves one remaining block for Kosygin: securing a sufficient number of Technocratic votes.

[]Trade the Votes for a Further Loan: Passing legislation while authorizing more funding towards the ministry in an optimal growth period can only help the economy further. The post war baby boom is just about to enter the industrial sector and all elements of the economy have accelerated towards an optimal growth state. All that is needed is a few further resources to add fuel to the fire and massive economic returns can be secured faster than the repayments need to be delivered. Sure a massive loan would require an even worse repayment scheme, but letting Kosygin have his power grab benefits the broader technocratic block as well. (3000R Loan, Immediate -150R/t repayment until T88)

[]Modify the Policy: If Kosygin wants to secure a power grab with the help of the Technocratic block, there is no reason not to encourage a further gain of power for more educated party members. Arguing on the necessity of a sufficiently scientific background for the proper understanding of materialism, it should be possible to ensure that university graduates are offered a fast-track into the party. This would secure a massive degree of cadre raising capability and throw out the various economic idiots deliberately misinterpreting science to their own political ends. Kosygin might not be happy with another gate towards new cadres but the worst he can do is walk back the agreement.

24 Hour Moratorium
[]ESAU: Kitov's ambitious proposal towards networking the various state enterprises in a coordinated web has promise towards increasing economic returns, but not towards the minimization of administrative cadre. While local cadres may be weakened by the implementation and electronization of orders from above and targets from above, a novel bureaucratic apparatus will need to be constructed to manage it. The most ambitious of the proposals and likely the most broad scale implementation, networking enterprises towards computing hubs should result in a general increase in coordination and improve adherence to the plan. (20/600) (??? Impacts)
This is trying to do ARPANET central planning in 1961, I am worried that it would underdeliver and discredit cybernetics a bit, not to mention pissing off our political base at a big expense. Skeptical that this would be carried out as well as Kitov thinks it will.
[]ASU: Nemchinov, has a different and far more politically viable proposal. Instead of striking at the managerial structure and significantly disrupting it, giving the upper administration the tools to strike against their underlings will accomplish far more in a smoother manner. Enterprise specific computing adaption for calculation and consolidation of administrative roles will minimize the oversized administrative cadres and improve responsiveness of enterprises in a general model. Simultaneously, by outsourcing the political battles to the enterprises while providing them the tools to do so, more progress can be made now and enable the accumulation of experience. (0/400) (??? Impacts)
This one is more of a middle ground, its computerizing enterprises, which is a good thing. Whilst not pissing off the managers too much, which we have done recently so its good to be cautious. I don't think the issue of underdelivering is a significant risk, and it lays the groundwork for more ambitious proposals later on.

More importantly, its much more achievable with 1961 computers than Kitov's proposal. Also worth pointing out that Nemchinov is an actual economist as well, and has published works on the use of computers in the economy. So I think he has a good grasp of what is achievable in the economy with what we have, whilst Kitov who is a military man may be overly optimistic.
[]ESS: Kharkevich's line is more practical and practically conservative, focused on improving communications rather than direct planning authority. By bypassing any leadership struggles and continuing the implementation of electronic systems, prototypes of document transmission over electronic networks can be pushed forward to implementation. These would be limited, but would massively improve communication throughout the system without any inherent disruption, providing an unambitious continuation of the previous networking efforts. Expensive for the technical aspects but entirely doable with partially mature technologies, there should be few issues in implementation. (20/400) (+1 to all Dice)
The least ambitious option, this is giving our enterprises fax machines and shit, something that is eminently achievable and not super ambitious or game changing, but still nice.

Its also worth pointing out that everyone but Kitov (who lives till 2005) is gonna die within 5 years, at which point he will likely become the most prominent proponent of cybernetics again, so I am not worried about his proposals disappearing into the ether. When technology catches up, we can do something more ambitious.
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[]Trade the Votes for a Further Loan: Passing legislation while authorizing more funding towards the ministry in an optimal growth period can only help the economy further. The post war baby boom is just about to enter the industrial sector and all elements of the economy have accelerated towards an optimal growth state. All that is needed is a few further resources to add fuel to the fire and massive economic returns can be secured faster than the repayments need to be delivered. Sure a massive loan would require an even worse repayment scheme, but letting Kosygin have his power grab benefits the broader technocratic block as well. (3000R Loan, Immediate -150R/t repayment until T88)
Yes, please, let us Deficit Spend again so we can actually accomplish the more recent extremely expensive modernization projects that just came up while still growing the economy.
Popular discontent is at acceptable levels for now, but the overall time table of the developmental project needs to be accelerated in order to avoid significant disruptions. Initial forays into demolition have cleared out a number of old developments, but funding is needed now so that everything is finalized before the next electoral cycle. Prioritization of local funds has been approved for the construction of several new blocks, with development programs accompanying enterprise expansion.
-Report to the Leningrad Soviet
This is a key insight- having begun such a project we cannot really pause it in the middle; doing so would be excruciatingly unpopular and would leave vacant lots and rubble all around downtown Leningrad.

[]ESS: Kharkevich's line is more practical and practically conservative, focused on improving communications rather than direct planning authority. By bypassing any leadership struggles and continuing the implementation of electronic systems, prototypes of document transmission over electronic networks can be pushed forward to implementation. These would be limited, but would massively improve communication throughout the system without any inherent disruption, providing an unambitious continuation of the previous networking efforts. Expensive for the technical aspects but entirely doable with partially mature technologies, there should be few issues in implementation. (20/400) (+1 to all Dice)
So we could do the other things... or just calmly build fax machines.

Effective cooling problems with both discrete transistor and Vacuum tube systems due to their power efficiencies have practically restricted them to pressurized applications for orbital work. Integrated circuits have however shown a degree of promise for the application given their lightweight and low power requirements. Actual working examples are not expected to be made for years, but initial progress has already practically started in several bureaus, pushing forward development. Collaboration with a number of more terrestrial industries has also opened in order to expand progress, as there are a number of more conventional aerospace applications where metal oxide systems can work.
Aaaand this kickstarts our moving towards MOSFETs. Oh good. :)
[]Trade the Votes for a Further Loan

This is what I am thinking.
go with Nemchinov's moderate compurtuzation plan to help introduce and get people used to computers then in a few years go with kitov's plans after people have built up skills and experience
[]Modify the Policy: If Kosygin wants to secure a power grab with the help of the Technocratic block, there is no reason not to encourage a further gain of power for more educated party members. Arguing on the necessity of a sufficiently scientific background for the proper understanding of materialism, it should be possible to ensure that university graduates are offered a fast-track into the party. This would secure a massive degree of cadre raising capability and throw out the various economic idiots deliberately misinterpreting science to their own political ends. Kosygin might not be happy with another gate towards new cadres but the worst he can do is walk back the agreement.
Also, lets not sleep on this, whilst 3000 R is amazing, this is a massive opening up of the Party, we will have a ton of college graduates who can then participate in Politics that otherwise could never, its a very important step towards the opening up our society. Right now we are as democratic as 1800s Britain, any step towards improving from that is good.

EDIT: Btw, its a bit hilarious that Voz think this is a legitimate concession on Kos' behalf, I have zero doubts that the latter is gonna be very pleased if this goes through, Voz is too cynical about his motives.
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