Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Here's some math I did.

Action (only those that give PI on completion, for brevity)PI On CompletionResource Per DieCurrent ProgressTotal Progress RequiredProgress RemainingAverage Dice RemainingPI Per Die RemainingPI Per Resource Remaining
Stalingrad Hydroelectric Station51034160025960.83333333330.08333333333
Angara River Systems515040040080.6250.04166666667
Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 4)102091800709150.66666666670.03333333333
Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 4)101576700624130.76923076920.05128205128
Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 2)5354130025960.83333333330.02380952381
Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant535020020041.250.03571428571
Norilsk Combine520020020041.250.0625
Baku Oil Extraction(Stage 3)5101030029060.83333333330.08333333333
Baku Oil Refineries(Stage 3)515030030060.83333333330.05555555556
Radio Plants5350808022.50.07142857143
Voluntary Cooperative Construction(Stage 3)515020020041.250.08333333333
New Socialist Towns(Stage 3)5103815011231.6666666670.1666666667
Grain Price-Shifts (Morally Fraught)1010050501101
Creation of State Libraries515020020041.250.08333333333
Create Installations for Counter-Religious Education (Morally Fraught)10100100100250.5
Create new Community Centers510015015031.6666666670.1666666667
Adult Education Centers550250250510.2
Radios are basically as expensive as pharmaceutical factories right now, so I personally prefer to just throw the die at pharma instead since it's a consumer good just like radios but a far better income generator. Once the Bakelite production is spun up (next turn, hopefully?) radios should get quite a bit cheaper and then they're worth it imo.
I think we should wait untill we are again in safe place party influence wise before taking Creation of State Exchange Enterprises. it cost -5 PI at a time when we are explicitly in dangerous territory, admittedly Mikoyan is suited to weathering that better than most but I would still prefer to be safe.
Absolute worst case scenario is we're at 20 PI which still isn't the 15 that kicks off an investigation, and that would require some pretty bad luck. Improved trade links with the capitalists while the Great Depression is still on and we can lift their assets at fire sale prices is going to be critical for supercharging our own industry, and there's not going to be a better time to spend PI this Plan with the Great Purge looming. It's cutting it a bit close but in all likelihood it will go fine and the resources it gets us will help earn more PI faster in the future, and even if the worst happens we're still not in immediate danger.
Absolute worst case scenario is we're at 20 PI which still isn't the 15 that kicks off an investigation, and that would require some pretty bad luck. Improved trade links with the capitalists while the Great Depression is still on and we can lift their assets at fire sale prices is going to be critical for supercharging our own industry, and there's not going to be a better time to spend PI this Plan with the Great Purge looming. It's cutting it a bit close but in all likelihood it will go fine and the resources it gets us will help earn more PI faster in the future, and even if the worst happens we're still not in immediate danger.
I think we have been told that being around PI 20 for one turn is survivable. but longer than that? The chances of fuckery increases so I wouldn't be as confident as you are.

We can also take that action next turn with far more safety.
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Anyway : A few thoughts on what we actually need to do:

Current Economic Issues:
Rail: Minor Shortage
Coal: Minor Surplus
Steel: Meeting Demand
Energy: Minor and Major Local surpluses
Food: Minor Surplus
Labor: Minor Surplus

This is the last list of economic status indicators we had. It's from turn 4 (so, before we started recruiting extra labor) as we never got a turn 5 status report/ end of plan status report. With that in mind, we have to consider that a bunch of the unfinished tasks that the various plans are trying to complete were just done as a desperate scramble to complete the First Plan, not because they were particularly needed. Improving electricity production and coal production is not needed, as we have surplusses in both areas.

We also have to consider what we know about our requirements. We know that most of the military design will be happening in the background, so doing those as early as possible is good.
We also know that certain industries will make other industries cheaper
Bakelite -> Reduce electronics
Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant -> Reduce rail costs
Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant: -> Reduce electrification costs
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Anyway, I hope to discourage people from voting for Plan Foundation Building.

It does not build foundations, rather it is wasting resources and dice left and right. It spends a tiny trickle of dice on projects that need major commitments, ensuring that those dice and their progress are effectively wasted untill some point in the future were we may eventually be able to get to them to finish them off. It would be more effective and more efficient not to use those dice at all, than to waste them in this matter.

We already had a spreading problem in the last turn, let's not make it even worse.

[X] Plan Ooh Shiny
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It's statistically more efficient to spread a few dice out over multiple turns than rushing from crash project to crash project, there's nothing that returns enough income (outside Gorky) where getting it a turn or two earlier makes up for the cost of wasted overkill dice. I promise you, just because it doesn't result in instant gratification doesn't mean the points magically disappear. There's no such thing as wasted progress, unless it's critical that we get something this turn because there's a crippling shortage or something then crash projects are inefficient and the QM couldn't really hint at this any harder in the narrative. Every time we do a crash project to blitz a major project in one turn (especially during winter turns) we kill 10,000 people, how many more hints do we need?
It's statistically more efficient to spread a few dice out over multiple turns than rushing from crash project to crash project, there's nothing that returns enough income (outside Gorky) where getting it a turn or two earlier makes up for the cost of wasted overkill dice. I promise you, just because it doesn't result in instant gratification doesn't mean the points magically disappear. There's no such thing as wasted progress, unless it's critical that we get something this turn because there's a crippling shortage or something then crash projects are inefficient and the QM couldn't really hint at this any harder in the narrative. Every time we do a crash project to blitz a major project in one turn (especially during winter turns) we kill 10,000 people, how many more hints do we need?
It is not more efficient, it is in fact far less efficient, because you ensure that projects will not be paying back as soon as possible. The risk of overflow you're arguing that you're mitigating does not exist, becuase the projects you're spreading dice into are nowhere near completion, and they have stages, so progress isn't wasted.

-[X]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 4)
--2 Heavy Industry dice
-[X]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 2)
--1 Heavy Industry die
-[X]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 2)
--3 Heavy Industry dice

Take these 3, for example. Magnitorsk will require 800 points. 2 Heavy dice is just waste the resources when those same 2 dice could be used to fund other projects in Heavy Industry, or in other economic areas. Gorsky is extremely lucrative if completed, but you prime it to come short of completion.

-[X]Regional Interlinked Grids (Ural Region)
--2 Infrastructure dice
Here, we're spending money without either completing it, or first building the aluminum mine that would make it cheaper.

-[X]Baku Oil Extraction(Stage 3)
--1 Light and Chemical Industry die
Another tiny die in a massive project, forgotten.

Edit: As for people dying, this is the Soviet Union. Lots of people are going to die if we do not hit our targets.
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Take these 3, for example. Magnitorsk will require 800 points. 2 Heavy dice is just waste the resources when those same 2 dice could be used to fund other projects in Heavy Industry, or in other economic areas.
Steel is absolutely foundational to nearly every single other project imaginable, and demand is only going to skyrocket from here. Magnitogorsk will need to be upgraded at some point, sooner rather than later, but because we can't afford 10 dice right now we should do 0 instead? 0 points towards something absolutely critical we know for a fact we will need is better than 100? Last turn the Donbas coal mechanization didn't complete but our coal production went up anyways, so obviously there can be hidden breakpoints that improve production even when not completing a full stage, and with a stage as massive as 800 points I'd definitely expect some of those.

Gorsky is extremely lucrative if completed, but you prime it to come short of completion.
For the sole reason that any more dice are prohibitively expensive. It's entirely possible to dump even more resources into Gorky this turn but only at the cost of heavy cuts in other sectors, and we have targets to chase in every sector not just capital goods, and political concerns to worry about with far cheaper sources of PI than Gorky. I invite you to make your own plan that throws 6+ dice at Gorky if you want, I personally considered it, but it will eat the entire budget and force you to make crippling cuts somewhere else.

Here, we're spending money without either completing it, or first building the aluminum mine that would make it cheaper.
First up, aluminum power lines are a product of the 1960's, at this moment in history aluminum is a wildly expensive space age metal that consumes vast amounts of power to produce a small amount of metal, not the kind of thing you make thousands and thousands of miles of cabling out of. Beyond that, the Urals are our new industrial heartland and this is another one of the projects like Magnitogorsk that we know for a fact we will 100% need, so progress isn't wasted even if we can't afford the resources to blitz it this turn (in the Ural wilderness, in the winter I might add).

Another tiny die in a massive project, forgotten.
Another project that gives Party Influence, MFPG target progress, and military applications that we know we will need in the future moved that much closer to completion.
[X] Plan Light Industry Push
Infra : 65 resources, 6/6 die
- Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel, Far Eastern Sector): 1 Die , 15 resource
- Stalingrad Hydroelectric Station: : 5 Die, 50 resources
Heavy Ind: 100 resources 5/6 die
- Donbass Coal Basin Mine Expansion 1 Die, 20 resources
- Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant: 4 dice, 80 resources
Light Ind : 125 resources 5/5 dice
- Nitrogen Fixing 50 resources, 2 dice
- Bakelite Production 75 resources, 3 dice
Agri : 10 resources 1/5 dice
- Voluntary Co-op Construction : 60 resources , 4 dice
- Grain price Shits : 10 resources, 1 die
Services : 25 resources 5/5 dice
- Expansion of Shooling programs 25 resources , 5 dice
Military : 50 resources , 5/1 dice
- Experimental Tech Licences 20 resources, 1 Military die,
- Overview of Current equipment 5 resources, 1 free dice
- Creation of formal procurement board 5 resources, 1 free die
- Start of Design departments 20 resources, 2 free dice
Bureaucracy: 2/2 Dice
- Creation of State Exchang,e 2 Bureaucracy Dice


A very different plan from the others, because it does not commit to heavy industry. Instead, it focusses almost entirely on support infrastructure

1) Heavy industry goes to building up assets for rail expansion
2) Light industry goes to creation supplies for our electronics, fertilizer and military industry
3) Free dice go to upgrade the military apparatus
4) Service makes a massive education push to increase base lvel education

[X] Plan Ooh Shiny
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Steel is absolutely foundational to nearly every single other project imaginable, and demand is only going to skyrocket from here. Magnitogorsk will need to be upgraded at some point, sooner rather than later, but because we can't afford 10 dice right now we should do 0 instead? 0 points towards something absolutely critical we know for a fact we will need is better than 100? Last turn the Donbas coal mechanization didn't complete but our coal production went up anyways, so obviously there can be hidden breakpoints that improve production even when not completing a full stage, and with a stage as massive as 800 points I'd definitely expect some of those.

For the sole reason that any more dice are prohibitively expensive. It's entirely possible to dump even more resources into Gorky this turn but only at the cost of heavy cuts in other sectors, and we have targets to chase in every sector not just capital goods, and political concerns to worry about with far cheaper sources of PI than Gorky. I invite you to make your own plan that throws 6+ dice at Gorky if you want, I personally considered it, but it will eat the entire budget and force you to make crippling cuts somewhere else.

First up, aluminum power lines are a product of the 1960's, at this moment in history aluminum is a wildly expensive space age metal that consumes vast amounts of power to produce a small amount of metal, not the kind of thing you make thousands and thousands of miles of cabling out of. Beyond that, the Urals are our new industrial heartland and this is another one of the projects like Magnitogorsk that we know for a fact we will 100% need, so progress isn't wasted even if we can't afford the resources to blitz it this turn (in the Ural wilderness, in the winter I might add).

Another project that gives Party Influence, MFPG target progress, and military applications that we know we will need in the future moved that much closer to completion.
1) We did not get an update on coal production, so I'm not sure if it went up or down. Narratively production probably increased, but mechanically it may not have.
2) It would be trivial to add a few extra dice by scrapping some of the superfluous projects I already pointed out.
3) The big Stalingrad dam we're building is also a product of the sixties, we do not appear to be following history precisely.The fact that we have the option to even build aluminum extraction shows this.
4) Again, this depends on whether or not partial projects can be counted on to meaningfully improve things.
[X] Plan Finish What We Started

Free dice to allocate: 4 Dice
Infrastructure 6 Dice

[]Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel, Far Eastern Sector):
Diesel is a radical solution to the current lack of rail stock and lack of infrastructure to fuel trains along the long-range routes trans-Siberian. Using newly obtained technology from MAN, an all Diesel locomotive's production can be an entirely domestic affair. The first batches will require the conversion of multiple locomotive plants, but mass production is possible. While the production is possible, diesel needs to be rolled out per block on the lines, as it requires a new set of infrastructure; cheaper infrastructure, but still required infrastructure. Such a rollout would free a considerable number of older engines for other tasks, improving the total rail-stock of the Union considerably (15 Resources per dice (214/250))
-1 Infrastructure Dice (15 Resources)
[]Stalingrad Hydroelectric Station: The construction of a massive hydroelectric system at one of the major revolutionary cities would present an enormous improvement in the amount of available power to the Union. While such a system would only power the local area, its power production would be sufficient to construct large scale alumina and chemical production. Simultaneously, such an effort would only be expensive in the sense of labor rather than in hard goods allowing the project to be completed for relatively little hard currency. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (341/600))
-5 Infrastructure Dice (50 Resources)

Finish both projects.

Heavy Industry 6 Dice
[]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 2):
The mine's mechanization is a long-term priority for improving productivity and improving the workers' working conditions. This will not change magically paper over all of the problems with coal mining, but using heavier equipment, assuming a trained workforce, will allow considerable improvements in yield and yield per casualty. (20 Resources per dice (276/300))
-1 Heavy Industry Dice (20 Resources)
[]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 2): Now that the bulk of the dorm infrastructure has been constructed for the plan, it is time to produce the main facility components. These will be some of the largest industrial facilities that can be made and will necessitate a large amount of effort to finish construction. Once the facility is finished, a new massive quantity of machine parts and heavy industrial machinery can be sourced for easy further industrialization. However, the production would consume a massive quantity of steel and coal, thus necessitating a constant and steady supply. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 35 Resources per dice (41/300))
-4 Heavy Industry Dice (140 Resources)

Also finish these, hopefully. Can't afford another die on Gorky sadly.

Light and Chemical Industry 5 Dice
[]Bakelite Production(Electronic Industry):
The further expansion of new Bakelite resin production would pose a considerable improvement in a multitude of electronic devices. The material is a good insulator, is durable, and is lightweight. Thus making it highly desirable in many goods and fields, with multiple designers wanting samples of the material for further applications. So far, though, the main focus has been on the production of electronic items as the material should provide a durable and reliable insulator and skeleton for the construction of circuits. (25 Resources per dice (0/200))
-4 Light and Chemical Industry Dice (100 Resources)

Should make other electronics cheaper.

Agriculture 5 Dice
[]New Socialist Towns(Stage 3):
While there has been some minimal resistance to the reorganization of the workers into the new town structures, so far, they have been producing well with expected steady increases in grain yields set to occur over time. The slow mechanization of the countryside is also steadily freeing up more and more labor to the cities, as more land can be brought into cultivation. These transitions are occurring slower due to the easy, and cheap candidates for conversions already converted over to the new model, needing additional resources. (5 Party Influence upon completion) (Think Moshav with more propaganda) (10 Resources per dice (38/150))
-3 Agriculture Dice (30 Resources)
[]Grain Price-Shifts: With the current state of the agricultural sector, far more efficient production of grain occurs from the regions where peasants have joined the VCP or NST programs to become the new rural workers. Thus, it would be advantageous to start lowering the internal grain price to push peasants to far more efficient agriculture modes to further improve grain yields. This would cause some minor issues in the countryside, but it ensures the steady flow of voluntary workers into almost any agricultural project when implemented. (10 Party Influence, Vote on Severity, 10 Resources per dice (0/50))
-1 Agriculture Dice (10 Resources)

Do the Grain Price-Shift ASAP and pick an option that's not too severe, before Stalin takes the decision out of our hand and forces us to take drastic measures.

Services 5 Dice
[]Creation of new Polytechnic Universities(Stage 3):
With the current quantity of education and personnel needed to be educated, further expansions of the universities are required. The current focus, however, would be on the production of additional talented scientific personnel. More schools will be constructed with the goals of offering education for nearly anyone that can qualify into the programs and would have a good chance of performing well. This expansion would, however, be the last one that can be done given the current teacher shortage, needing another few years for new educational cadres to cycle in. (10 Resources per dice (55/200))
-2 Services Dice (20 Resources)
[]Create new Community Centers: With the planned redistribution of the churches, a multitude of towns and cities will need new community centers to hold gatherings and social events. While this would not have much of an effect by itself, the new parks and recreation for the workers will allow them to experience socialism benefits. Simultaneously, a good amount of those who go towards centers of worship for the community can be brought to proper modes of thought. (5 Party Influence, 10 Resources per dice (0/150))
-3 Services Dice (30 Resources)

Community centers to blunt the negative effects of the anti-religious campaign.

Military 1 Dice
[]Transfer State Management Assets:
With the current need for the military's expansion and industrialization, it may be prudent to transfer some state assets onto managing the military. This effort will pull personnel from other departments of the plan and allow a considerably greater quantity of military efforts. (More dice, 5 Resources per dice (0/40))
-1 Military Dice (5 Resources)
[]Construct Officer academies (Stage 1): The construction of a massive quantity of officer schools shall be started with multiple established schools for the lower branches to start the mass production of new officers. While the old guard does not necessarily need to be assigned to units, it would be prudent to utilize their expertise in large lectures to train new officer candidates. These will also include a considerable amount of field training to ensure that the younger officers can perform to an acceptable standard. Simultaneously, the steam of candidates will be codified and formalized so that more and more can be added into the military structure, securing the possibility of rapid expansion. (15 Resources per dice (0/150))
-2 Free Dice (30 Resources)

Like it or not, we do need more dice here. But combined with Expansion of the Management below, we won't really lose any dice on other sections on a net basis. The officer academies are the most important part of our military targets, so let's get started on that.

Bureaucracy 2 Dice
[]Expansion of the Management:
With the current shortages in manpower for many planning departments, it is time to expand the personnel assigned to the VSNKh considerably. Such an expansion will tap on masses of newly graduated party officials and students to better manage the economy and the opening of more projects. This personnel will be young and inexperienced, but they will have a steady standard of education. (DC 40, -5 Resources per Turn, More Dice)
-2 Bureaucracy Dice
[]Selective Technology Licensing: With the current need for additional technology by the Union, it is far better to replicate the technology of the Capitalists. Why put in the dedicated effort just repeating the work of those that came before when for nominal fees it is possible to just obtain it. For now, the effort will focus on the updating of a considerable number of domestic enterprises, but such exchanges can rapidly be shifted towards military applications. (DC 40, New Options)
-2 Free Dice


Total cost: 450 Resources
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[X] Plan Finish What We Started
[X] Plan Ooh Shiny

I like it. Gorky is the option that is supposed to give us shit ton of Resources that we desperately need. Our greatest problem right now is that we are not able to use all of our dice. Bakelite also sets us up for cheaper Radio plants, which are another important part of our military build up and also count as a consumer good.