Turn 6 (1931 1st Half): The Shock Labor Offensive Results
Resources per turn 255+5+10+5+5+ULAG=280+ULAG with 35 in storage.
Party Influence 35+5+5+10+5=60
Moscow, 1931
Current Status of ULAG:
Population: 200,000
Attitude: Stable
Food State: Basic Staples, -10 Resources Per Turn
Resource Income: Construction focused, 30 Resources Per Turn
Neva River Systems: The Neva river basin's electrification is a critical task for producing goods in the North of the Soviet Union. These locks and dams will provide the state with enough power for Leningrad and Moscow, allowing multiple new industrial and productive complexes to be built in the region. They will also stabilize the rivers allowing for greater agricultural yields when appropriately utilized for irrigation, helping local farmers bring in far more consistent crops. (5 Party Influence) (5 Resources per turn) (295+43/250))
The construction of the northern dam systems starts in Leningrad's bitter cold, with the constant effort necessary to keep the ice away and the temperatures from biting. The winter is brutal, yet NKPS units are sent in for the construction and sinking of large-run river hydroelectric installations to efficiently power the industrial plans for the revolution's birthplace. The entire effort could best be seen as hundreds of small camps dot the river, each receiving a constant stream of concrete and machinery for the construction of stage after stage of the new hydroelectric stations. With these new electric systems, the city itself should receive enough power for a large-scale industrialization effort, enabling the port's expansion and the construction of multiple large electrified plants. For the city's citizens, this new linkup of power will also allow steady improvements in heating and warmth, with new reliable electric heaters soon to be circulated.
When they told us our assignments, there was one that everyone in the camp dreaded and feared, the assignment to the Neva project. Everyone was fully aware of what the campaign would entail, going to an ice-cold river, in ice-cold tents, and praying that the frost takes you quickly. I was selected, and I refuse to die in that cold hell.
-Alik Semenov, Note found near a body
Progress on the construction of the main Leningrad dam is going well ahead of schedule. The night shift continuously complains of poor lighting and cold, but they are making considerable amounts of progress on the work. They are even managing to over-fulfill the needed quota. While so far Frostbite casualty evacuations are considerable, progress is occurring rapidly. To maintain such a pace my teams will require greater amounts of labor, as the constant evacuations are causing minor shortages.
-Adrik Popov, Report to VSNKh Commissariat
Post Offices: The construction of multiple redundant post offices and mail systems through a series of small cargo hopping aircraft imported from abroad would allow the rapid transportation of mail through the Union. While a small quality of life implantation, such systems will allow for greater coordination and cooperation between cities and allow people to talk with their relatives directly. (77+0/40)
With the additional production of a few hundred biplanes and their assignment to air-transport units, with a few additional military pilots also transferred over, new air-mail carriers' wings were made. While such posts would only be used for the most critical of rapid shipment documents that a train would be far too slow for, the capability is now there to send physical messages and packages at a good speed. Such an effort is also combined with a propaganda campaign and the construction of post shops all across major hub cities, to allow the people to easily send mail. While the aircraft are the showiest portion of the general postal service improvements, they do allow an increase in mail traffic, thus allowing for better monitoring of the population.
Power Line Construction(Stage 1): The construction of additional connecting power lines and substations will ensure the steady proliferation of electricity across the Union from distant power plants. While these would allow the reach of power quite far from distant generating sites, the nation's size is far too large for single networks. Instead, a large-interlinked network will be made to ensure the steady distribution of power to all. (15 Resources per dice (126+0/150))
A steady effort is made to construct additional substations all over the Union, with connections made to the major hydroelectric networks. While there is still a general lack of power, the electrification campaign has managed to allow most villages in the region to have a small uplink, distribute electric light and some limited appliances for both warmth and comfort. This effort needs to be continued for proper results, along with a steady massive increase in power generation capacity, as the bulk of the population utilizes electricity more and more in their daily lives.
Heavy Industry
Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1): A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. The first step of building the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and accommodation for the work teams. This should allow a massive complex to grow far more efficiently with fewer problems, but it is a far less glamorous first step. (5 Party Influence) (5 Resources per turn) (385+71/150) (Complete Stage 1+2, 56/300 Stage 3)
The city's construction continues with a massive effort put forward into the project, with the newly formed NKPS command. Seven separate divisions of labor are transferred over to the project to ensure its prompt and rapid completion. While these units are mostly formed haphazardly, the engineers in charge are rapidly formed from old reliable cadres to most optimally lead the effort. However, when they first arrive on the site, a problem rapidly emerges; there is a considerable lack of housing for this much personnel, leading to a slight delay as the worker housing segments' construction is prioritized above all else. There are some losses in the labor force due to the tents' poor conditions during the winter, but the problems are sorted out in a month. By the time the facility's construction effort proper begins, the forces that were sent out are mostly trained, knowledgeable, and adequately led. Thus, construction targets are exceeded day after day with the units managing to construct the hall in record time, for just the reward of additional comfort items. First, the bulk of the structure is built in less than a month. The construction's challenging part starts with massive manufactured steel-making equipment, with almost eight separate massive furnaces constructed to allow for the enormous output needed. Overall, the complex takes shape daily as industrial facilities are put up week by week with the continuous shift of the NKPS units and assistance from engineering attachments.
We were the poor bastards assigned to the new city project, or at least, that was all we were told. What could have possibly been worse than rotting in prison all day, they said? It's going to be better under the new leadership they said? Fucking liars, every last one of them. We got dumped onto a frozen hellscape of a field with a few tents and were told by the pompous engineering fucks that every bit of housing we built will be lotteried out. Still, even in the cold, with stale old rations, and with the persistent train that kept carrying away frostbite cases, we managed. The homes were built in record time, the fucking leadership even threw a party. But, the continuous shift can only continue ever onward; we built them their factory, built them their rails, built them their mineshafts, all we got was a damn double helping of soup and a pat on the back.
-Sergey Somov, Journal Entry
When Boris and I first got shipped out to the new site, it wasn't too bad. The weather was cold as shit, the homes were inadequate, and the work was massive. Still, it was a significant improvement over the northern mines, and we both knew better than to complain. Hell, I even managed to talk the engineering personnel into getting us extra soup and some meat if we performed the days' targets ahead of schedule. Boris, though, was unlucky, he stayed out too long with a wet boot, and while he's still kicking, he's a few toes short of a full foot. Anyways, the job is proceeding decently, and I can't wait to see you again, Anya.
-Savin Egorov, Dead of frostbite induced sepsis, letter.
Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 1): The mines of the Urals have resources other than iron. Building a great industrial plant to process new metals and alloys would be a significant step toward accomplishing the plan. This would be the center of alloying and base tool production in the Union, allowing other plants to be shipped processed niche metals. The first step of constructing the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and housing for the work teams. Similar to Magnitogorsk, this complex needs to be prepared for the massive undertaking that is to come. (5 Party Influence) (10 Resources per turn) (275+64/100) (Complete Stage 1+2, 39/250 Stage 3)
The processing of additional far rarer metals then the plain high carbon steel starts out well, with almost 5 divisions of NKPS labor commands assigned to the plant's construction, with an additional cadre of engineers shipped to the site. The initial construction effort goes smoothly, as the site is already mostly prepared and leveled. While the labor divisions temporarily inhabit tents during the further expanded habitation quarter construction, progress is rapid and steady. In almost two months, the bulk of the habitation quarter is built, with a refining hall entering construction as thousands of tons of concrete and machinery are shipped in. While the complex grows day by day with the main teams in charge of constructing the great work, a lot of secondary labor is siphoned off to the mines set to feed the massive complex. Slow, dangerous work is done blasting away at the mountains to link multiple critical industrial metal sources to the plant, allowing it to start producing small quantities of new exotic alloys by the summer.
From the hell of potash to the hell of nickel, we went and we died.
-Anonymous Wall Carving
Due to the considerable challenges in constructing dispersed mining infrastructure, frost induced casualties have been considerably higher than allotted. For further deployments of NKPS labor, I would advise the utilization of additional warm clothes, and thicker more sealable tents.
-Statistical Commissariat (Classified message for VSNKh commissariat)
Light and Chemical Industry
Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. These canning plants will also allow a considerable improvement in food logistics, as they will enable the bulk shipments of quality food to remote regions. (5 Resources per turn) (165+0/150)
With new additional food production, a significant concern has become the exact mechanism of storing it in bulk. To fix this issue, a series of large scale canning facilities have been built. While these are simple tinplate steel cans, they function well enough and are good enough for a truly massive amount of them to be made. The plants themselves are mostly centered in meat-producing regions to more easily dense calorie-rich meat for export and domestic consumption. While some efforts are there to produce canned staple foods, most are far too shelf-stable for the effort to be justified.
New Socialist Towns(Stage 1): For those that do not wish to farm as a cooperative, but still want a considerable number of benefits that such farming can bring, there are alternative options. These new socialist villages will focus on a central community point, with fields radiating out and designated to each worker. While this land would all be owned by the state legally, in practice, however, there are no plans for harsh rearrangements, and the workers should have a near permanently assigned farm plot. (10 Party Influence) (238+0/100) (Complete Stage 1+2, 38/150 Stage 3)
The mechanization and re-organization of the common villages that have so far refused to join the cooperative program have gone relatively well, with entire new town centers and homes constructed around machinery storages and pre-designated places for habitation. On the smaller level, the other large initiative is the reorganization of the villagers' lives into a new system, with each family receiving their own equal plot of land for their utilization, along with a central stockpile of machinery and service centers. So far, masses of villages have adopted the model due to the greatly improved aid such a change brings, along with the steady improvement in both production accessibility and state aid.
When the party inspector, came into our village, we all thought it would be a routine inspection, looking at the state of the crops. Instead, he asked for how many of us wanted to be restructured to the new model. When the majority voted for the restructuring, there were some protests by the older and more landed members, but they were rapidly over-ruled and the redistribution began in full. I got a nice plot near the road, and both my friends got opposite ones to me. Overall though, all but Sergay and Georgi came out ahead.
-Fedir Kuzmin, Letter
Modernization of old Villages: All over the Union, the field workers live in poverty and relative squalor compared to those in the cities. With a new heating campaign, new electricity, and new appliances, it should be possible to drag many of the oldest and poorest villages into something resembling modernity. While the considerable repair effort will not have much of a gain in production, it will endear masses of soon to be workers to the party. (5 Party Influence) (66+73/100) (Complete)
The great modernization program continued during the winter, with a mass of new heating furnaces installed in older homes along with thick sheets of insulation to keep them warm during the worst of the winters. While the effort has mostly been slowgoing and focusing entirely on repairs, there have been multiple letters from happy workers that their home towns are getting improved by the party. Through these commitments, a mass of new housing has also been constructed to replace large segments of older run-down buildings made of wood in the czarist days.
Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1): A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. This initiative will help considerably in the containment of disease. Also, these will manage to reduce workplace lethality through prompt access to medical care marginally. (139+43/100) (Stage 1 Complete, 82/200)
Despite the lack of a significant quantity of trained doctors, the construction of additional hospitals has gone well. Inside of multiple major cities, central multi-bed wards have been constructed, with smaller clinics distributed within walking range for the bulk of the urban workers. Due to a consistent doctor shortage, nurses have taken up a large part of the burden. But, large training programs initiated on the university level for more doctors should eventually allow at least one trained professional in every urban area. Before that, though, the next stage of the effort is to construct a large number of rural clinics so that the rural workers can receive updated medical care across the Union, preventing the mass of diseases that have plagued the nation since the czarist days.
Expansion of the Schooling Programs(Stage 1): The education of the Soviet Youth in reading and basic arithmetic is critical for developing a new society of knowledgeable workers. These schools will focus on the teaching of basic concepts and a proper understanding of history. While not glamorous, these will be the core of a literacy program for the Soviet youth. Ensuring that soon the next generation of new trained, enthusiastic, and happy workers will be created for future use in industry. These schools will be an incredible long-term asset for improving the population's education, but they would consistently use resources that will not impact decades. (5 Resources per dice (130+50/200))
The basic schooling programs have seen a rapid increase in the quantity of attention and constructive aid allocated to them. Despite the relative lack of teachers, many schools are constructed with professional staff rationalized as only the upper levels desperately need highly educated instructors. With these efforts, however, hundreds of small schools have been built all over the Union. At the same time, the projected capacity is far insufficient for the increases in students predicted by the regional birth rates. The current expansions represent a massive effort forward. For all the good news though, there are still masses of children unable to access a school for all the good news, necessitating yet further construction to ensure a steady stream of educated personnel.
Adjust the Food of ULAG: For those sentenced to do hard labor, it would make no sense to leave them without staple, solid meals so that their potential is optimized. While such a program would cost additional food, the Union does have a degree of food to spare. Such efforts will also reduce the number of work accidents, ensuring that the workers can at least be provided with some comforts during their terms of service. (Mini-vote on the amount, DC 10/23 Passed)
In the VSNKh, there is a never-ending argument on the specific amount of resources dedicated to the number of NKPS laborers under the administration and the particular policy on policing their behavior. There are those who advocate for maximum intervention in both respects to ensure that they do well and receive a just reward for the constant backbreaking labor undertaken. Yet, other segments of the planning commission argue for a general cutback and return to the old policy to optimize the number of resources that can be extracted by the labor force, as they are a never-ending stream that will recuperate in time. However, the decision goes to the upper chairmen as these policies will be costly to change in the future due to already allocated resources. (Do note that per 100k prisoners, 15 resources are produced)
[]Minimal Rations: Cutting the food allocations down the bare minimum would save a considerable number of resources towards running the system, and allow the utilization of large quantities of underutilized agricultural products. (-2.5 Resources per 100k)
[]Status Quo: Maintaining the food allocations at the current level will ensure that the prisoners receive a steady stream of decent food products. While they are closer to army rations then proper food, they are at least nutritionally dense. (-5 Resources per 100k)
[]Hearty Meals: Increasing the food rations to hearty staple meals would considerably improve the health and possibly the system's labor efficiency, as the prisoners would have a steady stream of calorie-dense meals. (-7.5 Resources per 100k)
[]Use the Prisoners: Through the prisoners' utilization with a system of rewards, a hands-off approach is possible towards the control of the system. There will occasionally be internal issues that will need heavier assets to sort out, but overall such a program should promise considerable cost savings. (+1 Resources per 100k)
[]Continue with Guards: With the use of minimally trained guards, many of the issues with the system can continue to be controlled to an acceptable degree. While there could be some incidents due to lack of training, they will be far better than the near internal anarchy that not having guards would represent. (0 Resources per 100k)
[]Intensive Monitoring: While the system is still operating, it would be prudent to ensure that the political prisoners that are contained within are not plotting anything and that they are serving out their sentences without any strings of corruption or internal issues. Through the use of consistent monitoring and trained guards, a large portion of issues can be prevented. (-2.5 Resources per 100k)
Current Economic Issues:
Rail: Minor Shortage
Coal: Moderate Surplus
Steel: Moderate shortage
Energy: Minor Local surpluses and shortages
Food: Minor Surplus
Labor: Minor Shortage