Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system

[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
[x] Focus on Education: The implantation of the new educational proposal is necessary for the Soviet Worker. (-30 Resources, -5 Party Influence, +5 Resources per turn)
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
[x] Focus on Education: The implantation of the new educational proposal is necessary for the Soviet Worker. (-30 Resources, -5 Party Influence, +5 Resources per turn)
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)

OOC: I just want to say I enjoy the vignettes.
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[x] Focus on Education: The implantation of the new educational proposal is necessary for the Soviet Worker. (-30 Resources, -5 Party Influence, +5 Resources per turn)
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)

Perhaps, focus on education will open up further better options to increase worker efficiency. I think we can take it especially since we are probably going to need to ask for more resource either way next turn either way.
Comrades, there will be options to improve our education in the future. We'll only have 190 Resources next turn, and picking Education right now brings that down to just 160. This is far too low.
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Yeah we spent 210 last turn and that was mostly picking the cheapest options available. Trying to put together a budget on 190 is already going to be a real challenge, doing it with 160 is entirely impossible. We simply can't afford the training program at this specific moment in time, when the coffers aren't quite so empty I think education is a great long-term investment.
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
Just some random math I was doing but right now we have ~8.6 resources available per non-Free, non-Bureaucracy die. If we sprung for the training program next turn would be down to ~7.2 resources per non-Free non-Bureaucracy die.

Having to make a budget on only 8.6 resources per die when most "cheap" dice are 10 is already looking to be nearly impossible, 7.2 I'm sure would be entirely impossible. Even without the training program we're probably going to be forced to leave some dice idle.
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
[x] Focus on Education: The implantation of the new educational proposal is necessary for the Soviet Worker. (-30 Resources, -5 Party Influence, +5 Resources per turn)

[X]Do not: It is better just to do nothing and sit on the coal pile, as it will maybe eventually be used.
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)

This ought to be good.
If we are going to destabilise Germany then we can't pick the education focus, the acquisition of all that heavy machinery will require resources of which we really are in a desperate shortage.
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
[X] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system
[X]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)
Rolls coming up on this post
Blackstar threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Germany Total: 58
58 58
Turn 4 (1930 1st Half): Plan is Law
Turn 4 (1930 1st Half): Plan is Law
Resources per turn 190 with 0 in storage.
Party Support 50
Moscow, 1930

During your time in Moscow, one political event predominates the news of the day, with traitors found day by day. Outside of the party's favor, the party members are experiencing rapid falls from grace with chairs steadily emptying one after the other. The start of the government's cleaning has begun, and neither you nor your little council can be sure of their survival. The only hope is to skirt the notice and keep doing what you are doing as you have to continue to inform your scientists to keep their heads down. Fortunately, almost all of the scientists' sentences are for closed city positions, at least keeping them alive in good conditions.

However, in the news outside the city and nation, a massive revolution occurs with the KPD rapidly becoming the best-financed and best-funded party in Germany. Through their funds, a mass of businesses is bought up and re-organized as cooperatives to ensure a steady amount of production. These hostile buyouts include multiple industrial and medical corporations with large transfers and purchases of intellectual property secured. However, the German economy holds on, with more notes simply issued to account for the suddenly increased coal supply, yet the next debt repayment looks more and more challenging, along with a continued fluctuation in German food imports.

Free dice to allocate: 4 Dice.
Infrastructure 4 Dice

[]Refurbishment of the Trans-Siberian Main Line:
There are numerous issues with the Trans-Siberian rail line due to the lack of fueling infrastructure for the older locomotives and relative lack of rail terminuses. These issues can be fixed through a steady improvement in stations and the proliferation of more of them through the line. Renovations can also be combined with laying down a new line alongside the mainline rather than a full replacement, saving a considerable effort. (25 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): There is currently a considerable lack of proper rail rolling stock in the Union, with the current models of trains being mostly insufficient. However, an option that is not considered is the simple licensing of a western designed train. Obtaining a simple boiler system would provide a considerable capacity upgrade to current designs and be produced in local plants. Despite the German knowledge obtained, their steam designs are not exceptional, with the scientists still preferring imported Americian designs. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet: With the new locks on the Dneiper river, it is time to build up a fleet of transport barges to allow bulk resources to flow more quickly through the union. The buildup of barges on all of the rivers in the Union would take a considerable amount of pressure off of the rail network, allowing it to be adequate for a bit longer. These barges and harbor systems would not be the fanciest but would provide a considerable capability improvement. (10 Resources per dice (80/120))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel, Far Eastern Sector): Diesel is a radical solution to the current lack of rail stock and lack of infrastructure to fuel trains along the long-range routes trans-Siberian. The greatest problem with Diesel trains for implementation is the current absolute lack of technology capable of supplying a capable engine for such a locomotive. We need to license a German or American design along with building a dedicated factory for it. To make matters worse, Diesel needs to be rolled out per block on the lines, as it requires a new set of infrastructure, cheaper infrastructure, but still required infrastructure. (-5 Party Influence, 20 Resources per dice (0/400))

[]Neva River Systems: The Neva river basin's electrification is a critical task for producing goods in the North of the Soviet Union. These locks and dams will provide the state with enough power for Leningrad and Moscow, allowing multiple new industrial and productive complexes to be built in the region. They will also stabilize the rivers allowing for greater agricultural yields when appropriately utilized for irrigation, helping local farmers bring in far more consistent crops. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Port Buildup in Nikolaev: The southern ports' trade infrastructure has been lacking for most of the region's history. Through the ports' buildup, a considerable amount of exports can be sent out to the world for cheaper than previously available, allowing additional material imported from the west to fuel the great industrialization. This would also enable an optimal shipyard to construct new warships when the West inevitably breaks the Montreux Convention. Due to the current lack of rail capacity, the scientific team recommends that this project be fully tabled until rail resources permit it. (10 Resources per dice (0/60))

[]Post Offices: The construction of multiple redundant post offices and mail systems through a series of small cargo hopping aircraft imported from abroad would allow the rapid transportation of mail through the Union. While a small quality of life implantation, such systems will allow for greater coordination and cooperation between cities and directly talk with their relatives. (20 Resources per dice (0/40))

Heavy Industry 5 Dice

[]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1):
A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. The first step of building the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and accommodation for the work teams. This should allow a massive complex to grow far more efficiently with fewer problems, but it is a far less glamorous first step. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 1): The mines of the Urals have resources other than iron. Building a great industrial plant to process new metals and alloys would be a significant step toward accomplishing the plan. This would be the center of alloying and base tool production in the Union, allowing other plants to be shipped processed niche metals. The first step of constructing the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and housing for the work teams. Similar to Magnitogorsk, this complex needs to be prepared for the massive undertaking that is to come. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Locomotive Plants: A series of moderately sized locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and engine maintenance throughout the Union. These would allow for far more significant railway expansion and updates, with the possibility of using licensed Western models to bootstrap a considerable amount of progress on the domestic locomotive design. These plants could be committed to either steam or diesel trains, but the near-unanimous scientific opinion is that coal will do until a rework of the railway system is needed. (10 Resources per dice (77/100))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant: There is a considerable need for a new tractor model along with a greater amount of tractor production for the union, with the current models performing poorly. This, however, does not have to mean importing the tractors wholesale. Through the multitude of German acquisitions, a considerable amount of improvements can be made on current tractor models. Instead, the up to date tractors can be copied over and implemented for Soviet uses. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 2): The mine's mechanization is a long-term priority for improving productivity and improving the workers' working conditions. This will not change magically paper over all of the problems with coal mining, but using heavier equipment, assuming a trained workforce, will allow considerable improvements in yield and yield per casualty. (20 Resources per dice 0/300)

[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: These larger fertilizer prospects are critical for improving the Union's agricultural state and would save a considerable amount of resources on importing foreign fertilizer. Domestic production would ensure a steady supply of fertilizers to the farmers, allowing for far increased yields. However, there will need to be an education campaign to train the farmers on how exactly to farm with new tools. (10 Resources per dice (179/200))

[]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 1): A new massive machine producing factory that should allow for further ramping up of heavy industrial and machinery production. Current infrastructural strain and lack of base resources currently would make such a project far too costly, but given time; the Union could create a massive new industrial city. This plant would form the core for producing additional industrial equipment in large reaction vessels and bootstrap the chemical industry. Before such a project can be built, however, the infrastructural foundation must be laid down to ensure a steady state of growth and ease of access to resources. (40 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant: The production of aluminum from alumina represents an incredibly energy-intense and challenging process that all developed nations are currently undertaking. Where would the Union be if such plans are not undertaken for the domestic production of this new material? The region has the power, and it is time for it to be utilized to produce new materials with new exiting properties. This would be a good location for the plant, and reasonably effective, though aluminum is not at all in dire need currently. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 40 Resources per dice (0/200))

Light and Chemical Industry 5 Dice

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Stage 2):
The expansion of the oil fields will continue to be done with the production from Uralmash, guaranteeing a reliable internal baseline for equipment. With the pumping of a greater amount of oil, yet larger systems of refineries can be supplied. These new derricks will start to properly utilize the field and produce sufficient oil for steady-state utilization if cut off from exports. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (27/200))

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Stage 2): With the considerable progress made on oil extraction, a general ramp-up of production could be a major national asset. The production of even more fuel would allow local exports all across the Union. While the current capacity is not internally needed, the ability to sell it for additional steel will be a major improvement. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (60/200))

[]Pharmaceutical Plants: The production of multiple common pharmaceutical agents can be a major asset towards improving the union's healthcare and securing exports. By utilizing German acquisitions, a major amount of currency can be made on exports to other nations, allowing a steady stream of hard currency to be accumulated to obtain more industrially critical resources. (-5 Party Influence upon completion, 50 Resources per dice (0/80))

[]Coal Liquefaction Experiments: With the new large amount of coal available to the union, it may be worthwhile to test various possibilities of coal liquefaction into multiple types of chemical and fuel products. While these will likely not have many useful results, this is an interesting scientific endeavor to pursue. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. These canning plants will also allow a considerable improvement in food logistics, as they will enable the bulk shipments of quality food to remote regions. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Kazak Textile Mills: With the massive amounts of cotton and wool produced in the Southern republic, it would make perfect sense to construct a series of large textile mills to allow for the easy processing of the fiber into new uniforms and clothes for the people of the Union. Another un-glamorous but essential project that, in theory, allows every citizen to have a wardrobe all on their own. (5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Vladivostok Small Shipyards: There exists an opportunity to tap into a new large source of food and to revitalize the far east with a new source of food production that should, in theory, secure a large amount of cheap protein. The fishing waters outside of Vladivostok are ripe with fish and only need a new fleet of fishing boats to exploit them. Such a plan should be easily accomplished with some additional effort by constructing some simple ocean-based fishing vessels. However, to ship these new food reserves to the other parts of the Union, rail renovations must be done. These would further improve access to food all over the republic and improve logistics by a small amount as the Far East could feed itself far better. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

[]Book Printing Plants: While the production of books is generally a matter of minutia, the current lack of cheap printed works has a considerable impact on education. The output of a few standardized mass printing plants will allow a far more significant amount of educational and recreational literature to be made for the workers, ensuring that they remain happy and well-read. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

Agriculture 4 Dice

[]Creation of Central Mechanism Storages(Stage 1):
A great lack in the current agricultural system of the Union is the lack of machinery for more optimally utilizing the labor of the workers. By creating multiple central storage sites for villages, it would be possible to free up masses of laborers to move into cities to become the urban proletariat. While this would not improve the yields per acre significantly, they will allow the use of far more marginal lands and free up massive labor quantities. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Education for the Farmers(Political): The lack of proper class knowledge and class consciousness of the peasant farmers has created large rifts in society and has created incorrect and misapplied political theory issues. Through large education programs to teach the peasants the proper way to think, class consciousness can be encouraged, allowing more of them to be enabled to become workers without the expensive task of educating them. While this would not be useful for yields, keeping the peasants informed of their tasks' importance would at least improve their morale. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

One of the three following options must be taken:
[]Harsh Land Reform:
The need for land reform is great as there is a desperate need for re-arranging the farmers into more productive lots while taking away the gains of the speculators. A campaign of encouraging the transfer of "soil to the tillers". In practice, this would be a breakup of landlord peasants owning a considerable amount of land into smaller farms to ensure that even the poorest of peasants can farm on new land. This will break up the largest estates, but leave most of the kulaks free with no cost to them. This would also be a massive break from the party line and necessitate a long conversation with comrade Stalin to ensure that the policy is implemented properly. Such a change will change the party line and has the tentative support of a few scientists as the best way to break up the large unpopular estates. (-30 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50), Mini-vote creating the new party line, stops collectivization)

[]Enforced Breakup of large farms(Dekulakization): The peasants have for too long had too much power in regions creating a considerable number of problems. These, however, can be easily solved with the new breakup of farms into new sets of smaller landowners on single large lots. As long as communal equipment can be issued out, there will be no shortage of qualified farmers to replace the old guard. This will cost some additional labor, but the stability of the peasant class must be secured. With mechanization, these farms can be further consolidated to save manpower with new recently assigned peasants being given large tracts of land for improved production. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Collectivisation of Farms: The peasants had a considerable degree of influence in multiple regions for too long. However, such issues can easily be solved by relocation and collectivization of the peasantry to ensure an increase in grain production. While some locals may engage in some passive resistance, the police forces' prevalence will ensure that most passive resistance efforts will accomplish little else but sign their arrest warrants. (25 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Modernization of Animal Farming: By creating large factory-farming complexes for the production of meat and milk products, the efficiency of grain to meat production can be greatly improved. While a minor logistical strain would be incurred with all of the transport, large-scale meat production will occur far more efficiently. This should also allow the lower level peasants to grow fewer animals as grain could be more efficiently traded for state-provided milk instead of local food production. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

Services 4 Dice

[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1):
A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. This initiative will help considerably in the containment of disease. Also, these will manage to reduce workplace lethality through prompt access to medical care marginally. (10 Resources per dice (43/100))

[]Creation of new Polytechnic Universities(Stage 1): Technological education is the core of creating a new generation of engineers and academia. These schools will be focused on developing the potential of the people of the Union of all stripes. No longer will education be limited to the wealthy few or the elite of the aristocracy. Now, instruction can be given to all, no matter their wealth, sex, or class. While this does mean many schools need to be constructed, its construction will allow the Union to make a scientific leap forward. While these schools' results will be far to delayed to fulfill this plan, they will provide significant benefits for the next plan. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Expansion of the Schooling Programs(Stage 1): The education of the Soviet Youth in reading and basic arithmetic is critical for developing a new society of knowledgeable workers. These schools will focus on the teaching of basic concepts and a proper understanding of history. While not glamorous, these will be the core of a literacy program for the Soviet youth. Ensuring that soon the next generation of new trained, enthusiastic, and happy workers will be created for future use in industry. These schools will be an incredible long-term asset for improving the population's education, but they would consistently use resources that will not have an impact for decades. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Expansion of Pioneer Programs: The party's youth sections are in great need of expansion to ensure that a steady stream of new students can join them. The number of new young party members can be greatly improved through the expansion in schools and facilities, giving them later experience for later life. These programs will also educate them on the finer points of sports and encourage them to pursue careers in the sciences to ensure a steady stream of new leaders. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Start Glorification of Overachieving Workers: Through a heavy focus on the workers that exceed their targets and their use as propaganda icons, production and morale of other workers should be improved. Through the glorification of these workers and the use of awards for labor, overall productivity should be steadily increased as this information disseminates. This movement should also focus on ramping up productivity across multiple enterprises to ensure that the plan's targets can more easily be met. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))

Bureaucracy 2 Dice

[]Additional State Funding:
The plan needs an additional influx of cash to accomplish the initial objectives before the yet greater industry can be constructed. To achieve such gains in resources, it may be wise to dip into the state reserve of currency to ensure that a steady stream of new assets can flow into the Union and ensure that development can occur. Such action would be a risky option as the loss of these reserves can cause significant currency fluctuations, but it would be challenging to accelerate the plan considerably without them. (DC 50, immediate 200 Resources)

[]Find a Scapegoat for Poor Riverboats: There is no need to take the blame for the boats that have managed to sink. It may be far easier just instead to utilize the incident to initiate cleaning inside of the shipyards. The old incompetent idiots are still there, and replacing them with newer, more reliable work crews can significantly improve the quality and build capability. (10 Party Support, DC 30)

[]Integrate the ULAG under NKPS: Rather then the alternative utilization of massive quantities of labor under the system set up by the OGPU, it would be far more preferable to utilize the system for the fulfillment of the plan. By assigning a considerable amount of labor under the NKPS construction organization, they can be most optimally organized to ensure construction and productivity improvements. (-20 Party Support if completed, DC 40, Additional Resources per turn depending on Imprisoned Population, Options to manage Imprisoned Population)

[]Requisition more resources: The need for resources to fulfill the plan is immense, and requesting the 30% share of the GNP is needed to ensure the plan's success. While this is not a popular measure, a considerable amount more of funding will be available to fulfill the plan's targets. (-25 Party Support if completed, DC 40)
Blackstar threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Survival Total: 68
68 68
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I have a question did the people of the Soviet Union know that there will be deaths in the Five long plan because if so then they must of been strong to live through that and survive but traumatized too
[X] Plan you require more vespene gas
-[X]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): (10 Resources per dice (0/200))
--[X] 3 Infrastructure die
-[X]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet: (10 Resources per dice (80/120))
--[X] 1 Infrastructure die
-[X]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1): (20 Resources per dice (0/150))
--[X] 1 Heavy Industry die + 1 Free die
-[X]Locomotive Plants:(10 Resources per dice (77/100))
--[X] 2 Heavy Industry die
-[X]Stalingrad Tractor Plant: (20 Resources per dice (0/150))
--[X] 1 Heavy Industry die + 1 Free die
-[X]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: (10 Resources per dice (179/200))
--[X] 1 Heavy Industry die
-[X]Canning Plants: (10 Resources per dice (0/150))
--[X] 2 Light Industry die
-[X]Kazak Textile Mills:(5 Resources per dice (0/50))
--[X] 1 Light Industry die
-[X]Vladivostok Small Shipyards:(10 Resources per dice (0/40))
--[X] 1 Light Industry die
-[X]Book Printing Plants: (10 Resources per dice (0/40))
--[X] 1 Light Industry die
-[X]Creation of Central Mechanism Storages(Stage 1):(5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))
--[X] 2 Agriculture dice
-[X]Education for the Farmers(Political): (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))
--[X] 1 Agriculture dice
-[X]Enforced Breakup of large farms(Dekulakization): (5 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))
--[X] 1 Agriculture dice
-[X]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1): (10 Resources per dice (43/100))
--[X] 1 Service die
-[X]Expansion of the Schooling Programs(Stage 1): (5 Resources per dice (0/200))
--[X] 3 Service die
-[X]Additional State Funding:
--[X] 2 Bureaucracy die + 2 Free die

270 resources used
working toward 20 party influence, only 5 achievable this turn
Semi-Canon Omake: Moldavanka

The Moldavanka slum is ancient, a place of sin and squalor and filth that seems to endure the ages. As long as there has been an Odessa, as long as there has been the great seaport on the Black Sea, there has been a Moldavanka. Or if there was not a Moldavanka, God would have seen fit to create one.

That, at least, is what Isaac thinks to himself as he walks the streets. As a former seminary student the piety runs deep, and even with the red flag flying above the single police station in the Moldavanka, Party doctrine does not reach far. There are still the trappings of ages past, from the cardsharps of the slums fleecing the sailors of the Black Sea, the prostitutes haunting the more salubrious buildings, the child-gangs that seem to breed generation upon generation of elaborately tattooed vor v zakone.

He curses to himself for a moment as he steps on droppings – possibly human shit, things have gotten bad these days, not as many horses in the slums – and walks onwards to a battered, dilapidated building. The roof is leaky, the face of Stalin on the outer wall near the door seems to leer at Isaac as he walks in, and the red star above the door is flaking as the paint succumbs the endless decay of the Moldavanka.

But inside is another story. Inside is all the love and care that could be spared in this hellish place of cardsharps and blatnoye and thieves, all the attention and devotion that could be given under the iron gaze of the secret police. The Virgin looks down from a cheap photo, and a crucifix hangs from the wall. A Bible is hidden in one of the drawers, and Isaac takes it out as he begins to pray.
For now, he will not be disturbed. For now, he knows that the police are at the brothel on Voroshilovsky Prospekt, and he has an hour.

And so the priestly dropout prays.

He prays for Tatiana and her three children, who lost a husband and father when others called him a kulak. He knows that she tells the children that they are here just for now, that they will leave. But nonetheless, he can see the Moldavanka grind them down.

He prays for Igor Nazarbayev, the former mechanic that was found to be associating with kulaks and reactionary peasants. Igor lost a hand to revolutionary justice from a rural lynch mob, and lives in brief flashes between the drinking binges paid for by safecracking.

He prays for the blackened soul of Valeriy Kolzoff, who joined the police and would cheerfully kill Isaac if the church was ever discovered. For Valeriy Kolzoff is from the tiny village of Nevskoye Selo, and lost both parents to the Party before joining them. Isaac prays for Kolzoff, for he knows what a sin it is to join those that killed one's family.

Isaac prays and prays, and yet does not pray for hope. Under the endless gaze and marching boots of the Party, progress will kill him yet.
This he knows. This he does not care about.

Until he dies, the little church of the Moldavanka will endure, and he will do what he can to aid those in need.

Outside the church, the poster peels a little. The lettering, blocky and bold, seems to shout at the reader.

The Party brings Progress.

Tagging @Sturmi since they gave me the idea
Also tagging @Blackstar as QM
[X]Plan Slow Your Roll, Koba
Infrastructure (4 Dice)
-[X]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal)

--4 Infrastructure dice
-[X]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet
--1 Free die
Heavy Industry (5 Dice)
-[X]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1)

--1 Heavy Industry die
-[X]Locomotive Plants

--1 Heavy Industry die
-[X]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion
--1 Heavy Industry die
Light and Chemical Industry (5 Dice)
-[X]Baku Oil Extraction(Stage 2)

--2 Light and Chemical Industry die
-[X]Canning Plants
--2 Light and Chemical Industry dice
-[X]Book Printing Plants
--1 Light and Chemical Industry die
Agriculture (4 Dice)
-[X]Education for the Farmers(Political)

--2 Agriculture dice
-[X]Harsh Land Reform
--2 Agriculture dice
Services (4 Dice)
-[X]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1)

--1 Services die
-[X]Expansion of the Schooling Programs(Stage 1)
--2 Services dice
-[X]Expansion of Pioneer Programs
--1 Services die, 1 Free die
Bureaucracy (2 Dice)
-[X]Additional State Funding
--2 Bureaucracy dice
Heavy Industry (2 Dice unassigned)
-[X]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1)

--2 remaining Heavy Industry dice
-[X]Stalingrad Tractor Plant
--2 remaining Free Dice
Cost: 190 (270 conditional)

Big things are trains, many many trains, and burning all our political influence to try and pump the brakes re: collectivization. Went for a few cheap party support options to counteract that, political education for farmers and getting the pioneers started are resource-cheap and give +10 each so that should really help. Otherwise, just continuing to plug away at things already started, and breaking ground on Magnitogorsk to head off the looming steel shortage. If the Party clears our extra funds then we can step up the timeline on Magnitogorsk and take a big chunk out of the Tractor Factory which would be nice, but I want to keep that in its own conditional section just in case they don't.
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