I guess in practise the USSR put a fair bit in to Nuclearization and mass funding in a light industry build out of computers, though the computerization effort fell through some what. Also not not sure it the mass nuclear effort wasn't perhaps meant to be even more then what was done.
Still this leave me wondering on potential focuses will be for the 80s then,
With the nuclear construction infrastructure mostly built out now, any further efforts there probably will be more parts of normal power built out efforts. So probably not that...
I guess space funding is high right now, if that continued maybe something in space would be an option? Certainly there is an entire Moon mission, base, etc that perhaps might be tried there, together with various efforts to reduce the costs to run that. Though even at over 200 rpy not sure that's a major focus, though it's some what substantial at least I guess.
Not sure what else is a good option beyond this... maybe something to do with an oil crisis?