Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Really? The ashimovites will completely change their platform because of the change in general secretary? Something that didn't happen in the past? Gud will make such a political turn that we can't even say what his faction position will be? Seym has to alter his course so tremendously that we only get question marks. This inference isn't straightforward, it infers "there is no way to know" from "our character doesn't know".
The faction that had a third of the Supreme Soviet just went up in flames. Yes, literally everyone will be making moves to appeal to it, or to the people that other factions abandoned in their appeals. There is very much a chance that Ashimov rolls well and suddenly becomes an actual respectable faction, or that Dzhussoev or Gulyam devour the other one or Podgorny's right, or that Semyonov will overreach and his faction also blows up. We know what their politics were before the crisis, making an assessment now would just be unreasonable busywork for the QM.
So your evidence is that without support, he would have been awful, and now he merely has the worst political malus we have seen in the quest. Therefore we should trust his judgement?
I think your over-blowing the importance of a small snipped of info that informs us he improved from incredibly awful to some very, very low state of competence. -10 doesn't mean "is baseline competent".
My point is that you're overblowing a -10 malus. "Inexperienced" is exactly that, not "Godawful at his job, knows nothing". Balakirev had the traits "Utterly Inexperienced" and "Politically Lost" at the beginning, he doesn't any more - if he was completely out of politics, there are ways to show that we don't see. Completely disregarding his words and assessments over that inexperience in favour of your own is just wrong, in my opinion.
We've been going at this for a while, but what are you reading to suggest that the assessment is accurate? I've been quoting plenty of text snippets and you have failed to provide anything that supports your reading of the situation. I would curious about the evidence you have to suggest this alternative, baseline-competent theory about Bal.

Really? The ashimovites will completely change their platform because of the change in general secretary? Something that didn't happen in the past? Gud will make such a political turn that we can't even say what his faction position will be? Seym has to alter his course so tremendously that we only get question marks. This inference isn't straightforward, it infers "there is no way to know" from "our character doesn't know".

So your evidence is that without support, he would have been awful, and now he merely has the worst political malus we have seen in the quest. Therefore we should trust his judgement?
I think your over-blowing the importance of a small snipped of info that informs us he improved from incredibly awful to some very, very low state of competence. -10 doesn't mean "is baseline competent".
You are confusing inexperience wtih incompetence, we've had Balakirev around for 5 years already. If he was incompetent, we would have known it already. The fact that he gained a effective +20 to politics in just that amount of time means he adapted to higher level politics at a very fast rate. And he has engaged in the latter, passing legislation and doing work for the second most important man in the Union. Like, he even acknowledges in the update Semyonov's position of apparent strenght will likely fade by next turn "Semyonov is the current titan of politics, successfully consolidating the positions of general secretary to a point not seen since Mikoyan appointed Voroshilov. This position is obviously unstable and obviously not going to last". He clearly knows that the people who were coalitioning with him under Romanov won't all stay onboard, just not how many, because the situation is in flux. No one knows for sure.

I think you are rather exaggerating the position Agumentic has on possible political shifts. Obviously people won't completely change their platform, but they will tweak it to pick up the free real estate in the left. They will probably lose some supporters in doing so, but gain some more at the same time.

And he doesn't have the worst political malus of the quest, far from it. Drozdenko and Klimenko both had a -10 in politics as well, and so did Kuybishev. I suspect if the PS support at the start of the quest was not a thing, Bazarov would have had it even worse as well.
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We opened Klim's term with a -10 to all dice from lacking management experience, and he did not crash the ministry or otherwise cause huge narrative problems. -10 is someone who performs below expectations but is not severely incompetent, unless politics uses a totally different scale.
The difference is that he had a previous system he could rely on. The managers were there, if untrustworthy and gave him reports. This is not the case with Bal and politics. The patron he would have leaned on (Romanov) is out of the picture, Klim is retired and he lacks any political network or political cover. If Klim had to build a management system from the ground up, he could have crashed and burned. Additionally, planning targets have 5 years, political turns have only one.
We know what their politics were before the crisis, making an assessment now would just be unreasonable busywork for the QM.
Then why not leave the old descriptions in? The QM went to the effort of deleting previously known information rather than keeping outdated around, something that would have made thematic sense as well considering Bal uses Klims notbook. This, alongside other information (faction numbers, bad trait, weird dice caps, overly ambititous political options) that paints a flat-out incoherent picture of the situation when taken as a whole. I don't find your interpretation of -10 as a fast learner to be very good counter-evidence.

My point is that you're overblowing a -10 malus. "Inexperienced" is exactly that, not "Godawful at his job, knows nothing". Balakirev had the traits "Utterly Inexperienced" and "Politically Lost" at the beginning, he doesn't any more - if he was completely out of politics, there are ways to show that we don't see. Completely disregarding his words and assessments over that inexperience in favour of your own is just wrong, in my opinion.
You are confusing inexperience wtih incompetence, we've had Balakirev around for 5 years already. If he was incompetent, we would have known it already. The fact that he gained a effective +20 to politics in just that amount of time means he adapted to higher level politics at a very fast rate. And he has engaged in the latter, passing legislation and doing work for the second most important man in the Union.
I've said my piece here. I find the assertion "he's a fast learner considering he got +20 to politically lost and is now only"very bad at politics, therefore he is broadly correct" to be questionable. And you two are being incredibly optimistic about the ability for a character who is bad at politics to assess and handle a complete political turnaround without a patron right now. Making sense of info after a political upheaval would be difficult for experienced politicians (remember how badly Voz crashed and burned after he crit-failed on the assessment?), nevermind a novice to politics. There isn't a reason to trust any information just because our character quit being astonishingly bad at politics and improved to being quite bad at politics. Going up from a F to C- is a big improvement, but not one that should be taken as "is able to reliably asses one of the most difficult situations a soviet functionary can face".
(remember how badly Voz crashed and burned after he crit-failed on the assessment?),
I don't. My memory is that the Threadviet was able to intuit what things The Voz was totally wrong about, partly thanks to the metaknowledge that a nat 1 had happened, and they chugged happily along for several turns until the Threadviet misunderstood and ignored the option that was supposed to discourage anti-corruption investigation at the end of his plan. What exactly did happen?
I don't. My memory is that the Threadviet was able to intuit what things The Voz was totally wrong about, partly thanks to the metaknowledge that a nat 1 had happened, and they chugged happily along for several turns until the Threadviet misunderstood and ignored the option that was supposed to discourage anti-corruption investigation at the end of his plan. What exactly did happen?
He certainly failed as a faction leader after that, considering his party was destroyed. But regardless of meta-knowledge or if the thread let him fail, if it's possible for a political animal to get factional politics terribly wrong after a bad roll. Our rolls skew low on average due to the malus. There is a gap in our knowledge after Klim retired. We can't rely on the current, pre-assesment info that is coming from a bad-at-politics-character, nor should we trust the judgement of a character that has no expertise in the area.
The difference is that he had a previous system he could rely on. The managers were there, if untrustworthy and gave him reports. This is not the case with Bal and politics. The patron he would have leaned on (Romanov) is out of the picture, Klim is retired and he lacks any political network or political cover. If Klim had to build a management system from the ground up, he could have crashed and burned. Additionally, planning targets have 5 years, political turns have only one.
He can literally talk with people that were on the same faction as him.

[]Assess the Supreme Soviet: With the fall of Romanov and the disintegration of the conservative flank, talking with several of the sectional leads will be essential. The men are all listed in Klimenko's journals and notes, ensuring that they can at least be contacted for a few dinners to discuss matters. Most are not going to be willing to work together but they can at least provide a far more accurate picture of the situation in the Supreme Soviet than the talking heads on the news. (1 Dice)

And we have options to fix his lack of a patron.

[]Locate a Patron: Talks on the conservative end along with the rightists will be needed if an alliance is to be made. Working with Podgorny is likely to require compromises in the economic sphere while Seymonov may take the entire ministry in negotiations to get him onside. Forming a partially independent block worked for Klimenko and Romanov and it needs to work now. Further, with the disintegration of the conservatives, the best time to strike is now as many of the old cadre technocrats can be rallied in the Supreme Soviet. (1-2 Dice)

[]Reach Out to Podgorny: Podgorny is technically to the right of the party on economic matters but he has been proven right in the social sphere and in the foreign policy sphere. Reaching out to him may require some compromises but the man isn't expected to stand for election in a few years, nominating a chosen protege. A straight trade of mutual support and support for his successor can keep things stable and offer him a viable path forward without too many issues for the ministry. (1-3 Dice)

[]Alliance with Seymonov: Semyonov is the current titan of politics, successfully consolidating the positions of general secretary to a point not seen since Mikoyan appointed Voroshilov. This position is obviously unstable and obviously not going to last but better to work with the titan at the moment of ascension and then later collect a proverbial pound of flesh. Current work is likely going to narrow the role of the ministry itself and will involve several painful internal compromises that may not be borne by the current managerial base. (1-3 Dice)

I don't know what you are even arguing for at this point. Its not like we are arguing that Balakirev has a perfect view of the situation. But we literally have avenues to fix that.

Like, I suppose we can do nothing and risk not getting a critfail. But do you really think that's a risk free option? Do you think him getting a poor roll in "assess the supreme soviet" will give him a more unclear picture than locking himself in his office doing nothing but watching TV?

Do you think that the solution to not having a political patron and being inexperienced at politics is waiting it out right as an election is about to happen and we are sitting in the second most desirable post in the Union in a moment where drastic shifts in politics are happening? Like, I am really struggling at what you are arguing for here.

We can intuit the state of politics this turn. We have datapoints to compare and analyze to see how accurate Balakirev's assessment could be. But you're acting like everything is a total mystery and we can't make educated guesses at what situation is. And its not like the main thing you are pointing at as proof Balakirev is a clueless idiot (him lumping in Romanov's former supporters in with Semyonov) isn't explained in the update. He clearly does not think Semyonov can hold on to Romanov's cadres, like, he explicitly points this out "This position is obviously unstable and obviously not going to last". They were in a coalition with him, its not totally unreasonable to lump them in together when they are rudderless and haven't definitively moved to Zimyanin or whatever splitter may appear. Remember that Romanov's downfall is completely fresh, and people haven't made moves yet.
[X] Plan Nerd Powered Eurovision
[X] Plan Redline Machinery
[X] Plan Nerd Powered Eurovision, Clearsighted Edition

If people feel that strongly about the SupSov then there's this version of the plan, although I would remind everybody that there's an election next turn so our information will become almost immediately outdated and need to be re-investigated anyways.

I think that doing the shipyard this turn is a mistake however, we've got a 95% chance to lose our Infrastructure discount which is a direct -260 RpT to effective income next turn and there is no way that the shipyard is 2.5x as profitable as GAZ so it's pretty much guaranteed to lose us money on net. It makes significantly more sense to do the machinery plant, which Balakirev has pointed out is a crippling weakness in our Heavy Industrial sector, and then do the shipyards/VAZ after we have more modern machinery for heavy steelworking applications like shipbuilding and can keep our steel prices in the discount band through reduced exports or increased production.

If the HI sector was focused on things that actually returned a profit, enough to maybe overcome the -260 hit to our income from steel prices, I'd care way less. But currently the HI sector in the winning plan is set up to hurt steel prices while not remotely making up for it in raw income, and additionally locks in a large shipyard complex with obsolete tooling immediately before building the tooling plant that would fix the issue. The order of Kiev and the shipyard projects should be reversed.
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Pretty sure that being at 40 means we've crossed the barrier, this is a really bad edge case to test the theory on and regardless it's silly to build a shipyard complex with obsolete machinery on the same turn that we found an enterprise to build modern machinery instead of just reversing the order.
Pretty sure that being at 40 means we've crossed the barrier, this is a really bad edge case to test the theory on and regardless it's silly to build a shipyard complex with obsolete machinery on the same turn that we found an enterprise to build modern machinery instead of just reversing the order.
Well, it looks like the cost brackets have been clarified to 21-40, 41-60 and so on. 40 should be within the discount.
Coal Price (46/38/62) Strong Import (41-60 No Effect)
Steel: (31/39/62) Massive Export (21-40 -20 RpD Infrastructure, Increased HI Growth)
Non-Ferrous: (52/56/48) (41-60 No Effect)
Petroleum Fuels: (35/37/35) (OPEC CMEA Imports) (21-40 Strong Increase in Economic Growth, Fuel Use, and Chemical Development)
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Ah so they have been, missed that. I knew the labor brackets started at X1 instead of X0 but didn't notice the commodities shifted too.

Ok, objection withdrawn, we should barely keep enough steel. Still think it's a relatively bad idea to fuck over our shipbuilders with bad equipment but it's significantly cheaper than Kiev so I get why it's put into the plan.
I think that doing the shipyard this turn is a mistake however, we've got a 95% chance to lose our Infrastructure discount which is a direct -260 RpT to effective income next turn and there is no way that the shipyard is 2.5x as profitable as GAZ so it's pretty much guaranteed to lose us money on net. It makes significantly more sense to do the machinery plant, which Balakirev has pointed out is a crippling weakness in our Heavy Industrial sector, and then do the shipyards/VAZ after we have more modern machinery for heavy steelworking applications like shipbuilding and can keep our steel prices in the discount band through reduced exports or increased production.
It's the CapGoods target that has me worried. HI Capgood projects tend to take time to spool up and don't bring most of their contribution the turn they are started, even if they go from 0 to finished that turn. It's why we had no chance of hitting the CapGood target last plan. So I want to get the big ticket capgood items at least STARTED this turn. Issue with GAZ EDIT:VAZ is that as a luxury car factory it helps CapGoods barely, if at all. If we do not start the shipyards this turn, we're betting that the Kiev plant alone in HI, plus whatever comes out of the chemical factories, is enough to meet the target.

I made a plan myself that does the Kiev plant while also getting the shipyards started so they can come online in time for the target, but it seems nobody is interested.

That said I will change my approval vote to the current leader that does the machine plant. Better fail the target than fail soviet industry in general.
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Issue with GAZ is that as a luxury car factory it helps CapGoods barely, if at all. If we do not start the shipyards this turn, we're betting that the Kiev plant alone in HI, plus whatever comes out of the chemical factories, is enough to meet the target.
We did GAZ already, you are thinking of VAZ, which is explicitly doing mass market models. The one luxury car factory we had, ZIL, was axed by Balakirev who thinks its not as much of a priority.
I don't know what you are even arguing for at this point. Its not like we are arguing that Balakirev has a perfect view of the situation. But we literally have avenues to fix that.
Fair enough, the discussion has drifted quite a bit. I maintain that Bal has a strongly distorted view of the current political events and a general lack of ability to assess the current state of parliament due to lacking political network and general unfamiliarity. Based on that I'm arguing for a low commitment of dice in addition to avoiding political suggestions, since I believe commiting dice to the cap is a trap option from inexperience.
"We can fix that" and "this isn't a significant problem before it is fixed" aren't mutually exclusive. I'm not arguing that Bal is inherently and always bad at politics, just that his judgement can't be trusted until we do things to fix it.
And its not like the main thing you are pointing at as proof Balakirev is a clueless idiot (him lumping in Romanov's former supporters in with Semyonov) isn't explained in the update. He clearly does not think Semyonov can hold on to Romanov's cadres, like, he explicitly points this out "This position is obviously unstable and obviously not going to last". They were in a coalition with him, its not totally unreasonable to lump them in together when they are rudderless and haven't definitively moved to Zimyanin or whatever splitter may appear. Remember that Romanov's downfall is completely fresh, and people haven't made moves yet.
Nearly all of them? About 94% (500/530) percent are onboard with entering a coalition with the guy that just arrested the faction leader and support him to the point of counting as Seym's faction? Only 6% have loyalty to Romanov to defect? I smell bullshit.
He can literally talk with people that were on the same faction as him.
He can, but that doesn't mean he already has. The action blurb indicates he hasn't. Additionally, the technocrats are of questionable reliability, considering they were in opposition for a considerable time and were generally politically irrelevant.
We can intuit the state of politics this turn. We have datapoints to compare and analyze to see how accurate Balakirev's assessment could be. But you're acting like everything is a total mystery and we can't make educated guesses at what situation is.
We can always guess,, that is technically ture. That doesn't mean the guesswork is anywhere close to true. We have no datapoints to compare, considering we had no previous assessment from Bal, nor do we know the actual faction numbers. There is no way to determine Bal's bias. The numbers we get don't make sense and have the notable prefix "around". Our info is garbage, and actual info is oblique right now.
I was referring to GAZ because we completed it and know it gave us +100 RpT, so VAZ would probably produce a similar-ish amount of income and everything else we should expect to be less profitable. The point I was going for is that we'd need 2.5 GAZ level profit centers to just break even on more expensive steel, especially because building 2.5 GAZ-tier projects would take significantly more dice and resources than building a steel mill to control steel prices to boot. More trying to illustrate how important cheap steel is to our budget than making a point about targets or the value of cars specifically, it could be any highly profitable steel consumer I'm talking about.
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Nearly all of them? About 94% (500/530) percent are onboard with entering a coalition with the guy that just arrested the faction leader and support him to the point of counting as Seym's faction? Only 6% have loyalty to Romanov to defect? I smell bullshit.
Again, you are making the assumption that just because Balakirev lumped the members of Semyonov's coalition in with him, he expects them all to be loyal. He very explicitly does not.

[]Alliance with Seymonov: Semyonov is the current titan of politics, successfully consolidating the positions of general secretary to a point not seen since Mikoyan appointed Voroshilov. This position is obviously unstable and obviously not going to last but better to work with the titan at the moment of ascension and then later collect a proverbial pound of flesh. Current work is likely going to narrow the role of the ministry itself and will involve several painful internal compromises that may not be borne by the current managerial base. (1-3 Dice)

He can, but that doesn't mean he already has. The action blurb indicates he hasn't. Additionally, the technocrats are of questionable reliability, considering they were in opposition for a considerable time and were generally politically irrelevant.
Nowhere does the option say they are technocrats, they are men Klimenko (who was not a technocrat) noted as important within the faction.

[]Assess the Supreme Soviet: With the fall of Romanov and the disintegration of the conservative flank, talking with several of the sectional leads will be essential. The men are all listed in Klimenko's journals and notes, ensuring that they can at least be contacted for a few dinners to discuss matters. Most are not going to be willing to work together but they can at least provide a far more accurate picture of the situation in the Supreme Soviet than the talking heads on the news. (1 Dice)

I trust Klimenko's assessment that they are people who have a clue about what's going on.
We can always guess,, that is technically ture. That doesn't mean the guesswork is anywhere close to true. We have no datapoints to compare, considering we had no previous assessment from Bal, nor do we know the actual faction numbers. There is no way to determine Bal's bias. The numbers we get don't make sense and have the notable prefix "around". Our info is garbage, and actual info is oblique right now.
Anyway, lets take a look at how the factions changed according to Balakirev:

Supreme Soviet Updated 1970>73 (Listed by Delegates, Unity, and Degree of Support) (None<Poor<Decent<Acceptable<Good<Excellent)
Ashimov's Faction: Around 80>100, +20
Kleshchev's Faction: Around 40>150, +100
Romanov's Faction: Around 530>NA, NA
Semyonov's Faction: Around 400>900, +500
Podgorny's Faction: Around 320>270, -50
Dzhussoev's Faction: Around 120>150, +30
Gulyam's Faction: Around 60>80, +20

And here are the rolls since the election.

Gulyam's Faction (69,11,90,63=233/400 or 56.2)
Dzhussoev's Faction (92,5,32,69=198/400 or 49)
Podgorny's Faction (78,9,1,18=106/400 or 26.5)
Kosygin's/Semyonov's Faction (68,38,71,79=256/400 or 64)
Romanov's Faction (78,49,77,14=218/400 or 54.5)
Kleshchev's/Zimyanin Faction (9,98,83,2=208/400 or 52)
Ashimov's Faction (22,88,29,89=228/400 or 57)
We literally have the data from after the elections, and its only been three years. I also compiled all the internal politics rolls, so we know who did well and who did not so great. Again, we have datapoints and can make inferences from them. They are obviously not going to be perfect, but they don't need to be, only reasonably representative.
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Ah so they have been, missed that. I knew the labor brackets started at X1 instead of X0 but didn't notice the commodities shifted too.

Ok, objection withdrawn, we should barely keep enough steel. Still think it's a relatively bad idea to fuck over our shipbuilders with bad equipment but it's significantly cheaper than Kiev so I get why it's put into the plan.
Yeah, it is cheaper. Actually, there's a plan I've been toying around, that is actually very efficient, and has several advantages:
  • 74% chance of Kiev
  • 52% chance of Kuzbass and coal
  • Starts Shipyard
  • Keeps Petrochem, Petrogas, Petroleum Fuel and Steel within their brackets
  • Just a bit above 11 expected labour gain
All at one malus - 87% chance of completing the second stage of Gas Power Plants. If literally everything but them completes, something with below 0.1% probability, then we end up slightly in the negative electricity.

What do people think? Is there a support for such a plan?

[] Plan Redline Machinery
-[]7350/7370 Resources (20 Reserve), 48 Dice Rolled
-[]Infrastructure (6/4 Dice, 725 R)
--[]Western Passenger Rail Expansion, 1 Dice (150 R), 100%/100%
--[]Far Eastern High Capacity Corridor, 2 Dice (230 R), 54%/68%
--[]Civilian Airports(Stage 4/5), 3 Dice (345 R), 96%/98%
-[]Heavy Industry (9/10 Dice, 2245 R)
--[]Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation(Stage 4/5), 2 Dice (260 R), 38%/52%
--[]Atomash(Stage 2/3), 2 Dice (620 R), 99%/100%
--[]Kiev Machine Building Plant, 3 Dice (870 R), 64%/74%
--[]Second Generation Lithography, 1 Dice (285 R), 40%/55%
--[]Baltic Sea Shipyards, 1 Dice (210 R), 0%/0%
-[]Rocketry (2/2 Dice, 0 R)
--[]Expand Intercosmos, 1 Dice
--[]Formalize Peaceful Competition, 1 Dice
-[]Light Industry (5/6 Dice, 930 R)
--[]Light Home Appliance Plants, 2 Dice (340 R), 75%/85%
--[]Color Television Modernization, 2 Dice (380 R), 32%/45%
--[]Second Generation Calculators, 1 Dice (210 R), 100%/100%
-[]Chemical Industry (11/11 Dice, 2170 R)
--[]West Siberian Petroleum Fields(Stage 3/6), 4 Dice (640 R), 100%/100%
--[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Modernization, 1 Dice (190 R), 0%/0%
--[]Power Plants(CCGT), 3 Dice (750 R), 80%/87%
--[]Stabilization of Agrochemicals, 1 Dice (210 R), 57%/72%
--[]Synthetic Rubber Plants(Stage 4/4), 2 Dice (380 R), 88%/94%
-[]Agriculture (3/4 Dice, 390 R)
--[]Domestic Meat Programs(Stage 4/10), 3 Dice (390 R), 95%/97%
-[]Services (5/3 Dice, 890 R)
--[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 4/5), 3 Dice (570 R), 95%/98%
--[]Town-Market Construction, 2 Dice (320 R), 98%/100%
-[]Bureaucracy (8/8 Dice, 0 R)
--[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(), 1 Dice
--[]Drive Through Euro Adoption, 1 Dice
--[]Assess the Supreme Soviet, 1 Dice
--[]Reach Out to Podgorny, 3 Dice
--[]Reconnect with the Technocrats, 2 Dice
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Yeah, it is cheaper. Actually, there's a plan I've been toying around, that is actually very efficient, and has several advantages:
  • 74% chance of Kiev
  • 52% chance of Kuzbass and coal
  • Starts Shipyard
  • Keeps Petrochem, Petrogas, Petroleum Fuel and Steel within their brackets
  • Almost exactly 11 expected labour gain
All at one malus - 87% chance of completing the second stage of Gas Power Plants. If literally everything but them completes, something with below 0.1% probability, then we end up slightly in the negative electricity.

What do people think? Is there a support for such a plan?

[] Plan Redline Machinery
It looks like a fine plan, I would vote for it. The main downside of your previous plan was the lack of Kiev imo, and this adresses it.
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Oooo I do actually like it.

I think that overkilling Transportation Enterprises/Town-Market Construction is a bit wasteful but not enough to stop me from voting for it, just gonna have to plow a bunch of free dice into services expansion next year and hope that somehow it magically salvages the target. Transport 5 is locked and there's no way we're going to unlock it before the FYP is over, remember, so overkill into stage 5 there is "wasted" for purposes of hitting our target, the big chonky 3 stage services expansion is the only thing that might actually create enough turnover if we rushed it.

But if we don't care about services and just want to write it off, yeah I like the plan otherwise.
Alright then, let's do this.

[X] Plan Redline Machinery
-[X]7350/7370 Resources (20 Reserve), 48 Dice Rolled
-[X]Infrastructure (6/4 Dice, 725 R)

--[X]Western Passenger Rail Expansion, 1 Dice (150 R), 100%/100%
--[X]Far Eastern High Capacity Corridor, 2 Dice (230 R), 54%/68%
--[X]Civilian Airports(Stage 4/5), 3 Dice (345 R), 96%/98%
-[X]Heavy Industry (9/10 Dice, 2245 R)
--[X]Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation(Stage 4/5), 2 Dice (260 R), 38%/52%
--[X]Atomash(Stage 2/3), 2 Dice (620 R), 99%/100%
--[X]Kiev Machine Building Plant, 3 Dice (870 R), 64%/74%
--[X]Second Generation Lithography, 1 Dice (285 R), 40%/55%
--[X]Baltic Sea Shipyards, 1 Dice (210 R), 0%/0%
-[X]Rocketry (2/2 Dice, 0 R)
--[X]Expand Intercosmos, 1 Dice
--[X]Formalize Peaceful Competition, 1 Dice
-[X]Light Industry (5/6 Dice, 930 R)
--[X]Light Home Appliance Plants, 2 Dice (340 R), 75%/85%
--[X]Color Television Modernization, 2 Dice (380 R), 32%/45%
--[X]Second Generation Calculators, 1 Dice (210 R), 100%/100%
-[X]Chemical Industry (11/11 Dice, 2170 R)
--[X]West Siberian Petroleum Fields(Stage 3/6), 4 Dice (640 R), 100%/100%
--[X]Volga-Ural Petroleum Modernization, 1 Dice (190 R), 0%/0%
--[X]Power Plants(CCGT), 3 Dice (750 R), Phase 1 (100%), Phase 2 80%/87%
--[X]Stabilization of Agrochemicals, 1 Dice (210 R), 57%/72%
--[X]Synthetic Rubber Plants(Stage 4/4), 2 Dice (380 R), 88%/94%
-[X]Agriculture (3/4 Dice, 390 R)
--[X]Domestic Meat Programs(Stage 4/10), 3 Dice (390 R), 95%/97%
-[X]Services (5/3 Dice, 890 R)
--[X]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 4/5), 3 Dice (570 R), 95%/98%
--[X]Town-Market Construction, 2 Dice (320 R), 98%/100%
-[X]Bureaucracy (8/8 Dice, 0 R)
--[X]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(CCGT Power Plants), 1 Dice
--[X]Drive Through Euro Adoption, 1 Dice
--[X]Assess the Supreme Soviet, 1 Dice
--[X]Reach Out to Podgorny, 3 Dice
--[X]Reconnect with the Technocrats, 2 Dice
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