Farmers Markets: Access towards the mass sale of meat has always been questionable from small farms with meat production rendered excessively local. By establishing and helping to fund a series of local markets and encouraging grocers to stock local production significant gains can be made to the production of small farms. Dual-use agriculture is to an extent a fact of life with few small farms entirely specialized into a single crop or animal with farmers' markets allowing more varied craft produce to reach Soviet consumers. The funding of the program further promises to be cheap and encouraging local production can help with community involvement. (72/150) (nat 1) (Completed)
To encourage the production of meat and other consumer goods Tatarchuk has taken the general marketization program towards a novel direction. Modeling incentive funds for grain but towards healthier targets several novel funds have been developed for the production of meat along with a series of modified standards for the handling of livestock. The Union has historically lagged behind the West in the production of meat and the consumption of meat but through reducing its price and stimulating expanded utilization production can be improved. The largest of the measures effectively subsidizes the consumption of secondary resources in the process of production. Several further measures have also been proposed to improve the stock of local grocers and minimize haulage from refrigeration, giving private and state grocers benefits for using local meat and poultry products.
Well... This very much sounds like Tatarchuk has decided to add cow brains to the cow feed.
Should probably invest in medicine some more so we notice when CJD hits the population...
Not really, economically viable renewables (that is, can compete with fossil fuels on cost) didn't come OTL until like, the early 2010s. Nothing we can do can really change that date to the 20th Century, we are still slightly behind the West technologically, and for all the doomer talk from Klim and Bala we still have essentially infinite oil and coal. Its just that it will become steadily more expensive and that is very scary for our economic planners since they're the foundation of our economic growth. We will look for alternatives and ways to mitigate this, but those are spelled out by Balakirev: increased technical sophistication to increase yields, increased use of natural gas in its various application and nuclear power for a guaranteed, if expensive, solution to our energy problems.
Mayybe we will get like, a single project for a concentrated solar plant that will give us some piddly electricity for a unreasonable cost during the actual crisis. But well, that is pretty much a dead end. Same for windmills, which were done in the 70s, but never entered mass production since when oil prices stabilized they became uneconomic.
It is important to remember WHY economically viable renewables didn't come onto the scene until 2010 though. This was after German subsidies created a large, reliable market for renewables and the investments by the Germans to build large wind turbines at scale were starting to pay off, and after enormous investments by the Chinese in commoditizing solar panels.
Some of the technology that goes into modern wind turbines and modern solar panels aren't yet developed in the 1970s, but mostly what we lack is large scale industry for such things so that economies of scale and network effects can bring down prices and make mass deployment of renewables a practical way of providing a significant portion of our power.
If we had the political capital to invest in concentrated solar thermal at scale, we could carpet the Central Asian deserts with economical power plants in the mid 80s or the early 90s. Of course, having enough political capital to fend off questions about why we are building this new infrastructure for a decade before we see serious returns at a time when we will have relatively cheap coal and a coal power plant building infrastructure that already has economies of scale won't be happening.
The technological part of the problem is quite minor, the political part of the problem quite major.
Especially because to anyone with a short-term outlook, unstable oil prices will provide cyclical reasons to cut renewable investments off at the knees.
And we only have functionally infinite coal and oil if we have infinite money to extract the last dregs of each deposit. We do not.
Did we develop the economy too fast or something? I thought we got at least a century before fossil fuel run short?
Which of these are correct:
A "number can't go up indefinitely" report
A wake up call to switch from a "build build build" to a more conservative (energy wise) plan
A report on peak fossil fuel
Soviet "An Inconvenient Truth" before it is cool/hot
I've been telling people this was coming for real world years at this point.
Exponentially increasing resource consumption was always going to mean we had a crisis between the late 60s and early 80s, no matter how many resources were in the ground. Bigger reserves are still finite reserves, and when they are pitted against ever-faster increasing resource consumption, big reserves lose. This challenge is arriving right on time.
And there will be loads of resources left in the ground that are too expensive to extract - coal that's too deep in the ground to be worth bringing to the surface, because all the resources spent pulling it out would be greater than the return on investment we gain from burning it, iron ore that is in deposits so far from anything else in the Union that the shipping costs of a mined chunk of ore are larger than the value of the steel produced from the ore. Oil wells can't extract more than half of the oil underneath them with conventional extraction methods (and fracking the dregs only lets you get maybe an extra 10% of the oil before it gets too expensive to be worthwhile). The issue is not a lack of coal and oil per se, but rather of coal and oil that can be economically extracted.
Come to think of it, if the French tank designs are like OTL, they're not very well protected as I recall, and everyone at this point is underprepared for long range antitank missiles and HEAT weaponry performance. So the slat armor, which can be attached hastily to existing tanks as an applique, has appeal.
Hm, with no West Germany and likely less access to out-of-work German designers, I would have thought French tanks would look very different in TTL...
Does anyone know how big our military is and where they are deployed? And does the US have significant assets deployed in France? I am wondering how much pressure France is under in Europe...
The limited size of the French economy, as compared to even the German economy, never mind the Soviet and German economies, will mean that if they need to have a big enough army defending their borders, they won't be able to afford a full suite of development programs AND the big army, so may be mostly using foreign designs, even for tanks.
With regards to the vote, I think
Reword the Report is the play. I sorta hope that having his work messed with by his boss lights a bit of an environmentalist fire in the fellow... (Only a bit of one, because I am sure he will still be anti-Aral sea.) And in any case, I think Klimenko is correct that the report unmodified would be political suicide by Balakirev. If anything, "line-go-upism" is even more central to Soviet politics than it is to capitalist politics.
The Mars sample return plan is appropriately dire for a roll of 3. The big issue that I see is that the plan is to leap from never having drilled off of Earth before to drilling meters into the Martian surface. A surface that we currently know very little about. If there's any saving grace to the plan, it is that such heavy landers will be able to carry far better drilling machinery than was used in the OTL NASA effort to drill into Mars. But the plan is the definition of trying to run before learning to walk.
I am not super keen on sending it to committee, as by sending it to committee, we'll have politically committed ourselves to whatever comes out of the sausage machine.
There's a compelling case for cancellation. The downside I see with cancelling it is the excuse given - the necessity for multiple launches. The multiple launch architecture is the least of the problems with the sample return mission. Axing the program because of its launch architecture is going to lead to good ideas that use multiple launch architecture getting thrown out with the bathwater, political pressure for another big rocket (which will probably be negligible) and perhaps more troubling, people will be asking questions about why we're developing nuclear engines when we have a program that could use them that then got axed out of hand...
Going for the nuclear option is weak in that it doesn't address the fundamental weaknesses of the sample return mission, on the other hand, it will give our nuclear engine program a high-profile mission to justify it. On the third hand, tying the nuclear engines to a flawed sample return plan could undermine the sample return mission.
So in the end, while I am not keen on sending this thing to committee, I think that is the least-bad option.
For the LI deputy, I have issues with
Demchenko, having the state focus on specialist light industry while letting the private sector take over large scale production production is IMO exactly backwards from what we want. Also, I am fairly concerned about how strong our private sector is getting politically. That makes me leery about giving it a big boost in scale.
Koykolainen sounds dull, but if we don't do a LI focused plan next, he's probably the best pick.
Solovyov sounds good if we do plan a LI focus next, and it sounds like we are. So I'll vote for him.
[X]Reword the Report
[X]Send it to a Committee
[X]Yuri Filippovich Solovyov