Friend-shape little shrimp smoking remnants
- Location
- Bottom of the pot
it is expected that all riflemen will carry the newly modernized RPG-18M
Every man an antitank barrier 😆
After this gen of RPG is obsolete, the market of Africa and Asia are going to be flooded with antitank rocket just like the AK-47.
Vatutin's ideas for a universal tracked vehicle set to replace all other infantry transportation in all positions were conceptually if not economically sound.
a new generation of armor is necessary
a new generation of helicopter has entered development
New decade, new military's resource sinks
When will the artillery mini-nuke trend end?
The Balakirev Report
but the understanding that an energy crisis is oncoming can even produce its energy crisis due to shocks in the market system
No system of Eastern deposits can make up for the collapse of the Western ones to any significant scale, further energy limitations in extraction and refinement are already causing issues
Balakirev has several proposed solutions that can be pursued to delay the problem and solve it, but none are practical
ambitious and propagandized target of one billion tons deeply unlikely to be hit in any reasonable time without the uneconomic exploitation of all deposits and an even more rapidly growing demand before the end of the decade
the Union itself is likely to steadily shift to a mixed petrochemical profile as domestic use increases, possibly by 1975 and certainly by 1980 at the current rate of growth
Did we develop the economy too fast or something? I thought we got at least a century before fossil fuel run short?
Which of these are correct:
A "number can't go up indefinitely" report
A wake up call to switch from a "build build build" to a more conservative (energy wise) plan
A report on peak fossil fuel
Soviet "An Inconvenient Truth" before it is cool/hot
Would this option encourage or discourage more truthful report in the future? Did he said anything abt if this would also happened to the US/CMEA/France and how it would affect the relation (Cold War) bwt us? Any other implications? Is this the make-or-break time for our Union and you guys are not taking it seriously enough or am I overreacting?
To maintain workforce participation and the rehabilitative nature of justice, most crimes have been modified to have a dual-track sentencing rate, as prisoners working without encouragement have the lowest rates of recidivism. For prisoners who are determined to avoid engagement with the system, sentencing guidelines have been strengthened to almost double that of previous sentences, but these have accompanied reductions in prison time for prisoners who are excited and capable of working in the economy.
Any drawback for this outcome, sound too good to be true?
Force a Euro Vote: (Uses Favor) (41)
Seymonov has followed through on his promise after much complaining and a persistent attack from both the right and left wings but with the backing of Romanov. A vote has been pushed through focusing on the enforcement of financial standards on Soviet loans to CMEA nations along with a stabilization of foreign currency reserves. Despite massive political opposition, the vote has been forced as a case of the Foreign Ministers initiative to avoid the Supreme Soviet excessively complaining.
Hope the blow-back is not too big, I pray.