And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

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What a Dance it will be.
The Time of Peace (Creation Part 1)


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
This is a Time of Dragons and Peace.

The Reign of Jaheryes the Councilor is nearing its Apex, and the Dragons remain strong and illustrious. The Realm of Westeros, the Iron Throne, is secured, by power, and Dragonfire. This is a time when the realm does not bleed from war and conquest.

There is no war to fight. There is no evil to defeat. There are no enemies to slaughter. The listless knights and the ever-expanding dream of the world, of Aegon's vision… have finally come true. One land, One kingdom… one people under the threat of Dragonfire it remains together.

But as the Wheel of History turns, again and again, there comes a time to embrace one's self as an agent of change.

Change however cannot be recognized until it can be seen with one's own eyes.

You are one of those agents.

And what Family do you hail from?:

[]House Targaryen: The Royal House of Westeros, the House of the Dragons and the Conqueror. Masters of the Iron Throne. You are one of them. The World is entirely in your hands. It is up to you to discover what your destiny is.

[]House Valyreon: You are the Sons of Driftmark, The Lord of the Narrow Sea, and the masters of the sea that you sail. You are known as adventurers, killers, and more. Many think you are just the side kicks to the Targaryens, with ambitions that only compliment them. They are wrong.

[]The Dragonseed of the Crownlands: You are a Dragon seed, a dragon-blooded smallfolk from the Crownlands, that came to the Islands thousands of years prior, you have no true power or influence on the affairs of the world, not unless you take it with both hands.

AN: Because I cannot see anything else going wrong.
The Child of Fate: (Creation Part 2)
The Child of Fate: (Creation Part 2):

You were born on a starless night, with clouds blocking all light from the moon and the stars. There were many things that were going wrong on the night that came your birth. The stars ever bright did not wish to be seen from the sight.

But the stars were brilliant when they finally came, the kind that the Faith, and some of the few Valyrian worshipers the lived said that you were special. A child of fate and goodness.

You were too young to remember what they meant.

What year were you born in?:

[]The Year was 94 AC: The Year was another in the Peaceful reign of the Councilor Dragons are roaming around Dragonstone, wild ones. Many have tried to claim them… but all failed. (Will be part of Lenor's Generation. Born in a time of Peace and Adventure)

[]The Year was 97 AC: The Year of the Realms delight: Princess Rhaenyra has been born to the fanfare of much of the realm. You were just another child. But that does not mean you are special. (Will be around Rhaenyra's age, in a time of peace and Prosperity)

[]The Year was 114 AC: The Realm stands at the precipice. Political factions, called Blacks and Greens are tearing the court Asunder. Viserys Targaryens weakness and continued breaking of tradition have made many cries in anger and horror at the unprecedented continuation of tradition is broken. The Realm will Bleed. But that does not worry you. You are nothing. Right? (Will be part of the Generation of The Lads Kermit, Grover Tully, and Benjicot Blackwood, as well as Jacaerys Valeryon, and those young children that will fight in the Dance with Dragons.)

What was your name?:
[]Write in

Are you a Boy, or a Girl?:
[]A Boy
[]A Girl

What do you look like?:

[]A Child of Pale Skin, Violet eyes, and Ashen Hair

[]A Child of Black Hair, Blue eyes, and Pale Skin

[]A Child of Ashen Hair, and Ebony Skin (Must be from Driftmark)

[]A Child of Dark Hair, and Ebony Skin (Must be from Dragonstone or Driftmark)

And where were you born?:
[]Kings Landing (Flea Bottom): You were born in the slums and shit of Flea Bottom. There was nothing there but crime, shit, and Whores. Yet this place was a tale that all histories are made. From nothing.

[]Kings Landing (The Street of Steel: A little better. The safer part of town, from the eyes of the Smallfolk. Blacksmiths, local knights and squires who made it their residence, and the City Watch constantly patrol here.

[]Kings Landing (The Red Keep): You were Born in the Same Halls of King's, Queens, and Lord's. An auspicious omen if there ever was one.

[]Dragonstone: The Land of the Dragons, the Citidel of old Valyria was where you were born. Here be where Dragon's Roam. Here be where Dragons are Free.

[]Driftmark: The Sea Snakes home, and port of call. The High Tides and the sea are part of you as the air you breathe and the rocks you walk on.

[]A Ship: You are without a home. You sail on a ship that has no master, but themselves.

AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format
Your Parents and you (Creation Finale)
Your Parents and you (Creation Part 3):

Your Father was different than most men. He seemed to take the labor of his world, and treat you intelligently, not stupid or really anything. His words were intelligent and simple, but they always had meaning.

You could always count on them to be wonderfully important, and you would always think about them.

What was your Father:

[]A Fisherman: Your father sailed the waves of the sea, in search of the bounty of the sea, to feed his family, and to feed his fellow man. There was much that could be said, but he knew his trade, and you knew he would teach you that same trade.

[]A Cobbler: Your father made shoes, for any man or woman who came through his door. Be it the smallest beggar to the highest of lords. He was not a good person, but he was an honest man, always speaking his mind.

[]A Blacksmith: Steel was what your father worked with. Horseshoes, armor, chain, and plate, to even helms and rings. He was a master, a wonderful worker, but was as fiery as his forge. Always looking for the man who will make him rich.

[]A Hedge Knight: Your father was a killer. Your father was a manslayer, and a brilliant one at that, silent as a ghost, but always a great killer.

[]A Sailor: Your Father was a man who sailed the sea, with adventure and heart all through the world. Even in silence, he knew what was out there. Adventure, fame and fortune.

[]You never had one: You never knew your true father, you had a stepfather, who cared for you.

Your mother was also no great player of men. She was a good woman, who just knew too much, and was always eager to share.

What was your Mother:

[]An industrious woman: Your mother was always working, be it with your father or by herself, always working for coin to pay for her home, and her health.

[]A Septa: Your mother was a septa, a woman of the faith, learned and true… but however deflowered and loved your father, even if they could not openly marry each other.

[]A Whore: Your Mother was a whore.

[]A Courtier: Your mother was a lady at court, a smallfolk girl who got lucky that some prince took a liking to her, and made her a member of the court. She lived well, and served well, never wishing to lose her place again.

[]You did know your mother: You never knew your mother, for she was gone. You just had a stepmother, who loved you, but knew more than she let on.

You were always special, but what were you?:

[]You Dreamed of Dragons: You dreamed of a terrible thing to come. of Dragons... and Death. Some call you a prophet... others a monster who must be destroyed.

[]You had a Dragon Egg: You have a dragon egg. given to you as a child by a figure that you did not know. But you felt the power within it, and within you. You just needed a little more time to figure out how to unleash it.

[]You made friends with a Princess: You met a young girl at the cliffside, who was tired and cheery, lost and afraid... You led her back to her home, and the men waiting for her. She said her name and you yours. And she never forgot you,

[]You have a Dragon: You ride the Dragon Grey Ghost, whom you tamed as a child of 3 when you got lost wandering around the Volcanic island of Dragonstone. It saw a fellow silent brother and recognized kinship. All of House Targaryen has noticed you, and while they do not fear you… they do believe you might be a threat to their power.

AN: Enjoy and vote for plan format.
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Beginnings and Silence
Beginnings and Silence:

You had wandered into the Cave on a foolish notion that you were in fact, a hero. You had heard your mother's bedtime stories and at once thought, with very poor reasoning, that you were a hero like those stories. You could walk right up to the lion's den, or rather dragons den, and just tame the wild beast's heart with innocence.

You were such a fool. You should have died. You should have tumbled down the mountain, hitting your head on a rock and being killed by the mountain. The Smoke should have deterred you, but the smoke shot up away from you and the heat only pulled you forward towards the caves.

Dragonstone always had natural caves that the Dragons hid in, that's what the stories said at least. They used the heat of the mountain to give themselves more power, drinking the magma that should by all rights be pouring out of the caves they rested in.

Made their hordes, filling them with bones, skeletons, and meat. As you drew closer, you could only feel fear and silence. The silence was the worst part. As you drew closer you wanted to scream, to make a sound that could tell someone, anyone, that you were up the mountain, to come and save you.

But no sound could be made in your throat, something was stopping you from speaking.

Within the darkness of the cave, you could see the red, ruby red eyes… no crimson red eyes that stared out into the mouth of the cave. Towards you. Red eyes of the Cannibal.

And in those brief moments, as you saw the flames heat of the world preparing to be shot towards you, you could only scream.

And scream.

And Scream…

Until the wind knocked you away, and a Dragon landed, silent as a ghost in the moonlight.

This one was as grey as a stormy cloud, dark and without interest. It was impossible to describe the quickness and the size of it, compared to yourself, as his golden eyes pierced you with a glare of power. Of monstrous energy that could not be stopped or contained by mear mortal men. And your voice became silent, and you were unafraid.

Such was the first meeting between you and the Grey Ghost, as you found yourself watching the two dragons snap and snarl. Fire bellowing, but not coming towards you. You wanted to leave. To flee.

But those eyes that Grey Ghost had terrified you into petrification. Nothing could move you. Nothing could stir you. You could only sit, back on the obsidian ground near the cave, and watches two dragons dance.

Though it did not last for long.

The Cannibal retreated further into its lair. Fire billowed from its mouth of the cave, trying to burn the unwounded dragon, as Grey Ghost, silent as his name, moved towards you. Its heavy limbs shook the ground as it walked.

It moved its nose and sniffed you as if it was preparing to eat you to see if you were not rancid, or otherwise spoiled.

But you smelled it, and it reeked of fish and saltwater.

The same as you.

It turned away and in fear, you hobbled up its back, holding onto it as the Dragon walked back, down the mountain.

Down the mountain towards your home.

Your Mother had immediately tended to you, after Grey Ghost set you down, letting you slide down his wing as you collapsed.

You were lucky to be alive.

So much occurred. Grey Ghost tore a hole in the wall and ate the Fish oil, somehow not destroying any more of the house as he walked over to the front and laid down, guarding the door like it was the entrance of a cave, and you, his horde.

"It's going to be okay." She whispered. She was unsure of how to say those words honestly. How to keep you safe.

But the Ghost made sure of it

Father had not returned from his voyage to Pentos, but you had visitors a few weeks later.

Who came to your home?:

[]Baelon the Brave, Prince of Dragonstone: Your Lord, whom you have seen many a time in the distance on the Castle Walls, sat down and looked at you. "You have something that does not belong to you. But that was not your choice, was it?"

[]Daemon Prince of the Iron Throne, The Rouge Prince: He looked at you, sword in hand and twirled it. "A boy did this? Lying is not a good thing to do my dear. Tell me the truth. Why is the Dragon here?"

[]King Jaehaerys, the First of his Name: He coughed as he saw you. "Many things have happened because of the will of the Gods? But… this is something far more." He then smiled. Hello, my child… Do you recognize me?

[]Rhaenys Targaryen, Princess of the Iron Throne: She looked at you with strange eyes, as if she recognized them, only for a moment to pass, and she shook her head. "I see you have a talent for ruining things as always Visanya. Your Son is now in danger."

AN: Well if you didn't notice, poltics are going to be front and center here for the foreseeable future.

Hope you like them, cause once this is done...

We will then start our training.
Mothers, Monsters, and Masters
Mothers, Monsters, and Masters:

Rhaenys Targaryen, Princess of the Iron Throne: She looked at you with strange eyes, as if she recognized them, only for a moment to pass, and she shook her head. "I see you have a talent for ruining things as always Visanya. Your Son is now in danger."
She arrived by the moonlight, midnight black and stars dotted the sky, and Grey Ghost had gone out hunting for fish to eat that night. The Princess had arrived without a procession, without any guards or family members of her court or of her father's. She knocked on the door and your mother answered, and the knocking aroused you from your slumber, looking up in the candlelight to see the woman at the door. A woman in the finest silks of black and red you had ever seen, and your mother's gasp made you think it was the queen.

Her hair was as black as the night was dark, with her pale violet eyes looking towards your mother with keenness and anger. There was something else in her eyes, but that was not something you could make out from where you lay.

The sigil of House Targaryen was barely visible on her breast, but you recognized it immediately from sheer habit and memory.

"How dare you come to my home Rhaenys!" Your mother spat venom at the woman, but the woman, now Rhaeyns did not seem deterred, in fact, she looked annoyed. "Get out." your mother demanded.

A moment later, the woman entered, striding past your mother and looking at the home you lived in. The simplicity of it all, despite the clear luxuries that were the, from a well-built hearth, the floor is tiled and cool, and the kitchen, despite the small hole in the wall, is well stocked. "How dare you speak to me in such a way, you are not a child. And your habit of ruining things still has not changed, no wonder you were exiled from court. And you have not become richer for all the skills you learned."

"Out of all the things that you mention, my lack of ambition is what you harp on?" Your mother crossed her arms. "I chose to leave, you high-born cortisone. I did not wish to be ruined by politics and your secrets, nor of those that could destroy my son." She then pointed to the table. "But since you are now here, we have wine."

You noted that they knew each other, and rather intimately as well, as your mother sat down. The anger was gone, both of the misgivings in the past, as they focused on the future. On you. The princess looked at you, and you quickly hide most of yourself in blankets but showed your eyes, trying to see what was going on. She examined the eyes, before looking back. "You're son?"

You were confused by the statement. "He is my son, I may not have birthed him, but he is my child." Your mother replied as she poured a cup of wine. "You nobles never understand that a family is not the ones that are given birth, they are the ones we choose."

"We do not get that luxury." She replied as she swirled the cup. She then looked at you. "Speak, tell me what happened?"

You moved out of your little bed before you signed to your mother. "I'm tired."

"I know you are Lucien, but this is important. I need you to stay awake for a little while, while we talk some more." She replied. She then signed. "You are very brave.

At that, Rhaenys looked confused. "What is the matter with him?"

"My son hasn't spoken since he returned with The Grey Ghost." Your mother replied. "He has been communicating with me by sign."

There was a raised eyebrow from the princess before she looked at your mother. "Truly? He's dumb-"

That made your mother slam her hand on the table. "He is not dumb. He is terrified." Her statement made the Princess rethink her words very carefully. "And you would be wise to remember that he is a child."

"My apologies." She stated, realizing that it would not help her to think in such derogatory terms. It was uncomfortable as if she did not expect to be cowed by your mother… however she seemed to show a semblance of kindness.

She then waited, as you relayed the story to mother. You did everything you could to be as true to your memories as possible, but you knew you could not really understand. You did not remember how you got home, but you did know that the Grey Ghost was… around. You could feel it, like a strange sensation on the back of your neck.

When you finished, you sat on your mother's lap and enjoyed her stroking your hair. It was hard enough to think about it.

The Princess thought for a moment before she whispered. "Have you told him the truth about his mother?"

You looked at your mother before she looked at the princess. "No."

"You have endangered your son by keeping the truth from him?" she replied. "A dragon being tamed is something, by a bastard is another."

Bastard. But your father accepted you as your son, and told you he had a septon, a bribed one, wipe the stain of bastardy away when you were born, after a sizable donation? What does that even mean?

"He is not part of your family." Your mother proclaimed, loudly, and angrily.

"But our blood flows through his veins." The Princess stated. "And our blood gave him the Dragon."

Your Mother was quiet. "He will need to know before word gets out and men start raising their swords for him. And then he will die."

At those same words, you signed, asking. "Who is my mother?"

Your mother paused before she said:

[]Saera Targaryen: The Wandering Dragon, a famous Whore now in the City of Volantis. She was… difficult. But she was also a woman who loved your father in the end. She was always competent, and compassionate, but she did not raise you. Your father wanted a son that he could care for, to carry on his own legacy. She let you go when you were but a babe, and you have never met her.

[]Gael Targaryen: The Winter Child, said to be the favorite of the old King, despite being a simpleton and a halfwit. It was said she died of summer fever… it was a lie. She had been kidnapped by a traveling singer and raped, however, she did not get pregnant. But your father rescued her when that singer was trying to kill her, and they fell in love. She later gave birth to twins… But one was stillborn. She did not believe both survived, as your father, fearing for his life, left with you before he could be killed. He wept and mourned her when he learned she died.

[]Rhaenys Targaryen: She looked at you with eyes that were without equal in their caring, save for your mother. "I asked you to care for him because I had no one else to turn to. And now that he knows, he shall know that I am his mother… Too afraid to admit that he is my bastard son. Whom we both thoughts died, yet was stolen away in the night."

[]Unknown Member: She huffed and shook her head. "I still have not figured out who in my family your husband sired him with. Those that might have been dead, or long gone." She then sighed. "It may not be comfortable, but it is the truth. I know not your mother's identity."

A month later, after the meeting with the Dragon Princess, Father returned.

He had always wandered back towards the house, silent as a ghost when he did so.

Yet a ghost he did not remain, however silent he remained. As he saw the Grey Ghost, he merely looked at his wife and asked if she tamed it.

After he saw you playing on it, he, however, did not panic. He merely smiled and hugged you for the longest time you had ever been held by the man.

And you swore that you heard him say "I love you."

What shall you do?:

Choose 3:

[]Spend time with your Father: Your Father has been home for less than a month, and he has all but wished to take you on a little dingy, with a fishing pole and talk. Well, talk as much as you both can, considering you can't.

[]Spend time with your Mother: Mother has been quiet ever since the talk with the princess. As if every time she saw that woman, she went away inside.

[]The Grey Ghost's Silence: Your new Dragon was an oddity. It seemed to watch you like you were his hatchling, but it did nothing else. All it did was stare. But allow you to come close, to scratch its scales, and climb on his back.

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragonriding not available)

[]The Prince of Dragonstone: Prince Baelon has summoned you to court. And he will not be refused.

[]The Princes of the Prince: Daemon Targaryen and his brother Viserys were looking for you. Seems they wanted to size you up.

AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format.
Rumor mill (How the Seven Kingdoms view your… New Status)
Rumor mill (How the Seven Kingdoms view your… New Status):

The Crownlands:D100 => 75

All Across the Crownlands, in settlements where the Dragonseed call home, there are those who are celebrating, as they always have, a new dragon rider.

But this time, their celebrations are even more jubilant than before. Not even the Great King Jaeheryes had a celebration of this magnitude, even when he rode his dragon, and his family hatched even more dragons to roam the world. Even on his greatest triumphs as a ruler, and his incredible progress.

No, this time, for the first time in centuries, a none Targaryen has tamed a dragon. A Wild Dragon, known for being silent and aloof, afraid of humans and dragons alike… Has been tamed by a boy.

A Boy who is as silent as his dragon. And a boy, who was a dragon seed.

He has granted them hope. Hope that in the end, when more dragons came, it would be the Dragon seed that would ride them.

Reward: The Dragonseed, and many crownland houses, are amazed that a none member of the Royal Family is riding a dragon, especially one so young.

There are many that wish to have hope to see the skies, as their ancestors have before.

The Riverlands:D100 => 29

In the Castle of Riverrun, Young Grover Tully was nursing a bottle of wine, as he realized what the news meant.

Dragons could be tamed by nontargaryens. And that he did not have time to gamble. There was news that he did not like.

A Boy of six taming a large Dragon.

And that meant many things. Many poor things.

He needed to write a letter to his King. Soon

Reward: You have officially scared the shit out of the Tullys of Riverrun, and most of the Riverlords. They will be taking action to try and control you. Or at the very least, make you politically irrelevant.

Or even better, Relevant in his camp.

The Westerlands:D100 => 73

Lord Tymond Lannister was looking at the letters from Dragonstone. "Are these reports accurate?" He looked at his spymaster.

"Yes sir." The old man stated as he looked at the letter. "A Boy, by the name of Lucien."

"Do we know anything about him?"

"His father is a captain Valaar of the Silent Shadow, a free captain who sails the triangle from Gulltown, Braavos, and Myr. He is ported at Dragonstone with his wife." he stated.

"Political connections?" the Lord asked, making plans in his mind.

"His mother, was a courtier at Dragonstone, until she requested leave, and married Valaar." He stated. "Rumors abound that she was friendly with the Princess."

"Which one?" Tymond asked his statement less an inquisition and more a question of curiosity.

"That is impossible to say, unfortunately, my lord." His spymaster replied.

"Find out. And if we can, we must make sure that he will find an offer of wardship favorable, use favors that we have at court, and just make sure that things go our way. He must come to the West, with his Dragon."

"Yes My Lord."

Reward: The West wishes to make an ally of you, and will be courting interest for you to come West.

Tymond has an incomplete picture of you and your family.

He does not know you are mute.

The North:D100 => 96

Deep in Winterfell, Rickon Stark, lord of the North, was quietly happy, and making plans.

He knew of this mute boy that would be a key. To what he did not know.

But he knew this.

Lucien the Silent was a boy and not a threat that needed to be hurt. No, he was a boy who needed to grow, before he rose to the occasion.

And everything was not yet ready.

A boy was just a boy, even with a dragon.

What he became, was something that needed time and patience.

Lord Stark, had both.

Reward: The North does not view you as a threat, merely an opportunity.

The Iron Islands:D100 => 2

They wanted you dead. You were a low-born nobody, whose father was a captain for a man they hated.

And the Ironborn would not stop until they captured you, or killed you.

They are utterly terrified that you will be an agent of chaos, able to do things that the Targaryens could not.

Reward: They are so afraid of a low-born dragon rider that is without protection, that they want to kill you.

While they will not act upon it immediately, they will if they have the chance.

The Reach:D100 => 39

It was to say… the REachmen were scared of another Dragonrider.

The Field of Fire, was still in their memory.

It frightened them.

The Stormlands:D100 => 52

There were only well wishes, for the new Dragon rider, Lucien the Silent.

They drink to your health. And nothing more.

And many plan to prepare their daughters to wed with you, if they can.

The Vale:D100 => 55

Another Dragon rider?

There was no need to worry about that…Is it?

Nah. Everything will be fine.

Reward: The Vale does not care about the new dragon rider, as it thinks he will be dead in a year.
Dorne:D100 => 69

The Prince looked and weighed his options. "We must secure the boy's loyalty, that of his family as well, so that we may finally secure our independence from the Dragons."

He looked at his daughter. "You shall go Dragonstone, find the boy, and his family, use your charms, seduce them if you must, but we need his dragon."

"Yes, father."

Reward: The young Princess Nymeria Martell is coming to Dragonstone. Officially on a diplomatic mission to Prince Baelon. Her mission, is to bring you south of the Boneway.

AN: Enjoy and please, do not look too deeply in them
Silence and Destiny
Silence and Destiny:

-[x]Spend time with your Father: Your Father has been home for less than a month, and he has all but wished to take you on a little dingy, with a fishing pole and talk. Well, talk as much as you both can, considering you can't. Rolled:D100 => 100

Your father was waiting for you with the poles and the boat and did not wish to sit around any longer in the early morning. It was the best time of the day to catch the more sea-born fishes, as they came closer with the tide, and into the tide pools.

You looked at him and signed. "Fish?"

He signed with one hand, with little difficulty. "Fish."

You stepped in and looked back, watching the silent dragon gazing down upon you. The dragon was attentive, and watching with its eyes looking squarely at your father. But it made no moves to come towards you. Your relaxed demeanor was sending a signal to him that you were not in danger.

And the dragon waited and sat with smoke bellowing from its nose. As if it was waiting for you to return.

Fishing was fruitful, as you saw a lot of fish and caught many with your pole. There was a great deal of fish that would be cooked and eaten tonight, but that was not why you were here this day.

But your Father was still, and he did not catch as many as you did. He just looked at you, thinking of the words that were about to be said. He then tapped your shoulder and signed. "Son… Lucien."

You immediately focused on your father, then on his hands. Your voice finally came through. "Father." It was a whisper, barely audible, but still strong enough to be heard.

He nodded. "So you can still speak?" His signs were quick, but you had long learned how to read them quickly.

"I'm… I'm afraid." You started, but your father placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You needed no signs to understand what he said.

Then he let go. "It is a hard thing to accept, you with a Dragon. It is frightening and dangerous, and I fear you will not be ready for the dangers that it will draw you towards."

"What do you mean father?" You asked.

"Targaryens have only ridden dragons. There have never been any others who have ridden them." He signed as he looked at the shore, and saw the Grey Ghost fly around. "They will want to make you one of their own, by force if necessary."

"But what about you? You're my father?" You whispered.

"I am, but they will not want that." He stated as he slowed down his fingers to allow his words to sink in. "Whatever happens… I will always love you, and you will always have me by your side."

He then looked out and saw Grey Ghost waiting. He then pointed at you. "Be safe, when you are around him, and learn of his boundaries and wishes. Do that, and you might survive."

Reward: Your Father has dedicated his life to assisting you in your endeavors. If he is a part of your court, gain a +5 to your rolls.

In addition, when traveling with him across the world, you have unique training and conversations you can have.

Your Father also will now gain 1 skill or skill level every year, signifying that he is indeed trying to be the protector of you and your mother.

He will also be studying Dragonlore on his own adventures to the East, if he leaves, if he can, to assist you in training as a dragon rider.

-[x]The Grey Ghost's Silence: Your new Dragon was an oddity. It seemed to watch you like you were his hatchling, but it did nothing else. All it did was stare. But allow you to come close, to scratch its scales, and climb on his back. Rolled: D100 => 99

Grey Ghost was silent, watching you as you approached him. It was strange to feel the tingling sensation on your neck, but that always passed when you stepped forward.

You learned in the few meetings with Grey Ghost of the few ticks that would keep you alive, and safe.

Never look at him directly in the eyes, drawing his ire was always easy but the reason you felt like you learned, was that he was looking out for the Cannibal, and always had one eye to the sky. Looking for the black Monster.

Another thing that you learned, and perhaps the most important thing for your survival, and continued bonding with the Dragon, was that he loved being scratched with a piece of dragon glass on his back. You took a piece from the shore or broke a small piece off and clambered onto the dragon, and scratched beneath his scales. Getting the pieces of loose gravel, sand, and rocks that were on there, as well as removing loose scales that had been gained over years of fighting the Cannibal and Sheep Stealer for territory around the island. As you removed them, over the weeks, you saw that the scales were growing back, healing for the first time in decades.

It was like he enjoyed being pampered and cared for, after so long of fighting for its own existance.

The final thing you learned, and the one that showed just how much he trusted you, and you, him… Grey Ghost let you fall asleep on him.

It was after a long night of removing the broken scales on his neck, with the night falling fast over the island with a storm coming. You couldn't get home because of the darkness, and you did not wish to become soaked and lost, and become easy prey for the wild dragons.

So you crawled underneath Grey Ghosts' wing and fell asleep. And the dragon protected you. At least you think he did.

It either viewed you as its hatchling, or you viewed it as… a partner of sorts.

You did not know. But at least you knew that Grey Ghost listened to you… or rather followed your signs, and wasn't eating people.

Or eating fish that he wasn't supposed to eat. The Fishermen of the Docks were thankful that you managed to carouse the dragon to more… well less trafficked fishing waters, where he eats more and does little to disrupt the Dragonstone fishing fleet.

But you never rode him. You always stayed below, on a boat, or on land. Gesturing and pointing.

And never speaking. You could never speak around the Ghost. You were still too scared to do so.

But the Dragon understood you, and you, it.

It was a partnership between you two if you could call such a thing that.

But it was one you had to live with, for the rest of your days.

Reward: Grey Ghost seems to enjoy your… well not presence, but the way you understand him. You think.

The Grey Ghost accepts your presence and you do your best to accept his. He loves it when you take a piece of dragon glass and clean out his upper scales from dirt, rocks, and loose scales.

He also will allow you to ride him if you muster the courage to grab on and fly.

You also have an understanding of the dragon that few riders do, and there seems to be a mutual feeling. You think.

-[x]The Prince of Dragonstone: Prince Baelon has summoned you to court. And he will not be refused. Rolled: D100 => 69

Prince Baelon had summoned you to court, and you, your mother, and your father answered. You dressed in your finery, some silks that your father won from a Lysini merchant in a card game when he was in Pentos, and he had used some of his additional savings to buy all of you a pair of well-made shoes, with soles that would not fall off if you put them on wrong.

And as you climbed the steps to the citadel of the Dragonlord, your mother was briefing you on etiquette. "Remember, you are going to stay behind me, on my right side, and when we bow, step your right foot forward half a step as we practiced. When you are requested to speak, look to me, so that I may translate."

She then looked to her husband. "And you, will not do anything to provoke the prince. Let me handle this."

Your father begrudgingly nodded, although it was clear he was going to do that anyway.

As you climbed, you also looked at the great mass of guards that were there. Escorting you when you reached the summit, into the citadel, and the doors were opened.

The men were clad in chain and steel, swords and spears were their main weapons. It was as if they were escorting prisoners to the Wall, to be sentenced.

Yet it was your protection you realized, was what they were after.

At the Throne room was the Prince himself, sitting on the oily black stone of Dragonglass. Sitting tall… But also with his granddaughter, Rhaenyra.

As you walked in, you found yourself drifting away from your mother to see the little girl with the Prince. A moment later he then announced. "Go my child, we have much to discuss later." He said and the little girl ran towards you.

She locked eyes with you for a brief moment, confusion on her face, before she left, being escorted by the guards who also brought you in.

Then the Prince stood up, weary and exhausted, his energy seemingly sapped by the little girl who just left. "You have caused me plenty of headaches in the last few weeks, young Lucien." He stepped forward, edging closer and closer to you as he walked, his footsteps echoing through the halls. "Ever since the news has reached the shores of King's Landing, there have been men, women, and children trying to set up marriages and betrothals. Even the lords of the West and the Lands of the Far North spoke eagerly through Raven and letter that they wished to betroth a boy whom just weeks ago, they would have not have cared about."

He then stopped and then your mother squeezed your hand and you all bowed.

A moment later the Prince laughed. "Oh look at me please, it's rather hard to have a conversation with people looking at the floor."

All three of you looked up. "It's rather difficult for my family to communicate." Your mother spoke. "My husband cannot speak, and my son is still very… frightened by the Grey Ghost, and it robbed him of his voice at this time."

That made Baelon's smile dim, as he thought of his next words carefully. "Then may I speak to your son?"

"I will have to be with him, for the conversation to not be one-sided." Your mother replied.

"Good." He then pointed to your father. "Send him to the dining room, we will discuss him later."

Your father stepped forward, trying to protest but then Baelon stood up and stopped him dead in his tracks, as he stood tall and uncowed. "We will talk later." He snarled, and your father did not return or bow, he instead looked at the men who were to be escorting him.

A moment later, your father was gone. "My apologies for such a measure, but that is something that will be another time…" He seemed to forget his words for a moment. "Lucien, I must ask you something. You are now a dragon rider? What is it you want to gain?"

What do you say to him?
[]Write in

AN: enjoy and please vote in plan format please!
The Prince and the Captian
The Prince and the Captian:

(Valaar POV)

You were not happy to be away from your son, or his wife, and every moment that was the case, you felt the longing and desperate desire, not only to free yourself but to get back to them, to flee this terrible place of power and dragon glass. Yet in your mind's eye, he knew that Baelon did not wish to kill you, not yet at least. Something was going on beyond the scenes that were entirely out of your control, as all politics were. You just learned of it and reacted to it, because you never had power yourself.

But in this place, you knew you were not a prisoner, not really one. He would have thrown you into a dungeon if that were the case. No, he wanted something from you. Something that only you could provide.

So he wouldn't kill you, not until you talked. So you sat down. You waited as you always have now. The power of choice is now firmly robbed from you. Every moment here was entirely Baelon's doing. And you knew that it may involve your son.

And require you to speak. You hated speaking since those days in Asshai. What you saw there should not have been possible… and what that witch told you that night before you sailed back… It still kept you up at night.

"All you love will die when you speak." her wretched words told you everything and nothing at the same time. But they terrified you. They silenced you. And for years, you had remained silent. Even as you captain your ship, your silence would move mountains, as all men made up stories as to why you refused to speak. And those stories only grew larger and more powerful with each voyage across the sea, where profit and danger lurked.

A reputation that was more powerful than any order. Yet now it was useless, as he looked at the door, and Prince Baelon entered. He looked the same when you last saw him, only without the joy of his granddaughter.

You did not stand and bow. Instead, you kicked your feet up.

He was not amused. "Speak Valaar." He demanded as you continued to remain silent.

The prince walked forward, and he grabbed your shirt, lifting you up. His anger was evident in his violet eyes. "Speak damn you, I order you to speak! I know you can!"

When he let go, you smiled. "Very well." your voice was hoarse and gravely, cracky and lost. He could barely hear it, but that was the point. It shocked him even, to hear your voice now, after building up such a reputation in silence.

It gave you a compelling advantage, and it threw Baelon off guard. "What is it you wish to know?"

Baelon's anger seemed to subside. "My sister… what did you-"

You sat down as you thought back to Gael. "She was beautiful, but that was not why I loved her. She was kind and she listened, no matter what we spoke about. She may have been dim, but that did not deter me from helping her find herself. She had wanted to, so badly leave her father's control, to see the rest of Westeros. To sing as a bard about the tales of her father, and the gloriousness of her reign."

When you paused, you saw tears streaming down Baelons face. He had not expected that. In fact, you were sure that he understood far more than you did. "When I rescued her from that singer, she was mute, her voice robbed by her fear and her mind. And she did not wish to be touched, by me or anyone else." You remembered that night, your sword drenched in blood, and your eyes filled with fear. You still remembered the singer's face morphing and changing, as if it was only a mask that was being worn by another.

For years you tried to figure out who would have worn such sorcery. Even the Faceless men did not use such magics… you think.

"I helped her find her confidence and regain her life from fear." You stated.

"Why did you not remain with her?" Baelon asked.

"Because she asked me to leave." You replied. Those words made Baelon raise an eyebrow. "She said she needed someone around her that didn't remind her of her that time. And all I did was serve as a reminder that she was badly hurt… badly hurt and afraid."

You looked away. "But she did ask me into her bed, and I didn't refuse her." You then took a moment to say. "We never slept together like that till that final night. I never allowed such thoughts to take hold. Not until she gave consent to it."

"And stealing her son away?" Baelon asked. "Raising him on Dragonstone?"

You looked at him with cold and callous eyes. "She wanted him to not be part of your family." You spat, anger in your tone as you gazed into the prince's eyes. "She was afraid that your family would destroy him. No, better he is raised by me, far away from your madness and politics, to be a small folk, than a boy who would never have control of his own life."

"That was not your choice to make." Baelon growled.

"Was it? Gael was manic when Lucien's twin died stillborn, thinking that they both died in the birthing bed, and was ready to jump into the Blackwater Rush with both dead and alive children. What would you have me do, let him die with his mother? Drown? The gods would have made her a kinslayer, and sent her to the Deepest pits of the Seven Hells. And because one was still alive, they would think I murdered her to steal her child? What would you have me do than? Let my son suffer a fate worse than death, or raise him as my own, ignorant of his mother, but loved all the same."

Baelon was silent, and he knew what happened to her… and your words made him take pause.

When he finally spoke, hours had passed, as he wandered around the room, thinking of the words to say to you.

"He will need to be introduced to court, and he will need to be trained properly."

"I can train my son." You stated.

"That I have no doubt, but do you know dragonlore? How to fly a dragon? Train your son in combat and politics. Being a Dragonrider means he will inevitably rub shoulders with the most powerful people in the realm and the world. He needs an education that only we can provide."

You stood up from your chair. "I learned well enough on my own, he can learn well enough with my help."

Baelon shook his head. "That may be, and I have no doubt about it, but you have to accept that he is now part of the Game."

"What Game?" You asked.

"The only game that matters," Baelon stated. "The Game of Thrones. The Game of Power, and Desires. He is now a powerful player, and unless you want him to die. Your family will have to play it. For his sake, and you're own."

"On one condition." You stated as you looked deep into the eyes of the Prince, the man who would soon be your king. "He is not a prince. He is not Gael's son, for I honor her memory that way, to not use her for my political gain, or desire for a throne. He is my son. He may be her child, but he is mine. Not yours."

Baelon nodded. "Very well. Others will not see that distinction if his identity becomes known."

"Than you better pray to the gods, that if you divulge that information to anyone unless I give my agreement to them… you better pray something kills you first. For I will kill you if you threaten my son."

You held out your hand. "Are we in agreement?"

Baelon nodded. "We are." He took your hand.

He did not let go. "What were her last words? Gael's last words to you?"

Your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach, as you remembered the words that haunted your dreams. "Promise me Valaar... Promise me he is safe. Promise me Valaar."

Her last conscious thoughts were for her son before she descended into madness and grief. A declaration that you would protect him, for as long as you drew breath.

Reward: Due to the deal that your father made, only a few people know about your true identity as Gael Targaryen's son, and they intend to keep it that way to prevent scandal and the stain of bastardy from the nobility to chain you.

There is an agreement that you will be brought to court and introduced, as a new dragon rider, and trained.

Your identity is currently a well-kept secret. Your Father and mother will be assisting you in your education and training.

Valaar Gains Trait: The Winter's Last Promise: She may have been mad in her final moments, but you knew she wanted her son to be protected and alive. You have kept that promise, and will keep it to your dying days. (Unknown effect. +50 to ???)

AN: Enjoy.
Learning and Words
Learning and Words:

I want peace, my lord, I want my mother to smile and my father to be happy. I didn't want the world at my doorstep lord Baelon, but if it means that Grey Ghost and I can help my family, then I'll do it.

A Moment later it seemed like the world was becoming just the castle of Dragonstone. Grey Ghost was a distant feeling far far away, even though you could feel him on the back of his neck. It was like the world was quiet, feeling distant…

You were trapped in this place, and only the truth or an answer would suffice.

You took a moment to breathe and then tugged on your mother's hand, squeezing it softly, before looking at Baelon.

Your mother then translated your words. "I want peace my lord, I want my mother to smile and my father to be happy." Those words first caused confusion on his face. It was like he expected something else, but instead, he heard the words that were said by you.

It was like his entire world was turned upside down. As you paused, you gauged the activity in Baelon's mind, but he was so enamored by that single answer, he asked. "Continue, if you are not finished?"

You did, as you looked at your mother. "I didn't want the world at my doorstep Prince Baelon, not now, or ever, but if it means that Grey Ghost and I can help my family, then I'll do it."

He looked at you more than your mother. And he allowed himself to show genuine joy on his face, as he understood the words that were being said.

Then he spoke. "By the Seven… it seems that Dragon chooses wisdom as well when they are tamed." He then looked at your mother. "There is much that i and your husband need to discuss. But I will send a messenger."

You then asked. "What about-" Your mother paused during the conversation and translation.

Baelon nodded. "I will make sure that everything is prepared for you. Go home, and enjoy your family. All of you."

And you returned home without a second thought.

Father returned with his face looking grim. "What is wrong?" Mother asked as you both looked at his worried expression.

"We are going to be going to King's Landing soon. The King has summoned us to court." He signed.

At that, your mother held you both and wept.

Politics it seemed had upended your lives. Now you would just have to live with it.

Reward: You have gained 2 Free Skill Training and Learning actions that can only be used on learning skills. (Please note, that the QM has authority over what you can learn)

A statement on those free skill and training actions:

For those learning actions, you will not have a Maester Learning Bonus until you are a member of a court. (It is highly recommended you join the Court of Dragonstone, Driftmark, or King's Landing, for maximum Dragon raising and growth potential, but going elsewhere in Westeros, or squireing for a knight will also be opportunistic in making friends, allies and gathering companions for adventures.)

And do not worry, if you join a court, you will have the option to have your parents join you.

But you will not be able to have your parents if you are squireing for a knight (Especially if you decide to Squire for a certain Rouge Prince)

You have 2 Free Skill Actions:

And You have 3 Regular Actions

[]Spend time with your Father: Your Father has a confession to make to you. "I made a deal with the prince. Without your consent, because I feared if I did not, you would be dead."

[]Spend time with your Mother: Mother was unhappy with the state of affairs. "I try to leave politics once, and it drags me back in. I want you to learn from my mistakes."

[]The Grey Ghost's Continued Silence: Grey Ghost seems to trust your presence and so do you. That being said, you realize he is still a very wild dragon. And you need to learn some more… boundaries. And what his favorite fish is.

[]The Princess of the Dragonglass: On the beach near the harbor, on a nice sandy patch, there are Dragonglass arrowheads to be found, from the first settlers of the Island of Dragonstone. And sometimes you go look for some, to be sold to a fisherman going arrow fishing. That was where you meet the Realms Delight.

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragonriding not available as there is no rider available to teach you)

[]The Princes of the Prince: Daemon Targaryen and his brother Viserys were looking for you. Seems they wanted to size you up.

[]The Ships of the Sea: You saw a ship sinking in the distance. And all you could do was try and help the crew back to shore.

AN: enjoy, and please vote in plan format.

The Rumor mill instead will come tomorrow.

Because fuck that is a lot of Targaryens.
The Targaryen Rumor mill 1
The Targaryen Rumor mill 1:

Jaehaerys the Old King: D100 => 99
Prince Baelon:D100 => 31

He was quiet as he looked at the numerous reports of the boy that had tamed the Dragon Grey Ghost. Many had tried, many of the bravest dragonseeds and basterds that had traced the ancestry of their families back to the Freehold. To Valyria itself.

Some even claimed they were bastards or descendants of the great houses… yet all died the same.

He was quiet, looking at his small council, or rather, the single member of the Council that was there, his son and heir Baelon. Who had unsuccessfully lied to you about this boy? But the reason for such being was unknown. He had never hidden things from you without reason. Even on your days when you were at your most forgetful.

Yet you were reading the reports that he had. "The Dornish have been returned to the Boneway, or to Sunspear as requested?"

"They had indeed tried to go to Dragonstone Father, and your estimation that they wanted Lucien was well put." His son replied with a nod.

"They were showing themselves far too much, and their hands far too easily to it just be a ruse." There was silence.

"Lucien. That is the name of the boy?" The King asked as he looked out the window for a moment.


Lucien… that name felt familiar… so familiar that you, it was like a memory of… no, it may be your raddled and forgetful mind. It was getting harder and harder for things to be remembered. He had never forgotten the large, important things, things that were constantly reminded… but the small things, events, or even just simple matters… They seemed to slip away.

The Maesters told you that, on occasion, with age, there was the chance, very large chance that the mind starts to forget.

It frightened him, more than everything he had ever learned. It was always been in the back of his mind, whispering. He feared he would die and things would happen… that

He didn't have much time left.

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen:D100 => 96
Prince Viserys:D100 => 35

She had tamed a Dragon. Syrax, a she-dragon, with little effort. But much resentment toward her father, Prince Viserys.

There was not much happiness from the young princess, as she was forced into the position to tame her dragon by her father and grandfather.

Prince Viserys himself was not much of a presence at that event, but he did indeed enjoy the fact his daughter did it.

It increased his prestige immensely, and his standing in the court, as well as among his daughters.
Prince Daemon:D100 => 77
Rhea Royce:D100 => 15

Daemon has run away from home again, much to his wife's chagrin…

No one really knows what the hells he is doing this time, but he has returned to King's Landing, to offer his services to the Crown once again.

The Old King chagrins and does not wish to make things about Daemon again.

So he opts to ignore him.
Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 62
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 42
Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 58
Lady Laena Velaryon: D100 => 89

The Valyreon family is just… so bloody wholesome.

Corlys is teaching Laenor how to sail, while Laena rode with her mother on her Dragon.

While the many politics of Westeros may have been dragging and the world seemingly falling further into chaos. The family stayed together and loved, rather than focused solely on politics.

They did not need to worry about it all right now. Time spent together was a time never wasted.

Princess Saera Targaryen: D100 => 66

There is a rumor from the East… she has expanded her brothel to now three buildings. And she slowly becomes one of the richest women in the city of Volantis.

AN: Enjoy Rumors.