And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

OP Dad, if this had been a modern setting he would basically be a Super Spy or a member of Black Ops that retired and decided to come back out of retirement to show the young'uns how it's done, and because his past life has decided to come back knocking.
Well I mean... He decided that he needed lots of things to help his son, gather a reputation, and to make money on the side.

What better way than to be an agent of the crown to stop the Slave Trade?
Well, there goes the hope that we might end up friends with the Velaryons. Though, wasn't Corlys kept as Master of Ships specifically as an olive branch after the council?
Other way around. He resigned as master of ships in protest with his wife not becoming Heir, but was made Lord Admiral of the Narrow Sea as a peace offering by old King J.

Viserys was the one who reinstated him as Master of ships.

Also: I hope you all won't mind if we get an adventure in before the great council.
About how long will it take for daemon to cave to being our new big brother? I feel like we can crack his bad boy façade with enough time and effort.
About how long will it take for daemon to cave to being our new big brother? I feel like we can crack his bad boy façade with enough time and effort.
... Quietly hides the rolls for his reaction...

I mean, maybe not that long. But he is still going to try and be a bad boy around you, and a bit of a prick.
How bad is Ghost's regular breath? Cause I have the image of him just burping in a general direction and just downing men from the sheer stench.
Actually, due to the fire, it's actually really good smelling, mostly of burnt or cooked meat.
Are we talking bad boy in the sense of trying to be cool to a seven year old or in trying to be a bully?
Bad boy as in: Setting a good example, and getting into trouble properly.

For all of Daemon's dickery, he was a decent man when push came to shove in his youth.

Then he got board and started to lash out for attention.

Also: Calling the vote in two hours.
Daemon: Not like I care about you or anything....

Lucien: You learned sign language just so we can talk.

Daemon:.....Shut up Lucien.
[X]Prince Daemon: The Rogue Prince, the exact opposite of his brother, callus, intelligent, and daring. He is a brilliant warrior, a Dragonriders of great power, with a powerful dragon by his side in the Blood Wyrm. There is just one problem. He does not like being told what to do, and he is expected to return to his wife, Rhea, the Bronze of Gulltown. However, he might jump at an opportunity to leave the Vale. If you catch his interest and attention

[X]The Gods of Valyria: Your mother was a follower of the three goddesses of Valyria, and while not as present as others during the last few decades of Rule, the stormsingers still sing of the songs of Valyria.

Commence Operation: Be a Pain in the Royal Dynasty's Ass...and perhaps help the Rogue Prince channel his massive Chaotic Neutral Energy in good Ways.
We shall be like Dunk and Egg, only a lot less PG with about half more chaos. And dragons, can't forget about those.
All I will say is this: If you aren't the concious for Daemons wrath, and stopping him from doing something stupid, will you have even been a good squire?
[X]Lord Corlys the Sea Snake: The Sea Snake is an oft-forgotten, but no less important member of the family… well in terms of events. He had been the Admiral to your father in his last adventures and made your father very rich. Though he does not like your father due to events that you do not know about, he is willing and able to bring you back into the fold.
[X]The Old Gods: You believe in the Faceless, shapeless and unknowable gods of the North.
Just a question:
If we go with Daemon, do we get stuck in King's Landing?
nope. We'll be off trying to get away from his wife.

Alright, the winner of the vote is Prince Daemon and THe Valyrian Gods...

An interesting choice, but one that is no less powerful.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Aug 31, 2022 at 3:43 PM, finished with 62 posts and 30 votes.