Part MMMCXXIII: Scholars of the Depths
Scholars of the Depths
Eighth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
Once the last of the contracts have been signed you escort your newest retainers home, leaving them to the already experienced of what are already unofficially named 'Alinor's greeters', clerks whose task it is to swiftly and effectively teach the very basics of life not only in Sorcerer's Deep but in the world under the sun.
"... yes the sky is full of air, we are not sure if it goes on forever, no nothing too terrible falls out of it in the usual run of things, especially here where we have Zathir to look out for us..." one goes on to explain.
Unlike with most other visitors to Sorcerer's Deep the talk of warding serpent gods lays to rest more questions than it raises. The greeters know their business. "Do you think they aught to be folded into the diplomatic corps?" you ask your mother as the two of you prepare to return to Vialesk.
After pondering the question for a moment she shakes her head. "No, though this might make use of some of the same skills it is not really a herald's task, more oil for the gears of state."
Ninth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
On the next day you head out to commission a truly prodigious number of enchantments, from circlets anointed with the blood of guardians loyal onto death that the furies might see through even the most skillful of treachery to pendants blessed by priests of the Merling King to guard against the unliving and meant for the men of the Night's Watch. Doubtlessly the clerks of the Imperial Administration would greet the spectacles that can read any tongue with just as much fervor given the recent expansion to the east. Still, it is acquiring the more potent enchantments that will require the deftest touch...
Enchanted Items:
- Level 8-9: Eight Rings of Mind Blank (22,000 IM each, 176,000 IM total)
- Level 6-7: Twenty-nine +1 Soulfire Mithril Bracers (5,000 IM each, 145,000 IM total), and three Circlets of Perceive Betrayal (26,400 IM each, 73,800 IM total)
- Level 0-5: One-hundred PfE Rings (800 IM each), one-hundred Healing Belts (150 IM each), one-hundred Wands of Cure Light Wounds (150 IM each), twenty items (spectacles or something) with a constant Detect Aberration effect (800 IM each), ten Gravewatch Pendants to be given to the Night's Watch (1,600 IM each), two-hundred Beads of Newt Prevention (200 IM each), two-hundred Muleback Cords (200 IM each), ten Inquisitor's Monocles (1,360 IM each), and twenty Spectacles of Understanding (600 IM each) - (113,400 IM total)
A great mage might ignore a bag heavy with coin, for the powers they wield can easily be turned to making more. By the same token mages who have mastered the Eighth or Ninth Circle might feel comfortable leaving the door firmly closed in a Dragon's face, or even that of two Dragons come to that, but both together have a way of opening many paths indeed. Some are reluctant, others confused by your heritage, and a couple seems so distracted by their studies that they would not notice if you were a Dragon or a talking donkey. Of those curious enough to do more than take their payment for a promissory note you mark three who seem genuinely interested in the possibilities of the Sphere of Balance, the Garden of old.
The first is Clo'Tiss, a Locathah sorcerer who replaced much of his scaly skin with rune-etched True Silver. His tower, for it is almost invariably a tower as high places seem to draw mages almost as much as they draw cats, is filled with all manner of clockwork contraptions wrought of bone, limestone and even cold delicate copper wires set in arcane traceries of his own design. Unusually for a mage involved in a great project he makes no attempt to veil his interests, crafting the most efficient constructs with the least amount if magic. "If only the Garden had remained as drained of magic as it was so recently, I would have been most eager to accompany you then," he comments.
"Had that sphere remained so drained of magic you could have never visited it, nor I for that matter," Relath says with utter seriousness that you nonetheless suspect of holding more than genuine annoyance.
"Quite so... quite so..." the mage shook his head. "In any case I would be interested in acquiring samples of magically nonreactive materials and any other means of lowering ambient magic without outright banishing them. If you could find such a place in your domain I would be inclined to take your generous offer."
To that you have no answer yet, and so you take your leave and move on with your visits.
The next mage to show more interest in you than the weight of your coin pouch is one of the rare full-blooded Marid in Vilaesk, a rather bombastic fellow by the name of Zamorto. He makes no attempt to hide his connections to several Free Companies and rumor has it that he is studying wide-scale battlefield magic, though despite being loud and inclined to gossip he does not seem to trust you quite enough to speak of his studies.
Lastly is a sorceress with a ribbon of glistering blue-grey scales ruining over her face and around the neck. One look into the bright sea-green eyes is enough to guess at the Brine Dragon blood, but as easily as you had guessed her heritage she does not offer her true name, but only the title Wavespinner. Her current project is not easily guessed, though she does seem uncommonly curious about Relath.
Which of the three do you attempt to cultivate going forward?
[] Clo'Tiss (INT based caster; max spell level 8)
[] Zamorto (Sorcerer Creature/Sorcerer, max spell level 8)
[] Wavespinner (CHA based caster; max spell level 9)
[] Write in
OOC: You guys rolled only middling to fair so no clear avenues for recruitment at first attempt, so the question is now who you want to focus on getting to know. @Abhishek M I'm sorry there's no alchemy yet, the enchanters took up the spotlight in this update. I'll cover hunting for alchemists tomorrow.
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