Interlude DCIX: A Tale Half Told
A Tale Half Told
Fifteenth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
The skin-changer stepped into the abandoned longhouse with a light and sure step, though Vee noticed she didn't look at Mance as she sat herself down on a creaky chair, tight-lipped. "What do you know about Hardhome?" she asked at last. "Not the things you've found, I mean the history..."
"You know I've some questions of my own I'd like to be asking," the Free Folk chief cut her off, trying and failing to sound cheerful, or maybe he was trying to fail at being cheerful. Vee knew she wasn't the best at reading things those sorts of things, nor did she really want to. That was how you ended up being put in charge of some pile of stones and told to shovel whatever shit the last fool to own it had piled up.
"And I'll be..." Yara broke off, finally meeting his eyes. "Well, not happy to do it, but I will give you the answers you seek, but somethings have to be told first to make sense of it all."
"You didn't seem in much of a hurry to tell us anything before Vee figured out your secret," Waymar said darkly, causing the girl so named to scowl.
You didn't corner a cat unless you wanted to get scratched, everyone knew that, Vee mentally groused.
"We know it was a Free Folk town, 'r almost was until 'round about six-hundred years ago when something bad happened," Vee interjected. "The tale goes that it was raiders 'r pirates from the east, but there's books at Castle Black that that say you could see the fire from up at the top of the Wall. That's more trouble than bandits would be willing to go through." The image of a small village on stilts gone still and dead from brigand's work flashed before her mind's eye, but she pushed it aside. The mire had already swallowed up that place and there was no sense digging it up in her head.
"Wisely said..." Yara paused, not trying to lie Vee judged, maybe thinking of how to put it all together. "Magic was waning in those days, but it wasn't gone yet so none thought it strange when the sorcerer Drokha became one of the three chiefs of Hardhome, none thought it any stranger than Grom who rose by the strength of his sword arm nor Jevild by her skill at trade. But what they all forgot about wizards is that they like to pick at the skeins of the world the way a man might pick at a scab until it stats bleeding, hoping for a taste..." A shiver went down the skin-changer's spine.
No one spoke up. Strange as it was to hear someone talk about things six-hundred years past like they'd been there, Vee and Waymar had heard stranger. At least Yara was alive to tell her tale. As for Mance, it looked like a storyteller's instincts or mayhaps a king's duty weighed more in his mind than wounded pride.
"There was trade going through Hardhome in those days, from as far away as the place where the Southern Gods have their stone grove," the woman continued.
"Oldtown," Amrelath hissed, though even he was quiet, not wanting to spook her before she finished her tale.
"Aye, that, and even further, behind the sunrise where the shadows live, Asshai," the skin-changer said the word without any hesitation, though pain shine in her eyes. "One winter when the cold was bitterest, jagged ice floated down from the north, pieces big as mountains fit to scrape the sky, then the fog rolled in, thick and heavy so you couldn't see your hand in front of your nose, almost like something'd planned it... maybe They did." The word was heavy enough to get the point across without saying. There weren't many things in the Far North with power over ice and cold winds.
Vee, Waymar, Mance, and even Amrelath just nodded grimly while only Riz'Neth stayed still as stone, unless he was saying something with mind-talk.
"A man washed up on shore, half frozen and shivering, wrapped in a cloak of red, he was strange... limbs too long, eyes too black and he had—" The words cut off in a wet gurgle. "No... that wasn't supposed to... curse." Yara clutched at her throat before collapsing off the chair, twitching all the way down.
At least that means she's still alive, Vee thought grimly as she rushed to heal her.
OOC: It looks like my dice have a sense of the dramatic when it comes to failed Wisdom rolls too, on Yara's part in this case. She thought she would not be triggering her curse.
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