Shara and Realth's sheets updated and XP added. Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Oct 19, 2019 at 5:22 AM, finished with 92 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Clo'Tiss
    -[X] "Honored Wisdom, I will endeavor to keep my eye out for such a low-ambient zone of magic, though with all of the strange phenomenon I have witnessed effecting our Plane, to the sheer variance in these effects, you would likely have better luck chasing such leads in the Garden than waiting for rumors of uncommon deposits turning up where they are likely warded as they often are by hazards both mundane and not."
    -[X] Describe the duality of conceptual rivening of Fire effecting the wastes of the Lands of Long Summer, the Shadow that hangs above Asshai and how reality fades out the closer to the poles you near until it is less a matter of distance than will that one might advance or retreat across the twisting nether and ice. "I was of the understanding the Elemental Planes were given to follow certain rhythms if not necessarily ordered, ever-shifting unless the scales were tilted by a Power's finger pressing upon them. I also discovered some zones of wild magic in the Southlands--that is to say, near an equatorial range miles away from my realm, where the ruins of long lost civilizations are often marked by a variety of enchantments given over to the environment or vents for energies sprouting from the earth, air and water." Meaning no one is going to risk going into the wildlands here or anywhere else in the Inner Spheres without a good reason, but exploring the Plane of Balance wouldn't be particularly onerous for a mage of the Eighth or Ninth circle in all but the most deadly places, and they would need people equally skilled cooperating together to delve into them anyway.
    -[X] "However, if you are attempting to advance the cause of magical engineering and construct forging, I haven't met anyone more skilled at the task than those researching those fields in my realm." Describe the work of Lya and Anu.
    [X] Zamorto
    -[X] Lead the conversation toward how you are planning to place several or more Free Companies on retainer if possible to further your war in the Deep and carve out safe haven in the Narrow Sea for your vassals. Might need to ward the room prior to that if it's not already.
    -[X] The battles ahead on that front will likely have many different hard targets and masses of enemies where battlefield scale magic would see much practical use, and as is often the case when advancing a field which is just as much luck as it is skill, practical examples advances study more rapidly than anything else.
    -[X] And if it ends up killing Mind Flayers, Aboleths and other horrors, no one is likely to find more acceptable targets than that, especially for a Marid mage.
    -[X] If some targets to test his research on isn't enough enticement, we also have our own battlefield spells that might be of interest to him. If he lends his aid to our cause, the Hammer of the Waters is one spell which might be of immense use to him.
    [X] Wavespinner
    -[X] Encourage Relath to feel her out in private while you focus on the others before deciding on your approach.
    [X] Shara Level-up
    -[X] +1 Shadow Thief of Lys, oops, Amn
    -[X] +1d6 HD
    -[X] Skills: +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Use Magic Device
    -[X] Feats: Darkstalker, Weapon Focus (Dagger)
Shara and Realth's sheets updated and XP added. Vote closed.
Relath's HD are showing as if he had three levels of Sorcerer, which only give +1d4 HP each, but with the newest level and the retrained level, two of them should be Dragon Mystic HD. Those are d12s like normal Dragon HD.

Instead of:
HP: 176 (12d12+3d4+90)

It should be:
HP: ??? (14d12+1d4+90)
Here's an updated character sheet for Garin, @DragonParadox. I accidentally left off one of his gear upgrades when I was getting him ready for the Yi-Ti mission.

Name: Garin Drekelis
Alias: The King's Shadow
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 20
Race: True Dhampir (Medium Humanoid, Human)
Level: 15 (119,597/120,000 XP)
Class: Vampire Hunter 1/Rogue 4/Twilight Hunter 10
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Impetuous, Sacred Strike, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Practiced Spellcaster, Weapon Focus (Dagger), Staggering Strike
Racial Traits: Turn Resistance (+2); Undead Resistance (+2/+4); Resist Level Drain; Half-Dead; Liquid Life(1d3); Thrall Spotter; Undead Slayer (+1/+2/+3), Resistances: +5 Cold/Electricity, Vulnerability to Fire (+50%), Light Sensitivity
Class Features: Vampiric Resolve, Sneak Attack (7d6+22), Trapfinding, Evasion, Penetrating Strike, Disruptive Strike, Death Attack, Shadow Strike, Shadow Blur, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Darkstalker (+8), Shadow Walk, Shadow Pounce, Hide in Plain Sight, Damage Reduction 10/Silver
Senses: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision (60 ft), Clarity of Vision

Languages Spoken: Low Valyrian (Braavosi, Stepstones), High Valyrian, Westerosi Common, Sylvan, Draconic [poor]

Description: Features that were once exemplars of the oldest and most noble of Braavosi aristocracy have been subtly changed, making them more attractive and more frightful by turn; dark blond hair now shines like old gold among the shadows and eyes that were once merely dark are now black as a starless night, the aristocratic features sharpened by the hunger within held in check only by a will stronger still.

HP: 174/174
AC: 10 + 8 (DEX) +2 (NA) +8 (+4 Mithral Chain Shirt) + 1 (Haste; Channel Vigor) + 2 Deflection (vs Evil) = 29/31; +2 vs Undead OR +4 vs Incorporeal Undead
Movement: 30ft + 30ft (Anklets) = 60ft
Initiative: +8 (DEX) + 2 (Bracers) = +10
Base Attack Bonus: +11/+6/+1 + 8 (DEX) + 1 (WF; Daggers) + 1 (Channel Vigor), Adamantine Thinblade: +2 (Enhancement), Venom's Kiss: +2 (Enhancement), Crimson Fang: +2 (Enhancement)
  • Razor Sharp Adamantine Thinblade: 1d8 + 2 (Enhancement) + 1 (Razor Sharp) + 8 (DEX); Special: Restores 5 HP to the wielder each time damage is inflicted on a living creature (up to 50 HP/Day).
    • Normal: +22/+22/+17/+12 [1d8+11; 18-20/x2]
    • vs Undead: +23/+23/+18/+13 [1d8+12; 18-20/x2] OR vs Vampires: +24/+24/+19/+14 [1d8+14; 18-20/x2]
  • Venom's Kiss: 1d4 + 2 (Enhancement) + 8 (DEX); Special: Half of the damage dealt on the first successful strike made in each round with this dagger is used to heal the wielder.
    • Normal: +23/+23/+18/+13 [1d4+10; 19-20/x2]
    • vs Undead: +24/+24/+19/+14 [1d4+1d6+11; 18-20/x2] OR vs Vampires: +25/+25/+20/+15 [1d4+1d6+12; 18-20/x2]; Special: Acts as a Ghost Touch weapon and can make Critical Hits and perform Sneak attacks against Undead as if they were living creatures.
  • Crimson Fang: 1d4 + 2 (Enhancement) + 8 (DEX); Special: On a confirmed Critical Threat, make a caster level check 15 vs (11 + caster level) to steal up to four magic effects for 1 minute.
    • Normal: +23/+23/+18/+13 [1d4+10; 17-20/x4]
    • vs Undead: +24/+24/+19/+14 [1d4+11; 18-20/x2] OR vs Vampires: +25/+25/+20/+15 [1d4+12; 18-20/x2]
    • vs Constructs: +23/+23/+18/+13 [1d4+1d6+10; 17-20/x4]; Special: Can make Critical Hits and perform Sneak attacks against Constructs as if they were living creatures.
  • Dual-Wielding:
    • Sword + Dagger: +20/+20/+15/+10 [Main Hand] and +21/+16 [Off Hand]
    • Dagger + Dagger: +21/+21/+16/+11 [Main Hand] and +21/+16 [Off Hand]
Bite +14 [1d3+5]
Special: 7d6+22 damage on each hit from Sneak Attack, 3d6+22 on creatures normally immune to Sneak Attacks; 7d8+27 on hits to evil creatures with Sneak Attack, 3d8+22 on evil creatures normally immune to Sneak Attacks
  • NOTE: Increase all Sneak Attack damage by an additional +1d6 due to Greatreach Bracers of Devastating Quickstrike (bonus is not represented in above line).
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 5 (WIS) + 1 (Arcane Concordance) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Longsword, Rapier, Dagger
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control, All Death Spells, Magical Death Effects, Energy Drain, and any Negative Energy Effects, Mind-Affecting Effects, Divination, Baleful Polymorph [Single use]
Resistances: Cold 10, Electricity 10
Vulnerabilities: Fire (+50% damage)
Miss Chance: 20% as per the Blur spell
DR: 10/Silver

11* +1 = 12 (+1) Strength
20 +6 = 26 (+8) Dexterity
18 +4 = 22 (+6) Constitution
14 +2 = 16 (+3) Charisma
12 +2 = 14 (+2) Intelligence
18 +2 = 20 (+5) Wisdom

*+8 for the purposes of determining carrying capacity

SAVES: +2 vs Mind-Affecting effects & Disease, +4 vs effects meant to control Undead
FORTITUDE: 5 + 6 (CON) + 5 = 16
REFLEX: 11 + 8 (DEX) + 5 + 1 (CV) = 25
WILL: 6 + 5 (WIS) + 5 = 16

: 5 + 8 (DEX) + 2 = 15
Bluff: 0 + 3 (CHA) + 1 (TD) = 4
Concentration:5 + 6 (CON) = 11
Diplomacy: 5 + 3 (CHA) + 2 (SYN) = 10
Disable Device: 1 + 2 (INT) = 3
Disguise: 4 + 3 (CHA) + 1 (TD) = 8
Gather Information: 17 + 2 (SYN) + 3 (CHA) + 5 (Earring) = 27
Hide: 18 + 8 (DEX) + 8 (DS) + 10 (WG) = 44
Knowledge (Religion): 5 + 2 (INT) + 4 (CV) = 11
Knowledge (Local): 5 + 2 (INT) + 4 (CV) = 11
Knowledge (The Planes): 5 + 2 (INT) +4 (CV) = 11
Listen: 4 + 5 (WIS) + 4 (CV) = 13
Move Silently: 18 + 8 (DEX) + 8 (DS) + 10 (WG) = 44
Open Lock: 1 + 8 (DEX) = 9
Sense Motive: 18 + 5 (WIS) + 5 (Earring) = 28; +5 to notice Charms or Compulsions
Sleight of Hand: 1 + 8 (DEX) = 9
Spot: 18 + 5 (WIS) + 4 (CV) = 27
Tumble: 13 + 8 (DEX) = 21

Spells Known (Caster Level 13/15 [Darkness/Shadow]):
Level 1: Blindness/Deafness, Combat Readiness, Critical Strike, Darkness, Knock, Magic Missile(RotF), Sniper's Shot, Alibi (8/day)
Level 2: Air Walk, Alter Self, Displacement, Greater Invisibility, Nondetection (6/day)
Level 3: Darkbolt, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Fireball(RotF), Mass Invisibility, Wraithstrike, Nightmare Terrain (5/day)
Level 4: Garin's Trusted Bloodhound, Freedom of Movement(RotF), Modify Memory, Implacable Pursuer (4/day)

Grimoire of High Arcana:
Level 1: Dead End, Rooftop Strider

Spell-Like Abilities (Caster Level 16):
Shadow Walk (2/Day)
Detect Undead At Will
Path of the Ebon Whispers (5/Day)

Special Abilities:
  • Death Attack (Su): As per the Assassin ability of the same name. DC 25 Fortitude saving throw.
  • Thrall Spotter (Ex): You gain a +5 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks to determine if a creature is acting under the effects of a Charm or Compulsion.
  • Shadowsight (Ex): You possess superior Darkvision with a 60-foot range, allowing your to see through any form of normal or magical darkness without hindrance.
  • Hide in Plain Sight (Su): You can use the Hide skill even while being observed. As long as you are within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, you can hide yourself from view in the open without having anything to actually hide behind. You cannot, however, hide in your own shadow.
  • Vampiric Resolve (Su): As a swift action lasting 1 minute the vampire hunter gains a +2 bonus on Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects. If he has already been affected by a mind-affecting effect when he activates this focus, he can immediately reroll his saving throw against that effect.
  • Shadow Blur (Su): Anytime you are not in daylight or the illuminated radius of a light source, the shadows cloak your every movement, conferring the a 20% miss chance to attacks made against you, as if you were affected by a Blur spell. You can choose to activate or end this effect as a Free Action.
  • Shadow Pounce (Ex): Any time you use an ability, spell, or effect with the Teleportation descriptor (such as your Shadow Jump ability), you may execute a Full Attack upon completion of the Teleportation. You must have line of sight on your intended target, and the spot to which you teleport must be within immediate melee striking distance.
  • Shadow Jump (Ex): You can travel between shadows as if affected by a Dimension Door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow or darkness. You can Shadow Jump up to a total of 200 feet per day in this manner, in increments as small as five feet. Shadow Jumping uses as a Move Action or Swift Action, as you choose.
  • Arcane Concordance: You benefit from a +1 Enhancement bonus to the saving throw DC of your Arcane spells, and any Arcane spells you cast are affected by the Silent Spell Metamagic feat unless you otherwise choose to forego this effect. Any allies within 10 feet of you also benefit from these effects.
  • Channel Vigor: Select one of the following effects, which can be changed as a Move Action. Currently using "Limbs" effect.
Contingency Spells: Renewal Pact; Stalwart Pact

Anklets of Rapid Translocation:
  1. Benefit from a +30ft Enhancement bonus to ground movement speed.
  2. 2/Day Instantly teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied destination within line of sight and line of effect. The wearer can teleport with objects, up to their maximum load, but cannot bring other creatures.
Belt of Unchained Battle: +4 Constitution, +5 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws
  1. Battle (3 Charges/Day): 1 Charge (gain a Move Action), 2 Charges (gain a Standard Action), 3 Charges (gain a Full-Round Action)
  2. Healing (3 charges/Day): 1 charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 charges (Heal 3d8), or 3 charges(Heal 4d8)
  3. 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
  4. Convert any spell of 4th level and above to Freedom of Movement.
  5. Undead creatures attempting to strike you suffer a -2 penalty to Attack rolls, or -4 to Attack rolls made by Incorporeal Undead. Undead gain a +4 bonus to detect you via Listen or Spot.
Celestial Glamered Reinforced Mithral Shirt (+4): Armor Class: +8, Max Dexterity Bonus: +12, Armor Check Penalty: 0, Arcane Spell Failure: 0%, Speed: 30ft, Weight: 6.875 pounds
  • Upon command, the armor changes shape and appearance to assume the form of a normal set of clothing. The armor retains all its properties (including weight) when it is so disguised. Only a True Seeing spell or similar magic reveals the true nature of the armor when it is disguised.
Death's Embrace: +2 Intelligence
  • Those slain by the bearer of this amulet with some form of precision damage (Sneak Attack, Death Attack, Critical Hit etc...) count as having died of a death effect for the purposes of being brought back to life.
Gloves of the Starry Sky: +6 Dexterity, +1 Strength
  1. Glow as if affected with a Light spell at will.
  2. Convert any spell of 1st level and above to Magic Missile.
Greater Radiant Earring of Arcane Acuity (Slotless): +2 Wisdom, +5 Competence bonus to Gather Information & Sense Motive skill checks
  1. 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (Darkvision 60 ft., 1 hour), 2 Charges (See Invisibility, 10 minutes), 3 Charges (True Seeing, 1 minute)
  2. 1/Day: Negate stun, daze, confusion, fascination (Does not include the effects of Chronomancy)
  3. Convert any spell of 3rd level and above to Fireball.
Greater Ribbon of Disguise: Alter Self, Magic Aura, Undetectable Alignment (At Will)

Greatreach Bracers of Devastating Quickstrike(Slotless):
  1. +1d6 Sneak Attack damage & +2 Circumstance bonus to Initiative.
  2. 2/Day apply the Still Spell Metamagic feat to a spell as a Swift Action.
  3. 3/Day as a Swift Action, your arms stretch and elongate extending your Reach by 10 feet for one round.
  4. Devastation (3 Charges/Day): Spending 1 or more charges grants you a bonus to the damage dealt by a critical hit you make in melee. You activate the effect after you have confirmed a critical hit, but before damage is rolled. 1 Charge (+2d6 damage), 2 Charges (+3d6 damage), 3 Charges (+4d6 damage)
  5. 1/Day you can make one extra attack with any weapon you are holding if you already made a full attack on this turn. This attack is made at your full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. This effect is not cumulative with any other effect that grants you an extra attack when making a full attack, such as the Rapid Shot feat, a speed weapon, or the haste spell.
Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
  1. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
  2. While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
  • Somewhat resembling a crossbow where the bow mechanism has been replaced by a two foot long and two inch diameter hollow steel tube, this device allows its wielder to shoot items no larger than Tiny-size or weighing more than 10 pounds using the Launch Item spell up to 440 feet. Where applicable, the wielder must make a Ranged Attack roll to strike a target.
Muleback Cords(Slotless): Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity.

Raiment of the Four(Incomplete): Uniting the magic three of the four enchanted items (Gloves of the Starry Sky, Greater Radiant Earring of Arcane Acuity, Belt of Unchained Battle) grants the following benefits:
  1. 2 Pieces: Gain resistance to cold 5; this stacks with any similar resistances you have from your race, class, or template.
  2. 3 Pieces: Gain resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5, which stacks as described above.
Ring of False Flight:
  • Whenever the wearer of this ring takes the withdraw action or becomes helpless (including falling unconscious), he is rendered Invisible for 3 rounds and four illusory duplicates are created that either run off in opposite directions or perform other plausible actions that could draw enemy attention away from her. Duplicates last for 3 rounds, but are destroyed if struck by an attack (AC 10) and can be disbelieved (Will DC 19). Allies of the wearer always know her true location.
Scabbard of the Amoral Edge: This scabbard resizes to accommodate any bladed weapon.
  1. 3/Day a weapon drawn from the Scabbard can be affected by the Keen Edge spell.
  2. 3/Day a weapon drawn from the Scabbard can be affected by the Align Weapon spell.
Soulfire Mithral Bracelets (+1): Immune to all death spells, magical death effects, and energy drain, and any negative energy effects

  • Adamantine Razor-Sharp Thinblade (+2): (1d8+3; 18-20/x2)
    • Greater Weapon Crystal of Life Drinking: Each time the sword inflicts lethal damage on a living creature, its wielder heals five points of damage. Once 50 points of damage to the wielder have been healed, the crystal becomes inert until the following day.
  • Venom's Kiss: +2 Greater Vampiric(+2) Ironwood Dagger: (1d4+2; 19-20/x2)
    • Greater Vampiric Effect: The first time each round that the wielder hits a living target with this weapon, it restores an amount of Hit Points to the wielder equal to 1/2 the damage dealt to the target, to a maximum equal to the wielder's number of Hit Dice. If the damage was more than enough to kill the target, any excess damage doesn't count toward the amount healed. A creature can regain no more than 5 Hit Points per Hit Die from this weapon each day.
    • Greater Weapon Crystal of True Death: The dagger inflicts an additional +1d6 damage to Undead, functions as a Ghost Touch weapon, and can be used to deliver Sneak Attack and Critical Hits against Undead as if they were living creatures.
  • Crimson Fang: +2 Keen(+1) Spell Stealing(+3) Blood-Crystal Dagger: (1d4+2; 17-20/x4), Special: Wielder may attempt to steal up to four spell effects from a target.
    • Spell Stealing Effect: When the wielder rolls a Critical Threat against a target, she can forgo confirming the Critical Hit and instead automatically learn which spells or magical effects are active upon the target. The wielder may then make a caster level (13 + Dagger Enhancement bonus) check to steal her choice of one of those effects against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the effect. If the check succeeds, the target immediately loses the benefits of that effect and the wielder gains the effect for 1 minute (or until the effect expires, whichever comes first).
    • Greater Weapon Crystal of Demolition: The dagger inflicts an additional +1d6 damage to Construct, is treated as Adamantine for the purpose of bypassing Damage Reduction, and can be used to deliver Sneak Attack and Critical Hits against Constructs as if they were living creatures.
Whisper's Garments:
  1. +10 to Competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently
  2. -2 to caster level when using spells with the Light Descriptor.
  3. +1 Caster level when casting spells with the Darkness or Shadow Descriptors
  4. Gain Trackless Stride as a Druid or Ranger, but only in dark or overcast conditions.
Alchemical Substances:
20x Alchemist's Kindness
10x Antiplague
10x Antitoxin
3x Auran Mask
15x Fungal Stun Vial
40x Healing Salve
20x Sleep-Smoke
10x Smokestick
10x Sunrod
10x Tanglefoot Bag
10x Thunderstone
20x Vermin Repellent

Launcher Ammo:
x3 Explosive Round: 8d6 Piercing & Bludgeoning damage in a 15 foot blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 2d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 15 (4.5 m) and 30 feet (9 m) from the blast. Weight: 10 pounds / 4.5 kg

Genie Tokens
2x Plane Shift Charm
3x Sending Stone
2x Teleport Charm
Equipped Magic Items: Adamantine Razor-Sharp Thinblade (+2), Anklets of Rapid Translocation, Bead of Newt Prevention, Calligraphy Wyrm, Belt of Unchained Battle (+4 CON, +5 Resistance), Crimson Fang, Death's Embrace (+2 INT), Gloves of the Starry Sky(+6 DEX, +1 STR), Greater Radiant Earring of Arcane Acuity [Slotless] (+2 WIS, +2 CHA, +5 Gather Information & Sense Motive), Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Greatreach Bracers of Devastating Quickstrike(Slotless), Handy Haversack, Launcher, Mind Blank Ring, Muleback Cords(Slotless), Ring of False Flight, Ring of Prestidigitation[At-Will] (Slotless), Ring of Protection from Evil (Slotless), Ring of Sustenance (Unbound), Scabbard of the Amoral Edge, Soulfire Mithral Bracelets, Venom's Kiss, Whisper's Garments
Last edited:
Now that I catch up with the thread, I regret missing out on the latest vote. Why are we recruiting the spontaneous spellcasters, again?
Now that I catch up with the thread, I regret missing out on the latest vote. Why are we recruiting the spontaneous spellcasters, again?
They're crafters of the Eighth and Ninth Circle. If we recruit them then we can triple our high level crafting while potentially being able to call on them in a fight.

Mind Blanks from them every month, at half the price we usually pay.
They're crafters with limited spell lists though. Bleh.
That's like saying "I may be able to make some high level magic items which I want but ordinarily couldn't order or make myself every month, but that's okay fam', I'll pass, WTB Tier 1 prepared spellcasters only final destination ayy lmao".

Okay, it's not like saying that, but I wanted to say it.
That's like saying "I may be able to make some high level magic items which I want but ordinarily couldn't order or make myself every month, but that's okay fam', I'll pass, WTB Tier 1 prepared spellcasters only final destination ayy lmao".

Okay, it's not like saying that, but I wanted to say it.
Also, haven't we always run crafting with the ability for other casters to loan requisite spells?
I didn't think we were hiring them just as a crafters, but general mercenary minions who we could have teach, craft (if they have the requisite feats), sling spells, etc.
I didn't think we were hiring them just as a crafters, but general mercenary minions who we could have teach, craft (if they have the requisite feats), sling spells, etc.
Crafters first and foremost, but the fact that we can probably make Dedicated Wrights for all of them assuming they've got Craft Construct they can easily craft and pursue other things and participate in fights.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Oct 19, 2019 at 5:22 AM, finished with 92 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Clo'Tiss
    -[X] "Honored Wisdom, I will endeavor to keep my eye out for such a low-ambient zone of magic, though with all of the strange phenomenon I have witnessed effecting our Plane, to the sheer variance in these effects, you would likely have better luck chasing such leads in the Garden than waiting for rumors of uncommon deposits turning up where they are likely warded as they often are by hazards both mundane and not."
    -[X] Describe the duality of conceptual rivening of Fire effecting the wastes of the Lands of Long Summer, the Shadow that hangs above Asshai and how reality fades out the closer to the poles you near until it is less a matter of distance than will that one might advance or retreat across the twisting nether and ice. "I was of the understanding the Elemental Planes were given to follow certain rhythms if not necessarily ordered, ever-shifting unless the scales were tilted by a Power's finger pressing upon them. I also discovered some zones of wild magic in the Southlands--that is to say, near an equatorial range miles away from my realm, where the ruins of long lost civilizations are often marked by a variety of enchantments given over to the environment or vents for energies sprouting from the earth, air and water." Meaning no one is going to risk going into the wildlands here or anywhere else in the Inner Spheres without a good reason, but exploring the Plane of Balance wouldn't be particularly onerous for a mage of the Eighth or Ninth circle in all but the most deadly places, and they would need people equally skilled cooperating together to delve into them anyway.
    -[X] "However, if you are attempting to advance the cause of magical engineering and construct forging, I haven't met anyone more skilled at the task than those researching those fields in my realm." Describe the work of Lya and Anu.
    [X] Zamorto
    -[X] Lead the conversation toward how you are planning to place several or more Free Companies on retainer if possible to further your war in the Deep and carve out safe haven in the Narrow Sea for your vassals. Might need to ward the room prior to that if it's not already.
    -[X] The battles ahead on that front will likely have many different hard targets and masses of enemies where battlefield scale magic would see much practical use, and as is often the case when advancing a field which is just as much luck as it is skill, practical examples advances study more rapidly than anything else.
    -[X] And if it ends up killing Mind Flayers, Aboleths and other horrors, no one is likely to find more acceptable targets than that, especially for a Marid mage.
    -[X] If some targets to test his research on isn't enough enticement, we also have our own battlefield spells that might be of interest to him. If he lends his aid to our cause, the Hammer of the Waters is one spell which might be of immense use to him.
    [X] Wavespinner
    -[X] Encourage Relath to feel her out in private while you focus on the others before deciding on your approach.
    [X] Shara Level-up
    -[X] +1 Shadow Thief of Lys, oops, Amn
    -[X] +1d6 HD
    -[X] Skills: +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Use Magic Device
    -[X] Feats: Darkstalker, Weapon Focus (Dagger)
Part MMMCXXIV: Of Brewing War
Of Brewing War

Ninth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

"Honored Wisdom, I will endeavor to keep my eye out for such a low-ambient zone of magic, though with all of the strange phenomenon I have witnessed effecting our Plane, to the sheer variance in these effects, you would likely have better luck chasing such leads in the Garden than waiting for rumors of uncommon deposits turning up where they are likely warded as they often are by hazards both mundane and not..." Thus do you go on to explain to Clo'Tiss the duality of conceptual riveting of fire effecting the wastes of the Lands of Long Summer, the Shadow that ever looms above Asshai, and how reality fades out the closer to the poles you near until it is less a matter of distance and more if one might advance or retreat across the twisting nether and ice.

Seeing that the mage's pale eyes gleam with interest you add: "I was of the understanding that the Elemental Planes were given to follow certain rhythms if not necessarily ordered, ever-shifting unless the scales were tilted by a power's finger pressing upon them. I also discovered some zones of wild magic in the Southlands—that is to say, near an equatorial range miles away from my realm, where the ruins of long lost civilizations are often marked by a variety of enchantments given over to the environment or vents of energies sprouting from the earth, air and water." The message is clear you hope, your home holds many wonders and opportunities to advance spellcraft that are less perilous than the Elemental Wilds, but not so easy a trek that even a mage of the Eighth or Ninth Circle aught to dare them alone.

"Fascinating..." the Locathah trails off. "I had always thought that the Garden would have been a more stable mingling of elements, though of course where the thinking mind is so too might one find sorcery to unbalance the scales to their advantage." A short bubbling laugh fills the air. "I shall have to look into this on my own that we might speak more in depth of this matter."

No more than you had expected. You nod in understanding. "There is one other matter I would speak to you then, there are some among my realm attempting to advance the field of arcane engineering using lore of the fallen kingdoms of Sarnor and that of lost Valyria whence my own ancestors sprang." You go on to explain Lya and Anu's projects, eliciting some interest, but Clo'Tiss is still focused on his own path of study in utilizing uncommon scarcity of magic to better tune constructs for mass deployment.

As the visit concluded, the Locathah mage is more than happy to give you not only directions but a recommendation to the Hall of Swirling Currents, Vialesk's Alchemist's Guild.

Within those half-flooded halls you find many eager young apprentices interested in journeying to far off lands for coin and steady employment. Given the scarcity of fire alchemy is a difficult and rare art to practice in the Boundless Sea. A realm where the transformative powers of fire may be called up with a moment's thought and lacking the ever-present threat of salt-water contamination is more than enough for many of those present to sign on for a journey into the unknown

Gained 28 Apprentice Alchemists (level 1); 10 Journeymen Alchemists (Level 3); 2 Master Alchemists (Level 5)

Lost 12,480 IM


Tenth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

On your second visit to the Marid sorcerer, Zamorto, you lead the conversation toward those he had fought alongside. You speak of how you are planning to place several more Free Companies on retainer if possible to further your war in the Deep and carve out safe haven in the Narrow Sea for your vassals. You ward the room prior to the conversation to keep unwanted ears from listening in.

"These battles are likely to present many a varied foes to test his battle magics, and should some spell misfire in unexpected ways... well, no one would regret the deaths of creatures who would enslave and devour others with less thought than others might place upon plucking a treat from a artfully crafted plate," you finish by taking a tiny marinated sea sponge from the plate in front of you and eating it. Zamorto had warned you that this particular treat had shards of glass growing through its savory 'flesh', too small to be extracted, but a dragon's stomach, or even one half-way between man and dragon, would make short work of such things.

"But you are not yet at war with the foul ones, correct?" the mage asks thoughtfully. "You do not quite have the urgent manner of one hiring mercenaries for a campaign even now spilling blood in the water?"

"No," you admit. "Not yet, but if you have an interest in them I have my own battlefield magics to share. There was one used in ancient times by the gods of my home to sunder the lands and bring forth the surging waters of which one of my dear friends has recently come into the possession of a bound enchantment."

"Interesting, but I do not lack for inspiration," the sorcerer replies. "Let us speak again once your war against the Farspawn begins in earnest." Though the words are a dismissal, the tone is as courteous as ever and he proves most helpful in discovering which of the Free Companies are without contract and inclined to swim far from Vialesk.

Unfortunately, owing to the recent battles against the Deep Ones and the unsettled waters as former reluctant allies eye the spoils of victory and each other with suspicion, only two companies of any size make a good fit for recruitment. Serega's Shields, a company of heavy Triton cavalry that ride upon the backs of giant sea turtles, their own enormous living coral shields allowing them to brawl with even the most enraged of Sahuagin, while the second are called the Lightning Chasers, an odd name in a realm with no storms, at least until one discovers that this company of skirmishers shares a particular bond with giant eels whom they train to fight alongside them in battle.


As one might expect from sellswords out of work the two captains agree to meet with you at an inn in the Upper City, the Maw, supposedly built around the petrified remains of a Kraken. One brush against the limestone wall of the common room is enough to confirm that the fearsome teeth around the entranceway have never bitten into anything beside a sculptor's chisel. Hopefully the two warriors you are to meet here are more genuine.

Magrios arrives first, a leather garbed Locathah looking out at the world through a bone helm which must have belonged to an enormous eel. The slithering black beast that coils around his waist and arm seems as unconcerned with that as with the fact that eels do not usually breathe air, and is instead content to snatch up morsel of food under the tolerant gaze of its master.

By contrast Serega makes no effort to stand out, though the claw scars upon his cheeks and the many trophies ganging at his throat draw the eye of more discerning patrons nonetheless. His armor seems at first rough patchwork, until that is one looks deeper to see how every piece of bone and leather glows with an echo of the beast or foe it was torn from, granting the sellsword a measure of their vigor and perhaps other skills besides.

"So then, you are the Fire Wyrm that wishes to hire us to swim in far off waters to make war on the Foul Ones that have so recently been driven from so many of their forces," the Triton captain looks you fearlessly in the eye. "Tell me then, why should we chase a desperate beast in its flight and risk being mauled for it?" Trying to take your measure you suspect, perhaps trying to see how deep draconic pride runs within you. A bold way to go about it.

How do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: Relath talking to the dragon-blooded mage will be addressed in the next update. There wasn't room here.
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Here's an updated character sheet for Glyra, @DragonParadox. It looks like the picture link for her is broken.

Glyra the Gremlin Spellthief

Tiny Fey (Gremlin) Spellthief 10
Hit Dice
|14d6+56 (123 hp)
Speed|20 ft + 30ft (Anklets) = 50ft
Armor Class|20/22 (+1 Size, +5 Dex +4 Deflection +2 (vs Evil)), touch 20, flat-footed 11
Base attack/Grapple| +8/+3
Attack|Melee +14/+8 (1d4+3 +3d6)
Full attack|Melee +14/+8 (1d4+3 +3d6)
Special attacks|Trickster's Bargain, Fate's Favored, spell-like abilities, Sneak Attack (2d6) Steal Spell (4nd level), Steal Spell Effect, Steal Energy Resistance 10; Steal Spell-like Ability (2nd level), Absorb Spell, Arcane Sight
Special qualities|Low-light Vision, DR 5/Cold Iron and Evil, SR 20, Discordant Aura, Fast Healing 1, Trap-finding, Detect magic, Spellgrace (+1), Baleful Polymorph [Single use], Blur (20% chance for enemy attacks to miss)
Saves|Fort +5(6), Ref +10(11), Will +11 (+1 vs spells and +2 vs Evil)
Abilities|Str 14, Dex 18(20), Con 18(20), Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 18(20)
Skills|Bluff +16(17); Slight of Hand +17; Hide +17(27) Move Silently +17(27); Use Magic Device +22(23); Disable Device +9
Feats| ToughnessB, Weapon FinesseB,Practiced Spellcaster; Magical Aptitude, Impetuous, Darkstalker, Versatile Spellcaster
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Racial Modifier: +4 Sleight of Hand
  • Blood Feather Token (Su): Gain a fly speed of 30 (poor) as long as they are levitating for up to one minute/HD
  • Discordant Aura (Su): An erinat radiates an aura that imparts both gullibility and susceptibility to mental influence. Creatures within a 20-foot radius take a –2 penalty on saves against compulsion effects, and Bluff checks attempted against such creatures gain a +5 bonus. This bonus also applies on opposed Charisma checks against a charmed creature within the aura.
  • Trickster's Bargain (Su): May bind any fey weaker than herself she has personal defeated by strength or guile to abide by the letter and spirit of a bargain. Can only be used once.
  • Pact-Bound (Ex): In spite of her chaotic spirit, this gremlin is bound by her fey nature to follow at least the letter of her liege lord's word. However should she grow disenchanted with her master or her lot in life the interpretations of that word will grow more and more creative.
  • Fate's Favored (Su): A pair of dawn-kin erinats working together for 1 round can charm a creature as Charm Person(DC 13), but only if they bear no ill will towards the target
    • Additionally, a group of six dawn-kin erinats working together over the course of 1 hour can create an effect identical to Pronouncement of Fate (DC 16) but only if the target has done evil in the sight of one of the fey. During the casting of the ritual they must designate one of their number to contain the spell which he or she may later release as a standard action. If the magic is not used within one hour of the ritual being complete it dissipates harmlessly.
Spells (CL 14):
Level 1: Hoard Gullet, Recharge Innate Magic, Expeditious Retreat, Web Bolt (4/day)
Level 2: Invisibility, Spider Climb, Touch of Idiocy(2/day)

Grimoire of High Arcana:
Level 2: Minor Image

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14):
At will: Alter Self (Small humanoid child only), Ghost Sound (DC 13); Levitate (self only)
3/day: Lesser Confusion (DC 14), Swift Invisibility, Bungle (DC 14)

Anklets of Rapid Translocation:
  1. Benefit from a +30ft Enhancement bonus to ground movement speed.
  2. 2/Day Instantly teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied destination within line of sight and line of effect. The wearer can teleport with objects, up to their maximum load, but cannot bring other creatures.
Boneward Belt: +2 Constitution
  • Healing (3 charges/day): 1 charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 charges (Heal 3d8 points of damage), or 3 charges(Heal 4d8 points of damage)
Earring of Arcane Acuity:
  • 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (Darkvision 60 ft., 1 hour), 2 Charges (See Invisibility, 10 minutes), 3 Charges (True Seeing, 1 minute)
Greater Ribbon of Disguise: Alter Self, Magic Aura, Undetectable Alignment (At Will)

Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
  1. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
  2. While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Minor Cloak of Displacement:
  • The wearer is protected by a Blur spell, granting a 20% miss chance on attacks made against them. It functions continually unless suppressed as a Standard Action. Another Standard Action restores the effect.
Prankster's Amulet of Protection from Evil: +2 Charisma
  • 1/Day use Major Image at 5th caster level.
  • 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Ring of Chameleon Power:
  1. Use Disguise Self At Will
  2. +10 Competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently skill checks.
Ring of Grasping Vines: This polished steel ring is crafted to resemble tiny braided vines.
  1. The ring can produce lengths of steel cable (Hardness 10, 5 hp, break DC 26) that look and feel like a sturdy plant vine. At will as a Standard Action, the user can shoot a cable from the ring as though it were a grappling hook, except the range increment is 50 feet and its maximum length is 100 feet.
  2. The user can cause the cable to retract back into the ring as a Swift Action with a pulling force equal to their own Strength attribute. The cable must be retracted before it can be extended once more.
Staff of Swarming Insects (50 Charges):
Wand Bracer: Up to five wands can be stored in this clever bracer. A wand can be drawn from the bracer as a Swift Action.
  1. Wand of True Casting (43 Charges)
  2. Wand of Resilient Sphere (41 Charges)
  3. Wand of Dimension Door (47 Charges)
  4. Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 Charges)
  5. Wand of Reach Shivering Touch (32 Charges)
1st Level:
Bless x5
Blessed Aim x5
Comprehend Languages x5
Cure Light Wounds x20
Grease x5
Remove Fear x5
Remove Sickness x5
Shield x5
2nd Level:
Bear's Endurance x3
Bull's Strength x3
Cat's Grace x3
Defending Bone x3
Delay Poison x5
Heart of Air x3
Lesser Restoration x5
Remove Paralysis x3
3rd Level:
Heart of Water x3
Magic Circle Against Evil x2
Major Image x2
Remove Blindness/Deafness x3
Remove Curse x3
Remove Disease x3
Speak with Dead x2
Water Breathing x3
4th Level:
Dimensional Anchor x3
Freedom of Movement x3
Gaseous Form x3
Greater Invisibility x10
Hallucinatory Terrain x2
Life Bubble x3
Panacea x10
Restoration x3
Sending x3
5th Level:
Geniekind x2
Greater Blink x2
Heart of Fire x3
Plane Shift x2
Teleport x2
True Seeing x2

Genie Tokens:
2x Plane Shift Charm
2x Sending Stone
1x Teleport Charm

Alchemical Substances:
10x Alchemist's Fire
5x Antiplague
5x Antitoxin
3x Auran Mask
15x Fungal Stun Vial
40x Healing Salve
10x Liquid Ice
20x Sleep-Smoke
10x Smokestick
10x Sunrod
10x Tanglefoot Bag
10x Thunderstone
30x Vermin Repellent

Equipped Magic Items: Anklets of Rapid Translocation, Bead of Newt Prevention, Boneward Belt (+2 CON), Gloves of Zephyr's Grace (+2 Dex), Earring of Arcane Acuity, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Handy Haversack, Minor Cloak of Displacement, Prankster's Amulet of Protection vs Evil(+2 CHA), Ring of Chameleon Power, Ring of Grasping Vines, Spiked Chain +1, Staff of Swarming Insects(50 charges), Wand Bracer(w/wands)
2 Companies isn't nearly enough to supplement Gith in their attack on their own.

We'll have to set up a meeting with Illithid-hating Marid trade houses too, it seems.
Hopefully, we can convince them to throw their weight behind such an effort.

Talking with all at once or just diplomancing them one-by-one, is what I'm uncertain of.
Worse still, would be if some of those trade houses are at odds with each-other, and we'd have to choose.

Oh well, at least Illithid aren't Efreeti, there is literally no redeeming qualities to throw around for them.

We are willing to pay, and not throw their lives away.
If they won't help us, they'll find life harder once we draw Marid into Alliance's economy (and we will, eventually).

Simple enough deal, imo.
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