Part MMMCXXXVI: Dragon's Reckoning
Dragon's Reckoning
Thirteenth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
Though you briefly consider summoning forth and incarnating more land spirits as Leshys akin to those who work and dwell beneath the Great Tree of Lys, the notion comes too close to line you told the Star Admiral you would not cross. It would be coaxing these spirits into a form that would suit the purposes of the Sifters' Guild then profiting by, facilitating and selling their services, the sort of argument one might imagine a Pentosi Magister of a particularly legalistic bent making in court. Better to craft a less versatile being but without any of those concerns, a Devouring Slime comes to mind. It would require safe enclosures be built for them too, of course, but your binding of the living spells at Mosshold is proof enough that this is well within your means.
Grandmaster Huldgus listens to the proposal thoughtfully. At first he seems more inclined to refuse, likely perturbed at the notion of the insatiable unthinking hunger of such a creature, until you offer a free of charge demonstration before talking price which he gracefully accepts. Glancing at Relath's less than pleased expression he nervously adds that he would pay any testing costs, of course, before quickly downing his drink and leaving.
"Why do you put up with that sort of fool thinking he can take advantage of you, cousin?" the Lord of Tolos asks.
After considering which answer would be both true and something Relath would accept you reply: "Does the mountain concern itself with the scratches that passing grains of sand make upon its side? I expect that the guild would buy the filter slimes, and compared to the profit that would garner me the initial cost of the test slime is insignificant."
"A fair point, but I have yet to learn how to be a mountain and sand between the scales itches so," he laughs as the two of you leave the tavern to head back into the city.
As the two of you take a coral-wrought staircase back into the Lower City, Relath shaking off his mortal seeming as he does so, you take a moment to ask him about the Brine Dragon Dominions, both the Great Lords of which you have already heard so much of and any Lesser Wyrms, his peers, be they potential allies or old foes. He admits in what might almost be mistaken for a sheepish manner that he did not even consider making allies along other younger Dragons after the last of his more 'tolerable' clutch mates perished.
The first does not seem to be too grave as draconic spite is weighed. "Vorcalyx used sorcery to tangle my first mating flight, not that I had much of a chance to catch anyone's eye back then. I've always meant to pay him back in kind now that I have unlocked more of the dream-lore."
You chuckle appreciatively. Unlike in a proper challenge, like the one you had flown in to gain Relath's allegiance, it is more or less assumed that one would cheat in some way during a mating flight, so long as it is not so blatant as to be gauche.
However, your companion's tone grows darker as he describes the other Brine Dragon which whom he has a bone to pick. "Fearex is almost thrice as old as me but not near as wise as she thinks herself to be. I had just raided a Far-Spawn temple, built into one of their bile shards..." The Brine Dragon pauses, noticing your confusion. "Part ship, part fortress, they are slow and cumbersome things made of tainted stone that tend to keep to the currents of the dark waters," he explains. "She took my treasures by force, claiming that I was too young to get any use out of them, and would probably harm myself. Some day soon I will pay her back for her generosity." The water grows a little saltier as vitriol and caustic brine flows from his open mouth.
What do you do next?
[] Speak to Kalandragor's envoy
[] Seek out an audience with the envoys of one of the other major realms
-[] Hampa to try and recruit more enchanters
-[] Zerbat to discuss alliance or trade
-[] Dawa to discuss alliance or trade
-[] Kela to see if you might be able to rid the Emir of his dragon foe
-[] Dalaqua to discuss alliance, trade or recruiting artisans
-[] Mardja to discuss alliance, trade or recruiting artisans
-[] Dyutho to learn more of the Deep Realms and perhaps the harvesting of riverine
[] Seek an audience with the envoys of one of the Dragon Dominions
-[] Althazi the Deathless to see about hiring his services, or those of his subjects
-[] Vornath and Thyrax, you have made use of raiders before, perhaps you could keep them in line long enough to unleash upon the Deep Ones
[] Buy something
-[] Lore on the Deep Ones
-[] More detailed maps of the Planes
-[] Exotic warbeasts for the tritons
[] Visit the temple of the Moonsingers in Vialesk
[] Deal with the weightier of Relath's grudges, a Dragon's hoard would not go amiss and neither would more goodwill from the Lord of Tolos
[] Write in
OOC: I hope all the vote options are not too overwhelming, I just tried to collect all the ideas floating around for easy access.
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