...Something is going to go terribly wrong... This amount of sugar and spice is unnatural in aSoIaF...
Part LIX: Trailing the Savage Beasts Part Four
Trailing the Savage Beasts Part Four

Twelfth Day of the Eleventh Month 289 AC

As expected your scuffle the previous day has earned you quite a (painfully polite) earful from Ser Richard. The man did have a point you can't afford to the the reckless squire looking for glory, in risking your life you risk all that you could become and, even more importantly Dany's happiness and safety. What you would not give for even a single spell that can harm your enemies directly.

Fortunately Ser Richard is not busy working for Yohn today so he can come guard and help you without consequences.

As you reach the former locale of the Bear Tap at last you wonder by the whim of what mad god is the place still standing. The building is comprised of a set of mismatched warrens built up of different materials over the generations. It stretches above the waters of not one but two canals. Inside you find two homeless men taking shelter and some old half-ruined furniture Gorthos' men did not bother moving. You find no clues to the animals' fate since anything to do with them directly has been moved.

Interviewing the neighbors proves almost as fruitless. All you manage to get is the testimony of an old drifter that says he saw the bear jump into the canal to flee on its own at some undetermined point during the night. As your source admits to being drunk as a lord that night the information is dubious at best.

What do you do next:

[] Try to find the head dealer he is likely to be the least cooperative having parted ways with Relor on poor terms but he should be the easiest to find
[] Try to find the bouncer, not exactly the easiest thing to find non-nondescript thug in Braavos but you can probably bribe him with a few drinks if you find him
[] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
[] Write in

OOC: Due to delays and bad rolls you go almost nothing out of this one.
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[X] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
[X] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
[X] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
[X] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
[X] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
[X] Try to find the head dealer he is likely to be the least cooperative having parted ways with Relor on poor terms but he should be the easiest to find

Best chance to find anything at all before the trail goes cold.
[X] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
[X] Try to find the bouncer, not exactly the easiest thing to find non-nondescript thug in Braavos but you can probably bribe him with a few drinks if you find him

Moderate DCs both, I expect, compared to one hard one easy in both of the others. Anyways, at least this way Viserys gets to have a few drinks.
[X] Find the kid who was actually supposed to be feeding the animals, the proverbial needle in the haystack but she was closest to the beasts and might have noticed something the others did not
Part LX: Trailing the Savage Beasts Part Five
Trailing the Savage Beasts Part Five

Nineteenth Day of the Eleventh Month 289 AC

It took you the better past of seven days of boring, repetitive investigative work but you managed to find something... The child that was supposed to be feeding the animals apparently had no other name at the Bear Tap than "Bear Bait", perhaps because whoever ran the gambling den had a limited vocabulary or a bad memory. When you queried your source, one of the bouncers, the man said "if you name them you get attached to them, works the same for animals." You are beginning to feel disappointed the bear did not wreak more havoc when it escaped perhaps eating the unsympathetic ass.

Luckily for all his unlikability the man does have the redeeming quality of being slightly more intelligent than is strictly required for serving as disposable muscle. He recalls that the child you are searching for was originally from the swamps surrounding the lagoon and that she was all-but-bought along with some of the beasts from her family. He says "the brat must have crawled back into the swamps."

You manage to throttle the impulse to poison this near-slaver's drink but you can't quite bear to leave him completely alone so you make the remaining vine in the bottle you ordered for him taste like cat piss. Petty yes but heartless bastards like this deserve a bit of pettiness in their lives and he is too drunk for anyone to believe him, or to believe himself in the morning.

What next

[] Try to find the head dealer he is likely to be the least cooperative having parted ways with Relor on poor terms but he should be the easiest to find
[] Try to find the bouncer, not exactly the easiest thing to find non-nondescript thug in Braavos but you can probably bribe him with a few drinks if you find him
[] Try to discover more about "Bear Bait's" origins, perhaps she did return to the swamps
[] Write in

OOC: You got rolls with larger and larger maluses to find stuff. They were all low until the very last one crit.
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Yep. That's totally a druid.

[X] Try to discover more about "Bear Bait's" origins, perhaps she did return to the swamps

Our rolls are terrible. But we soonish will have another waifu apprentice, a druid this time. :V
Part LXI: Trailing the Savage Beasts Part Six
Trailing the Savage Beasts Part Six

Twentieth Day of the Eleventh Month 289 AC

Finding out the identity of the person who acquired both the beasts and apparently the girl was surprisingly easy, a welcome first in this investigation. Six-Finger Nar so named for the extra digit that he reportedly boasts makes him the finest trapper in the swamp. He is a well known supplier of many swamp animals and plants with contacts ranging further afield to obtain more exotic specimens.


The swamps feel a thousand miles removed from the cosmopolitanism and constant constant bustle of the Bastard Daughter of Valyria. Here the marsh folk eek out a living in some ways poorer than the least fortunate inhabitant of Drowned Town. Some of the people in the hamlet the Serpent Boat left you at do not seem to even recognize coin. Moreover life seems slow here and set in ageless patterns with a person's life defined by his or her heritage, rarely managing to overcome it. The common descriptive nicknames of the Braavos are mostly absent in these small isolated communities. Even their gods are strange. Many Braavosi tell tales, stories of strange bloody rites and gruesome feasting on the flesh of unwary travelers being quite common. For all that you have not felt like you are being measured up for the pot just gawked at like some sort of mythical beast.

The journey on foot to Nar's shack is wet exhausting and all around miserable. Ser Richard comments that Yohn's tasks are a great deal more straight-forward and far less uncomfortable than the insane missions you choose to take on. You reply with mock-haughtiness: "Of course they are, should a king lessen himself to common tasks?"

The knight banters back: "Your grace should be more careful feeding the royal blood to bugs though."

You graciously coincide the point made unassailable by the swarms of mosquitoes dogging your steps. It is nice to have someone to trust at your back like this. Mayhap you should be more formal and careful of your dignity as the Stormlander actually knows your identity but you can't bring yourself to damage the easy camaraderie that has sprung up between you.


When you finally get to Nar's house you find that there has been an attack of some sort. The place is broken into but not (you note an on an cursory examination robbed). The unfortunate trapper is covered in animal bites and has been disemboweled and allowed to die a slow torturous death. He is alive but just barely. You could save him but only with he Chalice which carries obvious risks.

What do you do:

[] Heal Nar
-[] Bind him for interrogation and then kill him when you have all the information he can give
-[] Enlist him for his tracking abilities to find "Bear Bait" who seems to be your thief

[] Give Nar a clean death
-[] Trust Ser Richard's skills and luck (mostly luck) to find the thief
-[] Return to the hamlet and enlist another tracker tomorrow

[] Write in

OOC: Your bad luck seems to have spent itself for now.
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