A solid interlude.
And everyone, this is the reason why we won't be able to invade Westeros right after taking Western Essos. It's gonna be months of sorting shit out, fixing governments, and making our Empire work without us breathing down its neck every single day.
I'm guessing that this will take about 2-3 months of work by the whole party, and keep Viserys rather busy for the duration.
THEN we invade Westeros, because it will be just as big a hassle to manage as the rest was.
I will make a note to increase the rope budget next turn-vote.
Why? individual rope is too good for these bastards, so why do we need new rope, the old can serve well enough until it breaks, and when it breaks, it just mean some scum get the honor of being hung twice.

Unless of course rope used in hangings can be used for item crafting, it should add some metaphysical weight to the rope.
Guys, guys. I'm sure we can use a spare action to put together a guillotine and solve that problem all together.
"One of Malarys' finer moments, that..." Maelor snorted. "'Armed men raised in defiance of the king's law, brutalizing his subjects to enforce edicts that have been struck from the books, can be called nothing less than rebellion'," he finished in what he was proud to say was a rather good impression of the elder dragonlord.
Just for the record, this isn't even a fib or special ruling by Malarys. We do have an actual law for this kind of thing, so all those hangings and the property seizing are absolutely legal. Nothing tyrannical about it, we are doing it by the book.

As landed nobility, they fall under § 9 of the constitution.

Furthermore, the state recognizes the following organs:
§ 9 - The Lord of the Land, who are defined as the nobles holding a fief or presiding over vassal who are themselves Lords of the Land.
__§ 9.1 - These lords are tasked to protect the fiefs they where granted, the population living in those fiefs and enforce the kings peace.
__§ 9.2 - They are furthermore tasked to develop the fiefs they where granted by promoting trade, craft, and other economic activity.
That means they are a organ of the state. Take note of the explicit duty to uphold the kings peace, so they are, at the very least, guilty of dereliction of duty when they are not doing anything about bandits on their land.

Furthermore, they can, as organs of the state, commit violations of § 29.
§ 29 - The King's Peace
__§ 29.1 - No organ of the state, its members, or representatives, shall raise arms against another organ, its members, or representatives, the order of the state, the sovereign, or among itself for any reason.
__§ 29.2 - Those found in violation of this law shall be named Traitors and all their titles, fiefs, rights, and estates are forfeit and rendered upon the crown, though they may be redistributed to members of the former holder's household, if the recipients did not aid or abate the act of treason, and the perpetrator and his accomplices shall be executed.
Aiding and abating bandits constitutes "raising arms" and having them enforce laws that no longer exist in direct defiance of laws that very much do exist is acting "against the order of the state".

So. Clear-cut treason, right there. You better get a great lawyer to explain to the judge how the whole thing was just a hilarious misunderstanding, because there is not a lot of leeway in what will happen if you are found guilty.
Guys, guys. I'm sure we can use a spare action to put together a guillotine and solve that problem all together.
Steel for the blade is more expensive than rope, and it also need a lot more maintenance, continuing to hang them is cheaper.
I mean, traditionally someone who doesn't die in a hanging is to be spared, iirc.
They can get spared if they survive 3 hangings, 1 for each of the Major gods of the Empire, the reason for sparing someone who survive a hanging, is that it's assumed it's gods will, so if they survive 3, we will take that to assume the gods want them alive.
OOC: Hermetia just got herself a level up. You guys can vote on what do to what the Doru if you want, since you will be getting word IC in ten minutes when the Calligraphy Wyrm finishes using the sending stone.

That's Marlays and Hemertia using one each (and rightly so), I wonder what the price difference is between single use and 1 use per day is though.

Also one to Baella, but we're getting that back when we get her the interplanar one.
Strangly the Strange Strangler.
He's just giving people's necks big hugs!
Steel for the blade is more expensive than rope, and it also need a lot more maintenance, continuing to hang them is cheaper.

They can get spared if they survive 3 hangings, 1 for each of the Major gods of the Empire, the reason for sparing someone who survive a hanging, is that it's assumed it's gods will, so if they survive 3, we will take that to assume the gods want them alive.
I really don't want exceptions like that in our justice system. If the gods want to save someone they can argue their case like everyone else.
I'm guessing that this will take about 2-3 months of work by the whole party, and keep Viserys rather busy for the duration.
THEN we invade Westeros, because it will be just as big a hassle to manage as the rest was.
I'm weirdly okay with that.
All the more chances to sneak in murderhobo-ey actions, like hunting down and looting Euron (you know we have to, or we'll lose all the loot to him)
Or dealing with Tiamat forces (you know we have to, they are gathering resources like crazy. Also, sacrifices to Meraxes).
Or dealing with that once-a-mentioned chimera-making magister (you know we have to. He'll be on our territory, and either a resource, or an enemy)

We won't need much Viserys attention to most fetch-quests anymore either.
Dany's template + 2 Mindblank earrings = total rapefest for anything below their level.
Which most of the stuff we never did is by now, like moving people back to their undead-but-laidback ancestors in... Essaria, I think? where we killed warforged mage, that place.

Also, @Azel, @Duesal, @Goldfish, is it then:
[] Magical reactors (Lya/Arcanums)
[] Ways to brew stuff en-mass (Waymar/Tyene)
[] Making craft-puppets actually good for anyone who isn't an arcanum (Lya/Arcanums)
[] Learning runelore and starting on making rituals for our empire en-mass (Dany/Lya/Arcanums)
[] Finding a way to bottle breathweapons (my pet project, don't kinkshame me here) (Waymar/Tyene)
as research projects of priority after this month?
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And everyone, this is the reason why we won't be able to invade Westeros right after taking Western Essos. It's gonna be months of sorting shit out, fixing governments, and making our Empire work without us breathing down its neck every single day.
I'm guessing that this will take about 2-3 months of work by the whole party, and keep Viserys rather busy for the duration.
THEN we invade Westeros, because it will be just as big a hassle to manage as the rest was.
Keep in mind the other places are going to be a lot more compliant than Tyrosh and presumably Lys. Not that we won't have to crack down and integrate them, but it should be a lot easier.
Keep in mind the other places are going to be a lot more compliant than Tyrosh and presumably Lys. Not that we won't have to crack down and integrate them, but it should be a lot easier.
It's partially growing efficiency and local aid, and partially strength of reputation.

If you consistently prove that you can not only take, but hold, and then summarily reform the areas that you conquer, the people who would have initially considered resisting might look at the fates of those who tried, and decide that discretion is the better part of valor. Eventually they might even come to think of our reforms as for the better, or even try to raise their fortunes in the wake of so much social and economic upheaval. We are pouring a lot of coin into the regions we overtake. There's opportunity there.
Runelore is at the top, especially since it only takes 5-10 days. Once that's done, we qualify for getting the Runecrafting Feat for Lya (basically getting her Level 18 feat early), already greenlit by DP.
I'm not yet convinced that it will be worth using her last feat.
@Goldfish If we want to make objects that can twist and manipulate materials already inundated with divine juice, we need that feat.
I'm not yet convinced that it will be worth using her last feat.

Well, you are of the opinion that she should be limited to one wished feat per 10 HD. Ignoring that, then this isn't her last feat.

I mean, limit of wished feats based on HD is a nice idea, perhaps, but one per 10 is just way too extreme for me.
Runes are also used for more than item creation, they were apparently used for creating wards in ancient First Men fortifications.

We can derive a lot of mileage out of that feat, I think.
Runes are also used for more than item creation, they were apparently used for creating wards in ancient First Men fortifications.

We can derive a lot of mileage out of that feat, I think.
Yeah. Anything and everything with runes will be opened up by this feat.

Wards in the style of Runestone and Winterfell, runestaves (yes, I confirmed with DP, we won't even need a Craft Staff feat beforehand), runic armor like the Royces have, the kind of magic the Wall is made of, etc.