One thing to consider: the amount money in the economy is likely going to be larger than our first batch of coin, if only because of the creation of money through banks. The moment the Iron Bank lends money to someone who deposits it there, there would be a duplication of that sum, because the ones that deposited it in the first place would be able to retire the currency, and the part that borrowed the money too.

I might be going too far right now, but this is something that, if left unchecked, could crash our economy as the magitech revolution makes modern banking mechanisms work in our economy.

Money multiplier - Wikipedia
I'm aware of the risks of Fiat Money, which is why I established precedent for a minimum security deposit for limited reserve banking. The IB is taken care of by tying them to our currency and other banks can be brought to heel by government regulations once the issue crops up.

Which will take years or decades and the bubble serves us well for now. Once it's ripe to pop, we can use it to get direct control over a lot of property and businesses.
Wait, something sounds wrong with that.

ACSEC is already planned to be an interplanar stock exchange.
Stock, not currency. It's a trading company, not a bank. After a short transition period of accepting local currency, ACSEC will switch over to only accept Imperial Marks, thus forcing adoption of the currency on traders seeking to use their services.
Another thing to consider is that this would be a de facto tax on imports and exports. Which happens to be equal for every actor.

Where is the protectionism? We need to stop them flooding our markets with cheap mass-fabricated shit and make our artisans lose their job!

I feel like a nerd for making economic jokes
Only if you switch your currency back and forth every time. Which is something we don't want. People obtaining IM to trade and making a profit in IM need an incentive to keep said money in IM. Thus there begins to build up a currency stock in other planes that stabilizes the value and exchange rate.

Meanwhile, foreign currency stays in our possession and allows us to issue more Imperial Marks if the need arises without risking inflation by having the money appear without backing.
Hmm. The change from valuable metals to fiat currency is worth doing on it's own - a preventative measure that saves tens of millions of lives. The IB know this. This works is not for Viserys' profit, but to protect people.
With the resumption of trade between pob and the rest, ACSE seems to be the go to organisation for this. Which the IB already have shares in.

Why are the iron bank asking for us to pay them half of the fees for something that can be accomplished via ACSE? My reading is that they are trying to set up a stock trading company, separate from ACSE. I think I'm missing something/have a major misunderstanding
Stock trading is not automatically the same as trading currencies and stock exchanges take service fees too. If we would do this through ACSEC, we would take service fees too, but by letting it be done by the IB, we don't need to set up our own infrastructure. Instead we use theirs and instead of us taking a fee to finance that infrastructure, they do it.

This is a perfectly reasonable deal they want. See above why it's even beneficial for us.
Preliminary proposal:

[] There shall be two exchange rates, one for small amounts and another for the big actors. The difference shall be marked by the amount negotiated (say 50000 IM for now). The commision will always be paid by the one selling the currency (as is, the bank is buying it and the customer is the one selling it), and will be of 3% in the minoritary exchanges, and 0.5% in the majoritary exchanges. This will allow the big actors to mostly bypass this de facto tax to interplanar trade, while also allowing the bank to profit from the exchange rates from minor actors.
-[] It shall be proposed that the Iron Bank will not be able to concede loans for one in five Imperial Marks in his possession, so as to limit money replication, potential devaluation and speculation schemes, effectively setting the Reserve Requirement at 20% (at worst, and in an economy where all money is deposited in banks, it multiplies the existing money by 5. If we didn't have it, the multiplication could potentially scale to infinite.)

We have to bear in mind how we are the smaller economy here, and thus we are subject to wild bouts of speculation that could utterly wreck our currency.

Imagine this: the Iron Bank starts holding 300.000 IM and 600.000 foreign currency. The exchange rate is now of 2 IM are 1 extraplanar currency.

Now, everybody comes and takes a loan in IM. Then, everybody decides to change those IM to extraplanar currency. The Iron Bank has many options in this:
-Refuse to make the transaction, thus making the IM seem useless in extraplanar trade.
-Make the transaction, but devalue the exchange rate, so that the parties lose incentives to buy foreign currency. While this works in small scales, when there is a massive movement, it just increases the rush to buy foreign currency, worsening the situation.
-Make the transaction, without devaluation. This will get us without any kind of foreign currency to back our economy, thus making the IM seem utterly weak in comparison. It will probably get replaced by the other stronger interplanar currencies.

And, just because we are who we are, we have this option too:
-Viserys and Co rush to the Opaline Vault to sell anything they can to gather more currency to back the current exchange.

So, barring the last option where we just lose party time, the Iron Bank could end up with no reserves and just IM, probably devaluated, while everybody who took loans on IM and have foreign currecny have just became richer in a single day because they will have to pay the loans in a worthless currency.

Why I'm talking about all this shit? Because it has been happening where I live for a long, long time. This can happen to smaller economies which are just starting to build trust in their currency. This can happen to us. Our enemies could just coordinate some big buying to start the ball, and then rumours and the small actors will do the rest.
Major misconception there. The IB isn't holding money, we do. Second major misconception is that the IB can unilaterally change the exchange rate.

That scenario is impossible.
Major misconception there. The IB isn't holding money, we do. Second major misconception is that the IB can unilaterally change the exchange rate.

That scenario is impossible.
Change IB for Viserys. The scenario is the same. When there is a sudden increase in demand of foreign currency to wild speculation either we have to tour through the planes doing business to buy more extraplanar currency or we risk our own currency collapsing or at least ending seriously devaluated.

But, I have to ask, then, if the IB is not holding the money, why are they in charge of handling the money exchange?
Change IB for Viserys. The scenario is the same. When there is a sudden increase in demand of foreign currency to wild speculation either we have to tour through the planes doing business to buy more extraplanar currency or we risk our own currency collapsing or at least ending seriously devaluated.

But, I have to ask, then, if the IB is not holding the money, why are they in charge of handling the money exchange?
We hire them as service providers. It's either that, having Viserys do everything himself, or hiring people and building up our own infrastructure.

Somebody has to pay for the people sitting at the exchange counter and for the counter to exist in the first place.
@Azel You probably assumed their inclusion but make sure that ACSE doesn't actually only take IM when that switch over is done because we will need to deal in our foreign allies currency at the least, especially with how we were binding things together so strongly.

I would set the reserve percentage at 50% to limit the growth more sharply and use a general progression scheme.

Transactions with less then 1000 IM of value for 5%, below 10000 IM at 3% and over 50000 IM for 1%.
"Trust me" would have sufficed. An explanation is just plain nice. *is really out of his comfort zone*

Goes back to looking into flying, superrrr fast, power-arnour based on theoretical induce gravity spell.

Possibly kept in a ring like Richards.

To be honest banking is not something I expected this quest to get into.:V

That said it's very fun and immersive to have those unexpected elements for instance I like Lady Uraka as a minor character and she never would have existed at her level of detail with my original vague notions of finance. Astral Currents is a cool idea I would not have come up with on my own.

This is one of the most unique and interesting parts of questing for me, but just unexpected turns in the story but whole new elements of world-building sort of being unveiled.
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We hire them as service providers. It's either that, having Viserys do everything himself, or hiring people and building up our own infrastructure.

Somebody has to pay for the people sitting at the exchange counter and for the counter to exist in the first place.

Then we are our own central bank. The comparison with the IB is irrelevant. Anyway, we have to be prepared for eventual bank run or exchange run. If I were one of the ludicrously rich enemies we have I would do that.

Because it is going to immobilize us for a pretty long time. The Sultan of the Efreeti might play at this were he smart enough (and somehow got over himself), the Mind Flayers wouldn't have many problems in subtle manipulations in the minds of the artisands or mechants that could, with enough numbers, begin the run, and finally, we have freaking Mammon as an enemy. If someone knows how to break economies it is him.


I would set the reserve percentage at 50% to limit the growth more sharply and use a general progression scheme.

Transactions with less then 1000 IM of value for 5%, below 10000 IM at 3% and over 50000 IM for 1%.

I like this idea. A small, middle and big exchange market.
Waymar's the one with the Ring of the Watchful Warrior.

Ser Richard is hardcore. He always wears his armor.

I though he had one too. Viserys saw Richard without armour once. The perception read as Viserys going "weird inside his head :D.

But I'm thinking, a controllable induce/reduce gravity enchantment is basically mass effect.

Maybe not with the ftl elements, since that was also based on inducing negative mass, not just gravity manipulation from effective-mass-alteration.
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Does anyone remember where Ysilla's first level sheet is? I want to do and interlude with her Waymar and Bronze Yohn, and put sheet up on the front page so I won't forget (again).
To be honest banking is not something I expected this quest to get into.:V

That said it's very fun and immersive to have those unexpected elements for instance I like Lady Uraka as a minor character and she never would have existed at her level of detail with my original vague notions of finance. Astral Currents is a cool idea I would not have come up with on my own.

This is one of the most unique and interesting parts of questing for me, but just unexpected urns in the story but whole new elements of world-building sort of being unveiled.

So... That's an "eventually yes" on the entirly impractical induce gravity based flying armour then? :p I mean the cost to benefit is just sickeningly poor.
But imagine those speed. I mean shit, can we make mass effect guns!?

In all seriousness, an induce gravity ship is pretty similar to induce gravity armour when the effect cause (an enchantment and associated high-fidelity control ring) have no defined volume or mass for this theoretical spell.
Btw, not seriously asking for any this, just read some ME stuff and my brain started sparking off ideas. :D


Items of overland flight would do what you need, though a more magi-tech gravity manipulation approach could eventually get you cheaper armor that that.

I'm thinking of abusing gravity manipulation to reach like... Fighter jet speeds. Mach 6 and such. (6700 feet/second). Was in no way something I'm pushing for, as it is silly and probably a pain to model combat for :D
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Does anyone remember where Ysilla's first level sheet is? I want to do and interlude with her Waymar and Bronze Yohn, and put sheet up on the front page so I won't forget (again).
@DragonParadox, here are the stats you made for her:
You guys can handle Ysilla's leveling if you are done with the current vote. Her stats are

DEX 15
CON 12
CHA 14
INT 16
WIS 10
And then here's the build that @Goldfish proposed.
Here's a preliminary character build for Ysilla. Thoughts and suggestions?

Name: Ysilla Royce
Alias: ???
Alignment: ???
Age: 7
Race: Human (Small Humanoid Child)
Level: 1
Class: Witch 1
Feats: Accursed Hex, Extra Hex[x2](Cauldron, Slumber), Spellcasting Prodigy
Flaws: Noncombatant, Vulnerable
Class Features: Patron (Storms); Hex (Cauldron, Healing, Slumber)
Familiar: Raven(???)

HP: ???
AC: 10 +2 (DEX) -1(Vulnerable) = 11
Initiative: +2 (DEX)
Attack: N/A (BaB +1)
Spell Save: 10 +3 (INT) 1 (SP) + spell level
Hex Save: 10 +3 (INT) + 1/2 Witch level
Weapon Proficiency: N/A


7 (-2) Strength
15 (+2) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
14 (+2) Charisma
16 (+3) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 0 +1= +1
REFLEX: 0 +2 = +2
WILL: +2

4 +1 (CON) = 5
Craft (Alchemy): 4 +3 (INT) +4 (HEX) = 11
Knowledge (Arcana): 4 +3 (INT) = 7
Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty): 4 +3 (INT) = 7
Knowledge (The Planes): 4 +3(INT) = 7
Spellcraft: 4 +3 (INT) = 7

Spells Known (CL 3):
: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Message, Putrefy Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Spark, Stabilize, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1: Ear-Piercing Scream, Hermean Potential, Hex Vulnerability, Itching Curse, Mage Armor, Web Bolt

Spells Prepared (CL 3):
Cantrips (3/day)
: Light, Mending, Message
Level 1 (2/day): Mage Armor, Web Bolt

Supernatural Abilities:
Cauldron (Ex):
Ysilla receives Brew Potion as a bonus feat and a +4 insight bonus on Craft (Alchemy) skill checks.
Healing (Su): This acts as a Cure Light Wounds spell, using Ysilla's caster level. Once a creature has benefited from the Healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. At 5th level, this hex acts like Cure Moderate Wounds.
Slumber (Su): Ysilla can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell Sleep (DC 14). The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. This hex can affect a creature of any HD. The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a Standard Action. This hex ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Equipment: Masterwork Razor-sharp Cold Iron Dagger
Also, we chose a Raven as her familiar sent by the Storm God.

EDIT: Yep. @DragonParadox, that sheet was successfully voted on.
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover | Page 7844
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So... That's an "eventually yes" on the entirly impractical induce gravity based flying armour then? :p I mean the cost to benefit is just sickeningly poor.
But imagine those speed. I mean shit, can we make mass effect guns!?

In all seriousness, an induce gravity ship is pretty similar to induce gravity armour when the effect cause (an enchantment and associated high-fidelity control ring) have no defined volume or mass for this theoretical spell.
Btw, not seriously asking for any this, just read some ME stuff and my brain started sparking off ideas. :D

Items of overland flight would do what you need, though a more magi-tech gravity manipulation approach could eventually get you cheaper armor that that.
@DragonParadox I dropped a minor ball, Waymar's mother, did she have a "running things while Yohn is away for a bit" reason to not come, or is it "I was indoctrinated to be useless and passive by the culture I lived in all my life and I would rather live in denial like a coward than support my children. Espically my very young daughter"

It may be unclear, but I've been a bit disappointed in that lady. Kinda wanna taunt her into demanding to be brought to see SD and visit her daughter (both under disguise, of course).
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Then we are our own central bank. The comparison with the IB is irrelevant. Anyway, we have to be prepared for eventual bank run or exchange run. If I were one of the ludicrously rich enemies we have I would do that.

Because it is going to immobilize us for a pretty long time. The Sultan of the Efreeti might play at this were he smart enough (and somehow got over himself), the Mind Flayers wouldn't have many problems in subtle manipulations in the minds of the artisands or mechants that could, with enough numbers, begin the run, and finally, we have freaking Mammon as an enemy. If someone knows how to break economies it is him.

I like this idea. A small, middle and big exchange market.
Sorry, I was unclear. I just wanted to shoot down the idea that the IB can set exchange rates. That's precisely why I wanted that 6 people council. It keeps the exchange rates fluent but slows down market distortions.

The bank run is obviously a problem and limiting the fiat money supply would be a great boon in that regard. Though worst case, we can plunder more Efreeti ships.
"Market fluctuations!"

Azel: "Dark Council. Shadowed Rooms. Tense negotiation. Little mud-slinging."


Azel: "Banditry."


Azel: "I am a solutions guy. You don't like my solutions, blame the setting for making easy solutions easy."
Sorry, I was unclear. I just wanted to shoot down the idea that the IB can set exchange rates. That's precisely why I wanted that 6 people council. It keeps the exchange rates fluent but slows down market distortions.

The bank run is obviously a problem and limiting the fiat money supply would be a great boon in that regard. Though worst case, we can plunder more Efreeti ships.

The council might not be quick enough, though. When a bank run happens, you either sell all your reserves or devaluate (while trying to stop and discourage it)

The council might react late enough that by the time we devaluate the IM we have already lost all of our reserves. But I guess that this can be solved with regular divinations.

And yes, we can always solve the whole thing by going out and doing some adventuring. That's the problem. A bank run would make us lose time either by being here on Planetos solving the whole mess and bringing calm, or going out to the planes to loot things. Either way we are distracted enough to let our enemies do stuff here.

And yes, I am paranoid as hell. I live in Argentina, we have the threat of a bank run every year or so.
Nobody has yet argued against it, AFAIK.

Maybe you thought that and then forgot actually writing it?
Sure happens to me at times.

I don't like the flight Hex. What about a version of Viserys's flame burst that causes a shock in an area or line? Or add the call lightning spell to her spells known, or...