That's the idea. You would make one visit with eleven people

Oh I see. She did not mean for them to be additive. How about 0.5% total of which you pay half and the trader half.

Hmm. The change from valuable metals to fiat currency is worth doing on it's own - a preventative measure that saves tens of millions of lives. The IB know this. This works is not for Viserys' profit, but to protect people.
With the resumption of trade between pob and the rest, ACSE seems to be the go to organisation for this. Which the IB already have shares in.

Why are the iron bank asking for us to pay them half of the fees for something that can be accomplished via ACSE? My reading is that they are trying to set up a stock trading company, separate from ACSE. I think I'm missing something/have a major misunderstanding
Hmm. The change from valuable metals to fiat currency is worth doing on it's own - a preventative measure that saves tens of millions of lives. The IB know this. This works is not for Viserys' profit, but to protect people.
With the resumption of trade between pob and the rest, ACSE seems to be the go to organisation for this. Which the IB already have shares in.

Why are the iron bank asking for us to pay them half of the fees for something that can be accomplished via ACSE? My reading is that they are trying to set up a stock trading company, separate from ACSE. I think I'm missing something/have a major misunderstanding

I thought these were going to be entirely different enterprises, banking versus ACSE's communication business. If it's to be tone though ASCE then they would just ask for more stock.
Seems under-CRed is what Artemis is saying, and he isn't wrong, the first level specially is easily worth +1 CR.

Although I disagree, I also don't really think it's a big deal. Easiest solution would be to round up the effects of Mythic Tiers on CR. 1 or 2 tiers equal +1 CR, 3 or 4 equal +2, and so on.
Read the feats, yes.

Remember you get to enchant your armoured body like actual armour, so it's like Mithral Breastplate/Adamantine Fullplate for them.

He's a wizard. Maybe see if we can knock off that 35/15 asf on the adamantium/Mithril? With stuff that DP says we can apply from... Thing like twilight and fey/gith craft and the such.
I thought these were going to be entirely different enterprises, banking versus ACSE's communication business. If it's to be tone though ASCE then they would just ask for more stock.

Reads. Re-reads. *Panics!* *Deep inhale*

@Azel, @Azel, @Azel I'll give you my first born if you help here! It doesn't exist, so it's nice and quiet and doesn't need changing, always a plus.

Seriously though, I thought that high level banking was just communication. And this is my greed talking, but why should we pay the IB to expand a business they have shares in.

We were quoted... What 12000 a year as a service fee for transitioning gold to a fiat currency. This was offered with the intention that this will take years instead of decades. So 12k (if it was 12k) times some number less than 10 seems like a fair price for services to me, and after that is paid, it is just us providing the IB with new users to provide services too.
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I thought these were going to be entirely different enterprises, banking versus ACSE's communication business. If it's to be tone though ASCE then they would just ask for more stock.

They are already profiting from their existing shares in the massive volume, they should be content and not create barriers to the stability of our existence.
I found an old idea again because someone rated it funny:

Grog Dragon
The brown scaled creature would look like a small barrel if it weren't for its four stubbly limbs and the clearly draconic head standing out from the broad torso.

Tiny Dragon
Hit Dice:
2d12+2 (15 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 5ft. (1 squares), fly 30 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/–6
Attack: Bite +0 melee (1d4-2)
Full Attack: Bite +0 melee (1d4-2)
Space/Reach: 3 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon (Grog)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd)
At will—Prestidigitation (Quickened), Detect Poison, Mage Hand
3/day—Create Water, Rotgut

Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, 10/- Fire resistance darkvision 60 ft., immunity to sleep, paralysis and poison
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 14
Skills: Bluff +3, Diplomacy +7, Sense Motive +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +5, Knowledge (History) +5, Performance (Storytelling) +7, Spot +3, Survival +3
Feats: Quicken Spell-like Ability (Prestidigitation), Scent
Languages Common, Draconic
Alignment: Usually Lawful

Special Abilities:
Breathweapon (Grog): The Grog Dragon can spew a fine spray of low-quality alcohol every 1d4 rounds in a 15ft Cone. Creatures in hit by this must make a DC11 Fortitude save or be blinded for one round. If the dragon spews into an open flame or uses its Quickened Prestidigitation to make a spark directly afterwards all creatures hit by the spray take 2d4 Fire damage.

any urban
Organization solitary
Treasure double standard

The Grog Dragon was without a doubt the creation of some mage, dragon or other powerful being that wished for an impressive table-servant. Its ability to create water or alcoholic beverages, combined with Prestidigitation at will and an exellent memory of tastes and scents allow it to near-perfectly imitate any drink it has tasted before, while the Magehand enables an elegant serving despite its short, near useless limbs. It can also be a charming conversationalist.

The Grog Dragon is nearly as greedy as its larger cousins, feeling similar hoarding instincts, but lacking the physical power or magical aptitude to claim and defend a hoard the usual way it often sells its services as a cup-bearer to nobles or mages that can afford to pay him.

Could we craft this now?
Would have made good servants on this conference.
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[X] No. You are already profiting from existing shares in the volume of trade, be content and do not create barriers to the stability of our existence.
@DragonParadox does Anu have Unarmored Body - Therafim or [Purified/Scantafied/Peacful Living Brass Body]? Also, what is the term you use for making living brass non-suffering and if you do have a variation of Mithril/Adamantium body, will you tell us what it does plz.

Personally, I could see a boost to Cl or additional spell slots or..
@DragonParadox does Anu have Unarmored Body - Therafim or [Purified/Scantafied/Peacful Living Brass Body]? Also, what is the term you use for making living brass non-suffering and if you do have a variation of Mithril/Adamantium body, will you tell us what it does plz.

Personally, I could see a boost to Cl or additional spell slots or..
  1. He gets regeneration 5
  2. They just call it living brass, since the Sarnori never know that 'endless agony' was its default state
Preliminary proposal:

[] There shall be two exchange rates, one for small amounts and another for the big actors. The difference shall be marked by the amount negotiated (say 50000 IM for now). The commision will always be paid by the one selling the currency (as is, the bank is buying it and the customer is the one selling it), and will be of 3% in the minoritary exchanges, and 0.5% in the majoritary exchanges. This will allow the big actors to mostly bypass this de facto tax to interplanar trade, while also allowing the bank to profit from the exchange rates from minor actors.
-[] It shall be proposed that the Iron Bank will not be able to concede loans for one in five Imperial Marks in his possession, so as to limit money replication, potential devaluation and speculation schemes, effectively setting the Reserve Requirement at 20% (at worst, and in an economy where all money is deposited in banks, it multiplies the existing money by 5. If we didn't have it, the multiplication could potentially scale to infinite.)

We have to bear in mind how we are the smaller economy here, and thus we are subject to wild bouts of speculation that could utterly wreck our currency.

Imagine this: the Iron Bank starts holding 300.000 IM and 600.000 foreign currency. The exchange rate is now of 2 IM are 1 extraplanar currency.

Now, everybody comes and takes a loan in IM. Then, everybody decides to change those IM to extraplanar currency. The Iron Bank has many options in this:
-Refuse to make the transaction, thus making the IM seem useless in extraplanar trade.
-Make the transaction, but devalue the exchange rate, so that the parties lose incentives to buy foreign currency. While this works in small scales, when there is a massive movement, it just increases the rush to buy foreign currency, worsening the situation.
-Make the transaction, without devaluation. This will get us without any kind of foreign currency to back our economy, thus making the IM seem utterly weak in comparison. It will probably get replaced by the other stronger interplanar currencies.

And, just because we are who we are, we have this option too:
-Viserys and Co rush to the Opaline Vault to sell anything they can to gather more currency to back the current exchange.

So, barring the last option where we just lose party time, the Iron Bank could end up with no reserves and just IM, probably devaluated, while everybody who took loans on IM and have foreign currecny have just became richer in a single day because they will have to pay the loans in a worthless currency.

Why I'm talking about all this shit? Because it has been happening where I live for a long, long time. This can happen to smaller economies which are just starting to build trust in their currency. This can happen to us. Our enemies could just coordinate some big buying to start the ball, and then rumours and the small actors will do the rest.
Omake: Horde Thief Chapter II
@Sqweaktoy I blame you entirely for finally giving me the impetus to get off my ass and write this. Hope you don't mind my stealing your setup.

<< Previous

Horde Thief
Chapter 2​

"You want me to tell you what now?"

"I thought myself quite clear," the being in front of me, in perfect semblance of a man, replied calmly. There might be some frustration in its eyes of pale purple, but it was only that. Given the situation I was in, I'd expected worse. The last Dragon I'd met hadn't exactly been the forgiving type and I'd not expected better when, well. "I prefer to know the names of my enemies, not the tools they use to try and kill me. Especially when they seem to take less care of them than a Dothraki their arakh."

Those words made about as much sense to me as putting wings on a donkey, but then I wasn't in any position to judge. When you were tied to a chair with a sword at your throat, your options were limited. That sword though. The blade burned at the Mantle when it touched my skin, like fire and iron bound together more closely than anything I'd ever seen.

That aside, I was quite firmly on the ropes and at this thing's mercy. Alright then Dresden, stall. You didn't come into this completely alone, you hadn't been that much of an idiot. Or maybe you had, if the events that led to this were anything to go by. "I'm not sure what you expected," I didn't bother trying to ask for a name again, I'd already tried Mr Ferro and Pyrovax. Not a spark of recognition. That, or a poker face better than a professional at the world series. Yes, Mab had told me that it bore the mark of energy from beyond the Gates, but even when forced to speak plainly, she never told me everything. "Chicago isn't a city that's had the best experience with supernatural beings acting outside their nature. If not me, someone else would have come after you eventually."

"I was unaware that it was common hosting to simply attack a lost traveller." The man growled, as power flashed in its eyes. "Nor have I missed your failure to answer my question. I vastly prefer polite conversation compared to more direct methods." Despite everything Mab had put me through, I was forced to supress a shudder at the casual certainty in the creature's voice. "But I am a lost traveller, Harry Dresden," I stiffened as it spoke my name, a name I hadn't told it. "So very far from a home I wish to return to more than you can possibly understand, and you are testing my patience."

"Look," I said quickly, "all I know is what I was told. A dragon loose in my city, not acting the way it should," I'd had more to say, but the expression on the dragon's face cut me off sharpish.

"So you are a lawman, then?" There was definite anger there now. "And it is the law of this city, 'your city', to kill any who act against how they should? Whose law, I wonder?" The sword slipped closer, blade pressing against my throat, chasing away the Mantle's touch even as it fought to stay present. Strangely, it didn't hurt this time.

"Now, look," and the door to the room exploded. Splinters and pieces of metal blasted down the hall behind me, and the man's face in front of me twitched.

"I see." It sighed, frustrated, but not seemingly worried. "You didn't strike me as the type to work alone. A conversation to be continued another time, then." It made a gesture and the world shifted, like it was about to open a Way and yet…not. "I'll be in touch." Another gesture, and then it was gone.

"Harry!" Murphy stormed into the room, her P-90 hunting for a target, and I shook my head. Before realising she wouldn't be able to see me do that.

"It's gone." I called back to her. I knew the theory on teleportation, which that had surely been. Most Wizards…well, this wasn't a Wizard, but still. Four walls to the room, only a single window, if it could go through those without a problem, who knew what else it could do. "Said…it would be in touch."

"So it's really a Dragon?" Murphy asked, cutting me loose and helping me up, still covering the walls.

"I haven't the faintest idea." I'd have to examine the room, but I was pretty sure there wasn't going to be much to find.

Mab wasn't going to like this.
Alas poor Harry wasn't an idiot about one thing, but was about a few others that he couldn't know would push the 'dragon's' buttons. Still, he's very reasonably worried about Viserys being a Dragon infected by Nemesis due to him not acting according to his nature, which is understandably terrifying.
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