Which reminds me of something else...

@Goldfish, if the Wight research pans out, I would like to reserve up to 10 wights for military projects. My personal crafting backlog is tremendous and with the windfall of our Adamantine turtles, I'm finally secure enough on the financial front to push for it.

I will also need a shit-ton of alchemical ammunitions.
You're being super optimistic with your expectations for the Dedicated Wright research. I'm guessing we'll be able to make them for Lya's Arcanum and maybe people she shares close connections with.

Mechanically, a person gains no benefit from having more than a single Wright. For ten of them, we would need ten Crafter's using them.

That said, if it works out like you want, that'll be great, but our crafting budget will explode.

EDIT: As for Alchemical ammo, we are producing large quantities of Alchemist's Fire and Fungal Stun Vials.
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Pacing is fine how it is. We can balance out administration with adventure perfectly well. We do so now.
You're being super optimistic with your expectations for the Dedicated Wright research. I'm guessing we'll be able to make them for Lya's Arcanum and maybe people she shares close connections with.

Mechanically, a person gains no benefit from having more than a single Wright. For ten of them, we would need ten Crafter's using them.

That said, if it works out like you want, that'll be great, but our crafting budget will explode.

EDIT: As for Alchemical ammo, we are producing large quantities of Alchemist's Fire and Fungal Stun Vials.
We will see how it pans out and yes, I'm aware of the costs, but this is why I never brought it up before or pushed that hard for it. I'm trusting your crafting work for the main-party and consider it more important then Legion equipment. But with a large amount of money coming in and hopefully plenty of construct crafting time available, it's time to completely invalidate the current militaries of Planetos.

As for Alchemy, I'm thinking about far more specialized stuff. More on that once I know how feasible the delivery methods are.
Part MMCCXCI: Mercy's Sting
Mercy's Sting

Eighth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

Five ships... there were doubtless scores of others plying their murderous trade across the length and breadth of the Grey Expanse, an area charts show to be about half again as large as the entire Narrow Sea. For all that you would like to imagine those five ships will not be soon forgotten. There was no battle worth the name beyond assuring yourself that the Efreeti officers would not have the chance to wield wishcraft. The most that could be said of any of the captains was that one of them managed to deny his own ship to you by triggering some sort of wild evocation which ripped his vessel in half, putting Baella in the unenviable situation of asking herself if her people's killers were worth rescuing from the churning waves.

Gained 4 Whaler Skyships (Function only on a fire-aligned plane)

No one would have thought less of her for scorning their touch, denying them safety, but she offered it to them regardless. Alas it seems some of the crew thought this showed you had 'tamed a whale'. Baella answers more with sadness than anger, though she is too overcome with emotion to speak only to them: "Do we not hurt when you harry us that we dare not rise to breathe? Do we not bleed when you stab us or drown in our own blood when we are pierced by your barbs?"

The quintet of fiery spirits following in your wake halt as though mesmerized, looking between those still clambering to stay afloat and the crew members who had clambered onto Baella, suddenly looking very nervous. One of the whalers, a genie-kin wearing enough gold that he is likely some sort of officer bows so low his head almost touches the whale's fiery skin: "We are all but poor fishermen soon to have nothing. We can pay weregild with naught but our servitude."

"I do not want slaves, only a promise," your friend replies. "Speak of this day wherever the sea may take you, in inns and taverns to kin and kith, no matter if you face scorn or ridicule, tell the truth."

You cannot be sure how many of the slavers took to her impassioned words, but some of them at least seem to be thinking deeply on more than what their own future may hold. Only a handful of them decide to take your offer for a new life away from the Eternal Furnace. Indeed, of all those who surrendered only a little more than a score crewmen took your offer of sanctuary in the Deep for the most part because they were not running from the Sultan's wrath.

  • 3 Azer
  • 8 Ifrit
  • 13 Humans
Classes: Fighter; Expert; Rogue

You had managed to capture a pair of true Efreeti, though both were by far too prideful to surrender. You cannot deny a small temptation to promise their freedom in exchange for wishes, but reason and caution is stronger by far than greed. A hundred wishes would not be worth the good will of the Peerless Empire which could be lost in an instant if such folly was discovered.

You capture 2 Efreeti

Last but not least, there are the other spoils: trade goods, coins, and jewels left over once you have given enough of them to account for a fourth of the total value to Baella who reverently took them to help build a better future for her kind in honor of those who had perished.

  • 13,225 Gold in fire whale jewels, bones, and sinewy
  • 9,300 Gold in jewels, trade goods, and weapons
  • 3,500 Great Brass Seals
  • 260 lb of Living Brass (melted down tools and weapons)


Ninth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

"So what do we do with it?" Waymar asks, laying his hands on the fire-scared but still usable table in the largest and most intact of your prizes, the disgusted tone leaving question as to what he may be referring to.

"I think we should try to give those poor souls peace," Rina speaks up, still timid, though the days of fighting alongside the rest of you, of shared danger and triumph, have done much to help her overcome, or at least see past her fears.

"I don't think there are any souls left," you sigh. "Just soul stuff, substance without form. If there is a way to recover the souls of those condemned to this fate then it is not within out reach here today." After all that you have done the words hurt to speak, but speak them you must just the same.

"So then is it any worse to make use of it than to just spend the seals?" Dany looks tired and worn as your heart tells you she never should be, but which she would no doubt deny in a moment.

"We shouldn't use it in any place it can be seen," Tyene is quick to interject. "To any eyes that see the truth of the world, the horror of its making is clear as the sun at midday. It would be easier to explain a Fury in your service than metal that seems to scream with a thousand tortured faced for mercy that can never come."

What do you do with the Living Brass?

[] Write in

OOC: Hopefully this does not feel like too much of a summary, but in spite of all the rolling going on in the background there wasn't much that was interesting or impressive other than Baella's gesture towards the whalers.
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It would be easier to explain a Fury in your service than metal that seems to scream with a thousand tortured faced for mercy that can never come.
Shame that we have nobody who would be willing to grant peace to the tortured remnants of souls trapped in eternal agony...

Oh... wait...

[X] Sacrifice it to the Merling King, including the Brass Seals
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@DragonParadox, what's the CL at this amount of Living Brass?

Hoarding it in hope of once restoring everyone is beyond even our hubris.
Also inefficient, yes.

Old Gods need more trees.
If not trees, eh, Yss' new people could use some blessings.

EDIT: Good thinking.
[X] Azel
Living brass is a horror. @DragonParadox can the merling king help in this situation. Death-that-is-freedom-from-suffering is his style.

Also, brass seals. Vile things and I do not want them to be brought to planetos. (And to sacrifice those that do ;)). Would there be any problem explaining our position on the things to Yrten and switching some for less awful stuff like the hell-gems or whatever less awful "wealth" medium is available?

[X] Sacrifice it to the Merling King
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Good chapter DP. This was a good use of our OOC time.

I like all of that stuff too. The quest would be much less unique without it. But I also like variety and I have a fondness for canon ASoIaF which focuses primarily on Westeros.

I'm not convinced Westeros will be such a big change in pacing and activities. Many ways DP could handle it.

Timeskips would require some serious changes to quest structure. I'm wary because I think ASwaH is in a good state right now.
I meant timeskips in the sense that one update represents three or four days of paperwork and administrative reorganization.
Living brass is a horror. @DragonParadox can the merling king help in this situation. Death-that-is-freedom-from-suffering is his style.
I'm pretty sure the people who went into the stuff are well beyond any kind of help, barring epic magic on a vast scale.

However, the Merling King will probably appreciate its destruction in his name. It may or may not result in a completely livid Nereid showing up and asking what ass-clown invented the stuff.
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[X] Azel

Honestly at the rate we find appropriate sacrifices our Godly allies should just give us a shopping list and call it a day.
@Azel, can we specify the Great Brass Seals are reserved for cutting deals with the Molten Skies black market? They'll be instrumental when we make our move to get the Bey of Beggars, and it'll be easier to actually have the currency to pay them.
We can just as well use gemstones or other planar currencies. Even gold works fine.

I would rather pay them in funky stuff like PoB pearls or similar.
Paying them in pearls is kind of deliciously evil on our part, too. Considering that they'll end up causing massive headaches for the local potentates.
We can just as well use gemstones or other planar currencies. Even gold works fine.

I would rather pay them in funky stuff like PoB pearls or similar.
In that case the Great Brass Seals are all worth more as a sacrifice.

They've displayed unique enchantments such as stacking themselves in neat rows, and alerting the Efreeti whenever they're being melted down to be destroyed.

@DragonParadox, can you please give us the CL of the Great Brass Seals so we can plan the sacrifices accordingly?
I actually have plans for alchemical frag-grenades and cannister rounds for ballistas. Both would benefit quite a bit from being enhanced with poison.
Compared to your bio-reactor ideas, my hydra-based poison industry looks awkward and overpriced at setting up.

But it will be quicker than starting (and finishing) research on reactors and then making some now.

Hydras grow quite damn fast, and we also just so happened to have a minor reality warping ability we can probably help them with that too.
I'm pretty sure the people who went into the stuff are well beyond any kind of help, barring epic magic on a vast scale.

However, the Merling King will probably appreciate its destruction in his name. It may or may not result in a completely livid Nereid showing up and asking what ass-clown invented the stuff.
They are no longer sapient or even properly sentient, but the soul fragments in them are trapped in constant suffering, it might not mean much when there isn't a mind to experience the suffering, but those seals are pretty much pain given form, so while we can't really help the people who went into it, we can end the suffering of some of their scattered fragments.