Assuming that 50 Great Brass Seals = 1 pound of Living Brass, which would be the same conversion rate as for D&D standard currencies, we would have 330 pounds of the stuff and get 1 CL per 10 pounds. So that's 33 CL in total.

Considering that the Merling King is dangerously underfed, this sounds like a great investment to make.
That's an interesting way to combat inflation.
Oh, we will. Rest assured of that.

[X] Sacrifice it to the Merling King, including the Brass Seals.
-[X] Ask him if he could use the power gained from the sacrifice to destroy other Living Brass, which bears shards of the same souls as those within that brought to his altar.

This is just too delicious.
Hmm, does we need to fear the Shaitan and the Dijinn losing some money? Also not only we're engaging in Bio-Terrorism but also supervillain worthy of stuff?

I mean, gathering money in order to destroy the economy of a nation? Where's James Bond when you need him?
Hmm, does we need to fear the Shaitan and the Dijinn losing some money? Also not only we're engaging in Bio-Terrorism but also supervillain worthy of stuff?

I mean, gathering money in order to destroy the economy of a nation? Where's James Bond when you need him?
I think we have little to fear in that regard. The Shaitan informed us that anything Living Brass is less then welcome in their lands and the Djinn are most certainly no fans of it either.

As for the rest of you post, we are doing a lot of supervillainy stuff for a long while now. What is a little spot of terrorism and destroying an economy there?
[X] Azel

Damn guys. I thunk this might somehow make the Sultan even angrier at us. Seriously, what would piss us/Viserys off more? Stealing an admittedly strong sacrifice or trying to fuck up our economy?
This is something we should involve the Shaitan and Djinn in.

The Shaitan especially would likely be ecstatic at a chance to attack the Brazen Throne's currency.

They've been on war economy for ages. They'd love to turn that around on the Effreti. Ironic Justice.

I bet we could expect them to open their treasuries and deploy agents to procure many Brass Seals from as many different coinage serial runs as possible, in order to attack a ludicrous number of coins all throughout the spheres through the sympathetic links.

We can also expect them to contribute cursed artifacts awaiting disposal to fuel the sacrifice.

This would make an amazing first strike against the Brazen Throne, and a magnificent first act for our Concordat of Sky, Stone and Scale.

This should be the officiation ceremony to announce the Concordat at the end of the Interplanar Conference.

The rumor mills were already slanted to explode once our alliance went public, but this announcement together with the Sultan's treasury and coins everywhere exploding? Legendary.

Man, the Sultana is going to look like a raving lunatic from all the laughter she'll do once she hears that we have a plan to literally attack the Brazen Throne's economy.
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This will cause the opposite of inflation as you are removing currency, this works better though because it's physical currency being destroyed while increasing it's purchasing power.

What we should see is poorer people with less physical coins, but potentially greater wealth, until the roulette wheel lands on their batch of coinage, then the handful of highly valuable coins become completely worthless.

Unrest ensues.

The attack builds upon itself, destroy value, consolidate value, destroy greater value.

Once I again I must advocate for providing the service, not directly involving the Shaitan or Djinn. This is far too important and they will jump at the chance to pay us.
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How we could cause Hyper-inflation? The coins would be destroyed, wouldn't they?
Inflation isn't a result of a too large supply of money or a shortage of goods, but by a lack of trust. If everybody stops believing that colored slips of wool are an acceptable way to exchange value in return for goods, they loose all value. You have reached the logical conclusion of hyper-inflation. Toilet paper money.

Now imagine this scenario. You have a pocket full of [local currency] and suddenly, without warning, it starts to smoke. You pull out your cash and notice with a start that two of the notes are crumbling to dust before your very eyes. Worse, you can see the same happening with other peoples money!

So this sounds like a good moment to turn evaporating currency into good, solid goods. Except that the very same thing happened at the shop you go to. People are aware that money can apparently spontaneously crumble into nothing and now they want more of it for everything they sell, since they fear that they might loose part of it in the next hour to the unknown effect.

Despite the supply of currency going down, inflation has set in. People don't trust the money to retain it's value, so they want more of it to compensate for that. But everyone is doing it, so they need even more money to pay for their basic necessities and, in turn, they demand even higher prices for their goods and services.

And thus you end up with a hyper-inflation spiral. Money keep being worth less and less and the local economy must either begin using other currencies that are unaffected or ditch currency altogether and revert to a barter economy. The latter works hilariously badly on any scale larger then a small tribe of primitives.

And the government? Well, a lot of people will be pretty damn angry at those lazy fucks who don't do anything to fix the issue.

Mind you, we will need a lot of Living Brass to make this a reality, but if we can? Boy. We will hear the Sultans screams of rage all the way over in the Prime Material.
Plus the ocassional higher value Living Bronze asset going kaput too.

Living Brass Golem: I'm not feeling so good Mr.Sultan.

These chuckleheads make a disturbing number of things using metal mixed with bits of thousands of destroyed souls. If pieces suddenly start dissapearing... well chipped +2 swords and horrifying chamber pots galore. This is their planes key magic metal we are talking about here.
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Inflation isn't a result of a too large supply of money or a shortage of goods, but by a lack of trust. If everybody stops believing that colored slips of wool are an acceptable way to exchange value in return for goods, they loose all value. You have reached the logical conclusion of hyper-inflation. Toilet paper money.

Now imagine this scenario. You have a pocket full of [local currency] and suddenly, without warning, it starts to smoke. You pull out your cash and notice with a start that two of the notes are crumbling to dust before your very eyes. Worse, you can see the same happening with other peoples money!

So this sounds like a good moment to turn evaporating currency into good, solid goods. Except that the very same thing happened at the shop you go to. People are aware that money can apparently spontaneously crumble into nothing and now they want more of it for everything they sell, since they fear that they might loose part of it in the next hour to the unknown effect.

Despite the supply of currency going down, inflation has set in. People don't trust the money to retain it's value, so they want more of it to compensate for that. But everyone is doing it, so they need even more money to pay for their basic necessities and, in turn, they demand even higher prices for their goods and services.

And thus you end up with a hyper-inflation spiral. Money keep being worth less and less and the local economy must either begin using other currencies that are unaffected or ditch currency altogether and revert to a barter economy. The latter works hilariously badly on any scale larger then a small tribe of primitives.

And the government? Well, a lot of people will be pretty damn angry at those lazy fucks who don't do anything to fix the issue.

Mind you, we will need a lot of Living Brass to make this a reality, but if we can? Boy. We will hear the Sultans screams of rage all the way over in the Prime Material.

Devils will profit massively with a post-payment set up, they (and others) see inherent value in the currency beyond being a store of value. As long as they ensure their Fiendish works are completed with soul stuff extracted from Living Brass and then paid for in gold they are sitting pretty.
If so, we should not destroy these coins, as that alerts the Sultan.

We should await until we and our allies can amass a critical amount of the stuff.

What we should do is go to the Godsblood cave and have a chat with the Merling Man himself.
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If so, we should not destroy these coins, as that alerts the Sultan.

We should await until we and our allies can amass a critical amount of the stuff.

What we should do is go to the Godsblood cave and have a chat with the Merling Man himself.
... This is a very good argument. @Azel, if you want to pull this off, we should hold off on destroying the coins.
Devils will profit massively with a post-payment set up, they (and others) see inherent value in the currency beyond being a store of value. As long as they ensure their Fiendish works are completed with soul stuff extracted from Living Brass and then paid for in gold they are sitting pretty.
Even they run the risk of their tidy profits evaporating before their eyes. The important bit is to not do it all at once, but to keep doing it at irregular intervals to increase the uncertainty and panic.

If so, we should not destroy these coins, as that alerts the Sultan.

We should await until we and our allies can amass a critical amount of the stuff.

What we should do is go to the Godsblood cave and have a chat with the Merling Man himself.
Point. Adjusted the vote to leave out the seals.

I keep forgetting about the alert feature.
Even they run the risk of their tidy profits evaporating before their eyes. The important bit is to not do it all at once, but to keep doing it at irregular intervals to increase the uncertainty and panic.

No, they don't.

It's post payment, take Living Brass use the soul stuff and pay only for successfully used soulstuff, if it disappears they don't pay.
Devils will profit massively with a post-payment set up, they (and others) see inherent value in the currency beyond being a store of value. As long as they ensure their Fiendish works are completed with soul stuff extracted from Living Brass and then paid for in gold they are sitting pretty.
Too bad its implied they are also the manufacturers of these coins then isn't it. Why that might make them a target a target of suspicion in addition to potentially massively damaging their manifactiries for the stuff when random parts suddenly disappear.

The goal is to destroy any other living brass with pieces of the original souls in them. Not all parts of it have to be necessarily in coins.

Also DP I have to ask. Are Great Brass Seals with their weight in Living Brass or are the coins worth more than random stuff made out of the same material? Because if the stuff is only worth it in pounds. I figure its effect would be measured in it too.

Soo sacrificing a couple living brass ships and stuff to destroy everything else whose brass came from the same soul? Might get a lot more coin than we put into it.
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Nobody is going to agree to such a deal. What's the point in selling your money to Baator in the hope that they maybe pay you back for it?

What's the point in sitting on it when it's probably going to disappear.

For most it is purely a store of value, for Baator it's a resource, there aren't going to be too many buyers so they can offer a price that is a steal but feasible and rake it in.

Better some than nothing is not a difficult equation for most to make.
Too bad its implied they are also the manufacturers of these coins then isn't it. Why that might make them a target a target of suspicion in addition to potentially massively damaging their manifactiries for the stuff when random parts suddenly disappear.

The goal is to destroy any other living brass with pieces of the original souls in them. Not all parts of it have to be necessarily in coins.

It won't be living brass anymore, it will be fuel for weapons, transports and personal growth like all soul stuff down there.
[X] Azel

We will see how it pans out and yes, I'm aware of the costs, but this is why I never brought it up before or pushed that hard for it. I'm trusting your crafting work for the main-party and consider it more important then Legion equipment. But with a large amount of money coming in and hopefully plenty of construct crafting time available, it's time to completely invalidate the current militaries of Planetos.

As for Alchemy, I'm thinking about far more specialized stuff. More on that once I know how feasible the delivery methods are.

The biggest hurdle for Construct crafting is that Lya and Valeria are our only crafters with the requisite feat, and Lya is needed for most of our higher level enchanting, though Rina can fill in for her somewhat. Even if we can only get a Dedicated Wright for each of Lya's crafting Arcanum, that would be a huge boon for us. Each Wright is good for 30 solid days of crafting per month, up to 6,000 IM.

On the Alchemy front, I really think Fungal Stun Vials are what we should begin producing en masse, along with the enchanted item launchers I proposed a while back. They are incredibly effective, with a high save DC and large AoE. Lesser False Ravens could also be used to bomb enemy troops with them. Each Fungal Stun Vial only costs us 5 IM, too, which is amazing for what they do.
Fungal Stun Vial

75 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.

Harvested from a rare fungus, these small vials emit a bright blue glow, and are commonly used in intertribal kobold disputes. When broken, a fungal stun vial releases a flash of bright blue light in a 10-foot radius and dim light in a 20-foot radius. All creatures within the flash area must make a Will save (DC 20). Creatures that fail are stunned for 1d2 rounds if they're in the area of bright light, or are confused for 1 round if in the area of dim light.

Create: Craft (alchemy) DC 30

Here's what I posted on the Launchers;
I recommend that we create launchers that makes use of the Launch Item spell. At 1st caster level, it would cost 180 IM (135 IM for Lya or Leila, 108 IM for Valeria). Even at first level, it would have a range of 440 feet, with no attack penalties for attempting to strike a target multiple range increments away like we would suffer if we used a traditional Ballista or Large Crossbow. The spell can launch items weighing up to 10 pounds, which is perfect because a Light Ballista (Damage: 3d8, Crit: 19-20/x2) bolt weighs 10 pounds.

It can launch anything else, so long as it's not more than 10 pounds. Beyond launching Light Ballista bolts, we could have much larger Alchemical payloads or special magical ordinance.
Alchemical Fire: This hard, ceramic canister of alchemist's fire can be used as ammunition in catapults and trebuchets. When it hits its target square, it deals 4d6 points of fire damage to each creature and wooden structure within 5 feet of the target space, and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire (wooden objects automatically catch on fire). Every creature and wooden object within the area between 5 and 30 feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire. On a siege engine mishap, this ammunition explodes before it is launched, dealing its damage to the siege engine and all nearby creatures and wooden objects as if one of the spaces of the siege engine (crew leader's choice) were the target square. This alchemical fire ignores the hardness of wooden objects.

Liquid Ice: This hard, ceramic canister filled with alchemical liquid ice can be used as ammunition in catapults and trebuchets. When it hits its target square, it deals 4d6 points of cold damage to each creature within 5 feet of the targeting space, and each creature must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or become entangled for 1 round. Every creature within the area between 5 and 30 feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or take half damage. On a siege engine mishap, this ammunition explodes before it is launched, dealing its damage to all nearby creatures as if one of the spaces of the siege engine (crew leader's choice) were the target square.

Smoke Shot: This hard ceramic sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier, much like a smoke pellet in larger form. When it hits the targeting space, it deals 2d6 points of damage to any creature in that space, and the substances mingle and then create an area of foul but harmless yellow smoke radiating 30 feet from the target square. Treat the effect as a fog cloud spell. On a siege engine mishap, the ammunition explodes before it is launched. Its effect is centered on one of the spaces of the siege engine (crew leader's choice).

Each of these is 10 pounds, and thus perfect for the Launcher. The Alchemical Fire bomb would cost us 13.33 IM , the Liquid Ice bomb would cost 26.66 IM, and the Smoke bomb would cost 16.67 IM.
For magical payloads, my favorite is probably the humble Wood Shape Ballista Bolt. At a minimum caster level, it would affect up to 13 cubic feet of wood. Lya or Leila could craft each one for just 22.5 IM and Valeria could do it for just 18 IM. Each would be crafted to severely warp the first wooden item it strikes, meaning a well-placed shot near the water line could rapidly sink a ship with minimal damage. That would make salvage and repair of the sunken ship much easier.

Single-use Fireball and Flashburst ballista bolts would also be very nice for specialty use. At minimum caster level, each would cost 75 IM (56.25 IM for Lya, 45 IM for Valeria). The damage on the Fireball wouldn't be much better than the Alchemical Firebomb, but the area affected would be much larger; also less likely to start fires, but more likely to take out troops. Flashburst bolts are even better than Fireball bolts. A single bolt could potentially blind every enemy within 140 feet (20ft of initial burst + 120 additional radius of effect) for 2d8 rounds. Depending on deployment, that could affect multiple ships, an entire attacking force, or all the defenders along the wall of a large fortified structure.
Valeria can craft one of the Launchers for just 108 IM. That's essentially a Wondrous Item that operates as a Light Ballista, requiring a simple Ranged Touch Attach to strike a target, with no need for Exotic Weapon Proficiency or a large logistical footprint that would be required to support and transport an actual Light Ballista. When you're using it to launch payloads with large AoE effects, such as a Fungal Stun Vial or single-use Fireball Flashburst item, they wouldn't even need attack rolls.
On a side note, it would be fantastic if we could get the Herald crafted before the Westerosi conquest. I want to make @Crake's omake on that a reality.
Rhaenys: "Did you do it?"
Viserys: "Yes."
Rhaenys: "What did it cost?"
Viserys: "Everything."


Maybe it would have been better if I had said Living Brass Throne? Wouldnt that be a coup. The Sults literal seat of power turning to ash from under him.

...and knowing the kind of ego of people like that I bet the only piece of soil brass used in the greater coins are the left over bits from the more valuable works as compared to the random stuff.