@DragonParadox, consensus is achieved
Adhoc vote count started by egoo on Sep 8, 2018 at 5:38 AM, finished with 224517 posts and 16 votes.
Enhanced Manufactories
Elaborate centerpieces to each workshop in which they are placed, to better represent the supernal artistry and talent they allow craftsmen and experts access to, increasing the quality of goods in each industry they reside. Statues each provide +5 Competence and Luck bonuses, respectively.

Statue of Magecraft:
Everfire Dale - Everflame Steelworks
Sorcerers Deep - Earths Bounty Jewelry
Sorcerers Deep - Sand Textile Works
Sorcerers Deep - Shadow Tower Alchemic Laboratory

Statue of Crafter's Fortune:
Everfire Dale - Everflame Steelworks
Sorcerers Deep - Earths Bounty Jewelry
Sorcerers Deep - Sand Textile Works
Sorcerers Deep - Shadow Tower Alchemic Laboratory

@Goldfish @Azel

New section won't ever not be relevant, I guess, since we could always expand to different industries. There's your blurb for the Informational threadmark though.
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As for suggestions on what industries we could expand to in SD, I was thinking a Tannery located in Mosshold. Could be responsible for making high quality goods from the hides of exotic domesticated (or more wild but violently "subdued") creatures. Which would basically be creating the market for goods made from hides either so supple it's borderline supernatural, or hides so tough they can stop a war axe dead half of the time.

I would like to think an expedition to Yi Ti might turn up examples of paper mills, which could form a hugely profitable industry on its own, and give way to an extreme rise in literacy that we've been hoping for.

Statues to enhance Naath's output and quality will increase our taxes there. Maybe help Wyla forma company for a split of the profits like our arrangement with Garin.

We should talk to the Brewers, since we could also start putting some more exotic beverages out on the market. Alcohol in general seems to be one which every polity has their hand in somehow.

I dunno. Soap might be a decent one too, also in Mosshold. Gotta do something with that animal fat.

I'm guessing we could produce things like mirrors of ridiculous quality using magic, but I feel like stuff that's so niche and usually the providence of luxury goods should be abstracted somewhat. You can only put so much of that into any market without crashing it.

Which seems to be a major fear of @Azel, and a reason why we haven't gone crazy with expanding into every random industry. I do think once the population increases drastically (as I think he mentioned) there's more room for optimizing though.
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Serpentfolk sheets done:

Sun-Walker Serpentfolk x51

The serpent kin an be patient beyond the bearing of younger races, but when they act it is with uncanny swiftness that bespeaks of their nature more than the coat of emerald scales or fangs with venom dripping. Their minds speak with the wisdom of elders days, but those weak of will had best be weary for they can just as easily ensnare and mesmerize. A serpent is rarely wrathful, but often hungry.

Living as they did in the shadow of their ancestors' great works the sun-dwellers revere the past and live in hope that as the World serpent bites its own tail so too that which once was may come again. Thus they abide ready to snatch what fortune fate may provide leaving naught to waste, be it worn stone, gold glittering with old magic or other more macabre offerings.

Serpent folk consume the flesh of both their own fallen and their defeated foes, though in times of plenty they have bene known to scon that which has been 'tainted by folly.' By the same measure they collect the skulls of the wise and storied that they may glimpse the secrets and the wisdom of friend and foe alike.

Fourty Expert 3/Warrior 3

Sun-Walker Serpentfolk

Medium Monstrous Humanoid Expert 3/Warrior 3
Hit Dice
|3d6+3d10+12 (42)
Speed|30 ft (6 squares)
Armor Class|17 (+4 Dex +3 Natural Armor), touch 14, flat footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple| +5/+5
Attack|Varies [Bite bite +5 (1d6–1 plus poison)]
Full Attack|Varies [Bite bite +5 (1d6–1 plus poison)]
Special Attacks|Spell-like abilities, Poison (1d4 Wisdom DC 14)
Special Qualities|Low-light Vision, Telepathy SR 12
Saves|Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4 (+2 vs Fear -4 vs Cold)
Abilities|Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 15
Skills| Survival +9, Spot +11, Listen +9, Hide +17, Move Silently +17, Craft (Varies) +11; Knwolege Nature +8, Escape Artist +8
Feats| Master of Poisons; Blooded, Weapon Focus (Varies)
Alignment: Varies
ECL: +3

Ability Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, +2 Charisma

Racial Modifiers: +4 to Hide, Move Silently and Escape Artist

Cold Blooded: +2 racial bonus against fear effects; -4 to saves against the effects of low temperatures (including spells with the cold descriptor)

Mind-Speech (Su): May commune telepathically with any creature of at least animal-like intelligence within 100 ft. While this ability may substitute for a common language contextualizing foreign concepts may require an intelligence check.

Scaly Skin (Ex): +3 Natural Armor

Ward of the World Serpent (Ex): By the blessing of the World Serpent or perhaps simply long ages of enduring in treacherous curse-shrouded Sothoryos Serpentfolk possesthe ability to shrug off spells upon their bodies and minds. They gain SR = 6+HD by default increased to 11+HD if they gain true spell-casting of their own.

Posion (Ex): Initial and secondary damage of 1d4 Wis (DC 10 + HD/2+Con Modifier)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6):

Hypnotism (At Will)

Charm Animal, Charm Person (3/day)

Speak with Dead (1/Month)

Other classes:
Five Rangers 5
Six Fighter 4/Sorcerer 1

Something for everyone to keep in mind, though: counting Svitran the level 6 Yss cleric we have fifty-two sentient Sun-Walker Serpentfolk. We have twenty-one Sun-Walker eggs, and I'm sure there'll be more on the way before long. And lastly, we have eight non-sentient Sun-Walker Serpentfolk, all of which can hopefully be brought to full sentiency once Yss is able to see what the issue with them is.

One Cleric of Yss 6 (Svitran)
Five Rangers 5
Six Fighter 4/Sorcerer 1
Fourty Expert 3/Warrior 3
Eight Non-Sentient Serpentfolk
Twenty-one eggs
Something else to consider is that ECL 3.

That's a pretty hard hit. Svitran will level as slowly as a level 9 character, it will take him until effective level 12 to cast Raise Dead, Planeshift and all the other nice stuff clerics get with the 5th spell level.

Call me racist but I prefer near-human races without level adjustment.
Something else to consider is that ECL 3.

That's a pretty hard hit. Svitran will level as slowly as a level 9 character, it will take him until effective level 12 to cast Raise Dead, Planeshift and all the other nice stuff clerics get with the 5th spell level.

Call me racist but I prefer near-human races without level adjustment.
Eh, it'll be fine. It's not like we have a shortage of enemies to constantly deal with.
The explanation for that is that it's easier to justify some hundreds of years old non-human existing with spellcasting equivalent to a human 5th circle caster but some abilities that makes them more dangerous in consideration. Forms a more interesting threat for an average party of four PCs without having to create an encounter with multiple creatures, possibly with different spells to keep track of.

From a nation building perspective however human PCs grow quicker, if happen to be more vulnerable, but even that can be mitigated by investing gold into them. Whereas the heavy cost of buying the fealty of an immortal stems from the idea that in a hundred years your investment will be worth a hundred times the initial price (debatable, but most people with that kind of power and longevity have reason to overvalue their freedom of movement and action, whereas spellcasters that start out as mere mortals don't put much thought into what they'd do with eternity, or even just "a really long ass time", because they thought it wouldn't ever be an issue for them).

Even then we're not seriously taking advantage of any of our PCs. Moonsong's just singularly a huge pain in the ass who makes us lots of money "when she feels like it".

She could also feel like burning down an entire harbor in foreign lands because she got bored.
Never said she would burn down the harbor on purpose, just that it could happen as a consequence to looting a princess.

Now when we loot a princess, nobody complains, right? :V
Neat. But what are the statues exactly? Do they give the bonuses or do they just represent that the place bestowed them?

Also I kinda had a though. We have over 20 phoenixes now. Does anybody want to upgrade the bridges a little. Specifically by adding Continuous flame lanterns periodically on the bridges and roads? Like Japanese Stone Lanterns.

Slowly of course as we get more of the lanterns over time. We could even reduce the cost of the lanterns themselves fo next to nothing by making them out of stone. With a hardened quartz sphere with Echo of the Eternal Flame cast on it inside.
Neat. But what are the statues exactly? Do they give the bonuses or do they just represent that the place bestowed them?

Also I kinda had a though. We have over 20 phoenixes now. Does anybody want to upgrade the bridges a little. Specifically by adding Continuous flame lanterns periodically on the bridges and roads? Like Japanese Stone Lanterns.

Slowly of course as we get more of the lanterns over time. We could even reduce the cost of the lanterns themselves fo next to nothing by making them out of stone. With a hardened quartz sphere with Echo of the Eternal Flame cast on it inside.

@DragonParadox would fabricating a long line of hardened stone or metal wire along the bridge and hitting it with a single continual flame be allowable? I'm talking maximum allowable legnth that can be fabricated/hardened and accepts continual flame?

Also, have the pheonixs been making many continual flame stones in the background?

Can we assume that all Scholarium students, inqusition, party members and adminstration offices all have continual flame items they keep in a small pounch or ring with a continual flame inset?