Yeah, that's a big thing. It's one thing to raid the Efreeti, but the point of this whole thing is to impress the Shaitan. Raiding the Efreeti in a way that directly helps the Shaitan is worth quite a bit.

@DragonParadox, how about this.

We make a deal with this Azer dude, he gets a Sending Stone and an Arcane Marked stone, and we split up and we raid the military convoys. When the time has arrived to raid the ship from Dis, we teleport right to him and get to work.

Magic solves many things.
Has the benefit of "Surprise Dragon!" moment since will hopefully chance treasure ship off guard since they won't assume pirates having a dragon working with them.
[X] Take Yrten's deal
-[X] He is loaned a Sending Stone and an Arcane Marked stone (to be returned after this mission), and he is to contact us when the time is nigh to raid the Grand Vizier's ship coming from Dis, at which point we will teleport to him and prepare for battle.
--[X] How the loot is divided up will be decided after the battle.
-[X] In the meantime raid the two Efreeti military convoys, prioritizing the stronger one currently moving against the Shaitans, and if there's time also getting the one resupplying the subjugated salamander tribes.
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Preliminary plan.

[X] Plan "Having your cake and eating it, too" Dragon Edition
-[X] "The prospect of striking such a blow against the Brass Throne is much too tempting to pass up, Yrten Sword-Sunder, but I aim to do more than capture the Sultan's treasure."
--[X] Propose a counter-offer:
---[X] We will give Yrten a Sending Stone with an Arcane Mark on it. While he and his crew seek out the treasure ship, we will hunt our own prey. When he is ready to attack the treasure ship, Yrten will use the Sending Stone to send us a message and we will Teleport to his location, along with our minions.
----[X] Loot will be split 50/50, between him and his crew and us, though we would like the opportunity to purchase some part of his share should we find it interesting. The same offer is available to Yrten if he finds something interesting among what we take.
--[X] We will set out to raid the military supply convoy which is on its way to aid the Efreeti invading the Plane of Earth and fighting the Shaitan. If we have time afterward before Yrten contacts us, we will seek out the second convoy supplying the salamanders.
-[X] Viserys learns Avasculate from his upgraded Expanded Arcana feat.
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[X] Take Yrten's deal
-[X] He is loaned a Sending Stone and an Arcane Marked stone (to be returned after this mission), and he is to contact us when the time is nigh to raid the Grand Vizier's ship coming from Dis, at which point we will teleport to him and prepare for battle.
--[X] How the loot is divided up will be decided after the battle.
-[X] In the meantime raid the two Efreeti military convoys, prioritizing the stronger one currently moving against the Shaitans, and if there's time also getting the one resupplying the subjugated salamander tribes.
Great minds, dude!

Wanna consolidate? Mine also includes Viserys' new spell.
Great minds, dude!

Wanna consolidate? Mine also includes Viserys' new spell.
Sure! Would you mind adding this clause?

--[] We request the right to purchase parts of his loot that we might be interested in (at a fair price, of course) after the raid's conclusion.

[X] Goldfish

Regarding the spells, even if we lose one I'm just not going to fight it. I'll try pushing to get the Grimoire expanded instead.
Sure! Would you mind adding this clause?

--[] We request the right to purchase parts of his loot that we might be interested in (at a fair price, of course) after the raid's conclusion.

[X] Goldfish

Regarding the spells, even if we lose one I'm just not going to fight it. I'll try pushing to get the Grimoire expanded instead.
Already added that.
Hello everyone and welcome to Map V3, still without a majority of buildings but with adjusted terrain and some landmarks.
Unfortunately to get the text at a decent size and be able to get some detail on buildings beyond a coloured blob, the map is now massive. Once again, tell me if you think somethings wrong. Yes I know the walls haven't been built and probably won't in the end, this is to help me organise the districts before I remove the walls at the end.
[X] Plasn As Goldfish, But With Avasculate
-[X] The same basic plan as Goldfish, but Viserys learns Avasculate

Seriously people. Greater Dispel is neat, but we have Dispelling Breath already.

But the ability to halve the HP of any single target, no save allowed? That's the truly tasty stuff.