We can play up being a Red without being blatantly antagonistic. I have a good feeling about this Azer, and I think he's going to end up being a friend. Let's see how things play out?
But arent azers dwarves? You can only trust dwarves as far as you can toss them, dwarves and dragons are natural enemies after all.
Like dragons and hala, or dragons and rust Monsters, or dragons and other dragons.
Damn dragons, they ruined dragonhood.
Once again, tell me if you think somethings wrong.

I don't think we will place the Moonsinger Temple together with Yss' since the latter accepts blood sacrifice. I believe it's better we set it closer to the trading district. There's also a Godswood on the Keep itself (Planar Binding Tree). The Scholarum is located facing one of the Godswoods on the city proper (The Philosopher's Tree). The other is the Defense Tree.

[X] Goldfish
Updated the plan somewhat. No haggling, @Azel, but we do attempt to delve more deeply into Yrten's true motivations.

[X] Plan "Having your cake and eating it, too" Dragon Edition
-[X] "Do not attempt to play me for a fool, Yrten Sword-Sunder. Show me the respect I deserve and I shall reciprocate in full. Now what is your true goal in taking a prize of such value that doing so will forever after earn you the personal ire of the Brazen Throne?"
--[X] Attempt to learn what, if anything beyond mere greed, motivates Yrten to attack the treasure ship.
-[X] If Yrten's response is satisfactory, propose a counter-offer. If not, depart and begin hunting down the Efreeti military convoys.
--[X] We will give Yrten a Sending Stone with an Arcane Mark on it. While he and his crew seek out the treasure ship, we will hunt our own prey. When he is ready to attack the treasure ship, Yrten will use the Sending Stone to send us a message and we will Teleport to his location, along with our minions.
---[X] Loot will be split evenly between him and his crew and us, though we would like the opportunity to purchase some part of his share should we find it interesting. The same offer is available to Yrten if he finds something interesting among what we take.
-[X] We will set out to raid the military supply convoy which is on its way to aid the Efreeti invading the Plane of Earth and fighting the Shaitan. If we have time afterward before Yrten contacts us, we will seek out the second convoy supplying the salamanders.
-[X] Viserys learns Avasculate from his upgraded Expanded Arcana feat.
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Never get tired of The Simpsons' Memes
Imagine you trying to stablish a reputation for dragons as mighty and intelligent creatures that are not to be messed with, and then this guy comes along and calls himself a dragon.

As for dwarves, i believe their enmity comes from the dwarves tendency to spawn near "Hoard pockets", naturally ocurring geode-like cavities in mountains, that contain gems, as well as gold and other precious metals, possibly as a thank you gift from the earth to dragons, for the privilege of having them exist in the same plane of existence.
In any case, dwarves are fiercely protective of hoard pockets, and much like bees protecting a honeycomb, they must be dealt with before claiming the treasures for one's hoard.
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[X] Goldfish
I wouldn't mind Greater Dispel Magic myself, but there are other great possibilities, too, such as Legendary Proportions.
Why Legendary Proportion when we can learn Righteous Might.
Did you forget the bit where we literally did exactly that against a dragon far out of our league? That encounter is probably in the top 5 most lethal we've had thus far.
Nightmare Dragon, but it was in the Dreamlands.
Hello everyone and welcome to Map V3, still without a majority of buildings but with adjusted terrain and some landmarks.
Unfortunately to get the text at a decent size and be able to get some detail on buildings beyond a coloured blob, the map is now massive. Once again, tell me if you think somethings wrong. Yes I know the walls haven't been built and probably won't in the end, this is to help me organise the districts before I remove the walls at the end.
What's supposed to be in the middle of that web of streets?

It should probably be changed in design.
No, Avasculate is the perfect answer to the high-CR HP-bags we are facing these days.
Or melee, look at our full attack.
I'd also like to contact other Targaryen Loyalists, although inviting them to the conference is a bit premature. Right now, they're basically just rattling their sabers in the general direction of the traitors and doing their best not to listen to the increasingly horrific rumors spilling out from the Stepstones and Essos. They don't know us, they don't know what we're doing, and blind faith that we're coming sooner or later can only carry them so far. They're either going to revolt at an inconvenient time or be subverted by the Lannisters/Blackfyres if we don't make some sort of effort to contact them. It can be something as simple as sending them a raven with orders from their True Liege, or discreetly teleporting then to SD and doing some traditional diplomacy in person. Giving King Viserys a face, and reassuring them that we're not a blood drinking monster, is nessesary.

This is honestly long overdue. We can freakin teleport and we've turned a grand total of 3 Westerosi Lords! 3!!!

We should set time aside to flip a few Riverlander Houses (get them aboard the plan) especially now that we got a mind blank item and the Lannisters cant divine who we have flipped. Valeryion can handle the diplomancy of the Narrow Sea lords, within reason, Brune can handle Cracklaw Point (though to what extent I'm not sure), and the Royces can handle part of the Vale (though more effort is required here.)

We need more irons in the Riverlands. The Darry's for one. The main Kingsroad crossing through the Trident is within Plowman's Keep's Zone of Control, and they're a powerful Riverlander house with an axe to grind against the Baratheons and the Tully's.

The Mootons are another must by now. They hold Maidenpool: the foremost port of the Bay of Crabs and thus the eastern Riverlands. Having a logistical point ready and able to support a Legion landing there would see us cut the Riverlands in half in only a few days, as we could follow up such a secure landing with a march to support the Darry's and completely cut off the Capital and the Crownlands from the north. Any Tully-Lannister relief force will be severely constrained in their movement if we manage it, and will likely put the screws on indecisive Crownlands Houses to pick the right side.

Once we secure the Crownlands and the Capital the War is half won.
Following my earlier thoughts, I propose an intrigue action for next turn aimed at securing a minimum baseline support threshold for the Riverlands, with the primary objective being to flip both the Darrys and most importantly the Mootons.
This is honestly long overdue. We can freakin teleport and we've turned a grand total of 3 Westerosi Lords! 3!!!

We should set time aside to flip a few Riverlander Houses (get them aboard the plan) especially now that we got a mind blank item and the Lannisters cant divine who we have flipped. Valeryion can handle the diplomancy of the Narrow Sea lords, within reason, Brune can handle Cracklaw Point (though to what extent I'm not sure), and the Royces can handle part of the Vale (though more effort is required here.)

We need more irons in the Riverlands. The Darry's for one. The main Kingsroad crossing through the Trident is within Plowman's Keep's Zone of Control, and they're a powerful Riverlander house with an axe to grind against the Baratheons and the Tully's.

The Mootons are another must by now. They hold Maidenpool: the foremost port of the Bay of Crabs and thus the eastern Riverlands. Having a logistical point ready and able to support a Legion landing there would see us cut the Riverlands in half in only a few days, as we could follow up such a secure landing with a march to support the Darry's and completely cut off the Capital and the Crownlands from the north. Any Tully-Lannister relief force will be severely constrained in their movement if we manage it, and will likely put the screws on indecisive Crownlands Houses to pick the right side.

Once we secure the Crownlands and the Capital the War is half won.

Following my earlier thoughts, I propose an intrigue action for next turn aimed at securing a minimum baseline support threshold for the Riverlands, with the primary objective being to flip both the Darrys and most importantly the Mootons.
You have my support. Now you just have to remember to propose this, because I'm likely to forget. Start campaigning for it now and it'll be more likely to get done.
You have my support. Now you just have to remember to propose this, because I'm likely to forget. Start campaigning for it now and it'll be more likely to get done.
I think the way I can find my 'role' in this quest is by advocating a more proactive policy towards Westeros. We've been neglecting it for reasons both, major and petty, but things are getting heated and shit will go down if we don't assert control over the situation.
Following my earlier thoughts, I propose an intrigue action for next turn aimed at securing a minimum baseline support threshold for the Riverlands, with the primary objective being to flip both the Darrys and most importantly the Mootons.

The issue is, while we may not be vulnerable to divination any more, the people that we convert will be. All the Lannisters would need to start asking is: "Which Houses plan on backing foreign threats?" Sure, that will ping on others, like Deep One, White Walker, Fey, or Fiendish, patsies, but it would still hit them as well.

Divination is extremely hard to get around. Write something down? That can be divined. Tell or convince someone who doesn't have Mindblank? That can be divined. Order troops to begin forming up for war? That can be divined, even if the troops are not sure where they'll be attacking.

Mindblank works great on the squad scale, when you're talking about a dozen actors at most. On the scale of nations, there's simply too many people who could break secrecy or be unprotected. It's also impossible for us to adequately cover everyone necessary in Mindblank; it would break the bank.

We can still ferment treason among the Westerosi, but it's not going to likely be any type of surprise for the Lannisters. They'll know and they'll be able to act and isolate our pawns with their own.
Yeah, that's a big thing. It's one thing to raid the Efreeti, but the point of this whole thing is to impress the Shaitan. Raiding the Efreeti in a way that directly helps the Shaitan is worth quite a bit.

@DragonParadox, how about this.

We make a deal with this Azer dude, he gets a Sending Stone and an Arcane Marked stone, and we split up and we raid the military convoys. When the time has arrived to raid the ship from Dis, we teleport right to him and get to work.

Magic solves many things.

Bad Duesal! You're stealing DP's chardev screentime!:V
To be honest I'd more lean towards sabatoging and assassination if we wanted to do anything in Westeros. The ol' stir up some serious shit and come back to pick up the pieces when we have dealt with our other pressing threats (gold company for example). I don't see a huge amount of returns on diplomancing this or that Westerosi Lord, especially when their being flipped is easily divined as mentioned.

I mean we are already relatively immune to any amount of foot soldiers/ men at arm's that they could raise against us when the time comes so their opposition isn't worth worrying about either. Don't get me wrong I'm not against converting more of them but I'd wait for a situation where we wanted to do something in the area anyway to justify to the trip.

On the other hand if you guys want to talk assassinating Tywin I'm all ears now that we have the mind blank items it should actually be very feasible to just teleport in while he is on the road sometime and gank him. There really isn't much he is going to do to be able to stop that, he doesn't have any guard even close to stopping a full party scry and die scenario and he has to travel sometime.

Also all you loot fiends you guys know how loaded this dude is right right? You know you want to.
The issue is, while we may not be vulnerable to divination any more, the people that we convert will be. All the Lannisters would need to start asking is: "Which Houses plan on backing foreign threats?" Sure, that will ping on others, like Deep One, White Walker, Fey, or Fiendish, patsies, but it would still hit them as well.

Divination is extremely hard to get around. Write something down? That can be divined. Tell or convince someone who doesn't have Mindblank? That can be divined. Order troops to begin forming up for war? That can be divined, even if the troops are not sure where they'll be attacking.

Mindblank works great on the squad scale, when you're talking about a dozen actors at most. On the scale of nations, there's simply too many people who could break secrecy or be unprotected. It's also impossible for us to adequately cover everyone necessary in Mindblank; it would break the bank.

We can still ferment treason among the Westerosi, but it's not going to likely be any type of surprise for the Lannisters. They'll know and they'll be able to act and isolate our pawns with their own.

Are we a foreign threat though? We have a rightful claim to Westeros and many houses (there's dozens of them!... maybe?) Support us.

Seriously though, the mindblank will likely dizzy up their counter divinations. And its still no reason not to directly influence Westeros.

I think the way I can find my 'role' in this quest is by advocating a more proactive policy towards Westeros. We've been neglecting it for reasons both, major and petty, but things are getting heated and shit will go down if we don't assert control over the situation.

Preach it brother! I will support you in this.

Though; Honestly the Reach sounds so unstable I would not be surprised if it blew up into a lot of mini civil wars after we landed. In any case, they're far from our zone of influence, and thus limited in what we could do with them. Any loyalists there will be wary of being eaten by a Lannister Stack of Doom, and the closes asset we've got that could protect them and provide a core to form an effective combat host around would be the Dornish Army... and they'll be needed badly in the Stormlands.

No matter which way Stannis flips, the Stormlands will be a bit of a mess I suspect. We'll need the Dornish Army (which is nothing out of this world I remind everyone; 15k spearmen if Doran is feeling enthuthiastic) to help secure the loyalist Stormlords.

We do need better intel on the Reach though. The Tyrell's could be on the edge of collapse, or the Fey Kingdoms could have been vastly overrated and won't meaningfully inconvinience the theoretical full 100k unified Reacher Host.