Also I know it's off topic but whatever happened to those maps we made form Mammon? I dont see them mentioned anywhere. Plus did we put in making those bags from the rest of his skin?
This is a guess on my part, but because DP told us that Speak with Dead isn't possible on the Aspect's corpse due to Mammon having severed all connection to it and wiped it clean of any memory imprint specifically in anticipation of us possibly getting intel from it, and given that the Treasure Map spell happens to work on the same principles (using a memory imprint of the corpse to divine the most valuable treasure in a designated location) I'm assuming the Treasure Maps weren't possible, so the Aspect's hide was conserved for other projects.

As for the Bags of Greed, I guess we can try to see about getting them crafted next turn. This turn is pretty booked.
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Updated Erinyes character sheet, now with Rapid Shot numbers added. @TotallyNotEvil Did DP ever say we could retrain their feats to have Deadly Aim rather than Precise Shot? I know you mentioned it, but I didn't see a response.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 9d8+72 (112 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft., Fly 50 ft. (Good)
Armor Class: 35/37 (+8 Dex, +7 Armor, +10 Natural, +2 Deflection vs Evil), Touch 18 (+20 vs Evil), Flat-Footed 27 (+29 vs Evil)
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+14
Attack: +1 Razorsharp Adamantine Thinblade +18 Melee (1d8+10/18-20) or +1 Flaming Composite Dragonbone Longbow (+8 Str bonus) +18 Ranged (1d8+9+1d6[Fire]/×3; 130ft Range Increment) or Rope +17 ranged (Entangle)
Full Attack:
-Special[Rope]: +17 (Entangle)
-Melee[+1 Razorsharp Adamantine Thinblade]: +18/+13 (1d8+10/18-20)
-Ranged[+1 Flaming Composite Dragonbone Longbow (+8 Str bonus)]: +18/+13 or +16/+16/+11 (1d8+9+1d6[Fire]/×3; 130ft Range Increment)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Entangle, Spell-like Abilities, Summon Devil
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/Good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Fire and Poison, Resistance to Acid 10 and Cold 10, See in Darkness, Spell Resistance 20, Telepathy 100 ft., True Seeing, Possession/Mental Control
Saves: Fort +14 (+16 vs Evil), Ref +14 (+16 vs Evil), Will +12 (+14 vs Evil)
Abilities: Str 25 +1(26), Dex 25 +1(26), Con 25 +1(26), Int 18, Wis 22, Cha 24
Skills: Concentration +20, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +20, Hide +20, Knowledge (Planes and Religion) +16, Listen +18, Move Silently +20, Search +16, Sense Motive +18, Spot +18, Survival +6 (+8 following tracks), Use Rope +8 (+9 with bindings)
Feats: DodgeB​, MobilityB​, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Entangle (Ex) Each erinyes carries a stout rope some 50 feet long that Entangles opponents of any size as an Animate Rope spell (caster level 16th). An Erinyes can hurl its rope 30 feet with no range penalty. Typically, an Erinyes entangles a foe, lifts it into the air, and drops it from a great height.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12) At Will: Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), Charm Monster (DC 21), Minor Image (DC 19), Unholy Blight (DC 21).

Summon Devil (Sp) Once per day an Erinyes can attempt to summon 2d10 Lemures or 1d4 Bearded Devils with a 50% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell.

True Seeing (Su) Erinyes continuously use True Seeing, as the spell (caster level 14th).

Amulet of Tears (3 charges/day)
1 charge: 12 temporary hit points
2 charges: 18 temporary hit points
3 charges: 24 temporary hit points
Duration: 10 minutes

Greater Ribbon of Disguise: Alter Self, Magic Aura, Undetectable Alignment (At Will)

Healing Belt (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage

Equipment: Amulet of Tears, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Healing Belt, Ring of Protection from Evil, Ring of Animalistic Power (+1 Str/Dex/Con), Rope (50ft), +1 Flaming Composite (+8 Strength) Dragonbone Longbow, +1 Razorsharp Adamantine Thinblade, +1 Nimble Reinforced Segmented Mithral Breastplate
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Couldn't we use the insight tree to boost the Erinyes for the ritual? It isn't a spell effect, and we know supernatural abilities don't disrupt it since their own true seeing does not.
No, but rather, DP has waived PBS as requirement for stuff, so that should go.

In any case, look at what their AC looks like if we give them animated shields.
Even without Animated shields, their AC is ridiculously high. We're spending enough on them this turn that additional upgrades are going to be far in the future.

We still have several party members that need those shields first, too.
So now Viserys has his crown back, complete with Cowl of Warding effect, and he'll be getting a pair of Soulfire Bracers. Is the Monk's Belt for him, too, @TotallyNotEvil?

I remember the Greater Truedeath Crystal is for Bronn, or was it Garin? Is the Lesser Fire Assault Crystal Richard and Oathkeeper?

Who gets the other two Mind Blank earrings and Soulfire Bracers. I'd prefer Lya and Dany. IC fluff reasons aside (one is his sister and the other his beloved), pure pragmatism says they would be the best choices for general every day wear; they're closest to Viserys and thus more likely to be Divination targets, having either one of them killed would be a serious setback even after we Resurrect them (especially Lya! :o ) just from level loss, and together with Richard and Viserys, they make a ready made strike team.

We need to decide so I can see if it will be possible to get some crafting time set aside for them this turn to upgrade their current Earrings of Arcane Acuity to become slotless, and the Monk's Belt is going to need some upgrades (+3 Constitution at least, plus Healing Belt effect) before Viserys uses it. The belt will almost assuredly have to wait for until next turn.
Conqueror's Crown enchanted as a Cowl of Warding
2x Earrings of Mind Blank
3x +1 Soulfire Mithral Buckler (Soulfire Bracelets)
Monk's Belt
Greater Truedeath Crystal
Lesser Fire Asault Crystal
Same. Though that bnb one does look like they took the Draconic template like I wanted to give them. Maybe if we ever fo that?
I'm not in favor of doing that. Our current Erinyes are great as they are with their Fallen Angel theme.

Also @Goldfish, there's this non-fanservice picture for the Erinyes:
That said, the wings look way too small on this one, so I also prefer the picture that DP already has.

Improper wing size is one of my pet peeves, which is why I'm actually really annoyed with the Kongamato's picture.
I'm not in favor of doing that. Our current Erinyes are great as they are with their Fallen Angel theme.

Also @Goldfish, there's this non-fanservice picture for the Erinyes:
That said, the wings look way too small on this one, so I also prefer the picture that DP already has.

Improper wing size is one of my pet peeves, which is why I'm actually really annoyed with the Kongamato's picture.
It's difficult to find non-slutty Erinyes, but here are a couple more images that might work.

I like the first one because she's not only armored appropriately and armed with both a sword and bow, she also appears to be delivering a scroll to someone in the midst of battle. It's all too easy to imagine us having an Erinyes serve a subpoena to an Archduke of Hell or Demon Lord after we destroy their forces. "You've been served, Moloch. You are commanded to report to the Harvesting Chamber within 30 days. Or else."

The weapon in the second one doesn't fit all that well, but otherwise it isn't too bad.
It's difficult to find non-slutty Erinyes, but here are a couple more images that might work.

I like the first one because she's not only armored appropriately and armed with both a sword and bow, she also appears to be delivering a scroll to someone in the midst of battle. It's all too easy to imagine us having an Erinyes serve a subpoena to an Archduke of Hell or Demon Lord after we destroy their forces. "You've been served, Moloch. You are commanded to report to the Harvesting Chamber within 30 days. Or else."

The weapon in the second one doesn't fit all that well, but otherwise it isn't too bad.
I like the first one a lot, so much that I don't even mind that the wings are too small.

The second one just... I dunno, the pose seems weird, and the weapons and armor seem wrong.
I like the first one a lot, so much that I don't even mind that the wings are too small.

The second one just... I dunno, the pose seems weird, and the weapons and armor seem wrong.
It's not that the wings are too small, it's just that they are pulled pretty far back, so they seem smaller than they really are.

Just keep telling yourself that.
A few for consideration:

A bit indistinct, but I feel it works quite decent.

There armor looks a bit light and it is boob-plate, though without that, it tends to be hard to tell the wearer is female.

Too many wings, but otherwise pretty perfect.

Big penalty for exposed thighs, but otherwise pretty nice.

A bit too goodish, but I like the overall design very much. Also, two people in the picture.

The most hilarious part is that the best recognizably female Evil-Plate I know of, is that of a succubus.
A few for consideration:

A bit indistinct, but I feel it works quite decent.

There armor looks a bit light and it is boob-plate, though without that, it tends to be hard to tell the wearer is female.

Too many wings, but otherwise pretty perfect.

Big penalty for exposed thighs, but otherwise pretty nice.

A bit too goodish, but I like the overall design very much. Also, two people in the picture.

The most hilarious part is that the best recognizably female Evil-Plate I know of, is that of a succubus.
I would pick #3 or #4 if I hadn't found the one I posted, where she's serving a battle subpoena. I think she might be our Combat Litigator's assistant.
I would pick #3 or #4 if I hadn't found the one I posted, where she's serving a battle subpoena. I think she might be our Combat Litigator's assistant.
My one and only gripe is the extra long pointed ears. Sadly, it's a pretty big gripe to me.

Also, I recognize the person in the front to the right. That's our as of yet not made necromancer Arcanum.
My one and only gripe is the extra long pointed ears. Sadly, it's a pretty big gripe to me.

Also, I recognize the person in the front to the right. That's our as of yet not made necromancer Arcanum.
She has a Greater Ribbons of Disguise, so obviously she was feeling like it was a long, pointy ear day. Luckily we didn't catch her on a catgirl day.
They have, but it's not like alternatives are thick on the ground and it has been known to work, albeit very rarely.
But in this specific case the alternative is right here, these Erinye's are breaking from Hell to work for us, and Yrael is our ally, that mean he can try the more subtle forms of encouragement to redeem herself, normally that's not the case, but with the fact that she's now working for Viserys, they have an enforced non-hostility situation, that mean Yrael can focus on reminding her of how good it feels to be good, instead of going all moralizing at her.

Yrael have the rare opportunity of an Erinye that has already taken a small step away from evil, in such a case guilt isn't really the best idea, reinforcing that not being evil is a good idea is, meaning Yrael should try and ensure that the Erinye's get rewarded extra, when they solve problems in non-evil ways.
@Azel @Goldfish, my current favorites are split between the first picture that Goldfish found, and picture number 3 for Azel.

I'd love to get Mereth a spear like that at some point.