I'd actually forgotten about her... :oops:

Well get on it, son! Our Manic Pixie Tree Girl needs her!

Name: Beryl the Strategist
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native, Lawful)
Feats: Fiery Burst, x3 Expanded Arcana (Divine Insight, False Life, Flashburst, Air of Nobility), Weapon Finesse
Flaws: Pride, Fussy
Class Features: Lawful - Positive Energy - Fire - Water Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 + 7 + [False Life]
Armor Class: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shielded) +1 (Dodge, Haste) +2 (Deflection) + (2 vs Evil) = 24/26
Movement: Ground (30ft), Swim (30ft), (60ft, Haste)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Fire
Damage Reduction: 5/Chaotic
Spell Resistance: 12
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 5 + 1 + 2 = 6/8
REFLEX: 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9/11
WILL: 5 + 2 + 2 = 7/9

6 + 4 (CHA) = 10
Concentration: 10 + 1 (CON) = 11
Diplomacy: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 6 (SIN) = 20
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Art): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (Law): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (War): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Intimidate: 10 + 4 (CHA) = 14
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) = 11

Spells Known (Caster level 7 + 1 [Fire]):
--Level 0:
Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Heightened Awareness, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield (7/day)
--Level 2: Divine Insight, False Life, Protection From Arrows, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray (7/day)
--Level 3: Air of Nobility, Shadow Enchantment, Flashburst, Fly (5/day)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7):
Haste (At-will, self)
Scorching Ray (1/day)
Smite Chaos (1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Boneward Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Equipped Items: Razorsharp Adamantine Thinblade (+1), Circlet of Clarity (+2), Gloves of Zephyr's Grace (+2), Boneward Belt (+2), Masterwork Razor-edged Mithril Dagger, Ring of Protection from Evil, Standard Sorcerer's Deep Adventurer's Kit(™)

Is this alright?
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Replacing Heroism with it, I guess.

No need for that. It's a 2nd level Cleric and Bard spell, which means Lya can create Beryl with it at 2nd level.

Or you could replace Heroism anyway and use Shadow Enchantment instead. She could still duplicate Elation, but it would provide all the other 1st and 2nd level Enchantment spells for Beryl as well.
No need for that. It's a 2nd level Cleric and Bard spell, which means Lya can create Beryl with it at 2nd level.

Or you could replace Heroism anyway and use Shadow Enchantment instead. She could still duplicate Elation, but it would provide all the other 1st and 2nd level Enchantment spells for Beryl as well.

I did the latter. That good?
I still can't figure, for the love of Baator, what are the small devil critters. They can't be Nupperibos, but they are still weaker than imps.

And I highly doubt that we are talking about the Doll Devils here. Those can't even fight.
And here's Diana, the Arcanum we told the Queen Rhaella would be a member of her crew.

She's kind of like the Mercy of the sea, intended more for her buffs than her offensive power. With her spells, she can quickly and easily buff the entire crew before any naval engagement, while her mobility provides excellent intelligence gathering ability. She also has a number of buffs meant to make things easier on a ship at sea, including Keep Watch for sailors on duty, Aboleth's Lung and Swim to give sailors extended ability to operate underwater, and Tail Current to further enhance the Queen Rhaella's already incredible speed. Her Positive Energy Aura and Rays will keep the crew in peak condition and heal any damage to the Queen Rhaella virtually as soon as it occurs.

She isn't built to be an arrow-firing death machine like Aradia, but she's easily capable of lending her bow to any conflict, and from a great height well out of bow range for any enemy.

: Diana, the Sea Sprite
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native)
Feats: Expanded Arcana (x4; Aboleth's Lung, Mass Aid, Mass Conviction, Dispel Magic, Swim), Flyby Attack, Versatile Spellcaster
Flaws: Fussy, Love of Nature
Class Features: Good Elemental Air-Water-Positive Energy Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision
(60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 + 14 (??? HP)
Armor Class:
10 + 7 (DEX) + 2(Deflection) = 19 (Flat-Footed: 12, Touch: 19)
Movement: Ground (30ft), Swim (30ft), Flight (100ft; Perfect Maneuverability)
Initiative: +7 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 5 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control
Resistances: 10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Electricity
Damage Reduction: 5/Evil
Spell Resistance: 12
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
22 + 2 = +24 (+7) Dexterity
12 + 2 = +14 (+2) Constitution
14 (+2) Charisma
18 + 2 = +20 (+5) Intelligence
14 (+2) Wisdom


FORTITUDE: 5 + 2(CON) + 3(Resistance) = +10
REFLEX: 5 + 7(DEX) + 3(Resistance) = +15
WILL: 5 + 2(WIS) + 3(Resistance) = +10

Concentration: 10 + 2(CON) = 12
Diplomacy: 10 +2 (CHA) = 12
Heal: 10 +2 (CHA) = 12
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Knowledge (Geography): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Knowledge (Nature): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 5(INT) = 15
Profession (Sailor): 10 + 2(WIS) = 12
Listen: 10 + 2 (WIS) = 12
Sense Motive: 10 + 2(WIS) = 12
Spellcraft: 10 + 5(INT) + 2(SYN) = 17
Spot: 10 + 2 (WIS) = 12

Spells Known (Caster level 7):
--Level 0
: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Blessed Aim, Hawkeye, Keep Watch, Mage Armor, Shield (6+2/day)
--Level 2: Aboleth's Lung, Divine Insight, Glitterdust, Resist Energy, Swim (6+1/day)
--Level 3: Dispel Magic, Mass Aid, Mass Conviction, Tail Current, Thunderous Roar (4+1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Gaseous Form (Sp): Use Gaseous Form at will as a Spell-Like Ability with a caster level equal to your HD.
--Smite Evil (Su): Once per day as a Swift Action, add Charisma bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage bonus against Evil foes; Smite persists until the target is dead or you rest.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Healing Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Equipped Items: Circlet of Clarity +2, Enduring Ring of Protection from Evil (+2), Gloves of Zephyr's Grace +2, Greater Amulet of Resistance (+3 to all saves), Healing Belt, +1 Dragonbone Longbow, Masterwork Razor-edged Adamantine Dagger, Standard Sorcerer's Deep Adventurer's Kit(™)
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Also, re: Blood Factory, I was talking with a biologist friend who's also into RPG, and he essentially posited the problems of:
- Figuring out you have all the components that actually produce the blood for the devil. We are making a huge assumption in looking for "bone marrow".
- Find a way to give it some kind of Regeneration or at least Fast Healing, as this kind of organ culture just usually dies before it can pump out anything useful and there are a ton of associated problems with this kind of shenanigan.

This is assuming we can even get a marrow -> fungus translation. And there will probably be a need for a special diet for it.

It probably also holds true for making venom-producing plants.

But yeah, we should look into killing a Troll or something.
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Also, re: Blood Factory, I was talking with a biologist friend who's also into RPG, and he essentially posited the problems of:
- Figuring out you have all the components that actually produce the blood for the devil
- Find a way to give it some kind of Regeneration or at least Fast Healing, as this kind of organ culture just usually dies before it can pump out anything useful and there are a ton of associated problems with this kind of shenanigan.

This is assuming we can even get a marrow -> fungus translation. And there will probably be a need for a special diet for it.

It probably also holds true for making venom-producing plants.

But yeah, we should look into killing a Troll or something.
Our hydra already have regenerative capabilities with their heads that we can replicate, but you're right. A troll is just an undeniably better test subject.
@Crake @Goldfish Considering that we're going to hit our stride with crafting, maybe replace one or two of the expanded arcanas on your builds with pages of spell knowledge? Then either remove a flaw, or add another feat that benefits their general... stuff doing?
@Crake @Goldfish Considering that we're going to hit our stride with crafting, maybe replace one or two of the expanded arcanas on your builds with pages of spell knowledge? Then either remove a flaw, or add another feat that benefits their general... stuff doing?
I don't think either one of them are missing out on much for taking Expanded Arcana feats. Pages of Spell Knowledge can't always be the solution to limited spell selections.

And the flaws give them character. I think Love of Nature fits Diana very well, for example.
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I don't think either one of them are missing out on much for taking Expanded Arcana feats. Pages of Spell Knowledge can't always be the solution to limited spell selections.

Of course not.

You need Stars of Shallosh for that :p.

But in all seriousness... why not? We are making progress on urgent item crafting, getting a better enchanting method soon, and for 3k gold or so you get a feat saved or flaw removed :D

You telling me you want Diana to die out on the seas there because you didn't want to put in an order for a page of spell knowledge to give a new life the very best chance they can get? That's... pretend monstrous!
Well get on it, son! Our Manic Pixie Tree Girl needs her!

Name: Beryl the Strategist
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native, Lawful)
Feats: Fiery Burst, Skill Focus (Knowledge (War)), x3 Expanded Arcana (Divine Insight, False Life, Flashburst, Air of Nobility)
Flaws: Pride, Fussy
Class Features: Lawful - Positive Energy - Fire - Water Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 (39 HP) + 1d10 + 7 [False Life] (46 + 1d10)
Armor Class: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shielded) +1 (Dodge, Haste) = 22/24
Movement: Ground (30ft), Swim (30ft), (60ft, Haste)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Fire
Damage Reduction: 5/Chaotic
Spell Resistance: 12
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 5 + 1 + 2 = 6/8
REFLEX: 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9/11
WILL: 5 + 2 + 2 = 7/9

6 + 4 (CHA) = 10
Concentration: 10 + 1 (CON) = 11
Diplomacy: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 6 (SIN) = 20
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Art): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (Law): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (War): 10 + 4 (INT) +3 (SF) = 17
Intimidate: 10 + 4 (CHA) = 14
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) = 11

Spells Known (Caster level 7):
--Level 0:
Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Heightened Awareness, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield (7/day)
--Level 2: Divine Insight, False Life, Protection From Arrows, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray (7/day)
--Level 3: Air of Nobility, Shadow Enchantment, Flashburst, Fly (5/day)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7):
Haste (At-will, self)
Scorching Ray (1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Boneward Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Equipped Items: Masterwork Razor-edged Adamantine Thinblade, Masterwork Razor-edged Mithril Dagger, Standard Sorcerer's Deep Adventurer's Kit(™)

Planned Items: Circlet of Clarity +2 (400 IM), Ring of Protection from Evil (400 IM), Gloves of Zephyr's Grace +2 (240 IM), Boneward Belt (475 IM), Ring of Sustenance (250 IM)

Is this alright?
I've linked the quoted post to Beryl's creation day in the schedule, so any changes you need to make, I would put them there to help DP.

Oh, and Beryl is missing her 1/Day Smite Chaos special ability. DP also rolls HP, so including her, even if it looks to be averaged, might be a bit premature.
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