We already made two maps
Noooo, god damn it.

And I suppose it would be far too late for a retcon, wouldn't it?

Had we made these under a mindblank, he'd have no way to know what we were going to target and be much easier for us (and stressful for him).

He isn't Tiamat.
I doubt he has the metajuice to break through a mindblank as "easily" as she does.
And even if he does, that would have (slightly) weakened him even further.

How inefficient.

As for the cloak, I think ill be in the minority here with not really wanting the storage ability on it and being okay with everything else.
Noooo, god damn it.

And I suppose it would be far too late for a retcon, wouldn't it?

Had we made these under a mindblank, he'd have no way to know what we were going to target and be much easier for us (and stressful for him).

He isn't Tiamat.
I doubt he has the metajuice to break through a mindblank as "easily" as she does.
And even if he does, that would have (slightly) weakened him even further.

How inefficient.

I think ill be in the minority here with not really wanting the storage ability on it and being okay with everything else.
You realize we didn't exactly have a choice there? There's always been a one-day limit on how long a corpse can be dead before we can make a map out of its parts. If we waited there would have been no map.
You realize we didn't exactly have a choice there? There's always been a one-day limit on how long a corpse can be dead before we can make a map out of its parts. If we waited there would have been no map.
I was kind of assuming we could have used smoke confinement on it and put it in a state if timelessness, but apparently this thing only works on living beings.

Eh, fuck it, I suppose there was no way for us to not have triggered my salty-sense here... :/
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@Goldfish @Azel

Name: Beryl the Strategist
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native, Lawful)
Feats: Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Knowledge (War)), x2 Expanded Arcana (Divine Insight, False Life, Heart of Water)
Flaws: Pride, Fussy
Class Features: Lawful - Positive Energy - Fire - Water Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 (39 HP)
Armor Class: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shielded) +1 (Dodge, Haste) = 22
Movement: Ground (30ft), (60ft, Haste)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Fire
Damage Reduction: 5/Chaotic
Spell Resistance: 12
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 5 + 1 + 2 = 6/8
REFLEX: 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9/11
WILL: 5 + 2 + 2 = 7/9

6 + 4 (CHA) + 2 (PER) = 12
Concentration: 10 + 1 (CON) = 11
Diplomacy: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 6 (SIN) + 2 (NEG) = 22
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Art): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (Law): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (War): 10 + 4 (INT) +6 (SF) = 20
Intimidate: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 2 (PER) = 16
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) + 2 (NEG) = 13

Spells Known (Caster level 7):
--Level 0:
Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Burning Hands, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield (7/day)
--Level 2: Divine Insight, Glitterdust, False Life, Fox's Cunning, Scorching Ray (7/day)
--Level 3: Clairaudience/Claircoyance, Heart of Water, Heroism (5/day)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7):
Haste (At-will, self)
Scorching Ray (1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Equipped Items: Amulet of Protection from Evil
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...anyone else has a feeling that Burny followers will look at the amount of gold we are dropping into Moonsinger temple and will collectively decide to outdo that?

That will be both hilarious and terrifying, I must say.
Those boots are disgustingly impractical :o

I was tempted to crop them out, funnily enough, but they amused me too much.

...anyone else has a feeling that Burny followers will look at the amount of gold we are dropping into Moonsinger temple and will collectively decide to outdo that?

That will be both hilarious and terrifying, I must say.

Every time they renovate their temple to be bigger and gaudier than the last iteration, we build an even more outrageously ostentatious temple. In the ultimate architectural dick-waving contest.
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@Goldfish @Azel

Name: Beryl the Strategist
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native, Lawful)
Feats: Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Knowledge (War)), x2 Expanded Arcana (Divine Insight, False Life, Heart of Water)
Flaws: Pride, Fussy
Class Features: Lawful - Positive Energy - Fire - Water Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 (39 HP)
Armor Class: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shielded) +1 (Dodge, Haste) = 22
Movement: Ground (30ft), (60ft, Haste)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Fire
Damage Reduction: 5/Chaotic
Spell Resistance: 12
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 5 + 1 + 2 = 6/8
REFLEX: 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9/11
WILL: 5 + 2 + 2 = 7/9

6 + 4 (CHA) + 2 (PER) = 12
Concentration: 10 + 1 (CON) = 11
Diplomacy: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 6 (SIN) + 2 (NEG) = 22
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Art): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (Law): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (War): 10 + 4 (INT) +6 (SF) = 20
Intimidate: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 2 (PER) = 16
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) + 2 (NEG) = 13

Spells Known (Caster level 7):
--Level 0:
Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Burning Hands, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield (7/day)
--Level 2: Divine Insight, Glitterdust, False Life, Fox's Cunning, Scorching Ray (7/day)
--Level 3: Clairaudience/Claircoyance, Heart of Water, Heroism (5/day)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7):
Haste (At-will, self)
Scorching Ray (1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Equipped Items: Amulet of Protection from Evil
Why use Expanded Arcana to learn Heart of Water? For the Freedom of Movement effect? Otherwise it's completely wasted, considering the Water lore grants Water Breathing and a Swim speed. Not a fan of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Casting time is too long, duration too short, and range not particularly impressive.

Since you didn't go with the Air Lore, Fly would be a good choice for enhanced tactical movement or Phantom Steed for speed and duration, with the ability to provide them for allies as well. Or pick up a 3rd level fire spell, such as Flashburst, which is super effective, then the Fiery Burst feat so that she could always have that to fall back on for offensive purposes.

I wouldn't go with Fox's Cunning, either. A +2 Intelligence item will be nearly as good and will earn the Arcanum a bonus spell slot or two while being constantly active, as opposed to 7 minutes of duration with the spell. Maybe Protection from Arrows or Invisibility instead?

EDIT: Also, Negotiator and Persuasive don't really give you a lot of follow through here. Better to use one of them to get another Expanded Arcana to learn the Air of Nobility spell and the other for Fiery Burst.
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Why use Expanded Arcana to learn Heart of Water? For the Freedom of Movement effect? Otherwise it's completely wasted, considering the Water lore grants Water Breathing and a Swim speed. Not a fan of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Casting time is too long, duration too short, and range not particularly impressive.

Since you didn't go with the Air Lore, Fly would be a good choice for enhanced tactical movement or Phantom Steed for speed and duration, with the ability to provide them for allies as well. Or pick up a 3rd level fire spell, such as Flashburst, which is super effective, then the Fiery Burst feat so that she could always have that to fall back on for offensive purposes.

I wouldn't go with Fox's Cunning, either. A +2 Intelligence item will be nearly as good and will earn the Arcanum a bonus spell slot or two while being constantly active, as opposed to 7 minutes of duration with the spell. Maybe Protection from Arrows or Invisibility instead?

EDIT: Also, Negotiator and Persuasive don't really give you a lot of follow through here. Better to use one of them to get another Expanded Arcana to learn the Air of Nobility spell and the other for Fiery Burst.

1) Can't learn spells that outside of the Lores you possess. Does that only include spells with an energy type? (Acid, Cold, Fire, etc.)

But all of your suggestions are good.
1) Can't learn spells that outside of the Lores you possess. Does that only include spells with an energy type? (Acid, Cold, Fire, etc.)

But all of your suggestions are good.

There would be no Lore conflicts to learn Fly, Air of Nobility, Flashburst, Protection from Arrows, Phantom Steed, or Invisibility, at least not for the Lores you have selected.

You might also want to consider Rope Trick as a 2nd level spell, as it's a great hiding place and provides a long-lasting safe space to rest and recover, which is fitting for the theme you seem to be going for here.

Also, Negotiator and Persuasive don't really give you a lot of follow through here. Better to use one of them to get another Expanded Arcana to learn the Air of Nobility spell and the other for Fiery Burst. If you do get Fiery Burst, I would replace Burning Hands with something else, maybe Keep Watch or Heightened Awareness.
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There would be no Lore conflicts to learn Fly, Air of Nobility, Flashburst, Protection from Arrows, Phantom Steed, or Invisibility, at least not for the Lores you have selected.

You might also want to consider Rope Trick as a 2nd level spell, as it's a great hiding place and provides a long-lasting safe space to rest and recover, which is fitting for the theme you seem to be going for here.

Also, Negotiator and Persuasive don't really give you a lot of follow through here. Better to use one of them to get another Expanded Arcana to learn the Air of Nobility spell and the other for Fiery Burst. If you do get Fiery Burst, I would replace Burning Hands with something else, maybe Keep Watch or Heightened Awareness.

Name: Beryl the Strategist
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native, Lawful)
Feats: Fiery Burst, Skill Focus (Knowledge (War)), x3 Expanded Arcana (Divine Insight, False Life, Flashburst, Air of Nobility)
Flaws: Pride, Fussy
Class Features: Lawful - Positive Energy - Fire - Water Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 (39 HP) + 1d10 + 7 [False Life] (46 + 1d10)
Armor Class: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shielded) +1 (Dodge, Haste) = 22/24
Movement: Ground (30ft), Swim (30ft), (60ft, Haste)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Fire
Damage Reduction: 5/Chaotic
Spell Resistance: 12
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 5 + 1 + 2 = 6/8
REFLEX: 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9/11
WILL: 5 + 2 + 2 = 7/9

6 + 4 (CHA) = 10
Concentration: 10 + 1 (CON) = 11
Diplomacy: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 6 (SIN) = 20
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Art): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (Law): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (War): 10 + 4 (INT) +6 (SF) = 20
Intimidate: 10 + 4 (CHA) = 14
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) = 11

Spells Known (Caster level 7):
--Level 0:
Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Heightened Awareness, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield (7/day)
--Level 2: Divine Insight, False Life, Protection From Arrows, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray (7/day)
--Level 3: Elation, Flashburst, Fly, Air of Nobility (5/day)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7):
Haste (At-will, self)
Scorching Ray (1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Equipped Items: Amulet of Protection from Evil

This is basically our own Thrawn, BTW. :V
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Name: Beryl the Strategist
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native, Lawful)
Feats: Fiery Burst, Skill Focus (Knowledge (War)), x3 Expanded Arcana (Divine Insight, False Life, Flashburst, Air of Nobility)
Flaws: Pride, Fussy
Class Features: Lawful - Positive Energy - Fire - Water Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft)

Hit Dice: 7d8 (39 HP) + 1d10 + 7 [False Life] (46 + 1d10)
Armor Class: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor) + 4 (Shielded) +1 (Dodge, Haste) = 22
Movement: Ground (30ft), Swim (30ft), (60ft, Haste)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
10 Acid, 10 Cold, 10 Fire
Damage Reduction: 5/Chaotic
Spell Resistance: 12
Special Qualities: Fast Healing 5

8 (-1) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
18 (+4) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 5 + 1 + 2 = 6/8
REFLEX: 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9/11
WILL: 5 + 2 + 2 = 7/9

6 + 4 (CHA) = 10
Concentration: 10 + 1 (CON) = 11
Diplomacy: 10 + 4 (CHA) + 6 (SIN) = 20
Knowledge (Arcana): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Art): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (Law): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 5 + 4 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (The Planes): 10 + 4 (INT) = 14
Knowledge (War): 10 + 4 (INT) +6 (SF) = 20
Intimidate: 10 + 4 (CHA) = 14
Sense Motive: 10 + 1 (WIS) = 11

Spells Known (Caster level 7):
--Level 0:
Amanuensis, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic (8/day)
--Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Heightened Awareness, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield (7/day)
--Level 2: Divine Insight, False Life, Protection From Arrows, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray (7/day)
--Level 3: Flashburst, Fly, Heroism (5/day)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7):
Haste (At-will, self)
Scorching Ray (1/day)

--Waterbreathing (Ex)
: The creature can breathe water freely.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Equipped Items: Amulet of Protection from Evil

This is basically our own Thrawn, BTW. :V
Looks good to me, dude. Want Lya to create her this turn? I've got Lya slotted in for four days on the Sins of the Past action, but that's just filler, as she would only be needed to provide some buffs for those carrying out that action.

She could create Beryl as early as the 22nd of the month without interfering with anything already scheduled for her.

We could have her equipped with a PfE Amulet and Healing Belt right away, with a Charisma booster and enchanted weapon by the end of the month. A Ring of Sustenance and Earring of Arcane Acuity would be fitting, too, but would probably need to wait until next turn.

EDIT: Just as another possibility, you might want to try to work Elation into her loadout. It's an excellent large-scale buff for a lot of people.
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Looks good to me, dude. Want Lya to create her this turn? I've got Lya slotted in for four days on the Sins of the Past action, but that's just filler, as she would only be needed to provide some buffs for those carrying out that action.

She could create Beryl as early as the 22nd of the month without interfering with anything already scheduled for her.

We could have her equipped with a PfE Amulet and Healing Belt right away, with a Charisma booster and enchanted weapon by the end of the month. A Ring of Sustenance and Earring of Arcane Acuity would be fitting, too, but would probably need to wait until next turn.

EDIT: Just as another possibility, you might want to try to work Elation into her loadout. It's an excellent large-scale buff for a lot of people.

Replacing Heroism with it, I guess.