[X] Plan "Slippers or belt, so hard to decide."
-[X] Viserys calls out to the Spirit Lizard, asking for its assistance. We wish to interrogate the captured Serpentfolk to determine their allegiances and the current state of Tor's underground lair.
--[X] Before interrogating the Serpentfolks, Viserys uses Detect Magic to determine if the Serpentfolk are under the effects of any mind-altering magic. If so, he Dispels the effects before casting Zone of Truth and Detect Thoughts using his Grimoire, then returns to True Dragon form.
---[X] Extract all useful information from the prisoners before deciding their fate.
-[X] Strip Tor of all equipment, then use Baleful Polymorph to transform him into a turtle.
--[X] Tyene uses Bestow Curse to reduce Turtle Tor's Charisma and Wisdom attributes by 6 points and to inflict upon him the curse of inaction.
--[X] Once turtled and cursed, Lya places Turtle Tor in a Smoky Confinement bottle.
-[X] Vee casts Invisibility Purge, heals any damage taken by the party, then makes certain the captured Serpentfolk do not succumb to their injuries, if necessary healing them enough to prevent their premature deaths.
-[X] Lya casts Lesser Restoration on Viserys to heal his Charisma damage, then uses her Overland Flight SLA on Richard, Malarys, and Bronn. If she hasn't already, she uses Owl's Insight on Tyene, places Life Bubble on everyone, and renews Viserys' Grand Destiny spell via Greater Shadow Enchantment.
--[X] She uses Greater Teleport to return to Sorcerer's Deep, along with Bottled Turtle Tor and all of his former equipment, plus the unhatched Serpentfolk eggs if the Spirit Lizard entrusts them to our care. Before returning to her research, she will perform the identification ritual on Tor's former equipment.
-[X] Richard, Bronn, and Maelor gather the remains of the Naga Bodaks, placing them in his Corpse-Ferrying Bag for later disposal at the Fungal Forge.
-[X] Garin and Waymar keep an eye out for further attacks, either from Serpentfolk or the startling array of deadly flora and fauna which inhabit this dreadful swamp.